AS :: Volume #119

#11883: God machine big abacus

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Chapter 11886 god machine big abacus 第11886章神机大算盘 „Will we really eat you?” Ye Qingxue asked. “我们真的会吃掉你吗?”叶清雪问道。 Perhaps!!!” Xia Tian smiles. “也许吧!!!”夏天一笑。 Has not cared about this matter . Moreover, not only he also has given oneself wives oneself essence and blood. 并没有太在意这种事情,而且,他也不只是给过自己的老婆们自己的精血。 Others? 其他的人呢? „The strengths of others are impossible to be increased is so quick, moreover perhaps others have released the natural disposition, although everyone guessed that will probably turn into the demon, who knows that can really turn into the demon!!!” The immortal Black Tortoise reminder said. “其他人的实力不可能提升这么快,而且其他人说不定早就已经释放本性了,虽然大家猜测是可能会变成魔头,但谁又知道到底会不会真的变成魔头呢!!!”仙玄武提醒道。 Un!! 恩!! Said also right, who can know that what will turn into, but I do not want to bet with their lives!!” Xia Tian shakes the head. “说的也对,谁又能知道会变成什么样呢,不过我不想用她们的生命去赌!!”夏天摇了摇头。 She does not think oneself wife, because own erroneous decision dies. 她可不想自己的妻子因为自己的错误决定而死。 „Is that their Realm is lower, can they more control itself?” Xia Tian asked that he most was worried after was returned to Earth, they erupted own natural disposition by some chance, that troubled. “那是不是她们的境界越低,她们就越能控制自己?”夏天问道,他最担心的就是回到地球之后万一她们爆发了自己的本性,那就麻烦了。 Right, any natural disposition is the same, the strength is stronger, is more difficult to control own natural disposition, you had not discovered, your natural disposition also little exposition!!” The mirror reminder said...... “没错,任何的本性都是一样的,实力越强,越难控制自己的本性,难道你没发现,你的本性也正在一点点的暴露!!”镜子提醒道…… My natural disposition? What natural disposition do I have?” Xia Tian puzzled asking. “我的本性?我有什么本性?”夏天不解的问道。 Rules the world, the majesty!!!” The mirror said. “君临天下,王者之气!!!”镜子说道。 I also had not said that the thoughts of king, have what majesty!!” Xia Tian shakes the head, in his opinion, only then these want to say that the person of king, will have majesty that rules the world. “我又没有称王的心思,有什么王者之气!!”夏天摇了摇头,在他看来,只有那些想要称王的人,才会有君临天下的王者之气。 Too many situations I do not know, but you can observe your change slowly!!” The mirror said. “太多的情况我也不知道,不过你可以自己慢慢观察自己的变化!!”镜子说道。 „Was that I found the god machine big abacus, can I solve all my problems?” Xia Tian asked. “那是不是我找到神机大算盘,我就可以解决我的所有的问题了?”夏天问道。 Right, the god machine major abacus most major characteristics are fabricated!!” The mirror said, vanishes gradually. “没错,神机大算盘最大的特点就是无中生有!!”镜子说完之后渐渐消失。 He should say has said. 他该说的都已经说完了。 Then is to look at Xia Tian own. 接下来就是要看夏天自己的了。 God machine big abacus!!” The Xia Tian vision looked to the distant place. “神机大算盘!!”夏天的目光看向了远方。 Present he, if can find the god machine big abacus, that can solve his all problems: What ability fabricated is?” 现在的他,如果可以找到神机大算盘的话,那就可以解决他的一切问题了:“无中生有到底是什么样的能力呢?” How Xia Tian is considering to help own wives. 夏天这边正在考虑怎么帮助自己的妻子们。 That side the day fine jade encountered the danger. 天琦那边就遇到了危险。 Although Xia Tian helped him solve a large numbers of enemy. 虽然夏天帮助他解决了一大批的敌人。 But not all. 可并不是所有。 