Chapter 11871byenemytwospirits
轰!Xia Tiantime and time againmakesownattack, eachheis mobilizing the strength of bodytime.夏天一次又一次的将自己的攻击打出,每一次他都在调动自己身体的力量。Controlbodyeachattacks.
控制身体每一处进行攻击。Even if the normal peoplehavesuchability, is not definitely ableto stresscertainly the time, butcoordinateshiseyes, is completely different, no matterattacksdefends, was controlledbyhimperfectly.
正常人就算是拥有这样的能力,肯定也无法抓准时机,但配合上他的双眼,就完全不一样了,不管是攻击还是防御,都被他完美的掌控了。„YourboyalsoreallycounterHeavens!, grasped the fightchange of oneselfbodyquickly.”ImmortalBlack Tortoisealsohas toacknowledge.
“你小子还真逆天啊,这么快就掌握了自己身体的战斗变化。”仙玄武也不得不承认。Xia Tianreallyhascompared withothersexceptional superiority.夏天是真的拥有比别人得天独厚的优势啊。PresentXia Tian.
现在的夏天。Withouteyesasauxiliary, howhepossiblydares with be the sparring partnerspirit, suchopponent, a mistakediscards the lifeon the possibilityeven the slightest misstep.
轰!Xia Tianseizes the time, the directfistpoundedon the body of armor.夏天看准时机,直接一拳砸在了铁衣的身上。„Howpossibly, youdo not arrive atspiritRealmobviously, sowill be why strong?” A puzzledcolor of armorface, heis not completely clear, actuallyXia Tianhowachieves.
“怎么可能,你明明就不到灵的境界,为什么会这么强?”铁衣一脸的不解之色,他完全不明白,夏天究竟是怎么做到的。Thishad brokenhiscognition.
这已经打破了他的认知了。If before Xia Tian , the protector of divine landelf, he can also understand, butpresentXia Tianobviouslyis not a protector.
如果说夏天之前还是神州精灵的守护者,那他还能理解,可现在的夏天明明不是守护者啊。„Armor, Igiveyouagain an opportunity, so long asyoumassacrenearbythatwoman, I ensure from now onwill not feel embarrassedyou, ifyoudo not kill, youwill wait formeto retaliatefrom now on!!!”Xia Tianthreatens the armoragain.
“铁衣,我再给你一次机会,只要你杀掉旁边那个女人,我保证过后不会为难你,如果你不杀的话,那你就等着我过后的报复吧!!!”夏天再次威胁铁衣。Butthisthreatcompared withhas the mightprevioustime.
The armorpossiblytreats as the joketo listen.
但这一次。Was really threatening, Xia Tiansuchperson, if not die, thatmostletshisscaredexistenceabsolutely.
就是真的在威胁了,夏天这样的人,如果不死的话,那绝对是最让他胆寒的存在。„Armor, youdo not usewhathesitation, ifyoukilledmyprotector, the hornbeamwill not comply!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedremindersaid.
The armornods.
铁衣点了点头。Heis the protector of hornbeam.
The order of hornbeamhemustlisten, so manywordsyears, hecanvertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the world, bebecausehas the attendance of hornbeam, without the support of hornbeam , he althoughisspirit, maynot have the ability of beforehandsystemtyrant . Moreover the hornbeamlooked forothersby some chance, after that hemustbe suppressedbyothers.
所以。Hischoiceis very simple: „Idle talklittlesaid,had the skillto escapefrommyhand!!”
他的选择很简单:“废话少说,有本事就从我的手中逃掉好了!!”„It seems like, youmissedwelllivingopportunityAh!!!”Xia Tianshakes the head.
“看来,你又错过了好好活着的机会啊!!!”夏天摇了摇头。Hedid not haveto sayanythingagain.
他没有再说什么。ButkilleddirectlytoNi Huang.
而是直接杀向了霓凰。He has almost definitely been ableto controloneselfbodynow, thatdid not needto wait forthissparring partneragain.
他现在几乎已经完全可以控制自己的身体了,那就不用再等这个陪练了。MoreoverpresentNi Huangdoes not think that Xia Tiankillssuddenlytoher.
而且现在的霓凰根本就不会想到夏天突然杀向她。Besttime that oneselfmake a move.
正是自己出手的最好时机。Ni Huangdoes not die, eventuallyis a future trouble.霓凰不死,终究是一个后患。HerElder Brotherdiesinoneself, she is absolutely impossibleto give up, moreovershewas the descendant of ancient timesimmortalclan, the bodyhadtoomanysecrets, suchpersonis living, Xia Tianreallydid not feel relieved.
啵!WhenXia Tianarrives atNi Huangthat moment.
当夏天来到霓凰身边的那一刻。Hiskillingincurredhas appeared.
The defense of feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedinstinctwas been directly stavebyhisattack, butNi Huangmain bodyalreadyinhisattackrange: „Youshoulddie!!”
The body of Ni Huangwas broken to pieceshalfbyXia Tianbangforcefully.霓凰的身体被夏天硬生生的轰碎了一半。
If notsomeNi Huangwithin the bodystrengthtriggering, thatshealsoreallymustbe extinguishedbyXia Tiannowdirectlykills.
如果不是霓凰体内某种力量触发的话,那现在她还真的要被夏天直接灭杀了。„Is goodto be a pityAh!!”Red Phoenix (Hong Feng)seesthis is also incomparableregretting.
