AS :: Volume #56

#5586: 4-Stars Formation Master

The explosive sound, in the courtyard of punishment head unexpectedly presented the explosive sound. 爆炸声,刑头的院子里面居然出现了爆炸声。 What's the matter?” Punishment quickly asked. “怎么回事?”刑头急忙问道。 Does not know that the punishment head, outside the person killed suddenly, then had the large explosion, now several other eldest children have all passed.” “不知道啊,刑头,外面我们的人突然杀了起来,然后就发生了大爆炸,现在其他几个老大已经全都过去了。” Good, the full beard, our two also go out.” Punishment nods. “好,大胡子,我们两个也出去。”刑头点了点头。 Afterward their two walk directly outward. 随后他们两个直接向外走去。 ! 噗! At this moment, a dagger punctured instantaneously in punishment head the place of waist. 就在这时,一柄匕首瞬间刺在了刑头的后腰之处。 Sneak attack! 偷袭! Punishment was sneak attacked. 刑头被偷袭了。 He worried about outside brothers a moment ago wholeheartedly, therefore has not thought that own fraternity acts to oneself. 他刚才一心牵挂外面的兄弟,所以也就没有想到自己的兄弟会对自己出手。 I go to Damn.” The full beard trampled to the opposite party. “我去尼玛的。”大胡子一脚踹向了对方。 Whiz! 嗖! The body unusual soul of opposite party, rocked evaded the foot of full beard directly, later he started to go to retreat. 对方的身体非常的灵魂,一个晃动直接躲过了大胡子的这一脚,随后他开始向后退去。 Punishment head, you are all right.” The full beard quickly asked. “刑头,你没事吧。”大胡子急忙问道。 I am all right, so many years had not moved, a casual fellow dares to act to me continually.” Punishment helpless shaking the head, his vision looked later to front sneak attacked his person. “我没事的,这么多年没活动了,连随随便便的一个家伙都敢对我出手了。”刑头无奈的摇了摇头,随后他的目光看向了面前偷袭他的那个人。 You do not need to think struggled, your outside brothers were surrounded by Formation, now impossible to save you, but my person only takes in three minutes, can kill.” That man said directly. “你们不用想着挣扎了,你们外面的兄弟都被阵法困住了,现在根本就不可能来救你们,而我的人只需要三分钟内,就可以杀进来。”那名男子直接说道。 That killed you to be good in three minutes.” Punishment chieftain light/only ice cold looks at that man. “那在三分钟之内就杀了你好了。”刑头目光冰冷的看着那名男子。 Your all information we have investigated, although your battle efficiency 350,000 +, but you are injured now, is impossible to display the complete strength, although I am unable to beat you, but constrains you not to have the issue.” That man said directly. “你的所有信息我们都调查过了,你的战斗力虽然有35万+,但你现在受伤,不可能发挥出全部的实力,我虽然无法击败你,但是拖住你还是没有问题的。”那名男子直接说道。 Tread! 踏! The full beard rubbish, rushes directly. 大胡子没有废话,直接冲了上去。 His fist pounded to that man. 他的拳头砸向了那名男子。 Useless, your material we also all know, strength that you excel, but speed that I excel, your strength is big, so long as does not hit I, that is useless.” Opposite party very self-confident saying, his body several dodge, evaded the attack of full beard with ease. “没用的,你的资料我们也全都知道,你擅长的力量,而我擅长的速度,你的力量再大,只要打不中我,那就没用。”对方非常自信的说道,他的身体几个闪躲,轻松的躲过了大胡子的攻击。 Coming prepared, these people all are come prepared, the person these special points assassinate completely, probably punishment this type difficult to deal with, uses some special methods to cope. 有备而来,这些人全都是有备而来啊,他们将那些特殊一点的人全部暗杀,像是刑头这种难对付的,就用一些特殊的手段对付。 They do that does not give anybody to support the City Lord Mansion opportunity. 他们这么做,就是不给任何人支援城主府的机会。 Moreover these City Guard Army were also all planned. 而且就连那些城卫军也全都被算计了。 Although the opposite party only has 10,000 people, confusion and explosive force that but they create instantaneously, that is 100,000 people cannot make simply. 虽然对方只有一万人,但是他们瞬间制造出来的混乱和爆发力,那简直就是十万人都制造不出来的。 This is 72 holes fierce places. 这就是七十二洞的厉害之处。 Also is the primary cause why no one is willing to provoke 72 holes. 也是为什么没有人愿意招惹七十二洞的主要原因。 This also came more than 10,000 people, if 72 hole several million people all came, that is how terrifying. 这还只是来了一万多人,如果七十二洞数百万人全部过来的话,那将是多么恐怖。 Definitely can destroy completely a city with ease. 完全可以轻松的灭掉一座城池了。 Naturally, they also begin to these cities, after all they are not invincible, if really also compelled other cities anxiously, when the time comes Ziyun mountain range all influences collaborated together, no matter 72 holes were strong, could not shoulder. 当然了,他们也很多对那些城池动手的,毕竟他们也不是无敌的,如果真的将其他的城市也都逼急了,到时候紫云山脉所有的势力一起联手,那不管七十二洞多强,都扛不住的。 However normal, no one is willing to provoke 72 holes, first everyone wholeheartedly, does not want to lose difficultly is too big, the next 72 holes were too troublesome. 不过正常来说,也没有人愿意去招惹七十二洞,首先大家很难一心,都不想损失太大,其次七十二洞太麻烦了。 Bandit nest! 土匪窝子! 72 holes are bandit nest in a legend. 七十二洞就是一个传说中的土匪窝子。 There person all the people all soldiers, the woman, the old person and children can begin to kill people, although their interior is not usually peaceful, once comes across anything, they unite immediately. 那里的人全民皆兵,就连妇人,老人和孩子都能动手去杀人的,他们内部虽然平时也不和平,可是一旦遇到什么事情的话,他们就会立刻团结起来。 