He at this time by Expert staring. 他此时已经被一名高手给盯上了。 The opposite party pursued him for three days and three nights!! 对方足足追击了他三天三夜!! ! 呼! If we had known did not run such early, mixed with Xia Tian, at least could not die Ah!!” The day fine jade complained. “早知道就不跑出来这么早了,和夏天混,最起码死不了啊!!”天琦抱怨道。 On your prospect, how I to have a liking for you initially!!” Samsara Tree complained. “就你这点出息,我当初怎么就看上你了!!”轮回树抱怨道。 That has the skill you to walk, your words, I was also insufficient is so chased down!!” The day fine jade is also very depressed. “那有本事你走啊,要不是你的话,我也不至于被如此追杀了!!”天琦也很郁闷。 Although the opposite party is a grade of tree. 虽然对方是一档树。 But he spoke may not have the least bit polite meaning. 但他说话的时候可没有半点客气的意思。 Snort! 哼! If were not the destiny chose you, you think that I will elect you, outside these, any I must choose them, they will look forward to kneel to ask me!!” A grade of tree was not boasting. “如果不是命运选择了你,你以为我会选你啊,外面那些尊者,任何一个我要选择他们,他们都会巴不得跪下来求我!!”一档树可不是在吹嘘。 He really has that skill. 他是真的有那个本事。 In outside. 在外面。 These spirits can become the protector of fifth gear tree, were excited, but can become four grades, the protector of third gear tree, is exhausts oneself all methods to rob, asks. 那些灵能够成为五档树的守护者,一个个就非常兴奋了,而能够成为四档,三档树的守护者,更是用尽自己所有的手段去抢夺,去求。 A grade of tree to them. 一档树对于他们来说。 Is the unthinkable gracious gift. 更是连想都不敢想的恩赐啊。 You make them ask your Ah!!” The day fine jade when facing a grade of tree, that is incomparable unyielding. “那你去让他们求你啊!!”天琦在面对一档树的时候,那是无比的硬气的。 What your present cultivation is my ability, if I walked, you will die!!” The Samsara Tree threat said. “你现在修炼的是我的能力,如果我走了,你就会死!!”轮回树威胁道。 That is not just right, after I died, you can make these spirits ask you!!” The day fine jade response said. “那不正好嘛,我死了之后,你就可以去让那些灵求你了!!”天琦回应道。 Your you irritated me!!” Samsara Tree wants a certificate own importance, but day fine jade actually a wee bit faces do not give him. “你你气死我了!!”轮回树只是想要证明一下自己的重要性,可天琦却一丁点的面子都不给他。 In others eyes. 在别人眼中。 He is existence of keeping aloof. 他是高高在上的存在。 May in the day fine jade eye, he seem like the burden to be the same. 可在天琦眼中,他就好像是累赘一般。 „If not you, by my talent, cultivation to spirit is just the issue of time, because of you, lets my cultivation anything nonsense the samsara technique, if I also want various means to hide itself, then must seek for the old book about this aspect to coordinate you, the failure could die momentarily thoroughly, I am easy I!!!” The day fine jade complained. “如果不是你的话,以我的天赋,修炼到灵只不过是时间的问题,就是因为你,让我修炼什么狗屁的轮回术,我还要想着各种办法去隐藏自己,然后还要去寻找关于这方面的古籍配合你,随时失败都可能会彻底死亡,我容易吗我!!!”天琦抱怨道。 The road of his cultivation. 他的这条修炼之路。 Temporarily but no one has succeeded. 暂时可是没有人成功过的。 Depends entirely on he himself to try to find out, attempts, seeks opportunity. 全靠他自己去摸索,去尝试,去寻找机会。 Ok, ok, I did not lower oneself to the same level with you, first finds the way to cast off behind that repugnant fellow!!” Samsara Tree helpless saying. “好了,好了,我不跟你一般见识了,先想办法甩开身后的那个讨厌家伙吧!!”轮回树无奈的说道。 I also think that but my behind is a spirit, that is spirit, how can I cast off him?” Day fine jade incomparable depression. “我也想啊,可我身后的是一个灵,那可是灵啊,我怎么才能甩开他?”