AS :: Volume #48

#4783: 80,000 battle efficiency team

Underestimated. 小看了。 Xia Tian these brothers were despised. 夏天的那些兄弟们被小看了。 Sha Lanzi knows the Xia Tian soft rib, therefore he was also takes to say the matter the Xia Tian brothers directly, the meaning threatened Xia Tian to act unreasonably with the Xia Tian subordinate. 杀蓝紫知道夏天的软肋,所以他也是直接将夏天的兄弟们拿出来说事了,意思就是拿夏天的手下来威胁夏天不要乱来。 Has to say. 不得不说。 The great strength of Xia Tian has exceeded his imagination. 夏天的强大已经超出了他的想象。 Although he also thinks that before the growth of Xia Tian will be certainly quick, but he has not thought that Zhao Yuan unexpectedly is not the Xia Tian opponent. 虽然他之前也认为夏天的成长一定会很快,但他没想到赵原居然也不是夏天的对手。 Therefore he does not want temporarily with Xia Tian to. 所以他暂时不想和夏天对上。 Shock and awe! 震慑! He wants first to shake Xia Tian with the way of shock and awe, behind finds the way to cope with Xia Tian. 他想要用震慑的方式先震住夏天,后面再想办法对付夏天 bo! 啵! At this moment. 就在这时。 Xia Tian behind these people all released oneself imposing manner. 夏天身后的那些人全都释放出了自己的气势。 Whish! 哗! Everyone was all shocked. 所有人全都被惊呆了。 Xia Tian behind these people at the deliberate release are oneself imposing manner, therefore they can induce to Xia Tian behind the battle efficiencies of these people, when these people see Xia Tian they behind the battle efficiencies of these people. 夏天身后那些人都是在故意释放是自己的气势,所以他们都能够感应到夏天身后那些人的战斗力,当这些人看到夏天他们身后那些人的战斗力时。 All was silly! 全都傻了! 80,000! 八万! More than 200 individuals, all are the battle efficiency 80,000 people. 二百多个人,全都是战斗力八万的人。 The people of more than 200 more than 80,000 battle efficiencies, actually this is what team. 二百多个八万以上战斗力的人,这究竟是什么样的队伍。 This was also too terrifying. 这也太恐怖了吧。 But Caesar their before have seen the person of Xia Tian team, thought that were more inconceivable, they are not really able to imagine, actually Xia Tian they how achieve. 而凯撒他们那些之前见过夏天队伍的人,一个个也就觉得更加的不可思议了,他们真的是无法想象,夏天他们究竟是怎么做到的。 Last time the time of seeing Xia Tian their team, the battle efficiencies of Xia Tian their team are also very strong, but most is also 50,000 battle efficiencies. 上次看到夏天他们队伍的时候,夏天他们这个队伍的战斗力也是很强的,但最多也就是五万战斗力啊。 But now, everyone is over 80,000 battle efficiencies. 可是现在,所有人全都是八万以上战斗力的。 Even breaks 100,000 had ten. 甚至破十万的都有十个了。 This flash. 这一瞬间。 Everyone all looked stupidly. 所有人全都看傻了。 Such team could be said as here strongest team. 这样的队伍可以说是这里最强的队伍了。 Four big top families live in is dumbfounded, they are also observing this team in the distant place at this time, before they heard that here some people must encircle kills Xia Tian the time, they also come. 四大顶级家族的家住们一个个全都是目瞪口呆,他们此时也在远处观察着这个队伍,之前他们听说这里有人要围杀夏天他们的时候,他们也就来了。 They must have a look at the fight, after all they before were also the Xia Tian teams. 他们原本也是要看看战斗的,毕竟他们以前也是夏天队伍的。 However now they are silly. 但是现在他们都傻了。 Battle efficiency 80,000! 战斗力八万! Before this is, Xia Tian requests their. 这就是之前夏天要求他们的。 Xia Tian said that the person who leaves behind, whose battle efficiency could not achieve 80,000, killed anyone, therefore they feared, was the unusual fears, they also withdrew from the Xia Tian team. 夏天说,留下的人,谁的战斗力达到不了八万,就杀了谁,所以他们都怕了,一个个都是非常的恐惧,他们也是退出了夏天的队伍。 