AS :: Volume #56

#5582: Led the person to come

Attitude! 态度! What skill you have, what attitude others have to you, the Xia Tian recent reputation is big, the done matter is the important matter, what is main before is the general comes, heard here matter, is the person of this solitary one wolf looks for a job radically in first, but Xia Tian is just protecting here person, therefore he will be partial to some Xia Tian intentionally. 你有什么样的本事,别人就对你有什么样的态度,夏天最近的名声不小,做的事情都是大事,最主要的是将军来之前也听说了这里的事情,根本就是孤狼的人找事在先,而夏天只不过在保护这里的人,所以他会故意偏向一些夏天的。 Em!” Xia Tian nods. “恩!”夏天点了点头。 Walked.” The general has not felt embarrassed Xia Tian. “走了。”将军也没有为难夏天 All things that here had a moment ago, they saw clearly, Xia Tian made them see again anything is called formidable. 刚才这里发生的所有事情,他们都看得清清楚楚,夏天再一次让他们看到了什么叫做强悍 Moreover City Guard Army does not feel embarrassed Xia Tian now. 而且就连城卫军现在都不为难夏天了。 Even with the Xia Tian speech time, is better than and attitude of this solitary one wolf speech, this showed that this general unusual attendance Xia Tian, he gives the Xia Tian face. 甚至和夏天说话的时候,比和孤狼说话的态度都要好,这就证明这名将军非常的照顾夏天,他非常给夏天面子。 Worship!! 崇拜!! Surrounding these person also worship Xia Tian. 周围的那些人也都更加的崇拜夏天了。 However Xia Tian fires off to seem like anything not to happen each time is the same, later stands directly again the beforehand position, such relaxed standing there, city gate these people can see Xia Tian to stand there every day, but they actually do not know why Xia Tian must stand there, actually he is looking at anything. 不过夏天每次打完架都好像是什么事都没有发生过一样,随后直接再次站回自己之前的位置,就这样轻轻松松的站在那里,城门口的那些人每天都能看到夏天站在那里,但是他们却从来都不知道夏天为什么要站在那里,他究竟在看些什么。 However Xia Tian now actually in those words that the recollection the this solitary one wolf spoke a moment ago, those words inside has four: Qilin jade pendant. 不过夏天现在却在回想刚才孤狼手下说的那句话,那句话里面有四个:麒麟玉佩。 He thinks suddenly before that female, gives his jade pendant, above has a Qilin head picture. 他忽然想起来那个女子之前给他的玉佩,上面就是有一个麒麟头像的。 That this jade pendant should be the Qilin jade pendant that the opposite party must look, but Xia Tian does not know that now this Qilin jade pendant is actually useful. 那这个玉佩应该就是对方要找的麒麟玉佩,但是夏天现在并不知道这个麒麟玉佩究竟有什么用。 Before that woman just before leaving, gives him this thing, certainly must repay his. 那个女人临走之前将这东西给他,肯定是要报答他的。 It seems like needs to go.” Xia Tian turn around leaves directly. “看来需要去查查了。”夏天转身直接离开。 In a store. 一家商铺之中。 Boss, I must buy a material.” Xia Tian said. 老板,我要买点资料。”夏天说道。 Good, we have the special intelligence network, but the price is not low.” Boss said. “好,我们有专门的情报网,不过价钱都不低。”老板说道。 Price!! 价钱!! Hears here time, Xia Tian thought suddenly, oneself body did not have money, oneself all money all gave the big hat, now his one cent does not have. 听到这里的时候,夏天忽然想起来了,自己身上没钱了,自己所有的钱全都给了大帽子了,现在他的身上一分钱都没有。 At this time Xia Tian was also awkward flexure scratches the head, later said: Excuse me, I have not had money.” 此时夏天也是尴尬的挠了挠头,随后说道:“不好意思,我没带钱。” Hahahaha, doesn't matter, when had money, can come here, my information very entire.” Boss will cultivate the behavior, he does not look down upon anyone absolutely, especially Xia Tian this person, seems like unusual has the imposing manner. “哈哈哈哈,没关系,什么时候有钱了,都可以来我这里的,我这里的信息非常的全。”