AS :: Volume #63

#6213: Exposition

Near, although Mishan hole influence very powerful, so long as they dare the exposed position, their times of death arrived, no matter they how powerful, are impossible to shoulder the attack of entire Ziyun mountain range. 近了,虽然密山洞的势力非常的强大,但只要他们敢暴露位置,那他们的死期就到了,不管他们多么的强大,都不可能扛得住整个紫云山脉的攻击。 A person can hit again, how many can you hit? 一个人再能打,你能打多少? Therefore then, quick was the Mishan hole life and death. 所以接下来,很快就是密山洞的生死存亡了。 Em? 恩? When they forward, six masters stopped suddenly, passed on a message the symbol to fall together in his hands: Is the above order.” 就在他们向前的时候,六爷突然停了下来,一道传讯符落在他的手中:“是上面的命令。” Opens quickly.” Another king Zun said. “快打开。”另外一名王尊说道。 When the pass on message symbol opens, inside roared: Big end is false, kills him!!” 当传讯符打开的时候,里面咆哮道:“大头是假的,干掉他!!” é! 额! Xia Tian stares. 夏天一愣。 Exposed, he does not know where oneself had the problem, a point that but is certain is, discovers his not here these people, but is the Mishan hole upper layer. 暴露了,他根本就不知道自己哪里出现了问题,不过可以肯定的一点就是,发现他的并不是这里的这些人,而是密山洞的上层。 A moment ago was also the Mishan hole upper-level order, moreover obviously was the emergency orders. 刚才也是密山洞上层的命令,而且显然是紧急命令。 Because Xia Tian has soon entered to the Mishan hole region, if the opposite party, that will not have made Xia Tian know that a bit faster the position of Mishan hole, when the time comes regarding the Mishan hole, was a disaster. 因为夏天已经快要进入到密山洞的区域内了,如果对方还不快点的话,那就会让夏天知道密山洞的位置了,到时候对于密山洞来说,就是一场灾难了。 What?” That three big revering also looked instantaneously to Xia Tian, the surrounding these Expert similar gazes to Xia Tian, side Xia Tian that five people also all is a face vigilant looks at Xia Tian. “什么?”那三大尊者也是瞬间看向了夏天,周围的那些高手同样注视向了夏天,就连夏天身边的那五个人也全都是一脸警惕的看着夏天 Yeah! 哎! In the wind the body of crane moves, he changed oneself appearance directly: Is really uncomfortable.” 风中鹤的身体一动,他直接变回了自己的模样:“真不舒服啊。” Did not have the means that can kill many to kill many.” Xia Tian helpless shaking the head, he wanted to mix before, but since now could not have mixed, that did not have other means that can only kill. “没办法了,能杀多少杀多少吧。”夏天无奈的摇了摇头,之前他想要混进去的,但是现在既然已经混不进去了,那就没有别的办法了,只能杀了。 Although beforehand alliance Xia Tian does not have the opportunity. 虽然之前的联盟夏天没有机会。 But now here only has Mishan hole Expert, although their are also many, but in the Xia Tian gentle breeze the crane will not be handled by these people. 但现在这里只剩下密山洞的高手了,虽然他们人数也不少,但是夏天和风中鹤可不会被这几个人就搞定的。 ! 唰! In the wind the crane also put out own weapon directly, later starts directly. 风中鹤也是直接拿出了自己的武器,随后直接开动。 Tread! 踏! The body of Xia Tian in same vanished in instantaneously same place. 夏天的身体在同一瞬间消失在了原地。 Killing. 杀。 Direct start. 直接开动。 Xia Tian will not flush away to Expert of opposite party directly, because wants to strike to kill the Expert unusual difficulty, even if wounded still does not have any significance, is inferior to now many opposite party some intermediate level Expert. 夏天并不会直接冲着对方的高手冲去,因为想要击杀高手非常的困难,就算是击伤了也没有任何的意义,不如现在多少对方一些中层高手 In this case, can weaken the strengths of some opposite party. 这样的话,也能削弱一些对方的实力。 