AS :: Volume #48

#4785: Breaks Sky Sword

bo! 啵! The small sword departs instantaneously. 小剑瞬间飞出。 ! 噗! The small sword passed through Ming Lake large amount of bodies, later attacked to next goal, flashing before of each small sword will pass through from the bodies of several big Expert time. 小剑穿过了明湖大宗的身体,随后攻击向了下一个目标,每一次的小剑的闪现都会从几大高手的身上穿过。 Water-drop entering the sea. 水滴入海。 Meeting no resistance. 如入无人之境。 é! 额! Outside person was all shocked. 外面的人全都愣住了。 Breaks Sky Sword!!” Expert of Tianyuan mainland all surprised looks at the Xia Tian small sword. “破天剑!!”天元大陆的高手全都是惊讶的看着夏天的小剑。 This small sword is breaking Sky Sword in legend, no one has thought that breaking Sky Sword unexpectedly in legend in the hand of Xia Tian. 这个小剑就是传说中的破天剑,谁也没想到,传说中的破居然夏天的手中。 Under four big attacks of Expert and corps, the surprise attack of Xia Tian delivered the attack of destruction to four big Expert obviously. 在四大高手和战队的攻击之下,夏天的突袭显然是给四大高手带来了毁灭的打击。 Death! 死亡! Four big Expert had died thoroughly. 四大高手已经彻底的死亡了。 They brought to be unwilling dead, after this was Emperor Wu Cave mansion opened, dying first batch of false Saint level Expert . Moreover the battle efficiencies of these people were also very formidable, died is four. 他们带着不甘死去的,这是武帝洞府开启以后,死的第一批伪圣级高手,而且这些人的战斗力也都是非常强悍的,一死就是四个。 Normal, false Saint level Expert has almost been able vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Emperor Wu Cave mansion, although possibly is not strongest, but also no one can threaten their life absolutely, but is now different, now Expert of martial Weisheng level died. 正常来说,伪圣级高手几乎是已经可以纵横武帝洞府的了,虽然不可能是最强的,但也绝对没有人可以威胁到他们的生命,但是现在不同了,现在武伪圣级的高手死亡了。 Everyone understands, this is a beginning. 大家都明白,这是一个开端。 Has the person of first batch of dying, that likely has the person of second batch of dying. 有第一批死的人,那很可能就有第二批死的人。 Before Expert of false Saint level can think oneself did not die, but from now henceforth, they must be careful a point. 以前伪圣级的高手可以认为自己是不死的,但是从今以后,他们就要小心一点了。 Because false Saint level Expert will still die even. 因为就算是伪圣级高手也会死亡了。 Kill! 杀! Xia Tian loudly shouts. 夏天大喝一声。 Imposing, now the imposing manner unusual feet of Xia Tian their team, the battle efficiency of everyone is unusual formidable, this army is here strongest corps, formidable incomparable corps. 气势非凡,现在夏天他们这个队伍的气势非常的足,每一个人的战斗力都是非常的强悍,这一支军队已经是这里最强的一支战队了,强悍无比的战队。 Walks!” Sha Lanzi looked at Xia Tian, later shouts. “走!”杀蓝紫看了一眼夏天,随后喊道。 Walk! 走! Sees breaks Sky Sword time, they must walk, he also wanted to resist Xia Tian with the broken life-long abstention from liquor, but currently in the hand of Xia Tian has to break Sky Sword, advantage that he has no. 看到破天剑的时候,他们就已经要走了,原本他还想要用破天戒来对抗夏天的,但是现在夏天的手中有破天剑,那他就没有任何的优势了。 „To walk? Without is so easy.” Xia Tian unemotional saying. “想走?没那么容易吧。”夏天面无表情的说道。 ! 嗷! Lion battle song's second. 狮子战歌第二层。 Kill! 杀! The giant lion corps killed directly. 巨大的狮子战队直接杀了上去。 Dispersing, all disperses, first left here to say again, ran separatedly.” white king loudly shouts, later they are also run directly to behind. “散开,全都散开,先离开这里再说,分开跑。”白王大喝一声,随后他们也是直接向后面跑去。 ! 呼! Spate! 大水! The boundless flood appeared, these spates as if must swallow all are the same, these water, were before blocks the heavy water of person and wing clansman Tianyuan mainland, moreover in the water also had the piranha and these powerful monsters. 无边的大水出现了,这些大水仿佛是要吞噬一切一样,这些水,就是之前拦住天元大陆之人和翼族人的重水,而且水里面还有食人鱼和那些强大的怪物。 Kill! 杀! The person who the flood periphery these will want to escape directly swallows. 大水直接将周围那些想要逃跑的人吞噬。 No one can escape.” Xia Tian shouts loudly. “谁也逃不掉。”夏天大声喊道。 Attract! 吸! The surrounding person all held breath cold air, on their faces also is the shocking look, they can feel the terrifying aura that on the heavy water transmits. 周围的人全都是倒吸了一口凉气,他们的脸上也全都是震惊的神色,他们都能感受到重水上面传来的恐怖气息。 Moreover the people also know this water. 而且众人也都认识这个水。 Swallow! 吞噬! The flood swallowed periphery these person who directly wanted to escape. 大水直接吞噬掉了周围那些想要逃跑的人。 Kills!! 杀!! Xia Tian their Dajun flush away to front directly, speed very quick, their three encircled the white king directly in the middle, but these three people were also very intelligent, their three also started to depend in one, like this wanted to defeat them one by one is also impossible. 夏天他们的大军直接向前面冲去,速度非常的快,直接将白王他们三个围在了中间,不过这三个人也是非常聪明,他们三个也是开始就靠在了一起,这样想要逐个击破他们也是不可能的。 dāng! 噹! The small sword flew, punctured directly above the strength of broken life-long abstention from liquor. 小剑飞了上去,直接刺在了破天戒的力量之上了。 Rumble!! 轰隆隆!! The strong explosive force raises the surrounding sandstorm. 强大的爆炸力将周围的风沙掀起。 Attack. 攻击。 The surrounding these people are also the unceasing attacks. 周围的那些人也是不断的攻击。 These three person wounds of also unceasing becomes many, although these wounds are not serious, but more and more wounds appeared. 这三个人身上的伤口也是不断的变多,这些伤口虽然不严重,但是越来越多的伤口出现了。 Walk! 走! Sha Lanzi loudly shouts, later his finger selects instantaneously, he killed directly to the surrounding these people. 杀蓝紫大喝一声,随后他的手指瞬间点出,他直接杀向了周围的那些人。 Make way!” Xia Tian is also the hurried only meeting, later small sword instantaneous attack in his hand above these attacks. “闪开!”夏天也是急忙只会,随后他手中的小剑瞬间攻击在那些攻击之上。 The corps presented an opening. 战队出现了一个口子。 Three people start to escape. 三人开始逃跑。 Escaped. 逃掉了。 The corps of Xia Tian their undefeated were ripped open the opening for the first time. 夏天他们这个不败的战队第一次被人撕开了口子。 Because of the reason of broken life-long abstention from liquor. 因为破天戒的缘故。 Although their three had been besieged, but Xia Tian does not dare by the attack of own brothers hard anti- broken life-long abstention from liquor, therefore can only give away a channel. 虽然他们三个已经被围攻了,但夏天也不敢让自己的兄弟们硬抗破天戒的攻击,所以只能让出一条通道了。 Escaped. 逃了。 These three people escaped. 这三个人逃掉了。 However their subordinate no one can escape. 但是他们的手下没有任何一个人可以逃掉的。 They were all blocked by the heavy water, finally was extinguished by corps several charges of Xia Tian kills. 他们全都被重水拦下了,最后被夏天的战队几个冲锋就灭杀了。 Victory! 胜利! The enormous and powerful war ended, these people came to encircle kill Xia Tian they, they are confident, as if must eat to decide Xia Tian they to be the same, is now, they came one instead to kill completely. 