AS :: Volume #62

#6171: Eradicates all

300 steps! 三百步! These 300 Xia Tian can walk is so relaxed, because of the reason of Ziyun cover, cannot shoulder the Ziyun cover now, the body of Xia Tian knelt in ground it instantaneously . 这三百步夏天之所以能够走的这么轻松,都是因为紫云罩的缘故,现在连紫云罩也扛不住了,夏天的身体瞬间跪在了地面之。.. ! 呼! Respite! 喘息! Xia Tian big mouth is panting for breath, although he was ready early, various strengths wrap oneself body. 夏天大口的喘息着,虽然他早做好了准备,各种力量包裹自己的身体。 But he is very difficult. 可他还是非常的艰难。 At this time the internal organs also started the ache, the dragon liquor that he drank before also has an effect. 此时内脏也开始疼痛了,他之前喝的龙酒也是起了作用。 These dragon wine strengths start to protect the internal organs of Xia Tian, making the Xia Tian internal organs pressure smaller. 那些龙酒的力量开始护住夏天的内脏,让夏天的内脏压力小了很多。 Boy, you have reached the limit.” That Dragon Clan sound appears in Xia Tian knowledge sea it. “小子,你已经到极限了。”那头龙族的声音出现在夏天的识海之。 He sees this scene obviously. 他显然是见惯了这种场面。 ! 咳! Xia Tian coughed a blood, right, did not have the Ziyun cover, his body truly a little could not shoulder, moreover he wants forward one now step is such difficulty. 夏天咳出了一口鲜血,没错,没有了紫云罩,他的身体确实有点扛不住了,而且他现在想要向前一步都是那么的困难。 bo! 啵! At this time, ray of light glow suddenly appeared in the Xia Tian front. 在这时,一道光芒突然出现在夏天的面前。 Xia Tian felt immediately front road, without such darkness, without such feared . Moreover the strength of his body also starts to reduce. 夏天顿时感觉前方的路,没有那么的黑暗,没有那么的恐惧了,而且他身的力量也开始减轻。 Hateful, these hateful Dragon Clan, after I go out, I must kill off them.” Inside that was roared by dragon of seal, obviously he is also knows what happened. “可恶,那些可恶的龙族,等我出去之后,我一定要杀光他们。”里面那头被封印的龙咆哮道,显然他也是知道发生了什么事。 Good opportunity!” “好机会!” How Xia Tian may miss such good opportunity. 夏天怎么可能会错过这么好的机会呢。 Tread! 踏! A body twinkle. 身体一个闪烁。 Runs directly forward, he knows how long this may not insist luminously, therefore oneself must hold the time. 直接向前跑去,他知道,这个光亮不一定可以坚持多久,所以自己要抓住时间。 ! 唰! 500 steps. 五百步。 At this time, Xia Tian stopped again, because front does not have the road, the ray has also vanished. 在这时,夏天再次停了下来,因为前面已经没有路了,光芒也已经消失了。 At this time outside. 此时外面。 great elder, we made contribution.” The people of these Dragon Clan said. 大长老,我们尽力了。”那些龙族之人说道。 Em, we can only help him come here, the remaining roads must depend on he himself.” A great elder face of Dragon Clan anticipates looks own front stele, the stele does not have the blood, this proof, Xia Tian is also living. “恩,我们只能帮他到这里了,剩下的路要靠他自己了。”龙族大长老一脸期待的看着自己面前的石碑,石碑之并没有鲜血,这证明,夏天还活着。 But if the exudation of blood stele, that showed that Xia Tian has died. 但是如果石碑之渗出鲜血,那证明夏天已经死了。 But the stele that bans the character, if shines, succeeded on behalf of Xia Tian. 而石碑之那个禁字如果发光的话,代表夏天成功了。 Person of all here static waiting all Dragon Clan. 所有的龙族之人全都在这里静静的等待着。 They are anticipating and prayed. 他们内心都在期待和祈祷。 They hope Xia Tian can succeed, Xia Tian succeeded, they all lived, if Xia Tian has an accident, they also abandoned, Xia Tian was they hopes finally. 