AHBC :: Volume #11

#1062: The mortal body overawes the audience invincibly

Reason that is unable to transform thoroughly, is extremely mainly vigorous because of the Qin Feng previous accumulation, the strength of half-step good fortune also wants to complete the transformation at one fell swoop, the day after tomorrow the body transformation will be a Innate body, needs may not only be only the air/Qi of Innate. 之所以无法彻底蜕变,主要是因为秦风先前的积累太过浑厚,半步造化的实力还想一举完成蜕变,将后天身躯转化为先天道体,所需要的可不仅仅只是先天之气而已。 Let alone he in transforming the process of Innate body, itself strength background also in unceasing strengthen, always feels that missed a turning point! 何况他在转化先天道体的过程中,本身实力底蕴也在不断的变强,以至于总是感觉差了一点契机! In source fragment that also he obtained, not possible endless provided the Innate aura for him, whether there is really must air/Qi of the Innate completely words , he even if soaked in can still sooner or later retrogradation Innate, how to go so far as to does not dare to waste the air/Qi of any point of Innate source like the present. 再说他得到的本源碎片中,也不可能无休止的为他提供先天气息,真要有无尽的先天之气的话,他就算泡在里面迟早也能逆反先天,何至于像现在这样不敢浪费任何一分先天本源之气。 However, to present situation, his also only bad shooting. 不过,到了如今的地步,他也只差临门一脚而已。 After all witch Zu's heart in continuous provides to him is purer, and energy strong in the strength of oneself original dozens times of vitality, in this case, so long as he is willing to set one's mind at ease to close up dozens over a hundred years, precipitates the fast growing strength, can as before an achievement Innate body! 毕竟还有巫祖之心在源源不断的给他提供更加精纯,且能量强于自身原先数十倍的气血之力,在这种情况下,只要他愿意沉下心来闭关个几十上百年,沉淀一下自身快速增长的实力,依旧能够成就先天道体! Even builds a Innate body is so simple incessantly! 甚至不止修成先天道体这么简单! Because in the source fragment, some may not only be only the air/Qi of Innate. 因为本源碎片中,有的可不仅只是先天之气。 This captures after all from the heart of the world, besides the Innate source, the strength of rich principle. 这毕竟是从世界之心上夺取来的,除了先天本源外,还有浓郁的法则之力。 The heart of the world eventually is a side Great World source, is a thing of the world's most core, the world revolves the spirit lineage/vein energy to dissipate, or the operation of Heavenly Dao principle, the aspects with the heart of the world have relation that is unable to divide! 世界之心终究是一方大世界的本源,是一座世界最核心的东西,无论是世界运转还是灵脉能量逸散,又或者天道法则的运行,方方面面都跟世界之心有着无法分割的联系! On such as the heart of person, the role that can play in within the body is unable to substitute to be the same. 就如人的心脏,在体内所能起到的作用无法替代一样。 If described a world, then the innumerable blood vessels of heart connection, can be regarded as in the world the innumerable land features spirit lineage/vein, the ideological soul can analogy the Heavenly Dao, walk of person sat lies to eat meal to sleep the breath to sink dormancy wait/etc behaviors, can treat as the Heavenly Dao revolution four seasons change and so on natural laws. 如果以人来形容一个世界,那么心脏连通的无数血管,就可以当做是世界内无数地脉灵脉,思想灵魂可以比喻成天道,人的行走坐卧吃饭睡觉呼吸沉眠等等行为,就可以当作天道运转四季更替等等自然法则。 But the world does not divide such fine, separates the brain and heart like the ordinary life, the world only needs a source, heart of the world operates sufficiently. 只不过世界不像人一样还划分这么精细,不像普通生灵一样还要将脑子和心脏分开,世界只需要一个本源,一颗世界之心就足以运行。 Naturally, this possibly is also the reason why the world does not have concrete me consciousness! 当然,这可能也是世界为何没有具体的本我意识的原因! But therefore, caused on the heart of the world to be possible not only to only have the Innate source energy, the strength of rich principle. 但正是因此,也就导致了世界之心上可不仅仅只有先天本源能量,还有浓郁的法则之力。 The air/Qi and the strength of the world Heavenly Dao principle Innate source blends in the same place, can the more convenient world revolve. 先天本源之气和世界天道法则之力融汇在一起,才能更加方便世界运转。 Therefore Qin Feng while building up the source fragment obtains the air/Qi of Innate, the principle of but also on continuously the receiver source fragment transmitting, making his magical skill continually promote, the principle continually improves, the magical skill is getting stronger and stronger, the foundation is getting more and more solid, the mortal body is getting more and more powerful! 