AS :: Volume #48

#4792: Broken heavenly book

After swallowing, on the face of Xia Tian showed the smiling face, killing the broken wolf is the corrupt wolf and Sha Lanzi they cultivates so many years the strengths, can say, this strength is very powerful, but was wasted by them, they have such powerful skill spatially, but they will not have such powerful strength to display. 吞下之后,夏天的脸上露出了笑容,杀破狼是贪狼和杀蓝紫他们培育这么多年的力量,可以说,这股力量是非常强大的,只不过是被他们浪费了,他们空有这么强大的本事,但他们却没有将这么强大的力量发挥出来。 However this time. 但是这一次。 Xia Tian obtained directly the strength of killing the broken wolf!! 夏天直接获得了杀破狼的力量!! Great power that now Xia Tian has: Breaks Sky Sword, the broken life-long abstention from liquor, the strength of aurora, kills the strength of broken wolf and flame. 现在夏天拥有的强大力量:破天剑,破天戒,极光之力,杀破狼和小火的力量。 Here strength now is very terrifying. 这里力量现在都是非常恐怖的。 Coordinates his formidable incomparable methods again: Golden Blade, knows the sea, the X-Ray Vision eye wait/etc.. 再配合上他那些强悍无比的手段:金刀,识海,透视眼等等。 It can be said that present Xia Tian, was impregnable in Emperor Wu Cave mansion and Tianyuan mainland. 可以说,现在的夏天,在武帝洞府和天元大陆上是无懈可击的。 The channel of ghostdom had been closed by him permanently, then later Tianyuan in the mainland did not have the spirit world channel again . Moreover the corrupt wolf by Xia Tian permanent infiltrating to the ghostdom, such Xia Tian was not needed to be worried about anything. 冥界的通道已经被他永久的关闭了,那么以后天元大陆上再也没有灵界的通道了,而且贪狼也被夏天永久的打入到了冥界之中,这样夏天也就不用担心任何的事情了。 As for the beforehand aura. 至于之前的气息。 Xia Tian has determined, is the aura of ghostdom. 夏天已经确定了,就是冥界的气息。 Everyone carefully, if I have not guessed that wrong, in Ashima's that coffin lived was the lifeform of person or ghostdom ghostdom, no matter anything, he were the future is bad, moreover I have felt had an eye to stare at me, therefore I guessed, the opposite party also came to Emperor Wu Cave mansion, if the opposite party had the evil intention, killed them directly.” Xia Tian reminded in a low voice. “大家小心一点,如果我没猜错的话,之前阿诗玛的那口棺材里面住的就是冥界之人或者冥界的生物,不管是什么,他都是来者不善,而且我一直感觉有一双眼睛在盯着我,所以我猜测,对方也来了武帝洞府,如果对方有恶意,直接杀了他们。”夏天低声提醒道。 Now Tianyuan the pattern of mainland had been planned by him, therefore he does not want to affect this pattern again. 现在天元大陆的格局已经被他规划好了,所以他不想再打破这个格局。 Regarding this unknown existence, if he is well-meant, even if, but if there is an evil intention, that Xia Tian must first extinguish him, cannot make him cause any little damage to the Xia Tian brothers absolutely, Xia Tian will be will not be being used to such person absolutely. 对于这种未知的存在,如果他没有恶意的话,那就算了,但是如果有恶意的话,那夏天就要先灭了他,绝对不能让他对夏天的兄弟们造成任何一点点的伤害,夏天也是绝对不会惯着这样的人的。 Even if the opposite party does not act unreasonably, Xia Tian must prepare completely safe, so explosive figure, he is impossible casual disregarded, this might bring the disaster to his brothers very much. 就算是对方不乱来,夏天也要做好万全的准备,一个如此爆炸性的人物,他是不可能随随便便的就无视了,这很有可能会给他的兄弟们带来灾难。 However now enemy in dark, Xia Tian in bright, he cannot catch the trail of opposite party, therefore can only first adopt this means. 