In the wind the crane also remembers that the Xia Tian words, killed to the surrounding these people. 风中鹤也记得夏天的话,同样杀向了周围的那些人。 However in the Xia Tian gentle breeze the crane has not killed to be away from their recent that five people directly, although they are the enemies, but Xia Tian they, even if kills, should still make these five people die finally. 不过夏天和风中鹤并没有直接去杀距离他们最近的那五个人,虽然他们都是敌人,但夏天他们就算是杀,也会让这五个人最后死。 Rather than the present kills. 而不是现在杀。 ! 噗! In the Xia Tian gentle breeze the movement of crane is quick. 夏天和风中鹤的动作非常快。 Killed them.” That three king Zun also charged into Xia Tian directly their two. “杀了他们两个。”那三名王尊也是直接冲向了夏天他们两个。 In the Xia Tian gentle breeze the crane cut to kill more than 30 people. 夏天和风中鹤足足斩杀了三十多人。 Was similar, this is their boundary, walks.” Xia Tian looked in sidelong glance the crane, later two people bodies move, direct turn around left. “差不多了,这是他们的地界,走。”夏天看了一眼风中鹤,随后两人的身体一动,直接转身离开了。 Whiz! 嗖! Let Xia Tian think what is interesting, in own blood-color dantian unexpectedly packed the person. 夏天觉得有趣的是,自己的血色丹田里面居然装满了人。 Moreover in the flash of war, Xia Tian unexpectedly can release these person of all abilities a moment ago, moreover is the flash hits, harvested the lives of ten people directly. 而且刚才在大战的一瞬间,夏天居然可以释放出那些人所有的能力,而且是一瞬间打出去的,直接收割了十个人的性命。 This is also the reason that their two can in such a short time kill more than 30 people. 这也是他们两个能够在那么短的时间内杀三十多人的原因。 Two people walk is also quick. 两人走的也非常快。 Do not pursue, first goes back, the big end had an accident.” king Zun deeply frowning. “别追了,先回去,大头出事了。”一名王尊的眉头紧锁。 But the big end Expert of king Zun rank, such person had an accident, they cannot casual on the past. 大头可是王尊级别的高手,这样的人出事了,他们就不能随随便便的就过去了。 ! 呼! In the Xia Tian gentle breeze the crane ran was very long. 夏天和风中鹤跑了很久。 Is good to be a pity that almost can know the Mishan hole position.” In the wind the crane also wants to know that who is carries off the demons, but this person is definitely concerned with the dark three big influences. “好可惜啊,差一点就可以知道密山洞的位置了。”风中鹤也想要知道到底是什么人将罗刹带走的,而这个人肯定和黑暗三大势力有关。 Therefore now he also very depressed. 所以现在他也是非常的郁闷。 Walks, looks on the cloud top the person, I believe that he to us an explanation, knows we ambush only then their several, expose now, that definitely is related with them.” Xia Tian said. “走吧,去找云顶上人,我相信他会给我们一个解释,知道我们潜伏过来的就只有他们几个了,现在暴露了,那就肯定和他们有关。”夏天说道。 He that urgent sound from before can know, the opposite party definitely knows the news suddenly. 他从之前里面那急迫的声音就可以知道,对方肯定是突然知道消息的。 Moreover just received the news to pass on a message immediately. 而且是刚刚接到消息就立刻传讯了。 This showed, is not in the Xia Tian gentle breeze the crane has not concealed. 这就证明,并不是夏天和风中鹤没有掩饰好。 But some people disclosed secret information. 而是有人通风报信了。 Naturally , before being possible be the big end, left behind in what method notice, but this probability was too small, his such Expert, how possibly thinks oneself will be grasped. 当然了,也有可能是大头之前留下了什么方法通知里面的,不过这个几率太小了,他这样的高手,怎么可能认为自己会被抓呢。 Now said that these also early, now he must do is goes back to ask. 现在说这些都还早,他现在要做的就是回去问问。 