AHBC :: Volume #11

#1071: Confuses war Satan born

The Qin Feng strength was too strong, just an admission, cut to kill one after another reveres the powerhouse of dark camp much, causes many powerhouses to look askance to him, even demon and hell the good fortune control of cast the vision. 秦风的实力太强了,以至于刚一入场,就接连斩杀多尊黑暗阵营的强者,引得诸多强者对他侧目,甚至还有魔界和地狱的造化主宰投来了目光。 Does not have him, so may be called the easily accomplished general slaughtering speed extremely be really astonishing simply, makes the stage of perfection control is not not possible in such a short time to obtain such big victory commonly, cuts powerhouse who adds up totals ten immortal and eternal boundaries. 无他,这般简直堪称摧枯拉朽一般的杀戮速度实在太过惊人,寻常造化境主宰都不可能在这么短的时间内取得这么大的战果,斩杀数十尊不朽和永恒境的强者。 It is not the Qin Feng strength making the stage of perfection control is stronger , because he restrained aura from the beginning, hid the true strength, making the powerhouses of dark camp have the miscarriage of justice to him, regarded ordinary eternal him, finally this fought had the problem. 并非秦风的实力比造化境主宰还强,而是因为他从一开始就收敛了身上气息,隐藏了真正的实力,让黑暗阵营的强者对他产生了误判,将他当成了普通的永恒,结果这一交手就出现了问题。 Dozens years ago Qin Feng has the strength of half-step good fortune powerhouse, at the present his Innate body has become, regardless of the strength or the potential were more tyrannical than previously, the battle efficiency rises dramatically. 数十年前秦风就已经有了半步造化强者的实力,而今他先天道体已成,无论实力还是潜力都比早先更加强横,战斗力更是飙升。 Especially a Innate body brought the infinite advantage to him, did not say that with body achievement Innate naturally derives, but these unsurpassed divine ability, merely with the induction that the Great Dao principle agrees with, can make him take more advantages in the cultivation, in the fight can also keener borrows the strength of Great Dao principle. 尤其是先天道体给他带来了无穷的好处,不说随着道体成就先天自然衍生而出的那些无上神通,仅仅跟大道法则更为契合的感应,就能让他在修炼上占到更多的便宜,在战斗的时候也能更加敏锐的借用大道法则之力。 At this moment whether there is his graces perform the prestige energy, takes his time cultivating as to add on «World Junction again Drafts strength in addition that Yin-Yang Greatly Sad Tax» brings to hold, in fact has exceeded the common half-step good fortune, the strength pursued the true good fortune control. 此刻他举手投足就有无尽威能,以他此时的修为再加上《天地交征阴阳大悲赋》带来的战力加持,实际上已经超越了寻常的半步造化,战力直追真正的造化主宰。 In these circumstances these demon clan immortal hells eternal regard the same level opponent him, unexpected under naturally can by his easily steamroll. 在这样的情况下那些魔族不朽地狱永恒将他当成同级对手,猝不及防下自然会被他轻易碾压。 He is quite deceitful, makes a move to emit the aura each time is only higher than an appearance compared with the opposite party, stirs up other demon and hell the powerhouses to think that he is also mediocre, but goes well while the opponent unprepared by luck, thus tempted more powerhouses to swallow the bait. 偏偏他还颇为奸诈,每次出手都只是将气息放出仅比对方高出一线的样子,惹得其他魔界、地狱的强者以为他也不过如此,只是趁着对手不备才侥幸得手,从而引诱了更多的强者上钩。 Otherwise if he exposes the tyrannical strength from the beginning, is absolutely impossible so easily to cut to kill to be immortal and eternal. 否则他若是从一开始就展露出自己强横的实力,绝对不可能这般轻易斩杀不朽和永恒。 Do not say that was he, even if made the stage of perfection control is not not possible, so long as because these powerhouses got up dreaded the heart, the gathering near will not slaughter with the opposite party absolutely, on the contrary faced a more powerful opponent is careful, moreover by the ability of immortal and eternal boundary powerhouse, chose roaming fight to flee, can delay the time waiting rescue, where so will easily be cut. 