所以秦风在炼化本源碎片得到先天之气的同时,还在源源不断地接受者本源碎片上传来的法则,让他的道行不断提升,法则不断完善,道行越来越强,底蕴越来越深厚,肉身越来越强大! Strength background and mortal body that constantly strengthens , before becomes he transformed thoroughly a threshold, cultivates for the growth is too quick, although is also absorbing the strength of rich principle simultaneously, making him be insufficient, therefore is impractical on the foundation, but definitely is actually not able with cultivating of being repeatedly tempered to place on a par inevitably, was short of along the way many own sensibility, can only be reads without thinking, in the future also needs to spend the time to precipitate truly. 不断增强的实力底蕴和肉身,也就成了他彻底蜕变前的一道门槛,修为增长的实在太快,虽然也在同时吸收着浓郁的法则之力,让他不至于因此就根基虚浮,但却肯定无法跟千锤百炼的修为相提并论,不可避免的少了沿途许多自身的感悟,只能算是囫囵吞枣,日后还需要花费时间真正沉淀一番。 Even does not need too for a long time, so long as he that source fragment and witch Zu's heart temporary seal, so long as spends dozens years can an achievement Innate body. 甚至都不需要太久,只要他将那颗本源碎片和巫祖之心暂时封印,只要花费个几十年的时间就能够成就先天道体。 This time regarding his grade of boundary can greatly the powerhouse, but also really cannot be regarded anything! 这点时间对于他这等境界的大能强者来说,还真算不得什么! The point is that now where has the time to make him close up the precipitation sensibility slowly obtained! 可问题是,现在哪有时间让他慢慢闭关沉淀感悟所得啊! Now Great Tribulation current, the crisis on top of crisis that the blue sky faces faced with the invasions of two Great World, their subordinate many World Alliance , even the slightest misstep may not only defeat such simply, will unable to do well to ruin the background that these years will save with great difficulty! 如今大劫当前,面临两座大世界的入侵,还有他们麾下诸多世界联盟,碧落所面临的的危机重重,稍有不慎可不仅仅只是战败这么简单,搞不好就会将这些年好不容易积攒起来的底蕴葬送一空! Even if were captured by two Great World powerful enemies again, must repeat the Antiquity Great Tribulation misery! 甚至若是再被两大世界的强敌攻入界内,岂不是又要重演上古大劫的苦难! How therefore even if Qin Feng is thinking again the promotion cultivates is, completes the transformation of Innate body as soon as possible, actually does not dare to put down at this time all cultivates. 所以秦风即便再如何想着提升修为,尽早完成先天道体的蜕变,却也不敢在这个时候放下一切去修炼。 Let alone now they spend with all one's heart the strength, taking the huge risk to disturb in two Great World, made three big witch king leave the battlefield with great difficulty, if did not hold this opportunity hurrying to fight, tempered the sorcerer Great World strength as far as possible, when the element witch king they caught up again, only feared that the aspect will restore to the previous appearance! 何况如今他们费尽心力,冒着天大的风险先后在两大世界中捣乱,好不容易才让三大巫王离开战场,若是不抓住这个机会赶紧大战一场,尽可能的削弱巫师大世界的力量,等到元素巫王他们再次赶来,只怕局面又将恢复到先前的模样! Even the possibility is worse! 甚至还有可能更糟! After all sorcerer suffered such big, decides however will not swallow this bitter fruit willingly, can definitely do everything possible in view of blue sky. 毕竟巫师界吃了这么大的亏,定然不会心甘情愿的咽下这份苦果,肯定会想尽办法的针对碧落。 When the time comes only feared may continue these sorcerer kings, but may also present more powerhouses, triggers a bigger change! 到时候只怕来的可就不止这几位巫师王了,还有可能出现更多的强者,引发更大的变动! Therefore, Qin Feng depressed in the heart to close up the strengthen the desire, but the use pre-war time promoted itself as far as possible! 因此,秦风就压下了心中闭关变强的欲望,只是利用战前的这点时间尽可能的提升自己! Actually, not only he alone does that regardless of Li Miaozhen or Elder Kongkong, or the Mechanism City lord adheres stubbornly to the gauge, Five Poisons Cult lord their these to obtain the powerhouse of source fragment, is grasping the time cultivation, has no time to treasure the consumptions of these source fragments radically, even if clear(ly) used the source fragment extremely to waste, must enhance own strength in advance, was good can play the major role in the following war! 