他们是多么的希望夏天可以成功啊,夏天成功了,他们全都活了,夏天如果出事的话,那他们也废了,夏天是他们最后的希望了。 Xia Tian!! You are our Dragon Clan final hope.” great elder shut own eye, he also anticipated in start of innermost feelings. 夏天!!你是我们龙族最后的希望啊。”大长老闭了自己的眼睛,他也是在内心之开始期待了。 ! ! 呼!呼! Xia Tian in the there big mouth is panting for breath, at this time his face also is the sweat. 夏天在那里大口的喘息着,此时他的脸也全都是汗水。 Laborious. 辛苦啊。 He now periphery all unknown, including front, is good because of his eyes can see through all, therefore these traps he cannot walk, actually has walked the straight line, will die, because front is forever dark, unknown. 他现在周围的一切都是未知的,包括前面,好在他的双眼可以看穿一切,所以那些陷阱他也走不进去,其实算是一直走直线,也会死亡,因为前面永远都是黑暗的,未知的。 You never know oneself walk the next step time, what happened. 你永远不知道自己走下去下一步的时候,会发生什么事情。 Once many traps tread, the additional surrounding dragon prestige, that could not come out again for a lifetime. 很多的陷阱一旦踏进去,再加周围的龙威,那一辈子都出不来了。 But the X-Ray Vision eye of Xia Tian actually saw through these traps. 可是夏天透视眼却看穿了那些陷阱。 Successful giving way to traffic passed. 成功的避让过去了。 Em?” Inside that had also been seen the issue by Dragon Clan of seal obviously: How you avoid these traps.” “恩?”里面那头被封印的龙族显然也已经看出了问题:“你是怎么躲开那些陷阱的。” He is also very surprised. 他也是非常惊讶。 After all if one time is also considered as finished twice, but Xia Tian has evaded 78 traps. 毕竟如果是一次两次也算了,可夏天已经躲过七八个陷阱了。 „Did you remember my name?” Xia Tian asked. “你记住我的名字了吗?”夏天问道。 Person who a horse must die, why I must remember your name?” That by Dragon Clan very impolite saying of seal, he was being attacked the Xia Tian confidence. “一个马要死的人,我为什么要记住你的名字?”那头被封印的龙族非常不客气的说道,他还是在打击夏天的信心。 Why did I answer your issue?” Xia Tian said, previously walked again one step. “那我凭什么回答你的问题?”夏天说完之后再次先前走了一步。 The acid is crisp! 酸爽! Xia Tian felt that own bone must be cut off. 夏天感觉自己的骨头都要断掉了。 Moreover the surrounding imaginary technique was also more and more fearful, various beauty are enticing him. 而且周围的幻术也是越来越可怕了,各种美女在勾引他。 Various wealth in his front unceasing twinkle. 各种财富在他的面前不断的闪烁。 Treasure! 宝物! All is the treasure. 全都是宝物。 „It is not right, these treasures are not the imaginary techniques.” Xia Tian looked at one, he discovered, these treasure unexpectedly real, his eyes carefully looked, actually discovered the issue, the nearby of these treasures are the traps. “不对,那些宝物不是幻术。”夏天看了一眼,他发现,那些宝物居然是真的,不过他的双眼仔细一看,却发现了问题,那些宝物的附近都是陷阱。 So long as Xia Tian takes the treasure, can incur. 只要夏天去拿宝物,会招。 Really step by step is the dangers, without this to the eyes, that possibly has died many to return.” Xia Tian discovered, here is not you careful, because many things you cannot see, cannot trace, only then walks to know that is the danger. “果然步步都是危险啊,如果没有这对双眼的话,那可能已经死过多少回了。”夏天发现,在这里并不是你小心可以的,因为很多的东西你根本看不到,摸不到,只有走出去才知道是危险。 Tread! 踏! After Xia Tian another walks, his body somewhat could not shoulder. 夏天又一次的走出去之后,他的身体有些扛不住了。 