AS :: Volume #59

#5846: Life-saving in the world

We leave here quickly.” The red tiger said. “那我们赶快离开这里吧。”红虎说道。 No, we cannot move temporarily.” Xia Tian said. “不,我们暂时不能动。”夏天说道。 bo! 啵! His strength makes together, later the surrounding malaria not only does not have retreat, instead charged into him continuously. 他一道力量打出,随后周围的瘴气不但没有后退,反而是源源不断的冲向了他。 Whiz! 嗖! Blood red! 血红色! The body of Swallowing Péng turned into the blood red directly, later he caught Xia Tian and red tiger, the body flew instantaneously, he is flying upwardly, flew with the quickest speed upwardly. 吞鹏的身体直接变成了血红色,随后他抓抓了夏天和红虎,身体瞬间飞了起来,他在向上飞,用自己最快的速度向上飞。 Whiz! 嗖! Speed very quick, in an instant had flown. 速度非常的快,转眼间就已经飞了起来。 Afterward he brings fast two people goes to the forward flight. 随后他带着两人快速的向前飞去。 Tread! 踏! Body falling gradually above ground. 身体渐渐的落在了地面之上。 This time Xia Tian complexion is somewhat ugly, the lip of Swallowing Péng turns purple, the condition of red tiger is better. 此时的夏天的脸色有些难看,吞鹏的嘴唇发紫,只有红虎的状态要好一点。 Originally was wants, so long as made an effort, the invasion speed of malaria will speed up.” The red tiger responded suddenly. “原来是只要动了,只要用力,瘴气的入侵速度就会加快啊。”红虎突然反应过来了。 Swallowing Péng when seeing the Xia Tian movement, he understood, Xia Tian wants to use own movement to attract the surrounding malaria, then makes them seize the chance to escape, therefore he was also the earliest possible time reacted. 吞鹏在看到夏天的动作时,他就明白了,夏天想要利用自己的动作将周围的瘴气吸过去,然后让他们两个趁机逃跑,所以他也是第一时间做出了反应。 He released oneself card in a hand directly, flew from there with the quickest speed. 他直接释放出了自己的底牌,用自己最快的速度飞离那里。 The speed the quicker the better. 速度越快越好。 Because the speed was fast, that can little absorb a malaria, but even this , he when the use strength and speed, still absorbed much. 因为速度快了,那就能少吸收一点瘴气,不过就算是这样,他在动用力量和速度的时候,也是吸收了不少的。 Do not move heedlessly, I first try these malarias to discharge outside the body.” Xia Tian attempts to go to the malaria platoon to go out with the strength, his is doing the experiment with oneself. “不要乱动,我先试试这些瘴气能不能排出体外。”夏天尝试着用力量去将瘴气排出去,他这是在拿自己做实验啊。 ! 噗! At this moment, the malaria was also the direct invasion. 就在这时,瘴气也是直接入侵了。 Hateful, do not touch the malaria with oneself any strength.” Xia Tian scolded one, he was also a doctor, but he has not seen such overbearing malaria. “可恶,不要用自己任何的力量去触碰瘴气。”夏天骂了一句,他也算是一名医师了,但是他没有见过这么霸道的瘴气。 These malarias can swallow all strengths simply, your braver strength, it will more follow the strength to go forward, finally eats your whole person. 这些瘴气简直就是可以吞噬一切力量,你越勇力量,它就越会顺着力量前进,最后将你整个人都吃掉。 ! 呼! Xia Tian long expiration. 夏天长长的吐了一口气。 Bang! 砰! The body of Swallowing Péng also poured above the ground, their three brothers arrived here already a half month, anything has met, was, unexpectedly must plant here. 吞鹏的身体也倒在了地面之上,他们三兄弟来到这里已经半个多月了,什么事情都遇到过,可是没想到,居然要栽在这里了。 What to do? What can I make?” Red tiger anxious saying. “怎么办?我能做些什么?”红虎焦急的说道。 Do not worry, certainly has the means.” Xia Tian closed the eyes. “不要着急,一定有办法的。”