AS :: Volume #51

#5093: Information

What interesting place?” Xia Tian asked. “什么有意思的地方?”夏天问道。 You said, in the Empire Alliance, some people can construct one to be others' information center?” On the face of painted face king showed a smiling face of faint trace. “你说,在帝国联盟内,有人可以建造一个属于别人的情报中心吗?”花脸王的脸上露出了一丝丝的笑容。 This is a little impossible, here completely during the control of Empire Alliance, do not say the information center, even if some respected families cannot mix.” Xia Tian shakes the head. “这个有点不可能吧,这里完全在帝国联盟的掌控之中,不要说情报中心了,哪怕是一些大家族也混不进来吧。”夏天摇了摇头。 But Empire Alliance unusual hegemony. 帝国联盟可是非常霸权的。 Especially here, here is their right control center. 特别是在这里,这里是属于他们的权利指挥中心。 It can be said that here, their rights very big. 可以说,在这里,他们的权利非常的大。 The Empire Alliance is becomes famous in the eye not to enter the sand the influence, they will not make any influence mix to their domains in absolutely, once has other influences or the families wants to be up to mischief in the Empire Alliance. 帝国联盟是出了名眼睛里面进不得沙子的势力,他们也绝对不会让任何的势力混入到他们的地盘之内,所以一旦有其他的势力或者家族想要在帝国联盟搞鬼。 That can only be extinguished finally kills. 那最后只能被灭杀。 I can!” Painted face king very optional saying. “我能!”花脸王非常随意的说道。 You?” Although Xia Tian the present is the painted face king cooperates, but until now, he does not know that actually painted face king has what influence, he only knows that the painted face king's dream is to become the king in this world. “你?”夏天虽然现在算是和花脸王合作呢,但是到现在为止,他都不知道花脸王究竟有什么样的势力,他只知道花脸王的梦想是成为这个世界的王。 Solely is not Heavenly Spirit Continent. 不单单是天灵大陆 Is the whole world. 是整个世界。 Right, is I, in entire Empire Alliance, only then The painted face king nods. “没错,就是我,整个帝国联盟内,只有我一个情报网。”花脸王点了点头。 Afterward he used to point at referred to the surrounding these people. 随后他用手指了指周围的那些人。 What you said tracks our scouts.” Xia Tian looked. “你说的是跟踪咱们的探子吧。”夏天看了一圈。 They, some people have tracked, this matter Xia Tian knows, moreover he thinks that this is very normal, but here the Empire Alliance, each enters here bystander to by the Empire Alliance be monitored, especially Xia Tian their Expert. 他们这些人,一直都有人跟踪,这种事情夏天知道,而且他认为这是非常正常的,这里可是帝国联盟,每一个进入这里的外人都是要被帝国联盟监控的,特别是夏天他们这种高手 First thinks that means throw off them, then I lead you to go to our domains.” Painted face king said. “先想个办法甩掉他们,然后我带你去咱们的地盘。”花脸王说道。 Heard the words of painted face king, the hand of Xia Tian pats on his shoulder. 听到花脸王的话,夏天的手拍在了他的肩膀上。 After one minute . 一分钟之后。 Person?” These tracked Xia Tian their people to gather at one. “人呢?”那些跟踪夏天他们的人聚集在了一起。 Looks separatedly, must find them, goes back a person report this matter again.” “分开找,一定要找到他们,再回去一个人禀报此事。” Yes!” “是!” These people monitor unusual is proper, so long as they with throwing, them must report the matter, including where with losing, with losing how long wait/etc.. 那些人监控的非常到位,只要他们跟丢了,那他们就必须将事情上报,包括在哪里跟丢,跟丢多长时间等等。 These things must report. 这些事情都是要上报的。 Cast off.” Xia Tian drew the painted face king to walk from the wall. “甩开了。”夏天拉着花脸王从墙壁里面走了出来。 Really is the mysterious ability.” Painted face king shocking looks at Xia Tian. “真是神奇的能力啊。”花脸王震惊的看着夏天 My skill compared with big that you see, therefore I give you to pledge, although I am impossible to follow you, but I can help you solve several greatly troublesome, naturally, premise “我的本事比你看到的大,所以我才给过你承诺,我虽然不可能一直跟着你,但我可以帮你解决掉几个大麻烦,当然了,前提还是” Your family member, this I understands.” The painted face king smiles, he and Xia Tian transaction is the Xia Tian family member, no matter he spends anything diligently, must help Xia Tian find his family member. “你的家人嘛,这个我懂。”花脸王一笑,他和夏天的交易就是夏天的家人,不管他花费什么努力,都必须帮助夏天找到他的家人。 The painted face king brings Xia Tian to walk, quick, their two went to a very covert place. 花脸王带着夏天一直走,很快,他们两个来到了一个非常隐蔽的地方。 Leads me to go in your ability.” Painted face king finger/refer front big tree was saying. “用你的能力带我进去吧。”花脸王指着面前的大树说道。 No way?” Xia Tian asked. “没门吗?”夏天问道。 He thought that here should not have the gate, without the gate, how usually inside person to pass in and out? 他觉得这里不应该没有门啊,如果没有门的话,平时里面的人是怎么进出的呢? Naturally had, but walked the gate words is really the fee/spent strength, I thought that your ability was simple can go.” Painted face king said. “当然有了,不过走门的话实在是太费力气了,我觉得你的能力非常简单就可以进去了。”花脸王说道。 Fuck! Xia Tian scolded one. 靠!夏天骂了一句。 However he was leads the painted face king to walk. 不过他还是带着花脸王走了进去。 