AHBC :: Volume #11

#1067: Captures the tail feathers suppression bird ancestor

The phoenix first ancestor fans the pair of wings, discharges the endless flame, drove back many big energies from the battlefield actually, making the both sides completely all hurry to retrocede, not only confused the big piece battlefield, making many powerhouses of sorcerer alliance flee while this opportunity, but also made blue sky regiments of side many chasing down come under the influence. 不死鸟始祖扇动双翼,施放出无尽火焰,硬是从战场上逼退了诸多大能,让敌我双方尽皆慌忙后退,不仅搅乱了大片战场,让巫师联盟的不少强者趁此机会逃离,还使得碧落一方不少追杀的军团受到了影响。 She is intentionally so, the goal is to make the sorcerer alliance be able little to lose some powerhouses as far as possible, after all she also expected, can have the one day of counter-attacking the blue sky! 她是故意如此,目的就是为了尽可能的让巫师联盟能够少损失一些强者,毕竟她还期望以后能有反攻碧落的一日! At least is also good with the aid of the strength elimination phoenix regiment of sorcerer alliance. 最起码也得借助巫师联盟的力量消灭凤凰军团才行。 Otherwise has a phoenix clan to exist, making her really sleep on pins and needles! 否则有凤凰一族存在,让她实在寝食难安! When the phoenix first ancestor stirs up recklessly the flame confuses the battlefield, although many powerhouses chose the avoidance, is not willing to be able the upfront to spell with this good fortune greatly hardly, but always has the accident/surprise! 只是,就在不死鸟始祖肆意煽动火焰搅乱战场的时候,虽然很多强者选择了退避,不愿跟她这位造化大能正面硬拼,但其中总有意外! For example Li Miaozhen! 譬如李妙真 She was fighting with an eternal sorcerer, must make heavy losses to the opponent shortly at the scene, must solve this archenemy time, suddenly was disrupted her fight rhythm by the phoenix first ancestor flame together, compelling her to make the defense, finally is actually will soon seize the chance to flee by that eternal sorcerer who she will cause heavy losses, making her waste the half-day strength in vain. 她原本正在跟一尊永恒巫师战斗,眼看就要将对手当场重创,就要解决这尊大敌的时候,冷不丁的被不死鸟始祖一道火焰打乱了她的战斗节奏,逼得她不得不做出防御,结果原本即将被她重创的那尊永恒巫师却是趁机逃离,让她白白的浪费了半天力气。 Saw commonly eternal at this time is displaying the flame the phoenix first ancestor who crazily tries to flee, decides however does not dare to go forward to stop rashly, for fear that was injured by this good fortune, but when has Li Miaozhen dreaded the opponent? 寻常永恒见到此时正疯狂施展火焰试图逃离的不死鸟始祖,定然不敢冒然上前阻拦,唯恐被这尊造化打伤,但是李妙真什么时候畏惧过对手? Especially recently absorbed massive Innate vitalities, refine to melt the source fragment, causing the strength to rise sharply, the strength is not weak in the eternal peak, if list striking power, but must stronger several points! 尤其是最近吸收了大量的先天元气,又炼化了本源碎片,导致实力大涨,实力已经不弱于永恒巅峰,若是单以攻击力而言,还要更强几分! After all she is always that type can display the pinnacle the strength, even exceeds existence of limit, is not these has a strong strength spatially, actually lacks strikes to the killer section powerhouse be able to compare! 毕竟她从来都是那种能将力量发挥到极致,甚至超越自身极限的存在,可不是那些空有一身强大的实力,却缺乏一击必杀手段的强者所能比拟! In recent years her magical skill cultivates to rise suddenly repeatedly, is the self-confident time, where is willing to eat up such big owing, therefore angry under of a blade anger will display the limit, grasped White Tiger Blade to divide directly to the body of phoenix first ancestor. 近些年来她的道行修为一再暴涨,正是自信满满的时候,哪里愿意吃得下这么大的亏,于是恼怒之下就将怒之一刀施展到了极限,手持白虎刀直接劈向了不死鸟始祖的身躯。 