AS :: Volume #51

#5098: Expert war

Morale! 士气! Both armies battle, main is the morale. 两军交战,最主要的就是士气。 Therefore now the god emperor inflates to these people, making them stay the best condition, fullest spirit. 所以现在神帝就是给这些人打气,让他们一个个保持最好的状态,最饱满的精神。 Good, Dajun, our regular armies can be the main attacks, all of you assist, everyone kills Fire Emperor together.” The god emperor said loudly. “好,大军出发,我们的正规军会是主攻,你们所有人辅助,大家一起干掉火帝。”神帝大声说道。 Kills Fire Emperor! 干掉火帝 In this moment, everyone really believes, their time is to cut to kill Fire Emperor. 在这一刻,所有人真的认为,他们这次是要斩杀火帝了。 Looks at this time Expert in front these legends. 看着此时前方这些传说中的高手们。 They naturally also very excited. 他们自然也都是非常的兴奋。 Because this time is the opportunity of becoming famous. 因为这次是成名的机会。 Naturally, they before coming, prepares various types of supplies, they also know, this fought the no small matter, therefore many people squandered oneself all money, bought the supplies with these money. 当然了,他们这些人在来之前,也都是准备好了各种的补给,他们也都知道,这一战非同小可,所以很多人都是花光了自己所有的钱,用这些钱去买补给。 They believe that so long as this fight lives, that future reputation can receive in exchange for many wealth, moreover here is the battlefield, they only need secretly will receive the spoils of war, the Empire Alliance will not naturally discover. 他们认为,这场战斗只要活下来,那将来的名声就可以换取很多的财富,而且这里是战场,他们只需要偷偷的去收战利品,帝国联盟自然也不会发现了。 Naturally, they also know, cannot bring too many storage equipment, otherwise the Empire Alliance is not a fool. 当然了,他们也知道,千万不能带太多的储物装备,否则帝国联盟也不是傻子。 Recently the entire day spirit empire all pill spirit and disposable consumption goods can say, is sells unusual was fiery. 最近整个天灵帝国所有的丹灵和一次性消耗物品可以说,都是卖的非常火热。 Even is wants the effectiveness to be good, that will be bid up a very high price. 甚至是只要效用好的,那都会被炒出一个很高的价格来。 Disposbale weaponry and rune/symbol Zhuan and so on thing also sold the good price. 一次性的武器装备和符篆之类的东西也都卖了好价钱。 Any with the thing that is truly related, was the price turned several times. 凡是跟真正有关的东西,都是价格翻了几倍。 Good pill even to turn dozens times spirit. 好丹灵甚至翻了几十倍。 The price of weaponry is to also soar. 武器装备的价格也是直线上升。 So many Expert fight together, the scene will be very certainly big.” Xia Tian says with emotion, he can look, presenting these people are Expert, although many people seemingly of undistinguished appearance, moreover follows in others' team. “这么多的高手一起战斗,场面一定会很大啊。”夏天感慨道,他看得出来,在场这些人都是高手,虽然很多人看上去其貌不扬,而且也是跟在别人的队伍里面。 However the strengths of these people may not be absolutely low, their skills are also very powerful. 但是这些人的实力可绝对不低,他们这些人的本事也都是非常强大的。 In this Expert war. 在这种强者的战争之中。 Top Expert is the most inspiring morale. 顶尖高手是最让人鼓舞士气的。 Next is on the medium strength, they it can be said that turn around the situation the main force. 其次的就是上中等的力量,他们可以说是扭转战局的主力。 Finally is the nucleus. 最后是中坚力量。 They are the keys of fight. 他们才是战斗的关键。 If the nucleus is fights, then this fight that fierce does not fear can certainly win. 如果中坚力量一个个都是悍不畏死的去战斗,那么这场战斗就一定可以赢。 As for these people who the strength sets the base, their functions naturally cannot belittle, however their morale are vacillated easily, they follow others to clash, can take the lead, but must have the Expert prestige. 至于实力垫底的那些人,他们的作用自然也不能小觑,但是他们的士气是最容易被动摇的,他们跟着别人冲可以,也可以打头阵,但是必须有高手们的声威。 If Expert all hung, they are bringing death and manufacture confusion. 如果高手们全都挂了,那他们这些人就是送死的和制造混乱的。 Finally will harm itself on the contrary. 最后反倒是会害了自己。 . 出发。 Dajun. 大军出发了。 The place that the Empire Alliance will fight a decisive battle located outside the city wall of Empire Alliance, but beheads conducts above the city wall. 帝国联盟将决战的地点定位了帝国联盟的城墙之外,而斩首就在城墙上方进行。 The city wall of Empire Alliance. 帝国联盟的城墙。 More than 3000 ten feets in height. 高3000多丈。 Thick 1500 hundreds of zhang (333 m). 厚一千五百丈。 The entire city wall builds with the most special ore, even uses the god fire to attack outside, the city wall will not present any breakage. 整座城墙都是用最特殊的矿石打造而成,就算是使用神火在外面攻击,城墙也不会出现任何的破损。 I will wait for your good news above the city wall.” The god emperor shouts loudly. “我会在城墙之上等待你们的好消息。”神帝大声喊道。 Dajun directly conducted to outside of Empire Alliance. 大军直接向帝国联盟的外面进行了。 This time always fights a decisive battle is Expert. 这次总决战都是强者 The total number of people reaches as high as 160 million people. 总人数高达一亿六千万人。 So many people, standing are motionless there, is very huge. 这么多的人,站在那里不动,都是很庞大的。 Their the area of this combat altogether have 1 million square kilometers. 他们这次作战的面积一共有一百万平方公里。 Naturally, this area refers to the area that the Empire Alliance deploys troops for defense, rather than gross area. 