AS :: Volume #51

#5100: You match

Xia Tian! 夏天 é! 额! Hears this name time, all people all stare, before the black grass went forward to talk, everyone even thinks that Fire Emperor is talking with the black grass, suddenly, the reputation of black grass was also becomes very resounding. 听到这个名字的时候,现场所有的人全都是一愣,之前黑草上前搭话,大家甚至都认为火帝是在和黑草对话,一时间,黑草的名声也是变得非常的响亮。 Even many people started to discuss his name. 甚至很多人都开始议论起他的名字了。 But when the black grass is most self-satisfied. 可是就在黑草最得意的时候。 Fire Emperor called Xia Tian this name. 火帝喊出了夏天这个名字。 Knew that the black grass the people know, he insulted painted face king and Xia Tian a while ago, even all kinds of videos, said after he scolded Xia Tian and painted face king, two people do not dare to say the words, can only dingy running away. 认识黑草的人都知道,他前段时间侮辱了花脸王和夏天,甚至还有各种各样的视频,说他骂了夏天和花脸王之后,两个人连话都不敢说,只能灰溜溜的逃走了。 At that time the black grass was also stepping on Xia Tian and name of painted face king slightly became famous. 当时黑草也是踩着夏天和花脸王的名字小出名了一下。 Em?” The brow wrinkle of black grass, he then looked to oneself behind Xia Tian, when his unexpectedly did not know, Xia Tian unexpectedly in own behind: When does your waste appear in me behind?” “恩?”黑草的眉头一皱,他回头看向了自己身后的夏天,他居然不知道什么时候,夏天居然就在自己的身后了:“你个废物是什么时候出现在我身后的?” The black grass insulted Xia Tian in the spoken language again, he was wants to use this means to make everyone see his formidable side, to use this means that making Fire Emperor notice him. 黑草再次用言语来侮辱夏天,他是想要利用这个办法来让大家看到他强悍的一面,也为了利用这个办法,让火帝注意到他。 Although Fire Emperor is chatting with Xia Tian now. 虽然火帝现在是在和夏天聊天。 But so long as he insulted Xia Tian, that can certainly cause the Fire Emperor attention. 但他只要侮辱夏天,那就一定可以引起火帝的注意力。 He talked with Fire Emperor a moment ago forcefully, matter that this has lost face, therefore he is to use this means to attract now the Fire Emperor attention, the face that like this he discarded looked. 刚才他强行和火帝对话,这已经是非常丢脸的事情了,所以他现在是想要利用这种办法将火帝的注意力吸引过来,这样他丢掉的面子就找回来了。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian flies high directly walks forward, has not gone to look at black grass one. 夏天直接凌空向前行走,根本就没有去看黑草一眼。 Disregard! 无视! Completely disregards the black grass. 完全无视黑草。 Now suddenly some people remember the black grass to scold Xia Tian their video, at that time Xia Tian they as if also disregarded the black grass directly, but was not outside these people said that ran away. 现在突然有人想起黑草骂夏天他们的视频了,当时夏天他们仿佛也是直接无视了黑草,而并不是外面那些人说的,是逃走的。 This disregarding seems the Sir is disinclined to haggle over to be the same with a child. 这种无视就仿佛是大人懒得去和一个小孩子计较一样。 Own unexpectedly was disregarded. 自己居然被无视了。 This lets the black grass immediately very uncomfortable. 这顿时让黑草非常的不爽。 Afterward he blocked directly in the Xia Tian front: I am speaking with you, why didn't you reply me?” 随后他直接拦在了夏天的面前:“我在和你说话,你为什么不回答我?” Interrogation! 审问! The black grass is interrogating Xia Tian to be the same simply. 黑草简直就是在审问夏天一样。 Xia Tian stopped there, his vision also looked to the black grass, later tone light asking: „Do you match?” 夏天停在了那里,他的目光也看向了黑草,随后语气平淡的问道:“你配吗?” Attract! 吸! The Xia Tian sound is not loud, clarity that however the surrounding person all listens, moreover many people on the scene are paying attention to here situation, a Xia Tian these words exit|to speak time, these people saw the change on black grass face. 