Chapter 11873benefitcooperation
第11873章利益合作Xia Tianhas discovered the skyhaving a minddemon, buthehad not pierced, because the heartdemonisto also promote one of the strength means that ifhecanovercome the heartdemon, in the state of mind can definitely promoteagain.夏天早就发现昊天有心魔了,不过他一直都没有戳穿,因为心魔也是提升实力的办法之一,如果他能克服心魔,心境上肯定能够再次提升。Thistime.
这一次。Is the bestopportunity.
After crossingthisheartdemon, the skycanin the real sensebe the spirit of human.
不过。Hesolelydoes not want the skyto growin the state of mind.
他不单单是要昊天在心境上成长。Alsomustmake the skygrowin the strength.
现在的昊天。Becauseobtained the strength of immortalsovereignlist, thereforehecompared withnormalcultivation to the spiritpersonweaktwopoints, in this case, onceconfrontswithotherspirits, hisimposing mannerwantsonweaksome, thereforeXia Tiantolethimcanshoulderspirit of given namedivine landhuman, heplansto hold the hottreeforcefully, making the skycontrol the hottree, rather thanbecomes the protector of hottree.
因为是获得了仙道皇榜的力量,所以他要比正常修炼到灵的人弱上两分,这样的话,一旦与其他的灵对峙起来,他的气势就要弱上一些,所以夏天为了让他能够担负起神州人类之灵这个名号,他打算强行将火树抓住,让昊天控制火树,而不是成为火树的守护者。In this case.
The strength of additionalgetting angrytree.
The skycomplete forceisordinaryspirit about 150%.
昊天的整体战斗力就会是普通灵的百分之一百五左右。„Withoutyou, thisadventurousmatter I do not dareto do.” The skysays with emotion.
“如果没有你的话,这种冒险的事情我是不敢做的啊。”昊天感慨道。Initiallywas fascinated.
主动入魔。Ifhedoes not wantto be fascinatedat that time, hecancontrolforcefully, cutsthatsubordinate who killsincludinghim, is readyahead of time, canresurrect, because ofthis, inhismain hall, continuouslyonly thenthatsubordinate, he was worried after oneselfare fascinated, could not control itself, manslaughter others.
如果当时他不想入魔的话,他是可以强行控制下来的,包括他斩杀的那个手下,也是提前做好准备,可以复活的,也正是因为这样,他的大殿内,一直都只有那一个手下,他就是担心自己入魔之后控制不了自己,误杀了其他人。That others were cutto killby the strength of hisspirit, butis unable to resurrect.
那其他人被他的灵之力斩杀,可就无法复活了。All, preparesahead of time.
所有的一切,都是提前准备的。Soabsolutely safe.
才会如此的万无一失。„Then, Iloseis not undeserved!!!” The armorsays with emotion.
“这么说来,我输的不冤枉!!!”铁衣感慨道。„Youandheforenemy, lostnaturallyis not undeserved, whenyoureallyheis the person who thattypecanbring death?” The skymostunderstandsXia Tian.
“你们和他为敌,输的当然不冤枉了,你们真当他是那种过来就会送死的人吗?”昊天可是最了解夏天的。Great strength of Xia Tian.夏天的强大。Has exceeded the imagination of normal person.
已经超出了正常人的想象。Cannotwithregarding the vision of average personregardshim.
并不能用看待普通人的目光来看待他。„Let aloneso manyidle talk, startedto take action!!!” The hornbeamwantsto know the newsaboutsamsaratreeobviously.
“别说那么多废话了,开始行动吧!!!”铁树显然更想知道关于轮回树的消息。„Good!!”Xia Tianlooked forDivine Soul of hottree.
“好!!”夏天将火树的神魂找了出来。PresentDivine Soulcompletelybyhissealinknowing the flower of sea.
现在的神魂完全被他封印在识海之花里面。„Alsoreallyhasyour, Divine Soul of treecanbe graspedbyyou!!!”Hornbeamhelplessshaking the head, he is also the tree, thereforeheis clear about the treecompared withanybodystrongly.
“还真有你的,树的神魂都能被你抓出来!!!”铁树无奈的摇了摇头,他也是树,所以他比任何人都清楚树到底有多强。Especially their fifth geartrees.
可现在。Hewas planned.
就连他都被算计了。CanseeXia Tian the place of formidablefromthis point.
从这一点就可以看出夏天的强悍之处啊。„Looks!!”Xia Tianalsowantsearlierlooking for the hottree, thishottree, has coped withhim, howhepossiblylets off the opposite party . Moreover the suchgoodopportunity, healsohopes that the skycanhold.
The hornbeamstartsto take action.
铁树开始行动。Sincehehad cooperatedwithXia Tian, thatwill not haveanythingto hesitateagain.
The treemostunderstands the tree.
树最了解树。Thereforehewantsto look for getting angrytreeis very easymatter.
所以他想要找出火树是很容易的事情。„Found, heindivine land!!!” The hornbeamremindersaid.
“找到了,他在神州!!!”铁树提醒道。„unexpectedlyhidesin the divine land!!!”Xia Tian is also getting a light from another lighttreeholds in high esteem, beforealsothinks that the hottreecanhideinotherstates, hisunexpectedlyhidin the most dangerousplacefinally, butmost dangerousplacealsosafestplace, therefore his choiceas ifalsohad no issue.
嗯!Hornbeamslight nod: „Exact locationIalsofoundtoyou, hispresentDivine Soulby the seal, could not be been inescapable, after youpass, canhandle the followingmatter.”