夏天闭上了双眼。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! At this moment, one line of three people come from the distant place long-range raid directly. 就在这时,一行三人直接从远处奔袭而来。 What person?” The red tiger quickly kept off in Xia Tian their front. “什么人?”红虎急忙挡在了夏天他们的前面。 Does not use anxiously, we noticed a moment ago you fly above, therefore with, you were the malaria?” One of them quickly asked. “不用紧张,我们是刚才看到你们在上面飞,所以跟过来的,你们是不是中了瘴气?”其中一人急忙问道。 „Do you want to do?” The red tiger has not replied his words, if before is he, will definitely reply is, however present he, has certain experience, he will not speak at a venture, if the opposite party is takes by force. “你们要干什么?”红虎并没有回答他的话,如果是以前的他,肯定会回答是,但是现在的他,已经有了一定的经验,他可不会乱说话了,万一对方是来打劫的呢。 Haha.” That person smiled several, later his vision looked to opposite red tiger: You really misunderstood, I am a doctor, their poisons I can solve.” “哈哈。”那个人笑了几声,随后他的目光看向了对面的红虎:“你是真的误会了,我是一名医师,他们两个的毒我能解。” Why do I believe you?” The red tiger still looks at the opposite party vigilantly. “我凭什么相信你?”红虎依然是警惕的看着对方。 I alone pass, you can the entire journey visit me, saw that I have to injure their meanings, you began to kill me to be good.” That man said. “我一个人过去,你可以全程看着我,看到我有加害他们的意思,你就动手杀了我好了。”那名男子说道。 Why do you want to help us?” The red tiger their three just experienced a betrayal here, therefore he does not believe to here person now. “你为什么要帮我们?”红虎他们三个可是刚刚才在这里经历了一场背叛的,所以他现在对这里的人都不相信。 Because my Master had told me in the past, saves others in the world, this is my destiny.” After that man said that moved toward Xia Tian directly. “因为我的师傅当年告诉过我,救人于天下,这是我的命运。”那名男子说完之后,直接走向了夏天 The brow wrinkle of red tiger, is staring at opposite that two people, that two people have not moved, but such static standing there, the red tiger stands in that side that later directly says the doctor man. 红虎的眉头一皱,盯着对面的那两个人,那两个人并没有动,而是就这样静静的站在那里,随后红虎直接站在那个自称医师男子的身边。 ! 噗! The finger of that man according to above the head of Xia Tian. 那个男子的手指按在了夏天的头颅之上。 Afterward his hand turned into the green directly. 随后他的手直接变成了绿色。 bo! 啵! These malarias of Xia Tian within the body as if received any huge force of traction to be the same in this moment, directly was attracted, finally these malarias gathered one group, appeared in that man the place of palm. 夏天体内的那些瘴气在这一刻仿佛是受到了什么庞大的牵引力一样,直接被吸了出来,最后那些瘴气汇聚成了一团,出现在那个男子的手心之处。 The left hand of man wields, in the hand presented a jar, later he poured into the malaria the jar directly. 男子的左手一挥,手中出现了一个瓶子,随后他直接将瘴气注入到了瓶子之中。 „The world is violently poisonous, in seven must have the thing of disintoxicating, your places I have inspected, this leaf after the malaria appears the only one full of vitality thing, do you dare to eat?” That man placed the Xia Tian front the leaf. “天下剧毒,七步之内必有解毒之物,你们刚才的地点我已经去检查过了,这种树叶是在瘴气出现之后唯一一种生机勃勃的东西,你敢吃吗?”那个男子将树叶放在了夏天的面前。 Has what does not dare.” Xia Tian eats the leaf directly. “有何不敢。”夏天直接将树叶吃了下去。 