AS :: Volume #109

#10838: Runs away in fear revering

13 slight bows, looked later to front half a month revering: Disparity is to truly exist, will be quick you to know.” 十三微微点头,随后看向了面前的半月尊者:“差距确实是存在的,很快你就会知道了。” His body flies instantaneously. 他的身体瞬间飞起。 Afterward strokes. 随后一击打出。 Come good, this truly sees the disparity best way!!” Half a month revering is also satisfied 13 this attacks. “来的好,这确实是看出差距最好的办法!!”半月尊者也非常满意十三这次的攻击。 Their ranks differ not much, he is also the revering ten levels of people. 他们两个的等级是相差不多的,他也是尊者十级的人。 At this time. 这个时候。 Must look that the world rank of whose cultivation was high. 就要看谁修炼的世界等级高了。 He believes, front person is the person of eighth side, although has not used the golden big ring sampler. 他认为,面前这个人就是第八方的人,虽然没有使用金色大环刀。 But also possibly is other eighth side revering. 但也可能是别的第八方尊者。 So long as is the eighth side, cultivation is almost the low world. 只要是第八方的,修炼的几乎都是低等世界。 These person and he competes the proof the impulse, will definitely be struck to fly by his one move, the disparity will appear instantaneously, when the time comes the opposite party will also give way before difficulties, even apologized. 这些人和他比拼证明的冲击力,肯定会被他一招击飞,差距瞬间就会出现,到时候对方也就会知难而退,甚至道歉了。 All ideas that perfect. 一切的想法都是那么的完美。 Bang! 砰! Two people attacks pound in the same place. 两人的攻击砸在一起的时候。 The powerful strength struck to fly half a month revering instantaneously. 强大的力量瞬间将半月尊者击飞了出去。 How possibly?” Complexion of half a month revering changes. “怎么可能?”半月尊者的脸色一变。 In his mind. 在他的印象中。 Should be the opposite party is struck to fly by him to be right. 应该是对方被他击飞出去才对。 But now. 可现在。 Same Realm. 相同的境界 Own unexpectedly was struck to fly by the opposite party. 自己居然被对方击飞了出去。 This showed, the method rank of opposite party cultivation, are high: Is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, a person of eighth side, how possibly has such high-grade world!!” 这就证明,对方修炼的方法等级,比自己还高:“不可能,这绝对不可能的,一个第八方的人,怎么可能有这么高等级的世界!!” „Aren't you clear?” 13 asked. “你还不明白吗?”十三问道。 Complexion of half a month revering changes: Your cultivation is not the strength of the world!!” 半月尊者的脸色一变:“你修炼的不是世界之力!!” He responded finally. 他终于反应过来了。 You were also one become famous revering, if you really wanted to give him to be buried along with the dead, I had no words to say, but if you want to live, now rolls, from now henceforth, looks on the mask leads summer character the person, around walking, will otherwise certainly kill you next time!!!” Saying of ten three coldly. “你也是一个成名尊者了,如果你真的想要给他陪葬的话,那我没什么话可说,但如果你想活,现在就滚,从今以后,看着面具上带着夏字的人,绕着走,不然下次一定杀了你!!!”十三冷冷的说道。 This is a warning. 这是一种警告。 The opposite party after all are revering. 对方毕竟是一个尊者。 Revering is different regarding the significance of this world. 尊者对于这个世界的意义不一样。 Senior Brother, you have no alternative but to manage my Ah!!” The bright moon honorable person quickly said. 师兄,你不能不管我啊!!”皓月真人急忙说道。 He now also some fears. 他现在也有些恐惧了。 The opposite party are not only revering. 对方不但是尊者。 Moreover also wants formidable compared with his Senior Brother. 而且比他师兄还要强悍 This matter is not he can imagine. 这种事情不是他所能想象的。 