After they go, big tree below has a channel, has many Formation and mechanism along this channel in: Here altogether eight passes/tests, if any pass/test fell into enemy hands together, inside person can first discover, then they run away, without running away opportunity, then here self-destruction, here all, will all destroy.” 他们进去之后,大树下面有一个通道,沿着这个通道里面有很多的阵法机关:“这里一共有八道关,如果任何一道关失守了,里面的人都会第一时间发现,然后他们就逃走,如果没有逃走机会的话,那么这里就会自毁,这里所有的一切,全都将毁灭。” Good fierce appearance.” Xia Tian said. “好厉害的样子。”夏天说道。 Naturally, you know why the god imperial capital doesn't dare to move me casually?” The painted face king looked that asked to Xia Tian. “当然了,你知道为什么神帝都不敢随便动我吗?”花脸王看向夏天问道。 Why?” Xia Tian puzzled asking. “为什么?”夏天不解的问道。 Information, I am grasping this world's largest intelligence network, no matter any place, the information of any influence, I know from A to Z, the Empire Alliance needs my information, simultaneously they also feared I sell their all information, therefore they do not dare to move me absolutely.” Painted face king answered. “情报,我掌握着这个世界上最大的情报网,不管是任何地方,任何势力的情报,我都了若指掌,帝国联盟需要我的情报,同时他们也怕我将他们的所有情报都卖出去,所以他们绝对不敢动我。”花脸王解释道。 You did not fear that they did kill you?” Xia Tian asked again. “那你就不怕他们杀了你?”夏天再次问道。 Kills me? I died, the worldwide chaos, will be bigger than the disaster that Fire Emperor makes when the time comes, the information that I have destroys this world sufficiently, when the time comes entire Heavenly Spirit Continent will fight, murders mutually.” Painted face king very self-confident saying. “杀我?我死了,天下大乱,到时候将会比火帝造出来的这次灾难更大,我掌握的情报足以毁灭这个世界,到时候整个天灵大陆都会战斗起来,互相杀伐。”花脸王非常自信的说道。 It seems like I must know you.” Xia Tian discovered, front painted face king Yuan he imagines must be more fearful, controls on Heavenly Spirit Continent the biggest intelligence network. “看来我要重新认识一下你啊。”夏天发现,面前的花脸王远比他想象中的要可怕多了,掌控天灵大陆上最大的情报网。 This matter was really fearful. 这种事情真的是太可怕了。 No one does not have the secret. 要知道,没有人是没有秘密的。 For example, his casual several information go out, can make an empire be suspicious of each other, murders mutually, even makes a country start to disintegrate from the interior. 比方说,他随便几个情报出去,就可以让一个帝国内部互相猜忌,互相杀伐,甚至让一个国家从内部开始瓦解。 Without the skill, I were impossible saying that must work as the king in this world.” The painted face king shows a faint smile, later he brings Xia Tian official walking into to this information center. “如果没有点本事的话,我也不可能说要当这个世界的王吧。”花脸王微微一笑,随后他带着夏天正式的走入到了这个情报中心。 In the headquarters of Empire Alliance. 帝国联盟的指挥部里面。 You said, painted face king and Xia Tian vanished right?” The god emperor looked that asked to front scout. “你是说,花脸王和夏天消失了对吧?”神帝看向面前的探子问道。 This is the scout who the god emperor sends personally. 这可是神帝亲自派出去的探子。 Right, Xia Tian their two as if vanish baseless, we could not find.” The scouts said. “没错,夏天他们两个就仿佛是凭空消失的一样,我们根本就找不到。”探子说道。 Painted face king, the painted face king, your unexpectedly arranged to come to the Empire Alliance in the information center.” The god emperor naturally guessed correctly why the painted face king will disappear. “花脸王啊,花脸王,你居然将情报中心安排到帝国联盟里面来了。”神帝自然是猜到了花脸王为什么会消失了。 The painted face king disappears. 花脸王之所以消失。 Is because he went to oneself information center. 就是因为他去了自己的情报中心。 He understands the painted face king. 他可是非常了解花脸王的。 However he has not thought, painted face king unexpectedly can make this matter in the Empire Alliance, this may make him very uncomfortable. 不过他没想到,花脸王居然能够在帝国联盟里面做出这种事情,这可就让他非常的不爽了。 Sir, what needs us to make?” The scouts asked. “大人,需要我们做什么?”探子问道。 His missing position to me, all investigates to me the , lands search to me, how long they altogether disappeared, I must know.” The god emperor said. “把他失踪的位置给我,将附近所有的一切都给我调查,一片一片土地给我搜,还有他们一共消失了多久,我都要知道。”神帝说道。 He cannot the honor painted face king make an information center in the Empire Alliance absolutely. 他是绝对不能荣誉花脸王在帝国联盟里面弄一个情报中心的。 However he was unable to look for the painted face king directly. 但是他还不能直接去找花脸王。 Otherwise groundless, the painted face king will not acknowledge. 否则无凭无据的,花脸王也不会承认。 Moreover he will also lose face. 而且他还会丢了面子。 Therefore he must the information center of painted face king searching. 所以他要将花脸王的情报中心给搜出来。 Yes, god emperor Sir.” The scouts left directly. “是,神帝大人。”探子直接离开了。 Painted face king, actually do you want to do? Also gathered Xia Tian this fellow, is really headachy existence.” Saying that the god emperor thought aloud, the painted face king was the person who made him want to kill has not dared to kill. “花脸王,你究竟要干什么呢?还招揽了夏天这个家伙,真是一个让人头痛的存在啊。”神帝自言自语的说道,花脸王是一个让他想杀还不敢杀的人。
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