其实,不只是他一个人这么做,无论李妙真还是空空长老,又或者机关城主墨守规,五毒教主他们这些得到本源碎片的强者,都在抓紧时间修炼,根本就无暇顾惜这些本源碎片的消耗,哪怕明这么使用本源碎片太过浪费,也要先行提升自己的实力,好在接下来的大战中能够起到更大的作用! If traded other times, these eternal can result in source fragment treasure to decide greatly however does not hate so to consume, but is collects, when own strength promoted the pinnacle, such as the Five Elements old ancestor and god water palace lord they such cultivated the eternal peak the time again takes to display the most powerful wondrous use, might help them exceed the shackles, achievement good fortune Great Dao! 若是换了其他时候,这些永恒大能得了本源碎片这种宝物定然不舍得这般消耗,而是收藏起来,等自己的实力提升到了极致,如五行老祖、神水宫主他们那样修炼到永恒巅峰的时候再拿出来才能发挥出最强大的妙用,有可能助他们一举突破桎梏,成就造化大道 But now to deal with the present war , can only endure the heart pain to regard the pure promotion cultivated/repaired for the treasure the source fragment, making oneself go a step further on the path of eternal boundary again. 但现在为了应对眼前的战争,也只能忍着心痛将本源碎片当成了单纯提升修为的宝物,让自己在永恒境的道路上再进一步。 Did not have the source fragment, after year after year cultivation, they can achieve such achievement similarly, regardless of after all adhered stubbornly to the gauge or Five Poisons Cult main is completely the new promote eternal big energies, in the future also has very big progressive space, now uses the source fragment also to reduce this time. 原本没有本源碎片,经过长年累月的修行,他们同样能够达到这样的成就,毕竟无论墨守规还是五毒教主全部都是新晋永恒的大能,未来还有着很大的进步空间,现在使用本源碎片也只是缩短这个时间而已。 Therefore, they will think that so refining up the source fragment is such waste. 所以,他们才会觉得这般炼化本源碎片是如此的浪费。 Otherwise if using in the eternal peak helps them prove saying that to be better. 否则若是用在永恒巅峰帮助他们证道,岂不是更好。 Naturally, these source fragments also can only play the role that adds the finishing touch, to think the achievement good fortune by this source, that is impossible! 当然,这些本源碎片也只能起到画龙点睛的作用,若想凭借这点本源就想成就造化,那不可能! After all the source fragment that they obtain was too small, in addition strength of the principle comprehensively extremely heterogeneous, because although has not had the obvious principle attribute situated in the heart of the world, but actually eventually is not the chaos principle source, therefore they , to absorb the strength of these principles thoroughly, but must refine slowly the unusual aura, can thoroughly transform it to agree with the strength of own principle. 毕竟他们得到的本源碎片实在太小了,再加上其中的法则之力包罗万象太过驳杂,虽然因为处于世界之心并没有具备明显的法则属性,但却终究不是混沌的法则本源,所以他们若想将这些法则之力彻底吸收,还得慢慢炼化其中异样的气息,才能彻底将其转化为契合自身的法则之力。 But this, also needs to spend the long time to be good. 而这,同样也需要花费漫长的时间才行。 Must want purely to depend upon the source fragment to be promoted the good fortune, at least is that gigantic source fragment in ghost ancestor hand is also good! 要想单纯的依靠本源碎片晋级造化,最起码也得是鬼祖手中的那块硕大的本源碎片才行! Only has the energy and principle strength of that big source fragment, an achievement good fortune big energy that can grow out of nothing! 唯有那么大的本源碎片中的能量和法则之力,才能从无到有的成就一尊造化大能! Actually that source fragment in ghost ancestor hand is extremely huge, cannot call it the fragment, can definitely treat as a mountain peak it, the energy and principle in the so huge volume containing are it can be imagined vast. 其实鬼祖手中的那块本源碎片太过庞大,已经不能称之为碎片了,完全可以将其当做一座山峰,如此庞大的体积中蕴含的能量和法则可想而知有多么浩瀚。 However, the ghost ancestor keeps that source fragment also to have big using, but also is thinking achievement own unsurpassed Great Dao, may not hate to take achievement others' Dao Path! 不过,鬼祖留着那块本源碎片还有大用,还想着成就自己的无上大道,可舍不得拿出来成就别人的道途 Also an ordinary good fortune big energy, how compared favorably with make the stage of perfection to be stronger to the deterrent force that the powerhouse brought! 再说一个普通的造化大能,如何比得上一尊造化境至强者所带来的威慑力更强! Yes, the ghost ancestor wants by this achievement to! 是的,鬼祖想要以此成就至强! Even not only he, can say existence that various Tianwan any makes the stage of perfection wants to become to the powerhouse, toward this direction diligently! 