Puts my Junior Brother horse!!” Half a month revering quickly said. “放我师弟一马吧!!”半月尊者急忙说道。 You must consider, we let off him, only if he announces to the public now, he is separated from a day of clan, once he is separated from a day of clan, on that day the clan will certainly retaliate him, retaliates him and his side everyone, when the time comes, you must be on the run with him.” 13 give the opportunity that half a month revering chose. “你要考虑好,我们放过他,除非他现在对外宣布,他脱离天族,而一旦他脱离天族的话,那天族一定会报复他,报复他和他身边的所有人,到时候,你也要一起和他亡命天涯。”十三给了半月尊者一个自己选择的机会。 If he must help the bright moon honorable person. 如果他要帮皓月真人的话。 His own life destroyed. 那他自己的人生就毁了。 Chooses anything. 选什么。 Finally is different. 结果就是不同的。 Senior Brother, elects me, we are on the run, we can go to domain Ah! of immortal beast clan!” The bright moon honorable person quickly said. 师兄,选我,我们去亡命天涯啊,我们可以去仙兽一族的地盘啊!!”皓月真人急忙说道。 His wish makes his Senior Brother elect him!! 他想要让他师兄选他!! Half a month revering hesitated. 半月尊者犹豫了。 Because , he once elected, represents him to all that gives up the present having, including his position, his life, moreover person who has the relations with him , must be involved. 因为,他一旦选了,就代表他要放弃自己现在拥有的一切,包括他的地位,他的人生,而且跟他有关系的人,也全都要受到牵连。 Such consequence, is he cannot undertake. 这样的后果,是他承担不起的。 Senior Brother, you cannot hesitant Ah!!” Bright moon honorable person anxious saying. 师兄,你不能犹豫啊!!”皓月真人焦急的说道。 He was anxious. 他急了。 His Senior Brother unexpectedly hesitates. 师兄居然在犹豫。 For these years, his Senior Brother never hesitant. 这么多年来,他师兄从来都没有犹豫过。 But now. 可现在。 His Senior Brother unexpectedly hesitated. 师兄居然犹豫了。 Half a month revering clenches teeth: At the worst spelled, your I am revering, the power gap is not too big, if really spells, our here people are many, the victory and defeat no one could control.” 半月尊者咬了咬牙:“大不了拼了,你我都是尊者,实力差距不是太大,如果真的拼起来,我们这边人多,胜负谁也控制不了。” He is threatening 13 obviously, he believes, both sides are revering, really hits, don't 13 fear death? 他显然是在威胁十三,他认为,双方都是尊者,真的打起来,十三难道就不怕死吗? If he really goes all out, who could die. 如果他真的拼命的话,那谁都可能会死。 Therefore. 所以。 He started to threaten 13. 他开始威胁起了十三。 Your meaning is, you planned that goes all out with us?” 13 thought that very laughable, he in their teams, is setting the base existed, finally opposite party unexpectedly also dares to say with the words that they go all out. “你的意思是,你打算跟我们拼命?”十三觉得非常可笑啊,他在他们这个队伍里面,算是垫底的存在了,结果对方居然还敢说出和他们拼命的话。 Right, I must preserve my Junior Brother!!” Half a month revering said. “没错,我一定要保住我师弟!!”半月尊者说道。 This time bright moon honorable person is also very affected. 此时的皓月真人也是非常感动啊。 Simultaneously at heart feeling, before oneself these to oneself Senior Brother these resources, have not really given for nothing, his Senior Brother essential time, really powerful. 同时心里感慨,自己之前的那些给自己师兄的那些资源,是真的没白给啊,他师兄关键的时候,也是真的给力啊。 You felt, you do have that qualifications?” 13 asked. “你觉得,你有那个资格吗?”十三问道。 „Did you say?” Half a month revering release own imposing manner. “你说呢?”半月尊者释放出了自己的气势。 However. 不过。 That moment when his imposing manner presents, Xia Tian and the others also all released oneself imposing manner. 