Is acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner to spray the flame to attempt the phoenix first ancestor who breaks through the front battlefield to probably flee, but also has not really thought that some people dare to provoke itself at this time, is in the heart annoyed! 正在旁若无人喷洒火焰试图冲破前方战场欲要逃离的不死鸟始祖,还真没想到有人敢在这个时候招惹自己,也是心中恼火! A first ancestor of her solemn phoenix clan, once was also the powerhouse who this side Xingyu no one dares to annoy vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, was good fortune peak that First Layer time existence, even if suffers the backlash strength to slide now, but was not casual one eternal can offend. 她堂堂不死鸟一族的始祖,曾经也是纵横这方星域无人敢惹的强者,是造化巅峰那一层次的存在,即便现在遭受反噬实力下滑,但也不是随便一个永恒就能冒犯的。 Under the support of anger in heart, as well as behind to throw away as soon as possible that vermilion bird, the phoenix first ancestor naturally cannot rub gently fights with the eternal powerhouse, prepares to rout it at one fell swoop, otherwise really must be delayed, will definitely be bitten to need to spend a bigger price by the vermilion bird stubbornly to withdraw! 在心中怒意的支撑下,以及为了尽快甩脱身后那头朱雀,不死鸟始祖自然不会磨磨蹭蹭的跟永恒强者战斗,就准备将其一举击溃,否则真要被耽搁下来,肯定会被朱雀死死咬住需要花费更大的代价才有可能脱身! Therefore in her mouth sounded, the opens the mouth spouts within the body accumulated to raise the innumerable years the source flame. 于是她口中鸣叫一声,张口喷出了体内蕴养无数岁月的本源火焰。 This is to make stage of perfection powerhouse accumulated to raise the innumerable year of god fire, really must be burnt the body by this type of flame, even if same level will make the stage of perfection powerhouse still to be seriously injured, let alone will be Li Miaozhen! 这可是造化境强者蕴养无数年的神火,真要被这种火焰烧到了身上,即便同级造化境强者也会身受重伤,何况是李妙真 However Li Miaozhen has not actually revealed any color of fear, on the contrary in her eye pupil flashes through an exciting war intent unexpectedly! 不过李妙真却也没有露出任何的畏惧之色,相反她的眼眸中居然闪过一丝兴奋的战意! Only has to more powerful existence challenge, can stimulate in her heart most exuberant war intent, stimulates the strongest potential, thus makes the progress! 唯有向更强大的存在挑战,才能激发起她心中最旺盛的战意,激发自身最强大的潜力,从而获得进步! Therefore at this moment she, not only has not looked like dreads the retreat that the phoenix first ancestor thinks like that instead the person blade unites, fuses together with White Tiger Blade instantaneously, seems like a human form long blade to divide to cut toward the phoenix first ancestor by far probably. 所以这一刻她非但没有像不死鸟始祖所想的那般畏惧后退,反而人刀合一,瞬间和白虎刀融为一体,远远地看上去就好像一个人形长刀在朝不死鸟始祖劈砍过去。 „......” “噌……” A blade cry, White Tiger Blade broke open that to inundate the deity fire with irresistible force generally, cut forcefully on the phoenix beginning Ancestral Master ancestor's left wing, met the tough head-on with toughness to hit with the opposite party. 一声刀鸣,白虎刀势如破竹一般破开了那漫天神火,硬生生斩在了不死鸟始祖师祖的左翼上,跟对方硬碰硬撞击了一下。 Almost in instantaneous, the Li Miaozhen person blade unites on huge the strength by the phoenix first ancestor wing is given to scatter, the whole person immediately and White Tiger Blade separated, the opens the mouth spouted a blood to be repelled several thousand li (0.5 km) distance instantaneously. 几乎就在瞬间,李妙真的人刀合一就被不死鸟始祖翅膀上庞大的力量给打散,整个人立刻和白虎刀分离开了,张口喷出一道鲜血瞬间被打退了数千里的距离。 Originally by her ability, if chooses and phoenix first ancestor dogfight, rather than choice upfront resistance, 原本以她的本领若是选择和不死鸟始祖缠斗,而不是选择正面对抗, Will not have been injured quickly, how can also support the moment to be right. But this blade chose met the tough head-on with toughness with the opposite party, under the upfront conflict she naturally was not an opponent, immediately is shaken the vitality is not steady by phoenix first ancestor that tyrannical strength, the meridians were damaged, even by her in the tyrannical degree of present White Tiger body, could not bear spout a blood. 