当然了,这个面积指的是帝国联盟布防的面积,而不是全部面积。 Place that this fight affects, absolutely is very terrifying. 这次战斗所波及到的地方,绝对是非常恐怖的。 Even can say, always fights a decisive battle the area that involves the Earth overall area be bigger. 甚至可以说,总决战所涉及到的面积要比地球整体面积还要大。 Whiz! 嗖! The god emperor sits well above the most above seat of honor, his front is various types of control planes and various Jade Stone, these are used to direct the thing of Empire Alliance Dajun combat. 神帝端坐在最上方的主位之上,他的面前是各种控制面板和各种玉石,这些就是用来指挥帝国联盟大军作战的东西。 The person who after all this time involves were too many. 毕竟这次涉及到的人太多了。 He impossible to shout that which person should make anything. 他不可能去喊哪个人该做什么。 Therefore he is to use these things to inform the army of Empire Alliance, what action each should make. 所以他就是要利用这些东西去通知帝国联盟的军队,每一步该做出什么样的举动来。 Army prepares!” The god emperor issued oneself instruction directly. “全军备战!”神帝直接发出了自己的指令。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖!嗖! Four big god king Duanzuo that under god emperor. 四大神王端坐在神帝下面的那一层。 They sit the goal here are to let everyone see their existences. 他们坐在这里的目的就是为了让所有人都看到他们的存在。 Four big god kings. 四大神王。 This is in the Empire Alliance Dajun heart most sacred existence. 这才是帝国联盟大军心中最神圣的存在。 So long as there are these four people, they radically fearless. 只要有这四个人在,他们根本就无所畏惧。 12 big God General stand there. 十二大神将站在那里。 Although their bodies are not big, but the makings of everyone are actually unusual formidable, they are the defense lines of Empire Alliance, strongest defense line. 他们的身材虽然并不高大,但是每一个人的气质却都是非常的强悍,他们是帝国联盟的防线,最强防线。 dragon prestige 9-Stars! 龙威九星 They altogether have nine towers! 他们一共有九座塔! In each tower sits a person, that is dragon prestige 9-Stars person. 每一个塔上都坐着一个人,那就是龙威九星的人。 Moreover in the tower also symbolizes several stars. 而且塔上也标志着几颗星。 It can be said that their existences shock the enemy side at the same time, when the enemy sees their nine, at heart pressure very big. 可以说,他们的存在一方面是震慑敌方,当敌人看到他们九个的时候,心里压力会非常的大。 Is also giving the person on one's own side the morale. 同时也是在给自己人士气。 The person who these external worthless people and Mercenary and so on, or Domain of God comes out, awes their these nine people. 那些外来的散人和佣兵之类的,或者神之领域出来的人,都是非常敬畏他们这九个人的。 Therefore the deterrent that their these nine people can create is also very fearful. 所以他们这九个人所能造成的威慑也是非常可怕的。 The Heart of Wanderers supervisor also came one, but this person Xia Tian did not know, is the Heart of Wanderers headquarters comes, but also brought some Expert, at this time they have an independent tower. 散人之心的管理人也来了一个,不过这个人夏天不认识,是散人之心总部过来的,还带了一些高手,此时他们这些人也有一座单独的塔。 Mercenary soul. 佣兵的灵魂。 It can be said that they are the Mercenary true soul are. 可以说,他们是佣兵的真正灵魂所在。 They come to here, these Mercenary confident, without the backer, what to do they here what happened does not know should, but if they have anything now here, they can ask the Heart of Wanderers supervisor to take responsibility for them directly. 他们来这里,那些佣兵们心里就有底,如果没有靠山的话,他们在这里发生什么事也不知道该怎么办,但是如果现在他们在这里发生了什么,他们可以直接找散人之心的管理人替他们做主。 Really good.” Xia Tian says with emotion. “真牛啊。”夏天感慨道。 At this time here person is unusual has the imposing manner, no matter how look, will think that these people are extremely Expert. 此时这里的人都是非常的有气势,不管怎么看,都会觉得这些人是绝顶高手 Especially these laymen. 特别是那些外行人。 They look at one, will have the worship to these people. 他们看一眼,甚至会对这些人产生崇拜。 Front Dajun is neat incomparable. 前方的大军更是整齐无比。 Stars appear here. 一个个名将出现在这里。 Xia Tian , above is clearer.” The painted face king waves to Xia Tian. 夏天,上来看吧,上面更清晰一些。”花脸王对夏天挥了挥手。 „It is not quite good, above is so free.” Xia Tian said. “不太好吧,上面那么招摇。”夏天说道。 Doesn't matter, they arranged Formation here, on the one hand is used to confuse the following person, on the other hand also to highlight our big, you comes up, so long as does not sit here, others cannot see you.” Painted face king Chuan sound said. “没关系,他们在这里布置了阵法,一方面是用来迷惑下面的人,另外一方面也是为了突出我们的高大,你上来只要不坐在这里,那别人就看不见你。”花脸王传音道。 „!” Xia Tian nods. “哦!”夏天点了点头。 Whiz! 嗖! The body of Xia Tian flashes, fell on the side of painted face king directly: Here illusion is good, more than 10,000 meters high places, the field of vision was also better.” 夏天的身体一闪,直接落在了花脸王的身边:“这里幻境不错啊,一万多米高的地方,视野也好了很多啊。” That was natural, how otherwise to make one worship, right, you had a look at front, Fire Emperor Dajun to start.” Painted face king said. “那是当然了,要不然怎么让人崇拜,对了,你看看前面,火帝大军开始动了。”花脸王说道。 „The war of peak must start finally.” “巅峰之战终于要开始了啊。”
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