AS :: Volume #59

#5849: Strength appraisal

Run! 跑! Said that moment of running in Xia Tian, three people of turn around ran, this was the tacit understanding. 夏天说出跑的那一刻,三人转身就跑,这就是默契。 Although their two do not understand why Xia Tian said that must run, but their tacit understanding are this, so long as hears the running character, they escape immediately. 虽然他们两个都不明白夏天为什么说要跑,但他们的默契就是这样,只要听到跑字,他们就会立刻逃跑。 The Xia Tian words, they will certainly carry out immediately. 夏天的话,他们一定会在第一时间执行。 They were run. 他们算是跑了。 But the opposite party was ignorant. 可对方懵了。 The opposite party looked at they three imposing manners a moment ago, seemed like must pledge to fight to the death fights to be the same, but their unexpectedly runs now. 刚才对方看他们三个的气势,就好像是要誓死一战一样,可是现在他们居然跑了。 é! 额! Ling Long also stares, later quickly shouts: Pursues, these people cannot remain, stay behind damage.” 玲珑也是一愣,随后急忙喊道:“追,这几个人不能留,留下就是祸害。” She also looked, Xia Tian these people were not absolutely simple, they can live from that place, that certainly was not an average person, moreover Xia Tian was also hostile toward them, if such matter left alone, perhaps that Xia Tian they will annoy anything to trouble finally. 她也看出来了,夏天这几个人绝对不简单,他们能够从那种地方活下来,那就一定不是普通人,而且夏天还仇视他们,如果这样的事情放任不管的话,那最后夏天他们说不定会惹出什么麻烦来。 Kill! 杀! Although she is a woman, but so many fierce men urge for her, can see her ability from this point. 她虽然是一个女人,但这么多厉害的男人都供她驱使,从这一点上就可以看出她的能力了。 She is one murders the decisive person absolutely. 她绝对是一个杀伐果断之人。 Like people like her, how possibly to leave behind the disaster to oneself. 像她这样的人,怎么可能给自己留下祸害呢。 Whiz! 嗖! Xia Tian their unceasing long-range raids. 夏天他们不断的奔袭。 Space goldfish! 空间金鱼! Saw that the following person has not pursued, he directly used the space goldfish, escapes instantaneously, was pursued by this person, that must achieve vanishes fast, time when the opposite party pursues, could not find the person. 看到后面的人还没有追上来,他直接使用了空间金鱼,瞬间逃跑,被这种人追,那就要做到快速消失,等对方追上来的时候,根本就找不到人。 Person?” Time that four people pursue, the surroundings are completely empty. “人呢?”那四个人追上来的时候,周围空空如也。 Also, they rushed to here to disappear a moment ago here!” Another person said. “刚才还在这里的,他们跑到这里就不见了!”另外一人说道。 Hateful, what are these people doing?” Rude Ghost War God brow tight wrinkle. “可恶,这些人在搞什么?”野鬼战神的眉头紧皱。 Person unexpectedly vanished baseless, this matter they obviously are not unacceptable: Looks, must discover them to come, these people are not simple, must kill, by never recurring trouble.” 居然凭空消失了,这种事情他们显然是无法接受的:“找,一定要找出他们来,这些人不简单,必须杀了,以绝后患。” They looked, Xia Tian the person of their really trouble, if this person did not kill, that will turn into the disaster eventually. 他们都看出来了,夏天他们这些人是真的麻烦之人啊,如果这种人不杀的话,那终究是会变成祸害的。 No matter but how they look, cannot incur Xia Tian they. 可是不管他们怎么找,都招不到夏天他们。 This time Xia Tian they have sat on a tree drink. 此时的夏天他们这些人已经坐在一棵树上喝酒了。 Xia Tian, why can we run?” Although red tiger, when heard Xia Tian saying that the running character compared with quick, but he who who ran was also curious, why Xia Tian will let run. 夏天,我们为什么要跑啊?”虽然红虎在听到夏天说跑字的时候比谁跑的都快,但是他也非常好奇,为什么夏天会让跑。 They three present strength formidable, he was this really planned and opposite party a moment ago dies to knock. 他们三个现在的实力可是非常强悍的,刚才他是这真的打算和对方死磕了。 You definitely have your planning.” Swallowing Péng said. “你肯定有自己的算计吧。”吞鹏说道。 Em, you first recalled we form a team, we meet their times for the first time, they with several monster beast fights, we, although helped, unusual that but they hide is good, although at that time we know that these five people are not simple, but never expected that their five person unexpectedly have such big background, this showed, their strengths are not weak, in addition they several reputations, but do not despise their reputations, their reputations are use the blood to trade to come back . Moreover the method of everyone affirmative is the terrifying, Now our three dozens four, even is three big five, an advantage does not have.” Xia Tian answered. “恩,你们先回想一下我们组队的时候,我们第一次遇到他们的时候,他们正在和几头妖兽战斗,我们虽然帮忙了,但他们隐藏的非常好,当时我们虽然知道这五个人不简单,但没想到他们五个人居然有这么大的来头,这就证明,他们本身的实力不弱,再加上他们几个的名声,可千万不要小看他们的名声,他们的名声都是用鲜血换回来的,而且每一个人的手段肯定都是非常恐怖的,现在咱们三打四,甚至是三大五,一点优势都没有。”夏天解释道。 He the strength appraisal in battlefield is very accurate. 他在战场上的实力评估是非常准的。 He to the three people of strength unusual understanding, then understands the strength of opposite party, if 50% odds of success, if that must die in the situation of fighting, can hit, in situation that but if cannot hit, is absolutely do not hit. 他对自己三人的实力非常的了解,然后再去了解对方的实力,如果有50%胜算,那么如果是非要死战的情况下,是可以打的,但如果不是非打不可的情况下,是绝对不要打的。 