老板非常会做人,他绝对不去看不起任何一个人,特别是夏天这种人,一看上去就是非常的有气势。 Many thanks!” Xia Tian said, turn around leaves. “多谢!”夏天说完之后转身离开。 Poor Ah! 啊! Xia Tian feels now oneself were is too poor. 夏天现在感觉自己是真的太穷了。 Before on the Tianyuan mainland and Heavenly Spirit Continent, he will not always worry for money, but he discovers now, oneself is almost worrying for money every day, now buys an information money not to have continually. 以前在天元大陆和天灵大陆上的时候,他从来都不会为钱发愁的,但是现在他发现,自己几乎每天都在为钱发愁啊,现在连买个情报的钱都没有。 Simple character: Poor. 简单一个字:穷。 Moreover solely is not Xia Tian is poor. 而且不单单是夏天穷。 Xia Tian discovered, the Heavenly Formation Continent people are very poor, from these days his understanding, on Heavenly Formation Continent, these City Lord constructs the city, to make some money, moreover this money is not good to gain, on Heavenly Spirit Continent, the following city obeys these great nations to manage, money that therefore they make almost must give the country, here city not above influence, money that therefore they make is also own. 夏天发现,天阵大陆的人都很穷啊,从这段时间他的了解,在天阵大陆上,就连这些城主建城,也都只是为了多赚一些钱而已,而且这个钱不好赚的,在天灵大陆上的时候,下面的城池都是服从那些大国管理的,所以他们赚的钱几乎都要交给国家,不过这里的城池并没有上面的势力,所以他们赚的钱也都是自己的。 However a little different is, on Heavenly Spirit Continent, because there is a country, therefore no one and influence dares to act to these cities, otherwise country whole-heartedly exterminates the opposite party, but is here different, they need to spend to maintain an army, raise Expert. 不过有一点不同的就是,在天灵大陆上,因为有国家在,所以没有人和势力敢对那些城池出手,否则国家就会全力以赴的去剿灭对方,但是在这里不同,他们需要自己花钱养兵,养高手 Moreover must become friends with other cities, once came across what issue, they can also help each other. 而且还要去结交其他的城池,一旦遇到什么问题了,他们也可以互相帮助。 Although takes money were more than Heavenly Spirit Continent city, the pressure that but they must bear must be bigger, perhaps even which day will be destroyed completely suddenly. 虽然拿着的钱比天灵大陆的城池多了,但他们要承受的压力也要更大,甚至说不定哪一天就会突然被人灭掉。 After Xia Tian left there, he is also thinking how to make money, although he looks for the full beard to want many to have many, but Xia Tian most did not like taking others' favor, previous and between the full beard was also only the transaction. 夏天离开了那里之后,他也在想,怎么去赚点钱呢,虽然他去找大胡子就可以想要多少就有多少,但夏天最不喜欢拿别人的人情了,上次和大胡子之间也只是交易而已。 Em? 恩? When Xia Tian wants first to return to the hotel, he suddenly discovered oneself were tracked, later he starts fast walks forward. 就在夏天想要先回酒店的时候,他突然发现自己被跟踪了,随后他开始快速的向前走。 When he arrived at a secluded local time, he stopped oneself footsteps: Do not follow, comes out, was too laborious.” 当他走到了一处僻静的地方时,他停下了自己的脚步:“别跟着了,出来吧,太辛苦了。” Heard the Xia Tian words, the two men in hidden place also walked directly. 听到夏天的话,暗处的两名男子也是直接走了出来。 How do you discover our?” The two asked. “你怎么发现我们的?”那两人问道。 Xia Tian has not spoken: Is the person of that this solitary one wolf, rubbish, making the this solitary one wolf belt/bring person come, I will not run, I wait for him here.” 