Although the dayfine jadetrustsXia Tian, butheisveryanxious.
天琦虽然是信任夏天的,但他还是非常紧张。Xia Tianthis is handling the matter that goes against heaven's will.夏天这可是在做一件非常逆天的事情啊。„Yourboy, but alsoreallycrazyAh!!”ImmortalBlack Tortoisesays with emotion.
“你小子,还真疯狂啊!!”仙玄武感慨道。„Yes, hewouldhandlingthatweunthinkablematter, if othershandlesthismatter, Ithink that the opposite partydefinitelywasinsane, but ifwerehe, Iwasthinkon the contraryreallymightachieve, does not know,actuallyhewantedto makeanything!!!”Yangnowis also curious, actuallyXia Tianwantshowto do.
“是啊,他总会去做那种我们连想都不敢想的事情,如果是别人做这种事情,我会认为对方肯定是疯了,但如果是他的话,我反倒是认为真的有可能做到,就是不知道,他究竟想要做什么!!!”央现在也非常好奇,夏天究竟想要怎么做。Ifdefeatsone by one, hehas the opportunityto defeatprotectors of Expert and thesetrees that otherplacescome.
But if directs the same placethesepeople.
就真的危险了。Although the Xia Tianstrengthis good.
虽然夏天的实力不错。But the human natureis greedy, under a seduction of grade of tree, they are not possible to control.
The probability that finallythesepeoplebeginis99%.
而那些人一旦动手。Rally togethers to attack.
就是群起而攻之。„Thatmakesuswait!!”ImmortalBlack Tortoisealsowantsto have a look, actuallyXia Tianmusthowneutralizeall these.
“那就让我们拭目以待吧!!”仙玄武也想要看看,夏天究竟要如何化解这一切。Xia Tianalsoatpreparationbanquet.夏天还在准备酒宴。Hereallfood and wine, is a day of clan.
这里的所有酒菜,都是天族的。Moreoverisin a day of clanis best.
而且是天族里面最好的。In the dayclanmaybe the goodthings.
要知道,天族里面可都是好东西啊。Initially after overcoming a day of clan, othertreasureswere taken awaybyothers, Xia Tiangotfood and liquorwater of day of clan.
特别是这些酒水。Was a day of clansavedover a hundred millionyears of goodthing.
是天族积攒了上亿年的好东西。Whatis main is.
最主要的是。Helarge numbers ofWang Danwill integratein the water, insuchliquorwater is not only powerful, but also the flavor will also becomewell.
他将大批的界王丹融入到水中,这样酒水里面不但力量十足,而且味道也会变得更好。In order toavoid the persondoes not sit down, Xia Tianalsopreparedspecially.
为了避免来的人多坐不下,夏天还特意多准备了一些。100tables that howevertemporarilyheprepares.
正常来说应该够了。Buthealsopreparesto come out100tables.
但他还多准备出来一百桌。200tablesdefinitelywere the limits.
两百桌肯定是极限了。Becausecancovet a grade of tree, inevitablyis the spiritthisrank, some are less thanspirit, is close toexistence of spiritrankgenerally.
很快。CameExpert of two -and-a-half spiritranks, two people come here time, seesto hold the goodbanquet, has not saidanything, satdirectly.
The normal peoplenoticed that suchbanquetwill definitely have doubts.
正常人看到这样的酒席肯定也会疑惑。Howeversincesomepeopleheld the banquet.
不过既然有人摆好了酒席。Actuallytheyalso want to take a look arewhatsituations.
他们也想要看看究竟是什么情况。„Two, the food and winedoes not have the poison, felt relieved that enjoys!!!”Xia Tianwalked.
“两位,酒菜都没毒,放心享用!!!”夏天走了过来。„Are youXia Tian?”One of themasked.
“你就是夏天?”其中一人问道。„Right, Iam!!”Xia Tiancups one hand in the other across the chestslightly.
“对,我就是!!”夏天微微拱手。„Weare the doubletigerbrothers in Yingzhou, after wecome to the divine land, had heardyourname, everyonementionedyourtime, admiresvery much!!!”One of themsaid.
“我们是瀛州的双虎兄弟,我们来神州之后听说过你的名字,所有人提到你的时候,都是很敬佩!!!”其中一人说道。„Is the unwarranted reputations!!”Xia Tiansmiles.
“都是虚名而已!!”夏天一笑。Two peopledid not haveto sayanythingagain.
两人没有再说什么。Afterwardcameseveral -and-a-half spirit, less thanoneweek of time, halfspiritcame50, moreoverXia Tiancould look, thesehalfspiritbackgroundswere big.
随后又来了几个半灵,不到一周的时间,半灵足足来了五十个,而且夏天看得出来,这些半灵的来头都不小。Andsixand other protectors of tree have 20.
其中六等树的守护者有足足有二十个。Fiveand other treeprotectorshavetwo.
The firstspiritcame.
第一个灵来了。„Xia Tian, why do youhave the newsnot to tellmeearlier?”Saying of armorverycomplaint.
“夏天,你有消息为什么不早点告诉我?”铁衣非常抱怨的说道。„I am also behindknow the news!!” The Xia Tianresponsesaid.
“我也是后面才知道消息的!!”夏天回应道。Saw the armorto come.
The surroundingthesehalfspiritsset outin abundance, is bowingtohim: „Paying a visit the armorspirits.”