还不会这么快受伤,怎么着也能支撑片刻才对。只不过她这一刀选择了跟对方硬碰硬,正面冲突下她自然不是对手,立刻就被不死鸟始祖那强横的力量震得气血不稳,经脉受创,即便以她在现在的白虎道体的强横程度,也忍不住喷出了一口鲜血。 However Li Miaozhen while withdrawing still sprinkled everywhere blade glow, the autumn wind autumn rain worried that blade intent of ghost person displays, continuous nearly endless infinite, enabling the phoenix first ancestor also only to waste several points of strength to break open her blade air/Qi then to pursue. 不过李妙真在退后的同时仍旧洒下漫天刀芒,将秋风秋雨愁煞人的刀意施展出来,连连绵绵近乎无尽无穷,使得不死鸟始祖也只能多浪费几分力气破开她的刀气然后追击。 In journey that the route that the phoenix first ancestor flees happen to Li Miaozhen flies to draw back, she did not certainly mind that cut to kill this blue sky eternal cultivator conveniently. 不死鸟始祖逃离的路线正好在李妙真飞退的路途上,她当然不介意顺手斩杀了这尊碧落永恒修士 Will soon catch up with Li Miaozhen in her, just wielded the pair of wings to sprinkle the boundless flame, wanting to strike kills Li Miaozhen the time, suddenly listens to the distant place to hear one to angrily roar. 自不过就在她即将追上李妙真,刚刚挥动双翼洒下无边火焰,欲要击杀李妙真的时候,突然就听远处传来一声怒吼。 The roar has not fallen, saw the form across to arrive at the near together void, moreover in instantaneous inflated rapidly, suddenly turned into one be indomitable spirit held up a day of giant. 吼声未落,就见一道身影穿过虚空来到了近前,而且在过来的瞬间迅速膨胀起来,眨眼间就变成了一尊顶天立地的擎天巨人。 The Qin Feng opens the mouth blowout Innate kamikaze, blew off the phoenix first ancestor to attack together directly to the Li Miaozhen flame, later two made a fist, right in the face fell toward the phoenix first ancestor on, shelled everywhere fist shadow instantaneously, blocked the way of phoenix first ancestor. 秦风张口喷出一道先天神风,直接吹散了不死鸟始祖攻向李妙真的火焰,随后两手握拳,劈头盖脸的朝不死鸟始祖身上落去,瞬间就轰击出了漫天的拳影,挡住了不死鸟始祖的去路。 He in a powerhouse fight of distant place with several sorcerer clans, is tying down the opponent not to make them flee, finally is actually discovered that the phoenix first ancestor wants to injure Li Miaozhen, immediately gives up the opponent stretching across arrived here void. 他原本正在远处跟几尊巫师一族的强者战斗,缠住对手不愿让他们逃离,结果却是发现不死鸟始祖欲要伤害李妙真,立刻就放弃了对手横跨虚空来到了这边。 He knows that tyrannical of phoenix first ancestor, therefore in that flash of appearance, displayed Following Heaven Imitating Earth unsurpassed divine ability, displayed the pinnacle the body change. 他知道不死鸟始祖的强横,于是在现身的那一瞬间,就施展了法天象地无上神通,将身躯变化施展到了极致。 This is because he nowadays most powerful is the mortal body, after building a Innate body, provides the powerful heart of strength of vitality continuously, making the vitality of his within the body simply inexhaustible, in addition the Following Heaven Imitating Earth unsurpassed divine ability strength in addition holds, in this state has almost been able to regard a cultivation mortal body making stage of perfection powerhouse to treat him. 这是因为他现如今最为强大的就是肉身,修成了先天道体以后,还有一颗源源不断提供气血之力的强大心脏,让他体内的气血简直无穷无尽,再加上法天象地无上神通的力量加持,在这种状态下几乎已经能把他当成一个修炼肉身道的造化境强者来对待了。 The most important thing is, in the source fragment from the heart of the world gains, but in the energy of heart of the world contains the air/Qi of good fortune. 最重要的是,本源碎片中可是从世界之心上获取的,而世界之心的能量中蕴含着造化之气。 