不要说是他了,就算是造化境主宰也不可能,因为只要这些强者起了忌惮之心,就绝对不会凑到近前跟对方厮杀,相反面对越强大的对手就越是小心谨慎,而且以不朽和永恒境强者的本领,无论是选择游斗还是遁逃,都能拖延时间等待救援,哪里会这般轻易被斩。 Previously was these demon and hell the powerhouses of does not know that his details, this was occupied such big small advantage by him. 先前也就是那些魔界和地狱的强者不知道他的底细,这才被他占了这么大的便宜。 However waits for him after the easily accomplished type cut to kill dozens powerhouses one after another, these powerhouses of dark camp may not be the fools, how not to have known that he is playing the role of the pig to eat the tiger. 不过等他以摧枯拉朽之式接连斩杀了数十尊强者以后,黑暗阵营的那些强者可都不是傻子,如何还不知道他在扮猪吃老虎。 Therefore after waiting for Qin Feng to cut to kill again was eternal, will make persistent efforts, actually front suddenly discovers, the powerhouses of nearby all dark camps are far away instantaneously, a big region only has he himself! 于是等秦风再次斩杀了一尊永恒以后,正要再接再厉,却是突然发现面前一空,附近所有的黑暗阵营的强者瞬间远离,偌大的一片区域就仅剩下他自己! „......” “……” He blinks, looked that is avoiding his demon powerhouse to the distant place rapidly, saying that suddenly chuckle, teased in a tone with: „ Has heard the dark camp three Great World powerhouses to be innumerable, the fight is savage, is to make ten thousand boundary/world hear it trembles ominous exists horizontally. 他眨了眨眼睛,看向远处正在迅速躲避他的魔界强者,突然轻笑一声,语带调侃的说道:“早就听闻黑暗阵营三大世界强者无数,战斗凶残,乃是让万界闻之震颤的凶横存在。 Has not thought that meets to might as well be well-known, now including with an opponent of my war unexpectedly does not have directly, disappoints Qin quite seriously! 没想到见面不如闻名,如今竟然连跟我正面一战的对手都没有,当真让秦某好生失望! Hehe, in the past often heard life from all walks of life to flatter the demon army is how fierce, the abyss powerhouse is how tyrannical, the hell life is how ruthless spicy, now looks like actually also no more than so! 嘿嘿,以往经常听到各界生灵吹捧魔界大军是多么勇猛,深渊强者是多么强横,地狱生灵是多么狠辣,现在看来却也不过如此! tai, blue sky Qin Feng here, do the dark camp three Great World which powerhouses come to grant instruction? ” 呔,碧落秦风在此,黑暗阵营三大世界哪位强者前来赐教?” The voice falls, the Qin Feng whole person imposing manner is released externally, fierce unparalleled, the vision looks in all directions, the powerhouses of place of dark camp looking withdraws all! 话音一落,秦风整个人气势外放,凶猛无双,目光四顾,所望之处黑暗阵营的强者无不退后! His these words language spreads over the entire battlefield, making both sides within trillion li (0.5 km) all hear clearly, clear. 他这番话语传遍整个战场,让亿万里之内的敌我双方全都听了个清清楚楚,明明白白。 Especially that side demon and hell and abyss army, are hear clearly, making them think that does not listen difficultly. 尤其是魔界、地狱和深渊大军那边,更是入耳清晰,让他们想不听都难。 The expression that Qin Feng said intentionally, was to attack the morale of these dark camp armies, damaged the confidence of three big dark world powerhouses, making them have the awe to the blue sky. 秦风故意说出的这番言辞,就是要打击这些黑暗阵营大军的士气,打击三大黑暗世界强者的信心,让他们对碧落生出敬畏。 Especially powerhouse, so long as in the heart saved the scruples, will be affected imperceptibly. 尤其是强者,只要心中存了顾忌,无形中就会受到影响。 Once the morale is damaged, under the battle efficiency will drop imperceptibly, is in inverse proportion, will make a blue sky side fight intent to be even more soaring, perhaps the time will grow will suppress the opposite party in the overall imposing manner. 一旦士气受损,战斗力无形中就会下降,此消彼长之下,就会让碧落一方战意愈发高昂,时间长了说不定就会在整体气势上压制对方。 Although the powerhouses of dark camp come in Mojie, hell and abyss this and other in the middle of the brutal environment, but they can cultivation until now boundary, survives the innumerable years later, naturally cannot these truth. 