铁树微微点头:“具体位置我也给你们找到了,他现在的神魂被封印,根本就跑不了,你们过去之后就可以做接下来的事情了。”„That sidethatfeelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedgaveyou!!” The skyarchedcupping one hand in the other across the chest.
“那风树那边就交给您了!!”昊天拱了拱手。„Does not useandmeis so polite, amongusnofriendship, butis the transaction, ifyoudareto go back on word, Iwill certainly not let offyou!!!” The hornbeamsaid, vanished in same place.
“不用跟我这么客气,我们之间没什么交情,只不过是交易罢了,如果你们敢食言,我一定不会放过你们!!!”铁树说完之后消失在了原地。Hemusthandle the followingmatter.
The sky is also bowstoXia Tianslightly.
The spiritbowsto a spiritfollowingperson, thismatteris rare, but the sky is actually from the heart.
If not bump intoXia Tian.
His lifepossiblyremains, be onlyregretted.
他这一生可能留下来的只有惋惜。With the firsttwogenerations of divine land'sfirstperson of sameresults.
和前两代神州第一人一样的结果。WasXia Tiangavehimall these.
是夏天给了他这一切。AlsoisXia Tianmakeshim the truespirit.
也是夏天让他成为了真正的灵。„Hopes that youcanprotect the gooddivine land!!!”Xia Tianhas notoomanyideas, buthopes the ability that the skyobtainsis bigger, he himselfwill also understand that the responsibilityis bigger.
嗯!„Relax!!” The skyandXia Tiantwo peoplereturned to the divine land.
“放心吧!!”昊天和夏天两人回到了神州。Theyrushed to the hidingplace of hottree.
他们赶往了火树的藏身地。No onethinks, hottreesuchexistence, unexpectedlyonconcealsinskymain house gatemouth, moreoverunusual that hiddenis deep, if not the hornbeamhelpsthemlook, even iftheypassed byfromherewill not discover that thisis the hottree!!!
谁也不会想到,火树这样的存在,居然就藏在昊天的家门口,而且隐藏的非常深,如果不是铁树帮他们找出来的话,那他们就算是从这里路过都不会发现这是火树的!!!„ThenIwill makehismain bodyintegrateinyourbody, do not revolt, the process will be very possibly painful, after oncefusion, yourfutureis also limitless!!!” The Xia Tianremindersaid.
“接下来我会让他的本体融入到你的身体之中,不要反抗,过程可能会很痛苦,不过一旦融合之后,你的未来也是不可限量的!!!”夏天提醒道。„AlthoughIcannotguaranteeancient times after the paradisereturned, waswhatappearance, butIcanguarantee, so long asIam also living, Iwill protect the divine land!!!”Skyfirmspeaking.
“虽然我不能保证远古仙界回归之后是什么样子,但我可以保证,只要我还活着,我就会守护神州!!!”昊天坚定的说到。Xia Tianagainrubbish.夏天没有再废话。Skyishimto be confident.
昊天的为人他还是有信心的。Afterwardhestartsfor the skypreparation.
随后他开始为昊天准备。Thisprocess is ordinaryskytearingsimply.
这个过程简直就是要将昊天撕裂一般。But the skyhas not exudedtogether the hum/snortfrom beginning to end.
但昊天从头到尾都没有发出一道哼声。„It seems likeyouhave not elected the wrongperson, the willpower of thisskytrulyisfearful.”ImmortalBlack Tortoisesaid.
“看来你没选错人啊,这个昊天的意志力确实是可怕。”仙玄武说道。„The divine land'sfirstperson is no onecanshoulder, especiallyshoulderedso manyyears, helongs forhavingthisopportunitycompared withanybody, now the opportunitycame, even the death, hewill not give up!!!”Xia Tiantoounderstoodhowskysuchpersonthinks.
嗯!ImmortalBlack Tortoiseslight nod: „Youlook at the person, generallywill not make a mistake, but how then do youwantto solveNi Huang? Shedoes not killAh!easily!!”
仙玄武微微点头:“你看人,一般是不会出错的,不过接下来你要怎么解决霓凰呢?她可不容易杀啊!!!”„Feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedare greedy, heaffirmed that the rejectiondid not chat the seduction of samsaratree, so long asheswallowed the bait, thatNi Huangnaturallyswallowed the bait, myattack, not possibledirectInsta-killNi Huang, becauseshehad the skill of maintaining life, but if the sky, were certainly OKin addition!!”Xia Tian is also wantsone timethistroublethoroughsolution.
“风树是贪婪的,他肯定拒绝不聊轮回树的诱惑,只要他上钩了,那霓凰自然上钩,我一个人的攻击,不可能直接秒杀霓凰,因为她有保命的本事,但如果加上昊天的话,就一定可以了!!”夏天也是想要一次性将这个麻烦彻底的解决。Includingfeelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served!
The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedalsoinhisstrikingkillsin the list.
他做事就是这样。Eitherdoes not provoke, onceprovoked, thatgets rid of the opposite party, bynever recurringtrouble.
要么不招惹,一旦招惹了,那就干掉对方,以绝后患。„Now the body is really strongfearful, butIworried, the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedthistimewill also certainly come prepared!!!” The immortalBlack Tortoiseremindersaid.
“现在你的身体真是强的可怕啊,不过我担心,风树这次也一定会有备而来!!!”仙玄武提醒道。„Thatis not just right, Ialsowantto trymyWang Jueto be ablesetting upswallow!!!”
( This chapterends)
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