AS :: Volume #54

#5354: Headless stone person

Father, this gives you!” Xia Tian hears this claw set of such fierce time, gave own father directly. “父亲,这个给你吧!”夏天听到这个爪套这么厉害的时候,直接递给了自己的父亲。 „Haven't you understood me? When you had seen I do use the weapon?” Xia Tianlong shows a faint smile, he is that type did not use the person of any weapon, is the use is also some auxiliary weapons. “你还不了解我吗?你什么时候看到过我用武器?”夏天龙微微一笑,他一直都是那种不使用任何武器的人,算是使用也都是一些辅助用的武器。 He likes the violent fight. 他喜欢暴力性的战斗。 This?” Xia Tian put out that flying fish. “这个呢?”夏天拿出了那个飞鱼。 Space fish, the blue sea Dragon Clan most precious object, hands down in Dragon Group, only then three, can be used to conduct the space jump, the distance can control far and near, but needs you to go to the learned to control slowly, has the cooling time, two days of time.” Xia Tianlong answered. “空间鱼,蓝海龙族至宝,相传龙组里面只有三个,可以用来进行空间跳跃,远近距离可以控制,不过需要你自己慢慢去学会控制,有冷却时间,两天时间。”夏天龙解释道。 é! 额! Xia Tian discovered, own father seems anything to know. 夏天发现,自己的父亲好像什么都知道啊。 He looked at one, simply had not pondered, he recognized this thing directly. 他只是看了一眼,根本没有思考,他直接认出了这个东西。 Space fish! 空间鱼! Listens to father's words, Xia Tian to feel that this thing was good, where time before he wants to go, that needs to make a long and wearisome journey. 听完自己父亲的话,夏天感觉这东西太牛了,以前他想去哪里的时候,那都是需要长途跋涉的。 But if had this space fish, that went to where many to need for half a month enough. 可要是有了这个空间鱼的话,那岂不是去哪里最多都需要半个月够了。 However his first thought of own father. 不过他第一个想到了自己的父亲。 When he looks to oneself father, Xia Tianlong shakes the head: I do not use this, the skill that I escape is unparalleled in the world, you remain, the lots I do not use.” 当他看向自己父亲的时候,夏天龙摇了摇头:“我用不这个,我逃跑的本事是天下无双的,你自己留着吧,很多东西我都用不的。” é! 额! Xia Tian has wanted to give some father things, but the father seems anything not to need. 夏天一直想要给自己父亲一些东西,可是父亲好像什么都不需要啊。 Walks!” Xia Tianlong looked at Xia Tian to say. “走吧!”夏天龙看了一眼夏天说道。 When a moment ago, him felt suddenly anything, this feeling made his unusual is not good, especially in he saw that star of Xia Tian forehead, this feeling was more intense. 在刚才,他突然感觉到了什么,这种感觉让他非常的不好,特别是在他看到了夏天眉心的那颗星星时,这种感觉更加的强烈了。 He always felt that has anything to happen to be the same. 他总感觉有什么事情要发生一样。 ! 呼! Advance! 前进! Speed that their teams go forward very quick, this, Xia Tian showed his all skills, Xia Tianlong also very happily, looks that own son had the skill, he was very happy. 他们这个队伍前进的速度非常的快,这一路,夏天展现出了他所有的本事,夏天龙也是非常的高兴,看着自己的儿子有本事,他很开心。 But same, his feeling was also more and more intense. 可同样的,他的那种感觉也是越来越强烈了。 Must have an accident! 要出事! When goes forward third day, he discovered finally. 在前进第三天的时候,他终于发现了。 Before he knows, if oneself and oneself son approached, that will certainly have an accident, but he had certain leaving things to chance, but this type feels now, he does not want to hold again luckily at heart. 之前他知道,如果自己和自己的儿子走近了,那一定会出事,可是他抱有一定的侥幸心理,可是现在这种感觉出来的时候,他不想再抱有侥幸了心里了。 But he also knows, the words that oneself walk, Xia Tian will definitely not agree. 可是他也知道,自己这么走的话,夏天肯定不会同意。 Father, you have what concern.” Xia Tian looks that own father said. “父亲,你是不是有什么心事啊。”夏天看着自己的父亲说道。 Little Tian, our two separate.” Xia Tianlong said. 小天,咱们两个分开走吧。”夏天龙说道。 Why?” Xia Tian stares immediately. “为什么?”夏天顿时一愣。 Words that walks again, I worried that you will have an accident.” Xia Tianlong said. “再这么走下去的话,我担心你会出事。”夏天龙说道。 Father, will not have the matter, has what danger, I did not fear.” Xia Tian attitude very strong, his and father converges, did not have true being together a while well, his father has walked toward inside, he knows that the father has certainly anything to need to do, therefore he does not dare to delay his father, had not asked. “父亲,不会有事的,算是有什么危险,我也不怕。”夏天的态度非常的强硬,他这次和父亲汇合,还没有真正的好好相处一会儿,他父亲一直往里面走,他知道父亲一定有什么事情需要做的,所以他也不敢耽误他父亲,也没有多问。 Has followed. 这么一直跟着走了。 Looking was so long, if also separates, that Xia Tian was really insane. 找了这么久,如果还分开的话,那夏天真的要疯了。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! At this time, the ground suddenly started to rock. 在这时,地面突然开始晃动了起来。 The powerful vibration feeling appears from the ground. 强大的震动感从地面出现。 Em?” Everyone all stopped the footsteps, their faces are the looks of doubts, here ground is hard, but ground unexpectedly transmits the vibration feeling now. “恩?”所有人全都停下了脚步,他们的脸都是疑惑的神色,这里的地面可是非常坚硬的,可是现在地面居然传来震动感。 This is the need how big vibration. 这是需要多么大的震动啊。 You were careful, had big fellow to come.” Now actually although Xia Tian could not have seen is anything, but he knows, come fellow absolutely small not. “你们小心,有个大家伙要过来了。”