周围的那些半灵纷纷起身,对着他躬身:“拜见铁衣灵。”„Everyonetodaydoes not needto salute, will then also comemanypeople, ifyousaluteone by one, thatwas senseless!!” The armorremindersaid.
“大家今天就不需要行礼了,接下来还会来不少人,你们如果挨个行礼的话,那就无趣了!!”铁衣提醒道。„Armorspirits, the customis the custom, canbecome the spirit, is respectedby the people, ifthisstartsfromhere, later the spirit was also notexistence that everyonerespected.” -and-a-half saidspirit.
The peoplenodin abundance.
The spiritistheirdreams.
灵是他们的梦想。Oncebecausebecomes the spirit, thatwill becomeexistence that everyonerespects, ifherepersondoes not respect the spiritnow.
那他们的目标还有什么了。„Youthenmayprobablystartto salute!!” The armorsaid, satinfront.
Before herehalfspirit, verynaturalsittinginbehind.
这里的半灵之前也很自然的坐在后面。Left behind the frontthesetablesintentionally.
“好热闹啊!!”Alsowas a spiritflew: „Icome is not late!!”
又是一个灵飞了过来:“我来的还不算晚吧!!”„See the clear springspirits!!!” The peopleset outin abundance.
“参见清泉灵!!!”众人纷纷起身。„Clear spring, youareAh! that yourYingzhou'sfirstcomes!!” The armorsaid.
“清泉,你是你们瀛州第一个来的啊!!!”铁衣称赞道。„WithoutyourearlyAh!!” The clear springresponded.
“还是没你早啊!!”清泉回应道。„Others said that smallfigurefirstcomes, thereforeI can only the immortal, makeforeshadowingtoeveryone!!” The armorsaid.
切!„You, ifsomethatconsciousness, youwere the profoundstate'sfirstperson!!” The clear springsays with emotion.
“你要是有那个觉悟,你就是玄州第一人了!!”清泉感慨道。„Mythisprofoundstate'sfirstperson of being worth mentioning!!!” The armorsaid.
“我这个玄州第一人不值一提!!!”铁衣说道。„Thisis not right, you are also intheseprotectors, displaysin a big way the strength of tree!!” The clear springsays with emotion.
“这可不对,你也算是这些守护者里面,将树之力量发挥到最大的了!!”清泉感慨道。„Yourwatertreestrengthis also good!!” The armorteased.
“你的水树力量也不错!!”铁衣打趣道。„Everyonechattedwas so harmonious?”
随后。Formone after anotherflewfromoutside.
一道又一道的身影从外面飞了过来。„Gathers the holestatein three spirit;FlamestatehotSpiritual God;Longstateevil spirit!!!”
而且在他们出现之后。Alsocame the protectors of severaltree: „Yingzhouwhitetreeprotectorwhitespirits;Gathering the holestateblacktreeprotectorgreatlyis smart black; The spirit of flamestateempty treeprotectoremptying!!!”
又来了几个树之守护者:“瀛州白树守护者白子灵;聚窟州黑树守护者大黑灵;炎州空树守护者空之灵!!!”Is the spirit of human!!!
都是人类之灵!!!Now , the spirit of cominghaseight, the protectors of fivetreeare as follows: The armor, the clear spring, the whitespirits, greatlyblackspirit, the spirit of emptying;Threenormalspirit: In three spirit, the hotSpiritual God, the longstatespirits.
现在为止,过来的灵已经有八个了,五个树之守护者分别是:铁衣,清泉,白子灵,大黑灵,空之灵;三个正常灵:三上灵,火神灵,长州灵。Halfspirit50people, sixgrades of treeprotector20, fifth geartreeprotectortwo: Cangshanandfeatherghost!!
半灵五十人,六档树守护者二十个,五档树守护者两个:仓山和羽鬼!!„It seems like, the monsterclanand a spirit of immortalbeastclanwill not come, theyhad the prejudicetohuman, therefore your time can only handle a humanclan, so long ashandles a humanclan, the issueis not big!!!”Yangreminded.
嗯!„Tenspirit, waitsagain for day, today after passing, said!!”Xia Tianwantsto waitagain.
The timeis up.
该来的也来了。Populationbeforehimsimilar that alsoestimates.
人数跟他之前估计的也差不多。Beforeheestimatedwill come60-70people.
之前他估计的就是会来60-70人。Nowhad come58people.
现在已经来了五十八个人。Has not comeas forother, is not not definitely interested, buthasownsubordinate, oroneselfintelligence personnelcome, theywantto wait and see, after allevencame, a grade of treenot that is possibleto turn over tohereto windirectly, mustlook at the followingassignmentandrobbing.
至于其他没来的,肯定不是不感兴趣,而是已经有自己的手下,或者自己的情报人员过来的,他们想要观望一下,毕竟就算是来了,一档树也不可能直接归这里打赢的那个,还是要看后面分配和抢夺。Inwhosehandno matter a gradeset up.
Others are also the same will not give up!!!
其他的人也一样不会善罢甘休!!!„Cameso manypeople, the words that ifhits, maynot ask forcheapAh!!”
“来了这么多人,万一打起来的话,可讨不到便宜啊!!”Suddenly the soundappearstogether, later the formfallsbefore the peopletogether, after thispersonappears, arrived at one of the firstrow of twopositionsvery muchvoluntarily.
突然一道声音出现,随后一道身影落在众人面前,这个人出现之后,很自觉的走到了第一排的两个位置之一。Everyoneallsets out, includingthateightspirits: „See the holeis unreliable!!!”
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