浩浩荡荡的大战就这么结束了,原本那些人过来是要围杀夏天他们的,他们一个个信心十足,仿佛是要吃定夏天他们一样,可是现在,他们完全被来了一个反杀。 True instead kills. 真真正正的反杀。 They not only cannot kill Xia Tian, but also came one instead to kill by Xia Tian greatly, all extinguishes the team of opposite party. 他们不但没能杀死夏天,而且还是被夏天来了一个大反杀,将对方的队伍全灭。 Only then Sha Lanzi their three Expert ran away. 只有杀蓝紫他们三个高手逃走了。 Others all died here. 其他的人全都死在了这里。 Xia Tian another with the strength certificate, who provoked their team, that did not die continuous. 夏天又一次的用实力证明了吗,谁招惹到他们的队伍,那就是不死不休。 My Xia Tian, although is not big figure, but I am also a man of being indomitable spirit, I do not want to stir up trouble, but I am not afraid of getting into trouble absolutely, no matter who, if provokes me, I will not let off the opposite party absolutely, I and my these brothers, before coming out, prepared dying, who wants to fight with us, we then and that's the end.” Xia Tian loudly shouts, his vision on the bodies of surrounding these people 11 has swept, although now here person was not in Emperor Wu Cave mansion all Expert. “我夏天虽然不是什么大人物,但我也是顶天立地的一个汉子,我不想惹事,但我绝对不怕事,不管是谁,如果招惹到我,那我就绝对不会放过对方,我和我的这些兄弟们,出来之前就做好了死的准备,谁想和我们打,我们接着就是了。”夏天大喝一声,他的目光在周围那些人的身上一一的扫过,虽然现在这里的人并不是武帝洞府内所有的高手 However Xia Tian understands, is quick his words to pass to each ear of person, when the time comes everyone all can hear his these words. 但是夏天明白,很快他的话就会传到每一个人的耳朵里面,到时候所有人全都能够听到他的这段话了。 His Xia Tian, fearless. 夏天,无所畏惧。 War! 战! Xia Tian behind these people also shout together. 夏天身后的那些人也是一起喊道。 Among this corps also many winding, some people leave, the person but who can stand up to the wind and rain truly, turned into the true King finally. 这个战队中间也有不少曲折,也有人离开,但是真正经得住风雨的人,最后才变成了真正的王者。 Silent, the surroundings no one spoke. 寂静,周围没有人说话。 Although here person is also very corrupt, but they really no one dare to covet Xia Tian they. 虽然这里的人也都很贪,但他们真的没有人敢贪夏天他们了。 Regret! 懊悔! Looks that now Xia Tian their corps inside person all keeps aloof, unusual formidable, they also are really envy, but does not have the means that the life does not have the regret after the fact, without so many road backs can walk, therefore they also can only envy the envy now. 看着现在夏天他们这个战队里面的人全都是高高在上,非常强悍,他们也真的是羡慕啊,可是没有办法,人生没有后悔药,也没有那么多回头路可以走,所以他们现在也只能羡慕嫉妒了。 Xia Tian!” Hidden place. 夏天!”暗处。 Ou Zhizi static looks at Xia Tian, on the face of his whole person all envies. 欧治子静静的看着夏天,他整个人的脸上全都是嫉妒。 He really envies. 他是真的嫉妒。 Runs!! 奔跑!! Sha Lanzi their three are also unceasing running, their three do not dare to turn head, such unceasing going forward, everyone is panting of running: Kills the brother, they do not seem to pursue.” 杀蓝紫他们三个也是不断的奔跑,他们三个不敢回头,就这么不断的上前,每一个人都是跑的气喘吁吁:“杀兄,他们好像没有追上来。” Em, the fiasco , spent so many time, is not good.” Sha Lanzi helpless saying. “恩,大失败啊,没想到,花费了这么多的时间,还是不行啊。”杀蓝紫无奈的说道。 Kills the brother, did you soon die and he are concerned?” Zhao Yuan asked suddenly. “杀兄,你快要死亡和他有关吗?”赵原突然问道。 Em, he does not die, I will die, he is doomed is my nemesis.” Sha Lanzi said. “恩,他不死,我就会死,他注定是我的克星。”杀蓝紫说道。
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