夏天的声音并不大,但是周围的人全都听的清清楚楚,而且在场很多人都在注意这里的情况,夏天这句话一出口的时候,那些人都看到了黑草脸上的变化。 Surprised! 吃惊! Angry! 愤怒! The black grass has not thought, Xia Tian unexpectedly will say suddenly such a few words, these words made him unable to get out simply. 黑草怎么也没想到,夏天居然会突然说了这么一句话,这句话简直就是太让他下不来台了。 At this time here so many people visit him. 此时这里这么多人看着他。 Xia Tian unexpectedly spoke such a few words to him directly. 夏天居然直接对他说了这么一句话。 Naturally. 当然了。 His awkward is he brings upon oneself completely. 他的这份尴尬完全都是他自找的。 If not he goes forward to install 13 on own initiative, Xia Tian will not respond him absolutely. 如果不是他上前主动来装13的话,夏天也绝对不会去搭理他。 Lose face! 丢脸! The black grass had never felt have loses face. 黑草从未感觉过自己有这么丢脸的时候。 Your unexpectedly dares “你居然敢” The words of black grass have not said, Xia Tian has vanished in his front. 黑草的话还没有说完,夏天就已经消失在他的面前了。 Hateful!” The black grass knows, oneself cannot make a move to Xia Tian in the front of so many people, because in that case, after Empire Alliance, was very difficult to take care of him again, but he also knows that now Xia Tian must do. “可恶!”黑草知道,自己不能在这么多人的面前对夏天出手,因为那样的话,帝国联盟以后很难再照顾他了,但是他也知道现在夏天是要干什么去了。 Must fight with Fire Emperor. 一定是要和火帝交手。 The person who first Fire Emperor fights will certainly become famous. 第一个火帝交手的人一定会出名。 He naturally cannot make such good deed fall to the hand of Xia Tian. 他自然不会让这样的好事落到夏天的手中了。 The matter, let the black grass forcefully by face-smacking, he to outside was boasted before oneself had is good, Xia Tian and painted face king such person was scolded words not to dare to say by him. 刚才的事情,让黑草硬生生的被打脸了,他之前对外面吹嘘自己有多么多么牛,夏天和花脸王这样的人被他骂了连句话都不敢说。 However now everyone understands, others are disinclined to respond him from the start. 但是现在所有人都明白了,人家是压根就懒得搭理他。 It looks like the Xia Tian those words to be the same: Do you match? 就像是夏天的那句话一样:你配吗? Hahahaha, this fellow, words, although are few, but is very violent.” Painted face king Daxiao was saying. “哈哈哈哈,这个家伙,话虽然少,但都是很暴力啊。”花脸王大笑着说道。 Whiz! 嗖! The black grass turns round instantaneously, charged into Fire Emperor directly. 黑草瞬间回身,直接冲向了火帝 He is will not make such good opportunity fall to the hand of Fire Emperor in absolutely. 他是绝对不会让这么好的机会落到火帝的手里的。 Whiz! 嗖! When the black grass rushes, the person's shadow explodes to shoot together directly from below, later a foot kicked directly on the body of black grass. 就在黑草冲上去的时候,一道人影直接从下面爆射起来,随后一脚直接踢在了黑草的身上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The dragon prestige 9-Stars black grass, was kicked like this. 龙威九星的黑草,就这样被人一脚踢飞了出去。 Moreover acts is not Fire Emperor. 而且出手的根本就不是火帝 But is under a Fire Emperor master. 而是火帝的一名手下。 é! 额! Is this dragon prestige 9-Stars? 这就是龙威九星 Sees such scene, the person all stares obviously. 看到这样的场面,现场的人显然全都是一愣。 dragon prestige 9-Stars in legend should be this world's strongest a group of people, although they possibly are not the topest people, but the strength absolutely is very terrifying, but Fire Emperor not famous person unexpectedly kicks the black grass now instantaneously. 传说中的龙威九星应该是这个世界上最强的一批人啊,他们虽然不可能是最顶尖的人,但实力绝对是非常恐怖的啊,可是现在火帝身边一名不怎么出名的人居然瞬间就将黑草踢飞了出去。 