Qin Feng refine to melt the source fragment, will naturally also obtain some good fortune aura, although also had no way to compare with the true making stage of perfection powerhouse, made him have some sensibility regarding the strength of good fortune to a certain extent. 秦风炼化了本源碎片,自然也会得到些许造化气息,虽然跟真正的造化境强者还没法比,却也让他从某种程度上对于造化之力有了些许的感悟。 Even if has not helped him obtain the qualitative promotion, but there are these permits sensibility, can estimate to make the method of stage of perfection powerhouse to a certain extent, this dares to stop the phoenix first ancestor directly. 即便还没有让他获得质的提升,但有了这些许的感悟,就能在一定程度上揣摩造化境强者的手段,这才敢于正面阻拦不死鸟始祖。 Cry......” “唳……” Phoenix first ancestor by sudden Qin Feng breaking magic art, and also blocked the way, immediately sends out sharp sounding. 不死鸟始祖被突然出现的秦风给破去了法术,并且还挡住了去路,顿时发出一声尖锐的鸣叫。 She does not dare to have the slight stay, the vermilion bird ignores that otherwise in the rear area is in hot pursuit she so will not depart absolutely. 她可不敢有丝毫的停留,否则在后方紧追不舍的朱雀绝对不会放任她就这般离去。 Therefore in her not only mouth spouts the blazing incomparable flame, the both wings fan the underbelly pair of claws are disclosed the endless point, grasps directly before the body the head and chest and belly of giant, wanting to scratch and tear the head of Qin Feng, tears his chest! 所以她不仅口中喷出炽热无比的火焰,双翅扇动腹下双爪更是透露出无尽的锋芒,径直抓向身前巨人的头颅和胸腹,欲要抓破秦风的脑袋,撕裂他的胸膛! Because the distance is near, she induces that heart that front in this giant chest cavity jumped is what kind of vigorous powerful, contains the strength of huge incomparable and vitality continuously. 因为距离较近,她感应到了面前这尊巨人胸腔内跳跃的那颗心脏是何等的雄浑有力,蕴含着庞大无比且源源不绝的气血之力。 But that huge and pure vitality strength, made her deep place have a greedy swallowing desire unexpectedly from the bottom of the heart. 而那庞大且精纯的气血力量,竟然让她从心底深处生出了一种贪婪的吞噬欲望。 This makes her understand, if can capture to swallow the heart of Qin Feng, can restore backlash that oneself suffer most likely, even may also make her have the promotion on the existing basis again! 这让她明白,若是能够将秦风的心脏夺取过来吞噬掉,十有八九能够修复自己遭受的反噬,甚至还有可能让她在原来的基础上再有提升! This makes her not only be the surprise is excited. 这让她既是诧异又是兴奋。 Why in front of the surprise this blue sky eternal immortal will have the so tyrannical heart, can actually restore own damage? 诧异面前这尊碧落永恒仙人为何会有这般强横的心脏,竟然能够修复自己的损伤? However when she induces to disclose to Qin Feng on the rich Innate aura that in the heart understands clearly immediately. 不过当她感应到秦风身上透露出来的浓郁先天气息,顿时心中了然。 Front stops own unexpectedly is a Innate Spiritual God! 面前阻拦自己的竟然是一尊先天神灵! Any Innate life has its unique merit, moreover looked cultivating that he exposes now is the strength, has exceeded the boundary of half-step good fortune, has an extremely special heart is not the matter of being able to convince. 任何先天生灵都有其独特之处,而且看他现在所展露的修为战力,已经超越了半步造化的境界,拥有一颗极其特殊的心脏也不是什么说不通的事情。 Also where bypassed his heart so to be why powerful at this moment sometimes, was as soon as possible its solution, restores backlash that oneself encountered more important. 再说此刻哪里有时间管他的心脏为何如此强大,还是尽快将其解决,修复自身遭到的反噬更为重要。 So long as can give a thought to the restore injury, she does not need to dread the vermilion bird, after all by having the magical skill, the vermilion bird really could not have compared her! 只要能顾修复伤势,她就再也不用畏惧朱雀,毕竟论起道行,朱雀还真比不上她! Only if five-colors Tianfeng came, otherwise after restoring she independent combat perhaps also has the opportunity to cause heavy losses to the vermilion bird! 