AS :: Volume #109

#10843: Annihilates 1 million

These guards, know oneself do not have the escape route, their rear areas are oneself Captain, so long as they dare retreat one step, their Captain will kill their entire family, if they dare to escape, their Captain will kill their family. 现场的这些守卫,原本就知道自己没有退路,他们的后方就是自己的队长,只要他们敢后退一步,他们的队长就会杀他们的全家,如果他们敢逃跑,他们的队长就会杀他们全家。 In this case. 这种情况下。 They do not dare to revolt. 他们不敢反抗。 The resistance dies. 反抗就是死。 Moreover rewarding that above gives is also very high. 而且上面给的赏赐也是非常高的。 In this case. 在这种情况下。 They can only go forward. 他们只能前进了。 Killed Xia Tian!!!” “杀了夏天!!!” The enormous and powerful crowd killed to Xia Tian, in the meantime, the surrounding guard started to prepare the set up formation, the person bullied person few times was this, attack Xia Tian that so long as they kept in the surrounding was OK. 浩浩荡荡的人群杀向了夏天,同时,周围的守卫开始准备布阵,人多欺负人少的时候就是这样,只要他们在外围不停的攻击夏天就可以了。 They are preparing to launch the attack one after another. 他们正准备发动轮番的攻击。 Such forms of defensive action. 这样的攻击方式。 Extinguishes sufficiently kills anyone. 足以灭杀任何一个人。 Thousand!! 千眼!! The attack of Xia Tian in that moment of launch, surroundings all people, the feeling and having no. 夏天的攻击在发动的那一刻,周围所有的人,并没有任何的感觉。 Azure vine ring. 青藤戒指。 After his azure vine ring starts. 当他的青藤戒指发动之后。 He is also first. 他也是第一时间。 In a flash, turned into the without a gap purgatory on the spot!! 一瞬间,现场变成了无间炼狱!! The attack of azure vine ring was not very strong, but now, when his azure vine ring with over a thousand, the person who these kill, all felt that these rattan changed into the incomparably powerful enemy. 原本青藤戒指的攻击并不是很强,可现在,当他的青藤戒指配上千眼的时候,那些杀过来的人,就全都感觉那些藤条化为了无比强大的敌人。 The principle of day! 日之法则! Frozen!! 冰封!! Enemy of these without enough time response. 那些来不及反应的敌人。 Body instantaneously frozen. 身体瞬间被冰封。 The attack of azure vine swallows their bodies instantaneously. 青藤的攻击瞬间将他们的身体吞噬。 Does attractively!!” The gold/metal feather Great Emperor says with emotion. “干得漂亮!!”金羽大帝感慨道。 These attacks of Xia Tian are the flash hit, such as moving clouds and flowing water, neat, little is not loathsome. 夏天的这些攻击是一瞬间打出去的,如行云流水,干净利落,一点点也不拖泥带水。 Instantaneously. 瞬间。 Several tens of thousands people that kills. 杀过来的数万人。 Was killed directly. 直接被杀。 Meanwhile. 同时。 The following person also first killed. 后面的人也第一时间杀了过来。 The principle of day! 日之法则! Flame!! 火焰!! All azure vines burn instantaneously, the person who these clash, thinks, so long as will not have the azure vine to be OK. 所有的青藤瞬间燃烧起来,那些冲进来的人,原本以为只要会没青藤就可以了。 But they have not thought. 可他们没想到。 Flame unexpectedly can swallow them instantaneously. 火焰居然会瞬间吞噬他们。 Ah! 啊! Pitiful yell sound continuously!! 惨叫声此起彼伏!! Quite hot, the strength of my principle was crushed instantaneously.” “好热,我的法则之力被瞬间粉碎了。” This is what flame, why the principle of my water without.” “这是什么火焰,为什么我的水之法则一点用没有。” I do not want is so dead!!” “我不想这么死!!” The front person starts the frantic pitiful yell. 前面的人开始疯狂的惨叫。 However! 不过! They were extinguished by Xia Tian instantaneously kill!! 他们都是被夏天瞬间灭杀!! Sir City Lord, has prepared.” A military officer said. 城主大人,已经准备好了。”一名将领说道。 En! 恩! Red cloud City Lord slight nod: Start, I must have a look but actually, how he lives in four directions big.” 