黑暗阵营的强者虽然出身于魔界、地狱以及深渊这等残酷的环境当中,但他们能够修炼到如今的境界,存活无数岁月下来,自然不会不懂这些道理。 Understands to turn over, suddenly also really has no race powerhouse to dare with a Qin Feng war, after all this time Qin Feng imposing manner is extremely tyrannical, no one dares to say the victory, can only visit him on the scene to play the power and prestige helplessly! 只是懂归懂,一时间还真就没有哪个种族的强者胆敢出来与秦风一战,毕竟此时的秦风气势太过强横,没有谁敢言胜,只能眼睁睁的看着他在场中耍威风! However the powerhouses of dark camp over, the blue sky one will not let up this excellent opportunity only then, immediately immediately some people say accordingly: Beast Controlling Sect Qin fellow daoist strength unparalleled, far ultra demon and hell and abyss powerhouse there are numerous similar cases, the generations of these timids as a rabbit always only knew the humiliation to be small and weak, where dares to fight with the Qin fellow daoist!” 不过黑暗阵营的强者不出头,碧落一方可不会放过这个大好的机会,当下立刻就有人应声说道:“御兽宗的秦道友战力无双,远超魔界、地狱以及深渊强者不知凡几,这些胆小如鼠之辈向来只知道欺凌弱小,哪里敢跟秦道友争锋!” Ha haha...... good, dark camp three Great World say to revere absurdly, that is because they had not met my blue sky in the past, how otherwise to turn to obtain them to be unreasonable! “哈哈哈……不错,黑暗阵营三大世界妄自称尊,那是因为他们以往没有遇到我碧落,否则如何轮得到他们耍横! This attack, under so many leadership of good fortune control also suspicious sneak attacks, does not dare to make war with our blue sky army truly directly, from this conceivable this so-called three Great World are they blows own horn, with defending three Great World of foreword camp compares also has a distance. ” 就连这次进攻,在这么多造化主宰的带领下都还偷偷摸摸的进行偷袭,不敢真正跟我们碧落大军正面开战,由此可以想象这所谓的三大世界不过是他们自吹自擂,跟守序阵营的三大世界相比都还有一段距离。” Overwhelming academy mountain long Meng Haoran laughs, he is the Confucian says the big energy worthily, the spoken language is generally sharp like the blade edge, at this moment displays the scholar sharp-tongued ability: „ Sorcerer Great World and allied armies of bright god had been routed by us, dark camp three Great World also can only use these small tricks to take some advantages covertly, if really courageous, what to fear does wrestle with us directly? 浩然书院山长孟浩然哈哈大笑,他不愧是儒道大能,言语如同刀锋一般锐利,此刻更是将读书人言辞犀利的本领发挥出来:“巫师大世界和光明神界的联军已经被我们击溃,黑暗阵营三大世界也就只能偷偷摸摸的使用这些小伎俩来占些便宜,若是真有胆量的话,何惧跟我们正面一搏? Hehe, the Qin fellow daoist strength was tyrannical they not to dare you to fight, what kind of Meng didn't have the opponent? ” 嘿嘿,秦道友实力强横他们不敢于你争锋也就罢了,怎的孟某这边也没有了对手?” Another side Mechanism City lord adheres stubbornly to the gauge similar tone to be heroic: Adheres stubbornly to the gauge here, demon which powerhouse is willing to come to grant instruction!” 另一边的机关城主墨守规同样语气豪迈:“墨守规在此,魔界哪位强者愿意前来赐教!” Just, this Mechanism City main spoke these words language again time, figure actually among several hundred mechanism/organization puppets, protected solid, although nearby him had demon clan powerhouses stimulated to angrily roar to throw, finally immediately falls into among several hundred puppets, the moment was ripped the fragment by many puppets merely. 只不过,这位机关城主再说这番话语的时候,身形却是处于数百具机关傀儡中间,被保护的严严实实,虽然他附近有一尊魔族强者受激不过怒吼一声扑了上去,结果立刻就陷入了数百具傀儡当中,仅仅片刻就被诸多傀儡撕成碎片。 The present adhering stubbornly gauge may differ from the past, particularly after building up to melt the source fragment, not only the magical skill cultivated/repaired to rise suddenly to cultivate the eternal peak directly, this life mechanism/organization puppets were tyrannical unparalleled, wanted the tyrannical big truncation compared with his main body strength, encircled under the assistances of other puppets kills an ordinary demon clan eternal is really not the difficult matter. 