除非五彩天凤前来,否则恢复后的她单打独斗说不定还有机会重创朱雀! Therefore the phoenix first ancestor excited under plunged Qin Feng directly, behind her pair of sharp claws, the sharp bird beak is the direct pecking to the chest of Qin Feng! 所以不死鸟始祖兴奋之下直接扑向了秦风,在她那双利爪后方,尖锐的鸟喙更是直接啄向秦风的胸膛! Snort!” “哼!” Qin Feng cold snort/hum, in the mouth spouts together Innate pleasant spirit gold/metal wind again, blew off the flame of phoenix first ancestor, later two to become claw, displays Cloud Dragon to search the two sharp claws of claw hard anti- phoenix first ancestor, nine jack-o'-lantern flame dragons find out from the back suddenly, respectively the tear and bite to the head and body of phoenix first ancestor, compelling the opposite party unable to his end opening. 秦风冷哼一声,口中再次喷出一道先天如意化灵金风,吹散了不死鸟始祖的火焰,随后两手成爪,施展云龙探爪硬抗不死鸟始祖的两只利爪,九头鬼火炎龙猛然从背后探出,分别撕咬向不死鸟始祖的头颅和身躯,逼得对方无法对他下口。 However the phoenix first ancestor magical skill is eventually higher, although the Qin Feng strength has exceeded the common half-step good fortune, however his cultivating has not actually arrived at this situation for the boundary, once created compared with the phoenix first ancestor who the powerful ethnic group has been makes the stage of perfection peak with this, but must miss a big truncation! 不过不死鸟始祖终究道行更高,秦风的战力虽然已经超越了寻常半步造化,但是他的修为境界却还没有到达这一地步,跟这头曾经创造过强大族群位列造化境巅峰的不死鸟始祖相比,还要差了一大截! Even opposite party not in peak condition, but is not he can contend now, therefore is quick, on Qin Feng was wielded the both wings to divide to cut several scars on him by the phoenix first ancestor. 就算对方不在巅峰状态,但也不是他现在能够抗衡的,所以很快,秦风身上就被不死鸟始祖挥动双翅在他身上劈砍出了数道伤痕。 Her both wings like the blade, brandish such as the wheel, even were still cut the scars of several deep obvious bones by a Qin Feng nowadays Innate body by her unexpectedly. 她双翅如刀,挥舞如轮,即便以秦风现如今的先天道体竟然也被她斩出了数道深可见骨的伤痕。 The bird beak is sharp, the pecking struck again and again bored a hole through the heads of three jack-o'-lantern flame dragons unexpectedly directly, pecked broken their heads. 鸟喙更是尖利,连连啄击竟然直接凿穿了三条鬼火炎龙的头颅,将它们的脑袋纷纷啄碎。 The so tyrannical strength, makes Qin Feng be startled immediately, this knows oneself with making the stage of perfection can compare greatly really also has such big disparity. 如此强横的战力,顿时就让秦风大吃一惊,这才知道自己跟造化境大能相比竟然还有这么大的差距。 However his mortal body is tyrannical, a Innate body is the resiliency is more astonishing after the achievement, pours does not care about this injury, so long as will drive out the flame of wound place to restore shortly such as beginning. 不过他肉身强横,在成就了先天道体以后更是恢复力惊人,倒也不在意这点伤势,只要驱除了伤口处的火焰顷刻间就能恢复如初。 Therefore he not only not because of phoenix first ancestor retreat half-step, instead angrily roars tyrannicalally, the body blooms innumerable gold/metal, appears to defend layer upon layer, two covered her pair of sharp claws not to put stubbornly, displays the boundless supernatural power to constrain the body of phoenix first ancestor forcefully. 所以他非但没有因为不死鸟始祖的强横而后退半步,反而怒吼一声,身上绽放出无数金芒,浮现出层层防御,两手却死死的扣住她的那双利爪不放,施展无边神力硬生生拖住了不死鸟始祖的身躯。 Cannot rout Qin Feng to capture his heart instantaneously, immediately lets in the phoenix first ancestor heart one nervous. 没能在瞬间击溃秦风夺取他的心脏,顿时就让不死鸟始祖心中一慌。 She does not dare to delay the time in this, therefore two claws make an effort hastily, goes all out to pull, tries to shake off the fetter of Qin Feng, hurries to flee. 她可不敢在此耽搁时间,于是连忙两爪用力,拼命拉扯,试图挣脱秦风的束缚,赶紧逃离。 