红云城主微微点头:“开动吧,我倒要看看,他怎么在四方大阵之中活下来。” That is natural, four directions big, instantaneous 400,000 people of collective attacks, moreover is one after another, even if Expert of revering rank were attacked by this one after another, should still die.” That military officer very proud saying. “那是自然,四方大阵,瞬间四十万人的集体攻击,而且是一轮接着一轮的,就算是尊者级别的强者被这样轮番攻击,也会死掉的。”那名将领非常自豪的说道。 In his opinion. 在他看来。 No matter what skill Xia Tian has, then died, before these killed to the Xia Tian person, was used to delay the time the bait. 夏天不管有什么样的本事,接下来都死定了,之前那些杀向夏天的人,都是用来拖延时间的诱饵罢了。 Although Xia Tian killed these baits. 虽然夏天杀了那些诱饵。 But in his eyes, the Xia Tian fate only has one eventually. 但在他的眼中,夏天的下场终究是只有一个的。 bo! 啵! All guards, are divided into four teams. 所有的守卫,分成四队。 In the Xia Tian surroundings. 夏天的周围。 Four brigades, each team 500,000. 四个大队,每个队伍五十万。 100,000 people of one group!! 十万人一组!! Starts to attack one after another!! 开始轮番攻击!! Rumble! 轰隆隆! The huge attack drops from the clouds. 庞大的攻击从天而降。 Xia Tian their several all cover during the attack. 夏天他们几个全都笼罩在攻击之中。 Silk thread. 丝线。 Thousand beasts directly the Xia Tian protection in the middle. 千丝兽直接将夏天保护在中间。 Qu Xi they and the others all stand in the front of gold/metal feather Great Emperor, gold/metal feather Great Emperor behind, presented a wing, golden wing directly surrounding attack surrounding in the middle. 曲溪他们等人则是全都站在金羽大帝的面前,金羽大帝的身后,出现了一对翅膀,金色的翅膀直接将周围的攻击包围在中间。 This I went on stage!!!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said. “该我上场了!!!”红凤说道。 En! 恩! Xia Tian slight nod. 夏天微微点头。 Afterward. 随后。 Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) flew directly. 红凤直接飞了出去。 Flew to the surroundings. 飞向了周围。 Surroundings dozen the attack, was cut open by Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) instantaneously. 周围打过来的攻击,瞬间被红凤切开。 This is the Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) ability. 这就是红凤的能力。 Can cut open except any strength of strength of the world. 可以切开除去世界之力的任何力量。 Smashing!! 粉碎!! Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) feather after cutting open these strengths, flew directly to the surrounding crowd. 红凤羽毛在切开这些力量之后,直接飞向了周围的人群。 ! 噗! Large quantities of deaths started to appear. 大批的死亡开始出现。 The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) place visited, the bodies of these people were all pierced. 红凤所过之处,那些人的身体全都被洞穿了。 How can like this!!!” The above military officer complexion changes. “怎么会这样!!!”上面将领脸色一变。 He absolutely does not have yes what's the matter. 他完全没明白是怎么回事。 ! 唰! Has not waited for them extremely in the surprised time. 还没等他们太过于惊讶的时候。 Xia Tian body high Gao Fei gets up: Before me, you is the ants!!” 夏天的身体高高飞起:“在我面前,你们皆是蝼蚁!!” Azure vine ring!! 青藤戒指!! The strength of Ancient!! 上古之力!! Extinguishes!!! 灭!!! The strong lethality appears in the flash, this destructive power is fearful. 强大的杀伤力在一瞬间出现,这种破坏力非常可怕。 The world as if turned into the blood-color. 天地仿佛变成了血色。 The surroundings turned into the without a gap purgatory. 周围变成了无间炼狱。 At the beginning, here person also thinks, after Xia Tian arrived here, before coped with white sheep the method to cope with them, but red cloud City Lord has used own means to prevent the Xia Tian approach. 