The odds of success surpasses 70%, time that must fight. 胜算超过70%,才是必战的时机。 If 60%, that must look at the situation of environment and surrounding person, if lower than 50%, that wants completely all means to escape, even if the dying war, must to escape to prepare. 如果是60%的话,那就要看环境和周围人的情况,如果低于50%,那就是想尽一切办法逃跑,哪怕是死战,也要为了逃跑而做准备。 Life only then, although Xia Tian does not fear death, but he cannot casual bring death absolutely. 命只有一条,虽然夏天不怕死,但他也绝对不能随随便便就去送死。 A moment ago the competition of their strength, absolute 46, they four, opposite party six, even is 37. 刚才他们实力的比拼,绝对四六分,他们四,对方六,甚至是三七。 Moreover person who had not begun, that is Ling Long, she can control that four people, this showed that his strength is also not weak, must therefore be careful facing these people. 而且还有一个一直都没有动手的人,那就是玲珑,她能够驾驭那四个人,这本身就证明他自己的实力也是不弱的,所以必须要小心的面对这几个人。 Cannot make a mistake. 千万不能出错。 Em, your strength appraisal is most accurate, the words that you spoke, we truly do not have the odds of success.” Swallowing Péng nods, he trusts Xia Tian, moreover he also thinks Xia Tian said is reasonable. “恩,你的战力评估是最准确的,你这么说的话,那我们确实是没有胜算啊。”吞鹏点了点头,他可是非常信任夏天的,而且他也认为夏天说的非常有道理。 Right, no matter how analyzes, the probability that we win was too small, cannot be swayed by personal feelings, although we do not fear death, but cannot bring death absolutely, without the fight of winning percentage cannot hit, we must change a way to hit.” On the face of Xia Tian showed a smiling face of faint trace. “没错,不管怎么分析,我们赢的几率都太小了,不能意气用事,虽然我们不怕死,但绝对不能去送死,没有胜率的战斗就不能这么打,我们要换一个方式打。”夏天的脸上露出了一丝丝的笑容。 His smiling face unusual ghosts and demons, but Swallowing Péng and red tiger most like seeing his smiling face. 他的笑容非常的鬼魅,但是吞鹏和红虎是最喜欢看到他这个笑容的。 Knows that you have the wicked idea.” On the face of Swallowing Péng also showed the smiling face. “就知道你有鬼点子。”吞鹏的脸上也露出了笑容。 We hit, the winning percentage of pleasant to hear saying directly have 30%, but in fact, I think not necessarily, although the strengths of our three people are good, but the card in a hand of opposite party were too many, moreover they and we are different, haven't you discovered? They come here sense of purpose to be very strong, all places do not circle the tortuous path, can say, they treasure hunt truly, and has the goal to treasure hunt, our three come here , on the one hand to lead the way, on the other hand also to seek for the formation jade mountain range and treasure, since now some people guide, leading us to treasure hunt, we avoid also wasted the time.” On the face of Xia Tian showed the smiling face. “我们正面打,说的好听一点胜率有30%,但实际上,我认为未必,虽然我们三个人的实力不错,但对方的底牌太多了,而且他们和我们不同,你们难道没有发现吗?他们来到这里的目的性很强,所走的一切地方都是不绕弯路的,可以说,他们是真正来寻宝的,而且是带着目的来寻宝的,我们三个来到这里一方面是为了开路,另外一方面也是为了寻找阵玉山脉和宝物,现在既然有人带路,带领我们去寻宝的话,那我们也省得浪费时间了。”夏天的脸上露出了笑容。 Yes, we followed before for more than ten days them, these more than ten in days the peace was static, actually should open that gathers greatly by their strengths normally greatly, but they actually unusual low key . Moreover the sense of purpose is very strong, even can say, their being a deep one, can such a group of people gather, definitely has the huge benefit, looking like previous time them frames our three to be the same, is for there treasure, although we to do not know finally is what treasure, but they by us with ten days, finally on are for that treasure. Helps them attract the flames of war.” Swallowing Péng was also looks to understand. “是啊,咱们之前跟他们走了十多天,这十多天里面太平静了,以他们的实力其实正常应该是大开大合的那种,但他们却非常的低调,而且目的性很强,甚至可以说,他们这些人的城府很深,能够将这么一群人聚集在一起,绝对是有巨大的利益,就像是上次他们陷害我们三个一样,就是为了那里的宝贝,虽然我们到最后也不知道是什么宝物,但他们让我们跟了十天,最后就是为了那个宝物帮他们吸引战火。”吞鹏也算是看明白了。 The team of that five person is not really simple. 那五个人的队伍真的是太不简单了。 Said to look how we do need to do?” The red tiger asked. “说说看,我们需要怎么做?”红虎问道。 First, we cannot be quiet absolutely, they definitely know that we must cope with them, if we have been quiet, they will guess correctly that our goals, we must camouflage to kill them, copes with them, rather than knows that they must treasure hunt, then we use the space goldfish to shuttle back and forth back and forth, the quickest sneak attack, quickest escaping, making them not catch our form completely, has tightened the spirit, no matter among this they seek for what treasure, we do not start to the treasure, but to the final moment, we give they five come fatally one to strike.” “第一,我们绝对不能平静,他们肯定知道我们要对付他们,如果我们一直平静的话,那他们就会猜到我们的目的,我们要伪装成是为了杀他们,对付他们,而不是知道他们要去寻宝,然后我们利用空间金鱼来回穿梭,最快的偷袭,最快的逃跑,让他们完全捕捉不到我们的身影,一直绷紧精神,这中间不管他们寻找到什么宝贝,我们都不对宝物下手,但是到最后的关头,我们就给他们五个来致命的一击。”
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