Your boy is so how weak.” Xia Tian knowledge sea it, another sound very impatient saying. “你小子怎么这么弱啊。”夏天的识海之,另外一道声音非常不耐烦的说道。 The air/Qi of emperor! 帝王之气! At this time the air/Qi of emperor also covered entirely the whole body of Xia Tian. 此时帝王之气也是布满了夏天的全身。 In this flash, the body of Xia Tian is glittering. 在这一瞬间,夏天的身体金光闪闪。 What?” By Dragon Clan of seal very surprised. “什么?”被封印的龙族非常的惊讶。 What because he uses is dragon prestige, is in itself an imposing manner. 因为他使用的是龙威,本身是一种气势。 But Xia Tian the air/Qi of emperor, is all imposing manner it, strongest one. 夏天的帝王之气,又是所有的气势之,最强的一种。 When this imposing manner emergence, around Xia Tian all, were all eradicated. 所以当这种气势出现的时候,夏天周围的一切,全都被破除了。 „The collision of imposing manner , the air/Qi of emperor gets the advantage.” Face of Xia Tian one happy, he went through this difficulty finally. “气势的碰撞,果然,还是帝王之气最占优势啊。”夏天的脸一喜,他终于算是度过这个难关了。 The air/Qi of emperor. 帝王之气。 formidable does not have. 强悍无。 Boy, really does not do clearly, why the air/Qi of emperor will choose you, is you really quite weak.” Main body very uncomfortable saying of air/Qi of emperor, this is the first time that not he shut out Xia Tian to be weak. “小子,真搞不明白,帝王之气为什么会选择你,可是你真的好弱啊。”帝王之气的本体非常不爽的说道,这已经不是他第一次嫌弃夏天弱了。 This time Xia Tian also very speechless. 此时的夏天也是非常的无语。 Does not have the means that the opposite party is dragon prestige, I cannot shoulder.” Xia Tian helpless saying. “没办法,对方是龙威,我扛不住啊。”夏天无奈的说道。 dragon prestige is nothing, I am the air/Qi of emperor, the true King, the world must be stepped on for the myriad things in the under foot, your aggression? With lets fierce of air/Qi of that dragon look emperor well.” The main body of air/Qi of emperor is also a very stubborn person. “龙威算个屁,我可是帝王之气,真正的王者,天地为万物都要被踩在脚下,你的霸气呢?用出来,让那头龙好好的看看帝王之气的厉害。”帝王之气的本体也是一个非常倔强的人。 Has not conceded these two characters. 从来都没有服输这两个字。 Everyone refuses to accept. 谁也不服。 Naturally, Xia Tian he also refuses to accept. 当然了,夏天他也不服的。 bo! 啵! After the air/Qi of emperor appears, the posture that Xia Tian walks was different, raised the head to throw out the chest, walks directly forward with stride. 帝王之气出现后,夏天走路的姿势都不一样了,抬头挺胸,直接向前大步走去。 Hateful, how do you achieve?” That Dragon Clan asked. “可恶,你是怎么做到的?”那头龙族问道。 But Xia Tian still has not replied him, is such stand forth. 夏天依然是没有回答他,还是这么向前走去。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian walks is not quick, his eyes have also been observing the surrounding situation, he does not know how long oneself walked, he only knows, here time is very seemingly slow, moreover oneself go out every step is also discrete and careful, even sometimes, he one step possibly walked for day. 夏天走的并不快,他的双眼也是一直都在观察着周围的情况,他也不知道自己走了多久了,他只知道,这里的时间貌似很慢,而且自己走出的每一步也都是非常的谨慎和小心,甚至有的时候,他一步可能都走了一天。 bo! 啵! At this time, the powerful Divine Soul attack covered in Xia Tian knowledge sea it together directly. 在这时,一道强大的神魂攻击直接笼罩在了夏天的识海之。
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