不过现在敌人在暗,夏天在明,他也抓不到对方的踪迹,所以只能先采取这种办法了。 Here had two channels a moment ago. 刚才这里有两条通道。 And a that channel has been closed, channel to ghostdom, therefore now here, only then a road, this road leads to final Emperor Wu Cave mansion. 其中一条那条通道已经关闭,是通往冥界的通道,所以现在这里只有一条路了,这条路就是通往最后的武帝洞府。 Everyone was careful, I do not know front has anything, everyone protects own body with own strength, strength strongest advanced, if discovered that reached own limit, drew back quickly, then informed the strength weak person, do not go.” Xia Tian shouts loudly. “大家小心,我也不知道前面有什么,所有人用自己的力量护住自己的身体,实力最强的先进,如果发现达到自己的极限了,就赶快退出来,然后通知实力比自己弱的人,不要进去了。”夏天大声喊道。 Hears the Xia Tian words, their also all nods. 听到夏天的话,他们的也全都是点了点头。 If trades to do is others, that definitely is to make the strength weak explores the way, if did not come back to send the strength strong point person again, however Xia Tian here, he respected the human rights, therefore his proposition was explores the way by the strength strong person, this can avoid many casualties. 如果是换做是其他人的话,那肯定是让实力弱的去探路,如果回不来了再派实力强一点的人,但是在夏天这里,他尊重人权,所以他的提议是由实力强的人探路,这样就可以避免过多的死伤了。 This lets person very grateful Xia Tian that in these teams the strength sets the base immediately. 这顿时让那些队伍里面实力垫底的人非常感激夏天 If not Xia Tian, they definitely most predecease finally, but does not need now. 如果不是夏天的话,他们这些人最后肯定是最先死的,但是现在不需要了。 Good!” The people of other strengths also nod in abundance, after all Xia Tian is now most advanced, therefore they do not need to be worried about anything. “好!”其他实力的人也是纷纷点头,毕竟现在夏天是最先进去的,所以他们也不用担心什么。 Tread! 踏! The right hand of Xia Tian wields, he and his team started to walk forward. 夏天的右手一挥,他和他的队伍开始向前行走了。 Other people of influence are also very orderly with. 其他势力的人也是非常有秩序的跟了进去。 shit, dragon crystal mine!!” The eastern sovereign unboiled water stares immediately, his vision looks into the distance to go to the distant place, at this time he had seen many dragon crystal mine, beforehand dragon crystal is only happens by happy circumstance, but now, here dragon crystal number simply many fearfulness. 我靠,龙晶矿山!!”东皇生水顿时一愣,他的目光向远处眺望而去,此时他已经看到了很多座的龙晶矿山,以前的龙晶是可遇而不可求的,但是现在,这里的龙晶数量简直多的可怕。 This time got rich.” Hundred dawns live to say. “这次发财了啊。”百晓生说道。 15!” Xia Tian said suddenly. “十五座!”夏天突然说道。 Hears the Xia Tian words, everyone stares. 听到夏天的话,所有人都是一愣。 They understand that the meaning of Xia Tian, they completely forgot a moment ago looked at many dragon crystal mines, now hears the Xia Tian words, their vision also looked to the surroundings, at this moment, they were shocked suddenly. 他们明白夏天的意思,刚才他们完全忘记了看有多少座龙晶矿山了,现在听到夏天的话,他们的目光也是向周围看去,就在这时,他们突然都愣住了。 15 mines! 十五座矿山! Their this teams are counted their words, is 16 teams. 他们这个队伍算上他们的话,就是十六个队伍。 But here only has 15 mines. 可是这里只有十五座矿山。 Benefit! 利益! In the face of the benefit, the cooperation is easy to disintegrate. 在利益面前,合作是非常容易瓦解的。 