But now, they saw, Xia Tian person unexpectedly of the team all arrived at 80,000. 可是现在,他们看到了,夏天的这个队伍的人居然全都到了八万。 Before that they think that this is the impossible matter. 之前那他们认为这都是不可能的事情。 These person how possibly battle efficiencies leap to 80,000. 这些人怎么可能战斗力飞跃到八万呢。 However they now really success. 但是他们现在真的成功了。 At this time their these leave the people of team are really wish one could one to kill, they feared death before, therefore left the team, but they discover now. 此时他们这些离开队伍的人一个个真的是恨不得自己一头撞死啊,他们之前是怕死,所以离开了队伍,但是现在他们发现。 Has not left the person unexpectedly battle efficiency of team to promote to over 80,000. 没有离开队伍的人居然战斗力全都提升到八万以上了。 They can also be in that team. 原本他们也可以是那个队伍里面的一员。 However now, they not. 但是现在,他们不是了。 Moreover their battle efficiencies are also halting same place, was before their little brother and battle efficiency broken 80,000, had exceeded them hand/subordinate. 而且他们的战斗力还都在原地止步,可是之前他们的小弟和手下都已经战斗力破八万了,已经超越了他们。 Now they are really want to cry but have no tears. 现在他们真的是欲哭无泪啊。 How is this possible?” On the face of Sha Lanzi is the shocking facial expression. “这怎么可能?”杀蓝紫的脸上全都是震惊的神情。 He also wants to threaten Xia Tian with Xia Tian these a moment ago, but he discovers now, oneself made a mistake, oneself were really wrong big sends. 他刚才还想拿夏天的这些手下威胁夏天的,可是现在他发现,自己错了,自己真的是错的大发了。 Will Xia Tian these possibly die hand/subordinate? 夏天的这些手下怎么可能会死? On equips!” Xia Tian loudly shouts. “上装备!”夏天大喝一声。 Coverall! 套装! A coverall of each article appears on the bodies of these people. 一件件的套装出现在这些人的身上。 All is the Rank 5 above coverall, moreover these coveralls all had also been promoted by Xia Tian, Xia Tian uses dragon crystal to promote, therefore very relaxed equipped these all promotes to 9-Stars. 全都是五级以上的套装,而且这些套装也全都被夏天升级过了,夏天使用龙晶升级的,所以很轻松的就将这些强装备全都升级到九星了。 It can be said that now the coveralls of these people, are equivalent to the false saint artifact coverall. 可以说,现在这些人身上的套装,都是相当于伪圣器的套装了。 But the bodies of several big Expert also all are the genuine false saint artifact coveralls. 而几大高手的身上也全都是真正的伪圣器套装。 War! 战! More than 200 loudly shout personally. 二百多个人大喝一声。 At this time their imposing manner compares several million people of imposing manners to want the foot. 此时他们的气势比几百万人的气势都要足。 Will such team lose? 这样队伍会输吗? Now everyone has this problem. 现在所有人内心都出现了这个问题。 Return to the unit! 归队! The people also all return to the unit. 众人也全部归队。 I give you to choose, the crab sovereign, I asked again your one time, do you walk do not walk?” Xia Tian looked that asked to the crab sovereign. “我给过你们选择,蟹皇,我再问你一次,你走还是不走?”夏天看向蟹皇问道。 Yeah!” The crab sovereign sighs, later turn around left. “哎!”蟹皇叹了一口气,随后转身离开了。 He has been able to imagine that what the following fight was, necessity that has not struggled. 他已经可以想象到接下来的战斗是什么样了,根本就没有挣扎的必要了。 The crab sovereign walked, the Xia Tian vision also looked to others, he truly killed the father of crab sovereign, therefore he gave a crab sovereign way out, however others were different, he did not owe other person of any things. 蟹皇走了,夏天的目光也是看向了其他的人,他确实杀了蟹皇的父亲,所以他放蟹皇一条生路,但是其他的人不同,他可不欠其他人任何的东西。 Standing by.” Sha Lanzi loudly shouts. “准备战斗。”杀蓝紫大喝一声。 Four big Expert of Avengers also looked at each other one, they nod silently, later turn around must open directly escapes. 