如今的墨守规可不同以往,尤其是在炼化了本源碎片以后,不仅道行修为暴涨直接修炼到了永恒巅峰,本命机关傀儡更是强横无双,比他的本体战力还要强横一大截,在其他傀儡的辅佐下围杀一尊普通魔族永恒还真不算难事。 Another side Five Poisons Cult main also wants to follow the example, speaks the ridicule, but his here scene is scarier, trillion gu insects buzz cry, but also really few powerhouses dare to speak the last words with him. 另一边的五毒教主也想有样学样,出言讥讽,只不过他这边的场景更加骇人,亿万蛊虫嗡鸣,还真没有几个强者胆敢跟他叫板。 Suddenly the battlefield fell into the middle of the strange atmosphere, although elsewhere fights has not stood still as before, but the imposing manner of both sides presented the transformation imperceptibly. 一时间战场陷入了诡异的气氛当中,虽然别处打斗依旧没有停歇,但是敌我双方的气势无形中就出现了转变。 However demon, hell and abyss eventually are Great World, the powerhouse are innumerable, not all powerhouses fear the opponent, even if many devils after growing become more deceitful, but the cruel generation still has many, quick has the stimulated powerhouse to angrily roar to make noise, they throws toward Qin Feng. 不过魔界、地狱和深渊终究是大世界,其中强者无数,也并非所有强者都惧怕对手,即便很多恶魔在成长起来后变得更加狡诈,但是其中残暴之辈也有不少,很快就有受激不过的强者怒吼出声,朝着秦风他们扑去。 Even if independent one is not an opponent, they can still send out many powerhouse joint attacks, regardless of right now Qin Feng adheres stubbornly to the gauge and Five Poisons Cult to advocate them, is impossible to win in a short time. 即便单独一个不是对手,他们也可以派出多位强者联手进攻,这下子无论秦风还是墨守规、五毒教主他们,都不可能在短时间内取胜。 But Qin Feng is most special, several eternal late-stage or peak demon and hell powerhouse launched besieging to him together. 只不过秦风这边最为特殊,几尊永恒后期或者巅峰的魔界和地狱强者一起对他展开了围攻。 This does not have the matter of means that the quantity was small is not an opponent, but the quantity were many, although can fight, the imposing manner of but previously being suppressed was very difficult to promote, only if they can cut to kill Qin Feng. 这也是没有办法的事情,数量少了不是对手,只不过数量多了虽然能够战斗,但先前被打压下来的气势却很难在提升回去,除非他们能够斩杀了秦风 However, this is impossible! 不过,这不可能! Although Qin Feng faces several eternal powerhouses simultaneously, but he has not actually dreaded, instead laughs, once for a while spoke to play tricks on several, further suppressed the opposite party imposing manner by this. 虽然秦风同时面对数尊永恒强者,但他却没有丝毫畏惧,反而哈哈大笑,时不时的就出言戏弄几句,以此来进一步打压对方气势。 But in the fight he is tyrannical incomparable, exceeded the tyrannical strength of half-step good fortune to make him simply fearless, hoodwinks the public, duplicate, evolved the Yin-Yang, isolated the life and death. 而在战斗上他更是强横无比,超越了半步造化的强横实力让他简直毫无畏惧,一手遮天,一手覆地,演化阴阳,隔绝生死。 Yin-Yang big grinding pan, although does not have the ghost ancestor's card saying that the Spirit Treasure six samsara compass might are tyrannical, but can also camouflage the surrounding area ten million/countless in place, that several eternal suppression is unable to display full power, can only carry his strength of suppression to attack unceasingly. 阴阳大磨盘一出,虽然没有鬼祖的证道灵宝六道轮回天盘威力强横,但也能遮蔽方圆千万里之地,将那几尊永恒压制的无法全力发挥,只能扛着他的镇压之力不断进攻。 The Qin Feng method is many, nine jack-o'-lantern flame dragon once for a while finding out heads, will also depart the individual action, finally was summons under nine big spirit beast to join besieging. 偏偏秦风手段多多,身后还有九条鬼火炎龙时不时的探出头颅,甚至还会飞出单独作战,最后更是召唤出了麾下九大灵兽加入了围攻。 He gets the winning side, making several powerhouses of dark camp be somewhat hard to contend, at this moment had/left nine strengths to endure compared with eternal powerful spirit beast, immediately made them be hard to support, finally 11 was cut to kill by Qin Feng. 