At this time other teams also came, they come in just started also very surprisedly, but is quick, they also discovered that here altogether only had 15 mountains, this made them also all stare, obviously they also by front situation shocking. 此时其他的队伍也进来了,他们进来的时候刚开始也是非常的惊讶,但是很快,他们也发现这里一共只有十五座山了,这就让他们也全都是一愣,显然他们也是被面前的情况给震撼到了。 They all look now to Xia Tian, is waiting for the decision of Xia Tian, after all now Xia Tian is this team the person of lead, although Xia Tian had said are not the eldest children of these people, but these people need Xia Tian to make a decision genuinely. 他们现在全都看向了夏天,都在等待着夏天的决定,毕竟现在夏天是这个队伍的带头之人,虽然夏天说过自己不是这些人的老大,但这些人打心眼里需要夏天来拿主意。 If Xia Tian does not give the idea, that can only by playing a drawn game to snatch finally. 如果夏天不给出主意的话,那最后就只能靠打和抢了。 Therefore they are also waiting for now. 所以他们现在也都在等待着。 The Xia Tian vision looked to the surrounding these people: „Here altogether 15 mines, that turns over to your 15 influences on unearth, but everyone paid attention, is as far as possible quicker, because I do not know when here returns to the closure.” 夏天的目光看向了周围的那些人:“这里一共有十五座矿山,那就归你们十五个势力进行挖掘,但是大家注意了,尽量快一些,因为我也不知道这里什么时候回关闭。” Whish! 哗! Hears the Xia Tian words, all people all stares. 听到夏天的话,现场所有的人全都是一愣。 Person who 15 mountains, all give to and so on. 十五座山,全都送给之类的人。 Their does not want. 他们一座不要。 This is very shocking. 这可是非常震惊的啊。 Xia Tian they, even if chooses here biggest one, some people will not say anything absolutely. 要知道,夏天他们就算是选这里最大的一座,也绝对不会有人说什么的。 Because of his status and position here. 因为他的身份和地位在这里呢。 But now, Xia Tian unexpectedly anything has not wanted. 可是现在,夏天居然什么都没要。 „The world is very big, will never lack the wealth, but the human life is valuable, puts together life and death with it, might as well look at the broader world, everyone, everyone remembered, my Xia Tian or those words, I the peace-loving, I also hope that the Tianyuan mainland can get down with everyone peace, but if everyone must make war with the Tianyuan mainland, no matter that future I where, I will support my brother, if they died, I will spare nothing to revenge for them.” Xia Tian said directly. “世界很大,永远都不缺财富,但是人命可贵,与其拼个你死我活,不如去看更广阔的天下,各位,大家记住了,我夏天还是那句话,我爱好和平,我也希望天元大陆可以和大家一直和平下去,但是如果大家非要和天元大陆开战的话,那将来不管我在哪里,我都会支持我的兄弟,如果他们死了,我会不惜一切代价替他们报仇。”夏天直接说道。 Then is called true using both kindness and severity. 这才叫做真正的恩威并施。 Em, he gave everyone. 恩,他给了大家。 He also achieved. 威,他也做到了。 Right, some super Expert, if interested, can go in me, but I suggested that below 50,000 battle efficiencies do not go, below here 10,000 battle efficiencies could not have treated, then inside danger.” Xia Tian said. “对了,还有一些超级高手如果有兴趣的话,也可以和我进去,不过我建议,五万战斗力以下的不要进去了,这里一万战斗力以下的就已经待不了了,那么里面会更加的危险。”夏天说道。 Em!” The people nod. “恩!”众人点了点头。 Afterward these Expert will tell, making them mine the mine fast, but they were follow Xia Tian they to continue thoroughly. 随后那些高手将手下吩咐了下去,让他们快速开采矿山,而他们则是跟着夏天他们继续深入了。 Xia Tian, I felt the summon of broken heavenly book!!” Hundred dawns live open the mouth suddenly. 夏天,我感受到了破天书的召唤!!”百晓生突然开口。
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