When he eats up the leaf, his within the body suddenly cool, one type not being able to say comfortable from lower reaches. 当他吃下树叶的时候,他的体内突然清凉了起来,一种说不出的舒爽从下流了上来。 The malaria of his within the body thorough was swept away. 他体内的瘴气彻底的被一扫而空。 Sees the change of Xia Tian, the red tiger also relaxed thoroughly: Many thanks the mister saves my brother.” 看到夏天的变化,红虎也是彻底放松了下来:“多谢先生救我兄弟。” That doctor has not spoken, but moved toward Swallowing Péng. 那个医师没有说话,而是走向了吞鹏 Xia Tian also opened the eyes slowly, stood. 夏天也是缓缓的睁开了双眼,站了起来。 Quick! 很快! The Swallowing Péng poison was also solved. 吞鹏的毒也被解了。 Many thanks!” Xia Tian and Swallowing Péng cup one hand in the other across the chest slightly. “多谢!”夏天吞鹏微微拱手。 You're welcome, next time limelight on line, here, but the wild territory, here danger is innumerable, although you three strength formidable, but here real danger is not only then monster beast.” That doctor said, turned back the side of that two person directly. “不用客气,下次注意点就行,这里可是荒域,这里的危险是数不胜数的,虽然你们三个的实力强悍,但是这里真正危险的可不是只有妖兽。”那名医师说完之后直接走回了那两个人的身边。 Has not known how to call the mister.” Xia Tian said. “还不知怎么称呼先生。”夏天说道。 Meeting is the fate, when I called Jane|treasure!!” After the men said that left with two turn around directly. “相见就是缘分,我叫时珍!!”男子说完之后,直接和那两人转身离开了。 They come to treat Xia Tian their two, without any other things, has not wanted the advantage and so on, after saving the person, left directly. 他们过来就是为了医治夏天他们两个,没有其他任何的事情,也没有要好处之类的,救完了人之后就直接离开了。 „When the Jane|treasure, is really the strange name.” Swallowing Péng said. “时珍,真是古怪的名字啊。”吞鹏说道。 Xia Tian also shows a faint smile: „It is not strange.” 夏天也是微微一笑:“一点都不古怪啊。” Where do we receive round trip?” The red tiger asked. “我们接下来去哪里?”红虎问道。 We such aimless walking actually is also a major problem, the red tiger, can you relate here monster beast, then lets inquire them?” Xia Tian asked. “我们这么漫无目的的走其实也是一个大问题啊,红虎,你能不能联系上这里的妖兽,然后让询问他们?”夏天问道。 Incorrect, here monster beast ominous is very big, they do not listen my, was defeated did not listen, did not seem like safe area there monster beast, moreover they had oneself activities, even if were held responsible, they still only know did the range that oneself were at have.” The red tiger said. “不行的,这里的妖兽凶性很大的,他们根本就不听我的,打败了也不听,不像是安全区那里的妖兽,而且他们都有自己的活动范围,就算是问了,他们也只知道自己所在的范围有没有。”红虎说道。 Otherwise I fly to look, words that after all flies, the field of vision will be better.” Swallowing Péng said. “要不然我飞起来找吧,毕竟飞起来的话,视野会更好一点。”吞鹏说道。 A moment ago you flew is so quick, finally was seen, moreover sees definitely continues their a group of people, many monster beasts wait/etc., here, but the wild territory, flies here, this and courting death has no difference, goal was too big.” Xia Tian shakes the head. “你刚才飞的那么快,结果还是被人看到了,而且看到的肯定不止他们一批人,还有很多的妖兽等等,这里可是荒域,在这里飞行,这和找死没什么区别啊,目标太大了。”夏天摇了摇头。 That what to do?” The red tiger asked. “那怎么办啊?”红虎问道。 Front has the sound.” Xia Tian suddenly fast runs forward. “前面有动静。”夏天突然快速的向前跑去。
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