原本他就已经占据了上风,让黑暗阵营的几尊强者有些难以抗衡,此刻又多出了九尊战力堪比永恒的强大灵兽,顿时就让他们难以支撑,最终被秦风一一斩杀。 Thus, in a powerhouse heart of dark camp side even more shocks, Qin Feng after cutting to kill the opponent to start the full battlefield to walk randomly, his speed was extremely fast, displayed the pinnacle Horizon Close at Hand unsurpassed divine ability, among can stretch across trillion li (0.5 km) away, appearance suddenly intended to attack in some powerhouse, the opposite party was really also hard to contend with his attack. 由此一来,黑暗阵营一方的强者心中愈发震撼,偏偏秦风在斩杀了对手以后就开始满战场游走,他速度极快,将天涯咫尺无上神通施展到了极致,一步间就能横跨亿万里之遥,冷不丁的出现在某位强者近前出手袭击,对方还真难以抗衡他的进攻。 Then, entire battlefield in Qin Feng once for a while appearance in somewhere, stirs a dark camp Fang Qiang everybody feels insecure right now left, all when fights with other blue sky powerhouses kept several points of careful, for fear that by Qin Feng suddenly near body. 就这样,整个战场在秦风的忽左忽右时不时的出现在某处,搅得黑暗阵营一方强者人人自危,全都在跟其他碧落强者战斗的时候留了几分小心,唯恐被秦风突然近身。 Even many fellows because of a Qin Feng look, but anxious, gave up occupying the winning side aspect to turn around to flee. 甚至还有不少家伙因为秦风的一个眼神而紧张不已,放弃了原本占据上风的局面转身逃离。 The battlefield went haywire from this, blue sky Fang Qiang seizes the chance to cause heavy losses very much cuts to kill the powerhouses of many dark camp, the balance of victory gradually inclined toward a blue sky side. 战场由此陷入混乱,碧落一方强者趁机很是重创斩杀了不少黑暗阵营的强者,胜利的天平逐渐朝着碧落一方倾斜。 The powerhouses of dark camp were not concerted, on the contrary overwhelming majorities have the cunning psychology, at this moment must powerful incomparable and unzoned powerhouse attacks facing one in the expedition everywhere, confusing own situations was very normal. 原本黑暗阵营的强者就不心齐,相反绝大多数还都有着诡诈的心理,此刻在征战的时候还要面对一尊强大无比且不受限制的强者到处袭击,自乱阵脚就很正常了。 Saw that the battlefield is even more chaotic, Qin Feng is even more rampant, dark camp side Zhujian had the weak sign, when must fall into the aspect of defeating, the distant place raised suddenly a huge incomparable fluctuation, a huge incomparable Demon God empty shadow appears in the universe is void! 眼看着战场愈发混乱,秦风愈发嚣张,黑暗阵营一方逐渐出现了不支的迹象,就要陷入战败的局面时,远处突然升起了一股庞大无比的波动,一尊庞大无比的魔神虚影浮现在宇宙虚空! Snort, one crowd of waste!” “哼,一群废物!” That huge Demon God empty shadow imitates like the livelihood is enormous and powerful, is huge like the galaxy, although is only the illusory form, but actually as if can swallow the galaxy, steps on the broken livelihood, the end tyrannical boundless. 那尊庞大的魔神虚影彷如日月般浩荡,如同星河般庞大,虽然只是虚幻身影,但却仿佛能够吞噬星河,踩碎日月,端的强横无边。 His that imitates such as the black hole common eye to look to the battlefield, but also shot a look at one on Qin Feng specially: So many powerhouses go to battle, cannot take the blue sky, unexpectedly also by one small eternal confusing war, is seriously useless!” 他那彷如黑洞一般的眼睛看向战场,还特意在秦风身上瞥了一眼:“这么多强者出征,没能拿下碧落也就罢了,竟然还被一个小小的永恒给搅乱了战局,当真没用!” Demon lord!” “魔主!” Big fiendish person!” “大魔王!” After one group of demon clan powerhouses see that huge Demon God form, immediately an eye of reveal is frantic. 一群魔族强者看到那尊庞大的魔神身影后,顿时目露狂热。 Although was reproven by opposite party one, making them feel to feel ashamed, but does not have the slight rebuttal. 虽然被对方一通训斥,让他们感到脸上无光,但是却没有丝毫的反驳。 Because, this is the strongest control of demon, the demon largest fiendish person- Satan! 因为,这是魔界的最强主宰,魔界第一大魔王-撒旦!
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