The person instantaneous morale of offensive side rises suddenly again. 进攻一方的人瞬间士气再次暴涨。 But empire there morale descended. 而帝国那里的士气则是降落了很多。 At this time everyone discovered, dragon prestige 9-Stars also has no extraordinary probably, but was outside person god who too they said. 此时大家发现,龙威九星好像也没有什么了不起的啊,只不过是外面的人把他们说的太神了而已。 Irritated me.” The black grass stands up. “气死我了。”黑草站起身来。 He charged into Fire Emperor a moment ago wholeheartedly, has not noticed the surrounding person, will therefore be sneak attacked in being distracted, he has not thought that some people of unexpectedly can meddle fight between him and Fire Emperor. 刚才他一心冲向火帝,没有注意到周围的人,所以才会在走神的时候被人偷袭,他也没想到有人居然会来插手他和火帝之间的战斗。 Whiz! 嗖! The black grass to/clashes again, but was blocked: You do not coordinate Sir Fire Emperor to fight.” 黑草再次冲起,但还是被人拦住了:“你可不配和火帝大人交手。” Does not match! 不配! Also does not match these two characters. 又是不配这两个字。 Now the black grass hears these two characters time, his scalp tingles with numbness, a moment ago Xia Tian also with these two character face-smacking. 现在黑草一听到这两个字的时候,他的头皮都发麻,刚才夏天也是用这两个字打脸的。 Now his unexpectedly another was used these two character face-smacking. 现在他居然又一次的被人用这两个字打脸了。 Then troubled.” The brow tight wrinkle of god emperor, the new eight person strengths normal are not weak . Moreover the reputation is not low, but he also knows, before wish lets these eight people and eight people places on a par, that obviously is impossible. “这下麻烦了。”神帝的眉头紧皱,新招的八个人实力正常来说都不弱的,而且名声也不低,可是他也知道,想要让这八个人和之前的八个人相提并论,那显然是不可能的。 No matter from the skill, is from the overall strength, in the in addition reputation, is the impossible things. 不管是从本事,还是从整体实力上,外加名声上,都是不可能的事情。 Therefore if these people make a move to the average person, the deterrent effect is very big, is with the true Expert battle time, revealed their insufficiency. 所以这些人如果对普通人出手的话,震慑力还是非常大的,可是和真正的高手交战的时候,就显露出他们的不足了。 Pass on message. 传讯。 dragon prestige 9-Stars attacks the opposite party average person temporarily, however after retreat defends, first lets the person consumption of opposite party, then has the opportunity that you display.” “龙威九星暂时攻击对方普通人,然后退后防守,先让对方的人消耗,接下来有你们表现的机会。” Black grass and the others received this news time is unusual being unwilling, but they have no means. 黑草等人接到这个消息的时候都是非常的不甘,但他们也没有什么办法。 They can only choose to give up with the Expert resistance of opposite party. 他们只能选择放弃和对方的强者对抗。 However Xia Tian stands there has not left. 但是夏天站在那里并没有离开。 Because he is not dragon prestige 9-Stars person. 因为他根本就不是龙威九星的人。 You will not let block me hand/subordinate.” Xia Tian looks that front Fire Emperor asked. “你不会也让手下来拦我吧。”夏天看着面前的火帝问道。 Cannot!” The Fire Emperor response said. “不会!”火帝回应道。 Obviously the Xia Tian strength obtains his approval, can conduct to fight with him. 显然夏天的实力已经得到了他的认可,可以和他进行交手了。 Good, I heard that you have the ten big god fire's third flame, moreover Spirit Strength Awaken, happen to I also want experience.” Xia Tian said around the body to present bunch of flame. “好,我听说你拥有十大神火第三名的火焰,而且还是灵力苏醒,正好我也想要见识一下。”夏天说完身体周围出现了一团团的火焰。 Flame armor! 火焰铠甲! Spirit Strength Awaken! 灵力苏醒 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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