当他的气势出现的那一刻,夏天等人也全都释放出了自己的气势。 That moment that the huge imposing manner presents. 庞大的气势出现的那一刻。 The surrounding all as if were been same by the thorough steamroll. 周围的一切都仿佛被彻底的碾压了一样。 Revering. 尊者。 Half a month revering in this moment, feels is the aura of revering, front these people, almost all are revering. 半月尊者在这一刻,感受到的全都是尊者的气息,面前的这些人,几乎全都是尊者。 This news makes him feel terrifying Ah!! 这个消息可是让他感觉到恐怖啊! I half a month revering this moment feared. “我”半月尊者这一刻是怕了。 Because the imposing manner goes to half a month revering, therefore the bright moon honorable person had not felt that what imposing manner, he sees appearance of half a month revering, is quickly said: „The advantage that Senior Brother, for these years, I gain, is divided you 30%, you cannot forget me now.” 因为气势是冲着半月尊者去的,所以皓月真人并没有感觉到什么气势,他看到半月尊者的样子,也是急忙说道:“师兄,这么多年来,我获得的好处,都分你30%,你现在可不能忘了我啊。” Junior Brother, I also protected your so many years, if not I, you can be here eldest child? Can such a long time no one dare to annoy you? I for you, killed many people, offended many people, this time, you should also be Senior Brother work, holds on to the last!!” After half a month revering said that turn around leaves directly. 师弟,我也护了你这么多年啊,如果不是我的话,你能一直做这里的老大吗?能这么长时间没人敢惹你吗?我为了你,杀了多少人,得罪了多少人,这一次,你也该为师兄做点事情了吧,坚持到底!!”半月尊者说完之后,转身直接离开。 Walks in a transmission direction. 向着传送阵的方向走去。 This transmission, only transmits to his domain. 这个传送阵,只传送到他的地盘。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! When he disappears, transmission ruined. 当他消失的时候,传送阵毁掉了。 This showed, was half a month revering ruined that side transmission. 这就证明,是半月尊者毁掉了那边的传送。 He has made the decision. 他已经做出了决定。 Thorough and bright moon honorable person broke off the relations. 彻底的和皓月真人断绝了关系。 Feared. 怕了。 He really feared, before he also liked being so unyielding , because he felt that opposite party also one revering, both sides spell at the worst, making the opposite party know they are not affable was OK. 他是真的怕了,之前他还爱那么硬气,就是因为他感觉对方也就一个尊者,大不了双方拼一下,让对方知道他们不是好惹的就可以了。 But now. 可现在。 He sees all revering, moreover aura are huge, is not he can contend. 他看到的全都是尊者,而且一个个气息庞大,根本就不是他所能抗衡的。 If really must spell. 如果真的要拼一下。 He will be extinguished by these people instantaneously kills. 他瞬间就会被这些人灭杀啊。 Ignorant! 懵了! Bright moon honorable person thorough was ignorant, just started, his Senior Brother added that must help his, but now, his Senior Brother unexpectedly runs like this. 皓月真人彻底的懵了,刚开始,他的师兄还说要帮他的,可现在,他的师兄居然就这样跑了。 13 looked at Xia Tian. 十三看了一眼夏天 Xia Tian slight nod: You are first!!” 夏天微微点头:“你是第一个!!” ! 噗! The body of Xia Tian moves. 夏天的身体一动。 The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) instantaneous feather flew instantaneously. 红凤瞬间的羽毛瞬间飞了出去。 Slaughtered starts!! 杀戮开始了!! Since has made war. 既然已经开战了。 That must extinguish kills these people. 那就要灭杀这些人。 Slayer, Xia Tian!!!” “杀人者,夏天!!!” Xia Tian after handling all these, left behind the huge typeface on the mountain. 夏天在搞定了这一切之后,在山上留下了巨大的字体。 He should have many wealth!!” 13 said. “他应该有不少的财富吧!!”十三说道。
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