At the worst later looks for the opportunity to strike to kill this person to capture his heart, she has remembered the Qin Feng aura in any case, later will meet in the battlefield sooner or later, does not need to take risk now. 大不了以后再寻找机会击杀此人夺取他的心脏,反正她已经记住了秦风的气息,以后在战场上迟早都会相遇,没必要现在冒险。 The Qin Feng two implication boundless supernatural powers, have rich Ruyi Golden Light to reappear in the palm change to the hard incomparable defense, but also tries to change to the chains to twine her pair of sharp claws Ruyi Golden Light. 只是秦风两手蕴含无边神力,更有浓郁的如意金光浮现在手掌化作坚硬无比的防御,还试图将如意金光化作锁链缠绕住她的那双利爪。 This made the phoenix first ancestor feel immediately the huge pressure, saw the rear vermilion bird has offered a sacrifice to the dozen of Southern Brightness Trigram Fire bead on toward her, in the heart was more startled, the reassignment within the body good fortune source used above pair of claws hastily, grasped forcefully broke to pieces Ruyi Golden Light on Qin Feng, scratched and tore his palm, later grasped the Qin Feng arm directly broken, got rid of the fetter mantle to flee forcefully. 这顿时让不死鸟始祖感到了庞大的压力,眼看后方的朱雀已经祭出了南明离火珠朝她身上打来,心中更加惊慌,连忙调动体内造化本源用在双爪之上,硬生生抓碎了秦风手上的如意金光,抓破了他的手掌,随后直接将秦风的手骨抓碎,硬生生的摆脱了束缚展翼逃离。 But the front surface was actually divided by a Li Miaozhen blade, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) blade glow cuts the horizon, compelling her only to resist in advance, scattered this blade glow! 只不过迎面却又被李妙真一刀劈来,万丈刀芒划破天际,逼得她只能先行招架,打散了这道刀芒! But Qin Feng is also transferring the life principle instantaneously, the heart place was bang bang beat fast several, gushed out massive vitality strengths, suddenly made him restore the injury. 秦风也在瞬间调动生命法则,心脏处更是砰砰快速跳动了几下,涌出大量的气血力量,眨眼间就让他修复了伤势。 In the phoenix first ancestor has flown from his side instantly, finds out both hands to pull taut her to send out the tail feathers of rich flame suddenly, does not attend to flame incinerator, desperate in the future will pull, tries to fling the rearward her. 在不死鸟始祖从他身旁飞过的刹那,猛然探出双手一把扯住了她那散发着浓郁火焰的尾羽,不顾其中火焰焚烧,拼命的往后一扯,试图将她甩向后方。 The phoenix first ancestor in great surprise, wielded the wing to meet a Li Miaozhen blade hastily hardly, simultaneously stimulated the complete flame on tail feathers, burnt through on Qin Feng to defend the golden light instantaneously, his two flesh that burnt changed into the hard coke, revealed clear such as the skeleton of jade! 不死鸟始祖大惊,连忙挥翅硬接了李妙真一刀,同时激发尾羽上的全部火焰,瞬间就烧穿了秦风手上防御金光,烧的他两手血肉化为焦炭,露出了其中晶莹如玉的骨骼! However Qin Feng actually disregards, reassignment that goes all out life principle and powerful self-recovery ability restore injury, while displays boundless supernatural power pulling forcefully to live in the tail feathers of phoenix first ancestor not to put, foot treads void, will tread out a fissure void, forcefully in the future will tow to entrain her figure. 但是秦风却是不管不顾,一边拼命的调动在内生命法则和强悍的自愈能力修复伤势,一边施展无边神力硬生生的拉扯住不死鸟始祖的尾羽不放,脚踏虚空,将虚空踩出了道道裂痕,硬生生的往后拖拽她的身形。 Cry......” “唳……” The phoenix first ancestor sends out an anger incomparable scream again, figure circles suddenly, the sharp bird beak direct pecking to the eye of Qin Feng, sharp pair of claws grasps to his head. 不死鸟始祖再次发出一声愤怒无比的尖叫,猛然身形一个盘旋,锋利的鸟喙直接啄向秦风的眼睛,锐利的双爪抓向他的头颅。 If Qin Feng has not dropped, his head cannot shoulder so to attack absolutely, will be pecked blindly the eye by the phoenix first ancestor, grasped broke to pieces the head! 