刚开始的时候,这里的人还以为,夏天来到这里之后,会用之前对付白羊的方法来对付他们,而红云城主已经利用自己的办法阻止了夏天的做法。 Does not give Xia Tian any manufacture frightened opportunity. 不给夏天任何制造恐惧的机会。 What a pity! 可惜! Xia Tian this time, has not used persuades these people frightened. 夏天这一次,并没有利用恐惧去劝说那些人。 But launched the destructive attack directly. 而是直接发动了毁灭性的攻击。 Extinguishes to me!!!” “给我灭!!!” Strikes! 一击! Extinguishes 1 million!! 灭百万!! This, becomes everyone's nightmare, person who surroundings these watch the fun, this shadow that is regarded as their whole life. 这一幕,成为了现场所有人的噩梦,周围那些看热闹的人,将这一幕当做是他们这辈子的阴影。 Blood-color. 血色。 They can only notice that all over the sky bloody water and scatters the corpse innumerably. 他们只能看到满天的血水和无数散落尸体。 Many bloody water sprinkle on their bodies. 很多血水洒落在他们的身上。 Frightened! 恐惧! No matter red cloud City Lord what kind of control, this moment fear could not completely have controlled before, surroundings these guards were all scared. 不管之前红云城主如何的控制,这一刻的恐惧都已经完全控制不住了,周围那些守卫全都傻眼了。 But side red cloud City Lord these helpers now the vision that looks at Xia Tian seemed also looking that a monster is the same. 而红云城主身边的那些帮手现在一个个看着夏天的目光也仿佛是在看一个怪物一样。 Xia Tian stands there. 夏天站在那里。 The vision is overlooking red cloud City Lord of distant place: Today, no one can save you!!!” 目光俯视着远处的红云城主:“今天,谁也救不了你!!!” ! ! 噗!噗! Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) shuttles back and forth from the rear area. 红凤从后方穿梭回来。 Fast extinguishing kills these also in the person of god. 快速的灭杀那些还在愣神的人。 Also is gawking doing, killed him to me!!” Red cloud City Lord shouts loudly. “还愣着干什么,给我杀了他!!”红云城主大声喊道。 Kill! 杀! The surrounding these people then responded. 周围的那些人这才反应过来。 Although they feared very much, but they do not dare retreat, once retreat, that consequence is not they can undertake. 虽然他们很怕,但他们也不敢后退,一旦后退,那后果不是他们所能承担的。 But. 但。 Front Xia Tian is also very terrifying existence. 面前的夏天也是非常恐怖的存在。 !! 呼!! Has opened killed, did not have the escape route!!” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) reminder said. “已经开杀了,就没有退路了!!”红凤提醒道。 Xia Tian looked at azure vine ring on the hand: Since must set up the prestige, that comes again one time!!” 夏天看了一眼自己手上的青藤戒指:“既然要立威,那就再来一次吧!!” Azure vine ring. 青藤戒指。 The strength of Ancient!! 上古之力!! The second destructive attack appeared. 第二次毁灭性的攻击出现了。 Extinguish! 灭! Over a million people that the surroundings kill, felt instantaneously oneself fell into the without a gap purgatory, their bodies started smashing gradually. 周围杀过来的上百万人,瞬间感觉自己掉入到了无间炼狱之中,他们的身体开始渐渐的粉碎。 The blood sprinkles the sky. 鲜血洒满天空。 Part of Expert find the problem. 有一部分高手发现问题。 Fast retreat. 快速后退 Was separated this killed to incur. 脱离了这一杀招。 However. 不过。 In the front these people, was all extinguished kills. 在前面的那些人,全都被灭杀了。 2 million people of teams. 两百万人的队伍。 Is blinking is extinguished kills. 在眨眼之间就被灭杀了。 passes! 噗通! The person who surroundings these watch the fun all knelt. 周围那些看热闹的人全都跪了下来。 Their both legs cannot control themselves to kneel. 他们的双腿是控制不住自己跪下来的。 „Is this person?” The body of red cloud City Lord is also shivering, he wants to control oneself body, no matter but he how diligently, his body still in unceasing shivering. “这还是人吗?”红云城主的身体也在颤抖,他想要控制自己的身体,可不管他怎么努力,他的身体依然在不断的颤抖。
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