天琦无比的郁闷。 Now his complete force also with one ordinary half was smart similar. 现在他的整体战斗力也就和一个普通的半灵差不多了。 Also has greatly very big disparity from these top half spirits. 距离那些顶级的半灵还有很大很大的差距。 Not to mention worked. 更不用说是灵了。 If a spirit attacked him directly, he may be miserable. 如果一个灵正面袭击了他,那他可就惨了。 „It is not you have not made every effort to succeed, if you succeed earlier, you now are spirit, if you are spirit, you can borrow my part of strengths, when the time comes was relaxed can extinguish kills the opposite party!!” Samsara Tree complained. “还不是你自己不争气,如果你早点成功的话,那你现在已经是灵了,如果你已经是灵了,你就可以借用我一部分力量,到时候轻松就可以灭杀对方了!!”轮回树抱怨道。 You added that said again the father does not run, making you go to mix with the opposite party!!” The day fine jade said. “你还说是不是,再说老子不跑了,让你去跟对方混吧!!”天琦说道。 Runs, runs, running, I did not say that is not good!!” Although Samsara Tree is very arrogant. “跑,跑,跑,我不说了还不行嘛!!”轮回树虽然很高傲。 But day fine jade such protector, he really could not find second, for these years, he has to think looks for other protectors, only pitifully, finally was white, moreover he summarized, a strength stronger person, failure was higher, finally he tried many ways, only then day fine jade here, he saw the hope step by step. 但天琦这样的守护者,他还真的是找不到第二个了,这么多年来,他不是没想过找其他的守护者,只可惜,最后都是白了,而且他总结了一下,实力越强的人,失败性就越高,最后他尝试了很多方式,只有在天琦这里,他一步一步的看到了希望。 Now. 现在。 So long as the day fine jade can cultivation to the spirit. 只要天琦可以修炼到灵。 He was away from the success to be getting more and more near. 那他距离成功就越来越近了。 Now the ancient times paradise must return immediately. 现在远古仙界马上就要回归。 He also wants to restore earlier, occupies completely takes the initiative!! 他也想要早点恢复,占尽先机!! It seems like, must play ruthlessly!!” Day fine jade vision one horizontal. “看来,要玩点狠的了!!”天琦目光一横。 „Do you want to do?” Samsara Tree puzzled asking. “你要干什么?”轮回树不解的问道。 I direct the god machine that side him, making them fight!!” The day fine jade said. “我把他引到神机那边去,让他们去斗!!”天琦说道。 Makes the person of god machine catch you, exactly was not exhausted you!!” Samsara Tree said. “让神机的人抓到你,还不把你活剥了!!”轮回树说道。 Xia Tian has said that in the riches and honor danger asked!!” The day fine jade remembers that Xia Tian to he has spoken the words. 夏天说过,富贵险中求!!”天琦记得夏天对他说过的话。 He is a lunatic, you are also insane with him!!” Samsara Tree saw how Xia Tian handles matters, in his eyes, Xia Tian is an out-and-out lunatic, working is really disregards all consequences. “他是一个疯子,你也跟他疯!!”轮回树可是看到夏天是怎么办事的了,在他眼中,夏天就是一个不折不扣的疯子,做起事来真的是不计后果啊。 If not some Xia Tian truly skills. 如果不是夏天确实有一些本事的话。 That Xia Tian had been made by he himself!! 夏天早就被他自己作死了!! He really had more and more aggressively, perhaps, this was his natural disposition!!!” The day fine jade said. “他真的是越来越有霸气了,也许,这就是他的本性吧!!!”天琦说道。 He is not simple, I induced a very familiar feeling on him, was one type is aloof all familiarities by far!!!” “他这个人不简单的,我在他身上感应到了一股非常熟悉的感觉,是一种远远超脱一切的熟悉感!!!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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