若是秦风还不放手,他的脑袋绝对扛不住这般攻击,将会被不死鸟始祖啄瞎了眼睛,抓碎了头颅! However at this moment, precious pearl that is sending out the endless flame flies from the distant place, bang on a head that pounded in the phoenix first ancestor, her seven orifices spit fire that immediately pounded, the feather was disorderly. 不过就在这时,一颗散发着无尽火焰的宝珠从远处飞来,砰一声砸在了不死鸟始祖的脑袋上,顿时砸的她七窍喷火,羽毛凌乱。 Actually was the vermilion bird offers a sacrifice to the Southern Brightness Trigram Fire bead that Qin Feng constrained while the phoenix first ancestor instantaneously. 却是朱雀趁着不死鸟始祖被秦风拖住的瞬间祭出了南明离火珠。 Right now although cannot want her life, but also makes her see stars, the seven orifices spit fire, the head buzz the cry, Divine Soul shivers! 这下子虽然没能要了她的命,但也让她眼冒金星,七窍喷火,脑袋嗡鸣,神魂颤动! The phoenix first ancestor knows wonderfully, does not dare with Qin Feng to consuming, shook the ignorant head to make an effort to make suddenly, fell off unexpectedly from the body the tail feathers, shook off the fetter of Qin Feng to turn around to walk. 不死鸟始祖知道不妙,再也不敢跟秦风对耗,晃了晃浑浑噩噩的脑袋猛然用力一挣,竟然将尾羽从身上脱落下来,挣脱了秦风的束缚转身就走。 Although this tail feathers are place of the flame essence gathering, but compared with her life obviously must miss, so long as can go on living, at the worst later slowly restored to grow the tail feathers also and that's the end, but if was seized to kill by the vermilion bird, that may anything not have! 虽然她这尾羽乃是一身火焰精华汇聚之处,但跟她的性命相比显然还要差了很多,只要能够活下去,大不了以后再慢慢恢复重新长出尾羽也就是了,可若是被朱雀擒杀,那可就什么都没有了! Only pitifully, she wants to walk also the score time. 只可惜,她想走也得分时候。 Previously consumed massive sources to repel the vermilion bird to flee while the vermilion bird unprepared suddenly, really had the opportunity to make her run away, but now after the interception of Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen, enough vermilion bird has pursued! 先前趁着朱雀不备突然消耗大量本源击退了朱雀逃离,确实有机会让她逃走,但是现在经过秦风李妙真的拦截,已经足够朱雀追赶上来了! This vermilion bird was supercilious, was fled by the phoenix first ancestor one time, if her again flees from oneself, that also extremely loses face. 这头朱雀本就心高气傲,被不死鸟始祖逃离一次也就罢了,倘若被她一而再的从自己面前逃离,那也太过丢脸。 Therefore the vermilion bird opens the mouth expressed a clear cry suddenly, in the heart actually makes a determined effort, only then you were willing to consume the source, can't I inadequate? 所以朱雀猛然张口发出一声清鸣,心中却是发狠,只有你才舍得消耗本源,我就不能了不成? She also stimulated her good fortune source instantaneously, immediately the speed rises dramatically, that this assigned/life the Innate Spirit Treasure Southern Brightness Trigram Fire precious pearl is changes for one round big day, having the endless prestige to rumble toward the phoenix first ancestor. 她也瞬间激发了自身的造化本源,顿时速度飙升,那颗本命先天灵宝南明离火宝珠更是化作一轮大日,带着无尽威能朝不死鸟始祖轰了下去。 Qin Feng looks in the hand three tail feathers to stare slightly, the phoenix first ancestor is never so expected that resolute, even this condensed her flame essence unexpectedly, might be called this life most precious object tail feathers is also said that gave up giving up. 秦风望着手中三根尾羽稍微一愣,没想到不死鸟始祖如此果决,竟然连这等凝聚了她一身火焰精华,堪称本命至宝的尾羽也是说放弃就放弃。 However at this time is not staring blankly time, he turned the hand sent in Monster Refining Pot Fifth Layer the tail feathers, common Magic Treasure Immortal Tool may be unable to shoulder the flame incinerator of phoenix first ancestor, therefore sent in Monster Refining Pot to be better. 不过此时可不是发怔的时候,他翻手就将尾羽送入了炼妖壶五层,寻常法宝仙器可扛不住不死鸟始祖的火焰焚烧,所以还是送入炼妖壶更好。 