If really encircles, some people will definitely escape, outside will have some people. 如果真的进行围剿,肯定有人会逃跑,外面也会有一些人。 These people will launch the crazy retaliation. 那些人就会展开疯狂的报复。 This is also they most fears. 这也是他们最怕的。 That makes me have a look at your fierce.” Punishment said that flushes away directly forward, at this time his vision looked to own front. “那就让我看看你的厉害吧。”刑头说完直接向前冲去,此时他的目光看向了自己的前方。 ! 呼! Cool breeze has blown. 一阵清风吹过。 The body of punishment head directly flushed, arrived at the front of that man instantaneously. 刑头的身体直接冲了出去,瞬间来到了那名男子的面前。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The fist of his fist and opposite party hit in one. 他的拳头和对方的拳头打在了一起。 ! 噗! Blood. 鲜血。 Punishment head the place of waist, is the blood. 刑头的后腰之处,全都是鲜血。 Hits Ah! all my attacks to join the impulse, although cannot have what too big injury to your body, but can actually make your behind wound spurt the blood unceasingly, I want to take a look at some of your also many blood actually to flow.” That person said, he thinks now all during his control. “打啊!我的所有攻击都会加入冲击力,虽然对你的身体不会有什么太大的伤害,但是却能让你身后的伤口不断喷血,我倒是想要看看你还有多少血可以流。”那个人说道,他认为现在所有的一切都在他的掌控之中。 Whiz! 嗖! The brain of punishment head is astute, he when knows oneself cannot succeed, he also brings the full beard to run to outside instantaneously directly. 刑头的脑子可是非常精明的,他在知道自己不能成功的时候,他也是瞬间带着大胡子直接向外面跑。 Meanwhile, the full beard made a fist backward. 与此同时,大胡子向后打出了一拳。 Bang! 轰! This fist is just right and fist of opposite party to one, although the full beard does not hit the opposite party directly, but he guessed a moment ago, the opposite party will certainly pursue, time that therefore the opposite party pursues, is the time that he acts. 这一拳正好和对方的拳头对在了一起,虽然大胡子正面打不中对方,但是刚才他猜测,对方一定会追击上来,所以对方追击上来的时候,就是他出手的时机。 That person retreat two steps. 那个人后退了两步。 The body of full beard was retreat five steps, but he was also and punishment flushes away to outside directly. 大胡子的身体则是后退了五步,不过他也是和刑头直接向外面冲去。 Formation! 阵法 „It is not good, fell into a trap.” “不好,中计了。” That moment that punishment they clash, he discovered that the surrounding environment happened to change, in other words, his fell into a trap. 刑头他们冲出来的那一刻,他就发现周围的环境发生变化了,也就是说,他中计了。 Hahahaha, this is 4-Stars Formation Master arrangement Formation, knows you to be formidabe, therefore gives you to arrange intentionally , later General Heavenly Formation Continent will not then have your existences well again.” That person said that directly flushed from the above. “哈哈哈哈,这可是四星阵法师布置的阵法,知道你难对付,所以故意给你布置的,好好接着吧,以后天阵大陆上将不会再有你们的存在了。”那个人说完直接从上方冲了出去。 He thinks that this Formation can certainly handle the punishment and full beard. 他认为这个阵法一定可以搞定刑头和大胡子的。 4-Stars Formation Master arrangement. 四星阵法师布置的。 That inevitably is very terrifying Formation. 那必然是非常恐怖的阵法 However this Formation is not 4-Stars Formation, but is 3-Stars Formation, even Rank 4 Formation Master, impossible casual to arrange Rank 4 Formation. 不过这个阵法并不是四星阵法,而是三星阵法,就算是四级阵法师,也不可能随随便便就布置出来一个四级阵法的。 Moreover 3-Stars Formation might already enough big. 而且三星阵法的威力已经足够大。 Although may not the thorough killing death penalty and full beard, but surrounded these two people are an issue does not have. 虽然不一定能彻底的杀死刑头和大胡子,但是困住这两个人是一点问题都没有了。 Formation, the punishment head, you also meet Formation, can we go out? How outside brothers did not know.” The full beard said. 阵法,刑头,您也会一点阵法吧,咱们能出去吗?外面的兄弟也不知道怎么样了。”大胡子说道。 I am, but this Formation very precise, wanted to break was too difficult, this Formation was impossible to kill dies our two, but wanted to surround our two is an issue does not have, but we must find the way to go out, otherwise outside brothers were miserable.” Punishment said. “我是会一点,但这个阵法非常的精密,想要破掉太难了,这个阵法不可能杀得死我们两个,但是想要困住我们两个是一点问题都没有的,不过我们必须想办法出去,否则外面的兄弟就惨了。”刑头说道。 At this time in the entire city, everywhere is this situation. 此时整个城池之内,到处都是这种情况。 But Xia Tian is also continuously silently watches the following flames of war. 夏天也是一直默默的看着下面的战火。 Death! 死亡! From battle to the present already past a half hour, the digit that in the entire city died absolutely over 10,000. 从开战到现在已经过去半个小时了,整个城内死亡的数字绝对超过一万了。 Em?” At this moment, Xia Tian suddenly discovered that Qilin jade pendant shone, moreover as if received anything to tow to be the same. “恩?”就在这时,夏天突然发现,那块麒麟玉佩亮了,而且就仿佛是受到了什么牵引一样。 Recommends the new book of friend, soars to the heavens «Ultra God Evildoer/Monstrous talent King of Soldiers» that the wing writes, is attractive. 推荐朋友的一本新书,冲天翼写的《超神妖孽兵王》,非常好看。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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