Is on the cloud top the person harms us intentionally?” In the wind the crane asked. “难道是云顶上人故意害我们?”风中鹤问道。 Is impossible, if he thinks that vital point we, the opposite party will put us to enter the Mishan hole, when the time comes Mishan hole all Expert besiege our two, must certainly die without doubt, but the opposite party has not actually done, but blocks us outside, this showed, they know, if we went, their positions will expose, will therefore block directly us.” Xia Tian answered. “不可能,如果是他想要害我们的话,那对方就会放我们进入密山洞,到时候密山洞所有高手围攻我们两个,也一定是必死无疑的,但对方却并没有那么去做,而是将我们拦在外面,这就证明,他们知道如果我们进去了,那他们的位置就会暴露,所以才会直接将我们拦下来。”夏天解释道。 He analyzes is also reasonable. 他分析的也是非常的有道理。 If on the real cloud top the person has the issue, the opposite party will not be worried about the exposed position, because on person except for cloud top, no one knows the Xia Tian position. 如果真的云顶上人有问题,那对方也不会担心暴露位置了,因为除了云顶上人,也没有人知道夏天的位置。 Em, that goes back to have a look!” In the wind the crane said that he now also very speechless. “恩,那就回去看看吧!”风中鹤说道,他现在也是非常的无语。 Xia Tian has not said anything again, but is the direct use space goldfish. 夏天并没有再说什么,而是直接使用空间金鱼。 bo! 啵! The ray flashes before, Xia Tian vanished in same place. 光芒闪现,夏天消失在了原地。 At this time east evil nine domains. 此时东邪玖的地盘。 é! 额! On the cloud top the person stares suddenly, whom they were studying to call to come for these days, is now, he induced to the position variation of Xia Tian suddenly. 云顶上人突然一愣,他们这几天正在研究召集谁过来呢,可是现在,他突然感应到夏天的位置变化了。 What's wrong?” The bridal clothes asked. “怎么了?”嫁衣问道。 They came back.” On the cloud top the person said. “他们回来了。”云顶上人说道。 Found the position?” The bridal clothes asked. “是不是找到位置了?”嫁衣问道。 Does not know that when they came back to say again, their speeds were quick, position in unceasing transferring.” On the cloud top the person induced a while: Shut off, they stopped tracing of tracing symbol.” “不知道啊,等他们回来再说吧,他们的速度很快,位置在不断的进行挪移。”云顶上人感应了一会儿:“切断了,他们停止了追踪符的追踪。” Wait!” The bridal clothes said. “等等吧!”嫁衣说道。 Now they do not know that Xia Tian there what happened, why will come back suddenly, Xia Tian does not know that here what happened. 现在他们也不知道夏天那里发生了什么事,为什么会突然回来,夏天也不知道这边发生了什么事。 But why Xia Tian will expose. 夏天为什么会暴露。 Temporarily is also a fan. 暂时也是一个迷。 All must wait for them to meet said again. 一切都要等他们相遇了再说。 In Confucianism. 圣门之中。 Last demons gave you to bring, you remember that has complied with my matter?” On the face of red clothes man showed a smiling face of faint trace. “最后一个罗刹给你带回来了,你记得答应过我的事情吧?”红衣男子的脸上露出了一丝丝的笑容。 Em, the demons arrived, our Confucianism everyone can open the Ghost King talent, was the resurrecting Ghost King matter, in the wind the crane we will certainly bring to you.” The eldest child of Confucianism said. “恩,罗刹到了,我们圣门所有人就可以开启鬼王天赋了,接下来就是复活鬼王的事情了,风中鹤我们一定会给你带来。”圣门的老大说道。 I give you three months, words that three months you do not handle, that I arrange, your person assistances.” The red clothes man said. “我给你三个月的时间,三个月你搞不定的话,那就我来安排,你们的人辅助。”红衣男子说道。 Three months, were too short!!!” “三个月,太短了吧!!!” This did not discuss.” “这不是商量。”
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