夏天没有说话:“是那个孤狼的人吧,别废话了,让孤狼带人来吧,我不会跑的,我在这里等他。” Good, plants, since this, we are impolite.” One of them sent out the pass on message symbol directly. “好,有种,既然这样,那我们就不客气了。”其中一人直接发出了传讯符。 Xia Tian has not walked, this here. 夏天也没有走,就这样在这里。 He does not like the trouble, if these people must decide which one is better with him, that Xia Tian absolutely will not be polite, but previous time he has not killed people, but if this opposite party dares to look, he will not let off the opposite party absolutely, certainly will kill people, Xia Tian does not want to trouble with the opposite party. 他不喜欢麻烦,如果这些人非要和他分出一个高低的话,那夏天也绝对不会客气,只不过上次他并没有杀人,而这次对方如果敢找上来,那他就绝对不会放过对方,一定会杀人,夏天可不想跟对方一直麻烦下去。 Weather already gradually black Xia Tian, but the Xia Tian surroundings person are getting more and more, person who naturally, this did not watch the fun, but was the person who the uniform this solitary one wolf called, just started, only then dozens, was over a hundred people, later reached as high as more than 500 people, later when finally the this solitary one wolf presented that surrounding population already over 1000 people. 天色已经渐渐的黑了夏天,而夏天的周围人已经越来越多了,当然了,这并不是什么看热闹的人,而是清一色孤狼叫来的人,刚开始只有几十个,然后是上百人,之后高达五百多人,最后当孤狼出现的之后,周围的人数已经超过一千人了。 These people threaten. 这些人一个个气势汹汹。 Understood at a glance that is not the affable people. 一看就知道都是不好惹的人。 Brat, I heard that you were very recently good.” After the this solitary one wolf goes back, was makes one inquire a related Xia Tian news. “臭小子,我听说你最近挺牛啊。”孤狼回去之后,也是让人打听了一下有关夏天的消息。 Heard Xia Tian to annoy so many things recently, he also very surprised. 一听到夏天最近惹了这么多的事情,他也是非常的惊讶。 However he only heard Xia Tian and full beard hit, therefore he thinks that the people in Xia Tian Hedong District definitely have the contradiction, otherwise he cannot lead so many people to come to the east district. 不过他只听说了夏天和大胡子打,所以他认为夏天和东区的人肯定也有矛盾,否则他可不能带这么多的人来东区。 He now is the straddling of zones. 他现在算是跨界的。 However since Xia Tian and full beard they have the contradiction, that was simpler, even if when the time comes punishment they knew, will definitely not say anything, at the worst he compensated a money and that's the end. 不过既然夏天和大胡子他们也有矛盾的话,那就简单多了,到时候就算是刑头他们知道了,也肯定不会说什么,大不了他赔点钱就是了。 No matter what, he wants today thoroughly kills Xia Tian. 不管怎么样,他今天都是要彻底的干掉夏天的。 Idle talk are really many.” Xia Tian unemotional saying. “废话真多。”夏天面无表情的说道。 Good, since you are happy, I satisfy you.” The this solitary one wolf said that waves, the surrounding these person all strategic places go forward. “好,既然你要痛快的,那我就满足你。”孤狼说完一挥手,周围的那些人全都要冲上前去。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian forwarded one step, has prepared. 夏天向前走了一步,已经准备好了。 Stop!” The sound that drinks greatly appears. “住手!”一道大喝的声音出现。 The surrounding person all stops, later the form appears in the front of people together. 周围的人全都住手,随后一道身影出现在众人的面前。 Full beard.” The brow wrinkle of this solitary one wolf, him must begin immediately, full beard unexpectedly came. “大胡子。”孤狼的眉头一皱,他这边马上就要动手了,大胡子居然来了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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