虽然夏天现在还看不到究竟是什么东西,但是他知道,来的家伙个头绝对小不了。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The feeling of vibration was getting bigger and bigger. 震动的感觉越来越大了。 Xia Tianlong also deeply frowns at this time! 夏天龙此时也是眉头紧锁! bo! 啵! His double referred to direct in ground it, later a tremendous strength also turned toward all around to proliferate to go directly, this strength as if raising from ground, after one minute, the strength returned to him double to refer. 他的双指直接点在了地面之,随后一股巨大的力量也是直接向着四周扩散而去,这股力量仿佛是从地面之升起,一分钟后,力量回到了他的双指之。 Was troublesome.” Xia Tianlong said. “麻烦了。”夏天龙说道。 What's wrong, father?” What Xia Tian also looks does not arrive is anything, but his father seemingly discovered anything. “怎么了,父亲?”夏天还看不到来的是什么,但是他父亲貌似发现了什么。 Stone person, a giant stone person. 石头人,一个巨大的石头人。 What does stone person have to be good to fear?” Xia Tian copes with these big fellow to have the means that especially an ordinary stone person, he can certainly handle with ease. “石头人有什么好怕的?”夏天对付这些大家伙非常有办法的,特别是一个普通的石头人,他一定可以轻松的搞定的。 No, cannot be negligent, it is not the ordinary stone person.” Xia Tianlong said. “不,千万不能大意,它不是普通的石头人。”夏天龙说道。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian forwarded one step. 夏天向前走了一步。 The racket that both hands start to make an effort in ground it, the stone that crushed later gathers in one directly, formed a giant stone person, a more than 30 meters in height stone person. 双手开始用力的拍在地面之,随后粉碎的石头直接汇聚在了一起,形成了一个巨大的石头人,一个高30多米的石头人。 The surface of stone person has giant flame. 石头人的面有一层巨大的火焰。 Flame stone person. 火焰石头人。 This is the Xia Tian use kills the giant stone person who the broken wolf unifies, what since the opposite comes is the stone person, that Xia Tian naturally must counterattack with the stone person directly. 这是夏天使用杀破狼凝聚出来的巨大石头人,既然对面来的是石头人,那夏天自然也要直接用石头人来还击了。 Tread! 踏! The flame stone person flushes away directly forward. 火焰石头人直接向前冲去。 It runs directly toward oneself goal, although could not have seen goal now, but front, no matter has anything, it will go to crush the opposite party directly, this is the goal of its this flame stone person. 它直接向着自己的目标跑去,虽然现在还看不到目标,不过前面不管有什么,它都会去将对方直接粉碎,这是它这个火焰石头人的目的。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! After the flame stone person ran for more than ten minutes, the front transmitted a loud sound. 火焰石头人奔跑了十多分钟后,前方传来了一声巨响。 Em?” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle. “恩?”夏天的眉头一皱。 Smashing. 粉碎了。 His flame stone person crushed, sees this time, the brow of Xia Tian is also a wrinkle, he has not seen clearly opposite the stone person of coming now, however his stone person was killed, this point he is very clear. 他的火焰石头人粉碎了,看到这一幕的时候,夏天的眉头也是一皱,他现在还没有看清楚对面过来的石头人,但是他的石头人被干掉了,这一点他还是非常清楚的。 Bang! 轰! Both hands of Xia Tian pat again in ground it. 夏天的双手再次拍在地面之。 This direct ground presented four flame stone people, later these four flame stone people also charged into the front directly. 这次直接地面出现了四个火焰石头人,随后这四个火焰石头人也是直接冲向了前方。 Terrifying! 恐怖! These flame stone person unusual terrors. 这几个火焰石头人非常的恐怖。 Time that they run, has to destroy all imposing manners. 它们奔跑起来的时候,拥有毁灭一切的气势。 But after several minutes . 可是几分钟之后。 These four flame some people also all crushed. 这四个火焰是有人也全都粉碎了。 interesting!” Xia Tian light saying. 有点意思!”夏天淡淡的说道。 Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! The opposite party are approaching. 对方正在逼近。 Xia Tian this time has not worried to continue to begin, but the static waiting, these people in thousand sword mountain are also all standing there here are waiting, Xia Tianlong is continuously very dignified. 夏天这次没有着急继续动手,而是在这里静静的等待着,身后千剑山的那些人也全都站在那里等待着,夏天龙则是一直非常的凝重。 He in the investigation, felt a moment ago in that stone human body had a very familiar strength. 刚才他在探查的时候,感觉到那个石头人体内有一种非常熟悉的力量。 But he has not known that is what strength. 可是他还不知道是什么力量。 He does not know when oneself has seen this strength, does not know why will be familiar, but he also felt the terrifying similarly. 他根本不知道自己是什么时候见过这种力量的,更不知道为什么会熟悉,但他同样也感觉到了恐怖。 Bang! 轰! Saw! 看到了! Xia Tian saw the true feature of that stone person gradually. 夏天渐渐的看到了那个石头人的真正面目。 Is a stone person who does not have the head, this stone person right hand takes a giant stone Battle axe, Battle axe is shouldering now in the shoulder, but his belly also has an eye. 是一个没有头颅的石头人,这个石头人右手之拿着一把巨大的石头战斧,战斧现在扛在肩,而他的肚子之也是有一只眼睛。 This eye as if can replace him to see clearly the front enemy. 这个眼睛仿佛是可以替代他看清楚前面的敌人。 Finally came.” The hand of Xia Tian placed ground it directly. “终于来了。”夏天的手直接放在了地面之。 Kills the broken wolf! 杀破狼!
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