Not dying azure luan under nourishing of massive Innate vitality, has practiced immortal late-stage to be close to the peak, if refine to melt the tail feathers of phoenix first ancestor perhaps to have the opportunity to go a step further again, the achievement was eternal! 不死青鸾在大量先天元气的滋养下,已经修炼到了不朽后期接近巅峰,若是炼化了不死鸟始祖的尾羽说不定就有机会再进一步,成就永恒! Once to this grade of situation, his subordinate strength will have a promotion again. 一旦到了这等地步,他麾下战力就将会再度有了一个提升。 But this is the later matter, Qin Feng is also only the thought flashes, immediately put down these distracting thoughts, takes a step to rush over toward the phoenix first ancestor. 但这都是以后的事情,秦风也只是念头一闪,随即就放下了这些杂念,迈步朝不死鸟始祖冲了过去。 Relatively speaking, the help vermilion bird seized to kill the phoenix first ancestor, although cannot make him obtain too many advantage, without the powerhouse corpse can extract the strength, but strategically, but cut to add up totals the benefit that immortally or provided eternal to be stronger ten times compared with him! 相对而言,帮助朱雀擒杀了不死鸟始祖,虽然不能让他得到太多好处,没有强者尸身可以提取力量,但从战略上来讲,可要比他斩杀数位不朽或者永恒带来的好处要强出十倍! Powerhouse who existence that each makes the stage of perfection can overawe a side, so long as the sorcerer camp were short of a good fortune, can make one's own side have a bigger advantage in the war, how choices, not only in Qin Feng heart clear, Li Miaozhen is also clear, therefore she also grasped White Tiger Blade to launch the attack toward the phoenix first ancestor again. 每一尊造化境的存在都是能够威震一方的强者,只要巫师阵营少了一尊造化,就能让己方在战争中占据更大的优势,其中如何取舍,不仅秦风心中清楚,李妙真同样明白,所以她同样手持白虎刀再次朝不死鸟始祖发起了进攻。 The Qin Feng strength endures compared with the mortal body making stage of perfection powerhouse, a Li Miaozhen blade intent is swift and fierce, even if makes the stage of perfection powerhouse is not willing by her to be divided to cut directly on the body, will otherwise cause heavy losses similarly. 秦风战力堪比肉身道的造化境强者,李妙真一身刀意凌厉无比,即便造化境强者也不愿意被她直接劈砍在身上,否则同样会遭到重创。 Finally, under Qin Feng Li Miaozhen two people entanglements, under the vermilion bird old ancestor's suppression, is finally broken the body that the phoenix first ancestor hits, the bone breaks the muscle booklet, finally stroked exploded her mortal body. 最终,在秦风李妙真两人的纠缠下,在朱雀老祖的镇压下,终于将不死鸟始祖打的身躯残破,骨断筋折,最后更是一击打爆了她的肉身。 To probably display the bath hot rebirth in the phoenix first ancestor the method to restore the mortal body the instance, the vermilion bird old ancestor sneers again and again: Bath hot rebirth? A method of my phoenix clan do you also dare to display before me? Acts recklessly seriously!” 就在不死鸟始祖欲要施展浴火重生的手段重新恢复肉身的瞬间,朱雀老祖冷笑连连:“浴火重生?我凤凰一族的手段你也敢在我面前施展?当真是不知死活!” Finishes barely the words, the Southern Brightness Trigram Fire precious pearl had been operated the whereabouts in the middle of that flame that by her, in the phoenix first ancestor fell from the sky. 话音未落,南明离火宝珠就已经被她操纵着落在了不死鸟始祖陨落的那片火焰当中。 The precious pearl flies high a revolution, connects in the middle of phoenix first ancestor the fire of source her fine mortal form direct income precious pearl unexpectedly, whatever her left Tuyou to/clashes, actually cannot break through the imprisonment of Southern Brightness Trigram Fire bead, by vermilion bird direct seal in the middle of the Southern Brightness Trigram Fire bead! 宝珠凌空一转,竟然将不死鸟始祖的本源之火连通她的精魄直接收入宝珠当中,任凭她左突右冲,却也冲不破南明离火珠的禁锢,被朱雀直接封印在了南明离火珠当中!
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