复仇者联盟的四大高手也是对视了一眼,他们默默的点头,随后转身直接就要开逃。 They have not fought now **. 他们现在已经没有战斗的**了。 The Xia Tian team powerful place has exceeded their imagination, therefore they believe now, maintains life importantly, they do not want to be killed by Xia Tian, does not want to be controlled by Xia Tian. 夏天的队伍强大之处已经超出了他们的想象,所以他们现在认为,保命要紧,他们可不想被夏天杀死,更不想被夏天控制。 Escape! 逃! Several big Expert unexpectedly of Avengers must escape. 复仇者联盟的几大高手居然要逃了。 This made all people all shock immediately, existence that but these top Expert, was usually respected, but they abandoned the teammate in this kind of time unexpectedly, the direct selection escaped. 这顿时让现场所有的人全都震惊了,这些可是顶级高手啊,平时受人敬仰的存在,可是他们在这种时候居然抛弃了队友,直接选择逃跑。 This could be said as loses to the family/home disgraced. 这可以说是丢人丢到家了。 What?” white king also stares, he has not thought that at this time, these four person unexpectedly abandoned them. “什么?”白王也是一愣,他没想到,这个时候,这四个人居然抛弃了他们。 Kill! 杀! A Xia Tian their team sprint, killed directly. 夏天他们的队伍一个冲刺,直接杀了出去。 Four people who must escape were also blocked directly. 原本就要逃出去的四个人也是直接被拦住了。 Xia Tian their corps surrounded directly these four people on this. 夏天他们的战队就这样直接将这四个人包围起来了。 At this time periphery no one comes up the help. 此时周围没有人上去帮忙。 White king they such static looks that the Xia Tian corps and these four people fight, the subordinate of that four person also remained silent, these four people escaped a moment ago, including has not informed, obviously they already selfishly to the extreme. 白王他们都这样静静的看着夏天的战队和这四个人交手,就连那四个人的手下也都是保持了沉默,刚才这四个人逃跑的时候,连手下都没有通知,显然他们已经自私到了极点。 Some people will not help them. 再也不会有人帮助他们了。 Words that wants to escape, is not easy.” Xia Tian light saying. “想逃的话,可没那么容易。”夏天淡淡的说道。 Xia Tian, you put us to go out a bit faster, otherwise we put together a fight in which both sides perish with you.” Black Tiger also shouts loudly. 夏天,你快点放我们出去,要不然我们就和你拼个鱼死网破。”黑虎也是大声喊道。 Right? Feared that you do not have that skill.” Xia Tian said, their corps also killed directly. “是吗?就怕你们没有那个本事啊。”夏天说完,他们的战队也是直接杀了出去。 More than 200 more than 80,000 battle efficiencies people. 两百多个八万以上战斗力的人。 Moreover there are Xia Tian their so many Expert. 而且还有夏天他们这么多的高手 Encircles using the battlefield kills these four people. 利用战阵围杀这四个人。 Scene at once unusual courage and uprightness. 场面一时之间非常的血性。 The bodies of these four people unceasing has the wound to appear, they felt, a oneself person is facing everyone's attack to be the same probably, these people are also super Expert. 这四个人的身上不断的有伤口出现,他们感觉,自己好像一个人在面对所有人的攻击一样,这些人还都是超级高手 They are unable to resist. 他们根本就无法抵挡。 Snort, the original work is oppressive, cannot live.” White king numerous snort/hum. “哼,自作虐,不可活。”白王重重的哼了一声。 If before their four, has not run away, he can definitely lead the person to come up now the help, but their four abandoned everyone, must escape directly. 如果他们四个之前没逃的话,那他现在肯定会带人上去帮忙的,但是他们四个抛弃了所有人,直接就要逃。 white king is will not help absolutely their. 白王是绝对不会帮他们的。 Elder Brother several, breaknecked.” The inscription carved on a cliff face hole main shouts loudly. “哥几个,玩命了。”摩崖洞主大声喊道。
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