差一点。Ni Huangthistroublecanthoroughhandling.霓凰这个麻烦就可以彻底的搞定了。„Againcome!!”Xia Tianrubbish, launchedownattackinstantaneously, heis to usetwoattacksto extinguishNi Huangnowkills, justNi Huangtriggeredowncard in a handto live, hedoes not believe,Ni Huangalsohasforwhatcard in a hand.
轰!At this moment.
The skykept offinXia Tianfront, blockedforNi Huangthisstruck.
昊天挡在了夏天的前面,替霓凰挡住了这一击。„Caught upfortunately!!”Hottreewas happier, to actat crucial moment, certainlycompared withjuststartto intendto be betterdirectly.
“还好赶上了!!”火树的心情好了很多,关键时候出手,肯定要比刚开始就直接出手要好。„Youcaught upfortunately, otherwise, shedied, wedo not needto cooperate!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedsomewhatare discontented, buthehas not saidanything, ifafter all were just not the hottreesudden, thatNi Huangwas really dying, ifNi Huangdied, healsoneedsto look forotherprotectors.
“还好你赶上了,不然的话,她死了,我们就没必要合作了!!!”风树还是有些不满,不过他并没有说什么,毕竟刚刚如果不是火树突然出现的话,那霓凰就真的要死了,如果霓凰死了,他还需要去找其他的守护者。But the protectorwas is not so easyto find.
可守护者并不是那么容易找到的。Firstwantshimto looksatisfactorily, moreoverconforms tohischaracteristicswait/etc.
首先要他看着顺心,而且符合他特点等等。„During relax, all are completely grasping, althoughhisstrengthwent beyondourexpectation, butyouthought that twospiritsdo cope withhimtogether? Moreoveris the protectors of twotree!!!” The hottreedoes not thinkXia Tianreallyhas the invincibleability.
“放心吧,一切尽在掌握之中,虽然他的实力超出了我们的预料,但你觉得两个灵一起对付他呢?而且还是两个树之守护者!!!”火树可不认为夏天真的有无敌的能力。Twospiritscope withhisone.
两个灵对付他一个。No matterheis good.
那不管他多牛。Is impossibleto shoulder.
都不可能扛得住。Let alonewas the protectors of twotree.
嗯!„IfirsthelpNi Huangtherapy, after sherestored, we can also enter the war, althoughIcannotuseherbodyto display the strongestmethod, butcanassistyoursome.” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedare worried about the Ni Huangsafetynow.
“我先帮霓凰疗伤,等她恢复了之后,我们也可以参战,虽然我不能利用她的身体发挥最强手段,但还是可以辅佐你们一些的。”风树现在担心霓凰的安危。Hefound a successor of ancient timesimmortalclanwith great difficulty, ifmadesuchpersondie, thatabsolutelywas a massive loss.
他好不容易找到一个远古仙族的传人,如果让这样的人死了,那绝对是一个巨大的损失啊。„Is the cooperation that feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served, yousaidwhat?” The hornbeamaskssuddenly.
“风树,你说的合作是什么?”铁树突然开口询问道。„Isthis!!” The hottreeanswered.
“就是这个!!”火树解释道。„Right?” The hornbeamlookedto the feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served, healwaysfelt that the cooperation between feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be served and hottreessolelywas notthis.
“是吗?”铁树看向了风树,他总感觉风树和火树之间的合作不单单是这个啊。„FirstsolvedthisXia Tianto chatagainother!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedhave not repliedhim, butobviouslyalsoin the suspicion of defaulthornbeam.
The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedalsounderstand.
风树也明白。Hewantsto deceive the hornbeamis not that easymatter.
他想要骗过铁树并不是那么容易的事情。„Good, thatblew awaythisfellow, wechattedagain!!” The meaning of hornbeamis very simple, youaskmeto help, Icamedirectly, thatis good, you should also to dividemyonecup of thick soupto be right.
“好,那等干掉了这个家伙,我们再聊!!”铁树的意思很简单,你找我帮忙,我直接来了,那有好处,你们也应该要分我一杯羹才对。TwospiritsattacktogethertoXia Tian.
这就是二对一。Two peopleattacks can definitely make up for the disparity of opposite party.
两人的攻击完全可以弥补对方的差距。Attack of both sidesinterweaves, does not give the opportunity that Xia Tianpants for breath!!
唰!唰!唰!Bodyunceasingdodging of Xia Tian, theircoordinationare good.夏天的身体不断的闪躲,他们两个的配合非常好。dāng!噹!
The daycoldswordis also resistingtwo peopleattacksunceasingly.
天寒剑也是在不断的抵挡两人的攻击。„Right, this, does not givehimanyopportunity, so long ashemakes mistakesslightly, or the consumptionis oversized, hemustdiewithout doubt!!!” The feelings of regret that parents are no longer alive to be servedlookin the one sideunusualis excited.
The attackhas drawn nearinconceivable.
现场的攻击已经快到了不可思议。Body of Xia Tianalsoinunceasingdodging.夏天的身体也是在不断的闪躲。Bang!
轰!Saw that the attack of skymusthit the body of Xia Tian.
The armor was also seizes the chanceto close off the Xia Tianretreatroad.
铁衣也是趁机封锁了夏天后退的路。„Dies!!”Theirattackswant a hit, that is attackcontinuously, no matterwhen the time comesXia Tianis strong, was attackedbythis degree ofattackunceasingly, definitelycannot shoulder.
( This chapterends)
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