甚至不只是他,可以说诸天万界任何一尊造化境的存在都想成为至强者,也都在朝着这个方向努力! But can the achievement to the powerhouse, actually be extremely rare finally, very few! 只不过最终能够成就至强者的,却是凤毛麟角,少之又少! The ghost ancestor thinks oneself can only make the stage of perfection wasting time endless years like the amida Buddha , to promote after slowly to good fortune peak, can seek for the turning point, never expected that the opportunity comes now. 原本鬼祖以为自己只能像弥陀佛祖那样在造化境蹉跎无尽岁月,慢慢的提升到造化巅峰后才能寻找契机,没想到现在机会就来了。 Sorcerer one line, he not only obtained witch Zu's corpse, but also from the heart of the world captured such big source, this is the entire sorcerer Great World 10% also many sources, immediately made him have exceeded the amida Buddha, bridged over the good fortune peak achievement directly to the strong possibility! 巫师界一行,他不仅得到了巫祖的尸身,还从世界之心上夺取了这么大一块本源,这可是整个巫师大世界10%还多的本源,顿时就让他有了超越弥陀佛祖,直接跨过造化巅峰成就至强的可能! Although the middle was short of the accumulation of long years, but these have not related, after waiting for his achievement to the powerhouse, some are the time accumulates slowly! 虽然中间少了漫长岁月的积累,但是这些都没有关系,等他成就至强者以后有的是时间慢慢积累! In fact makes the stage of perfection is a very unique boundary, if there is a chance, the making stage of perfection powerhouses who even if were just promoted have an opportunity achievement higher boundary, even obtains the say/way body that all generations do not extinguish to be good directly. 事实上造化境是一个非常独特的境界,若是有机缘的话,哪怕刚刚晋级的造化境强者都有机会成就更高的境界,甚至直接获得万劫不灭的道体都行。 What a pity this grade of chance past and present are rare, in big thousand universe trillion world endless years, had not heard have several powerhouses to have the so lucky chance! 可惜这等机缘古今罕见,大千宇宙亿万世界无尽岁月中,也没有听说过有几个强者拥有这般幸运的机缘! In ghost ancestor's Yellow Springs Cave Heaven, Qin Feng is practicing, Li Miaozhen is practicing, other obtain the source fragment can greatly the promotion strength with utmost effort. 鬼祖的黄泉洞天中,秦风在修炼,李妙真在修炼,其他得到本源碎片的大能都在尽一切可能的提升实力。 Even these capture sorcerer together, although has not obtained the source fragment, but absorbed various air/Qi of faction big energies many Innate source, at this time also as far as possible cultivates for the promotion strength consolidated. 甚至就连那些一起攻入巫师界虽然没有得到本源碎片,但吸收了不少的先天本源之气各派大能,此时也都在尽可能的巩固修为提升实力。 The air/Qi of wondrous use Innate is infinite, naturally has the countless advantage to them, absorbed so many naturally to make their magical skills have a big progress! 先天之气妙用无穷,对他们自然有着数之不尽的好处,吸收了那么多自然会让他们的道行有不小的进步! When the war conducted the critical moment, this group of powerhouses received that moment that the ghost ancestor ordered to come, immediately exposed the tyrannical incomparable strength. 所以当战争进行到了关键时刻,这群强者收到鬼祖命令现身的那一刻,顿时展露出了强横无比的实力。 Especially Qin Feng, this time he has not stopped absorbing to refine as before to melt the rushing vitality that in witch Zu's heart passes on. 尤其是秦风,此时的他依旧没有停止吸收炼化巫祖之心中传出来的澎湃气血。 Therefore he in that moment of appearance, within the body was supported the whole body to swell by the abundant vitality as before, he can only display the size to change divine ability to increase pleasant the figure, afterward simply even Following Heaven Imitating Earth also one and displayed, changes to the body is close to 1 million zhang (3.33 m) high below holds up a day of giant, at first sight came up as if not compared with golden body small many of amida Buddha! 所以他在现身的那一刻,体内依旧被充沛的气血撑得全身发胀,以至于他只能施展大小如意变化神通变大了身形,后来干脆连法天象地也一并施展了出来,将身躯化作接近百万丈高下的擎天巨人,乍一看上去似乎都不比弥陀佛祖的金身小多少了! So huge build, even if only Dharma Idol has exceeded the limit that the normal eternal boundary has been able to reach, not to mention this was the Qin Feng main body. 这般庞大的体型,哪怕只是法相都已经超过了正常永恒境界所能达到的极限,更不用说这还是秦风的本体了。 The build, is really so scary, can unable to bear in the both sides good fortune of fierce battle greatly to him looks askance repeatedly, if not looked that on him the aura still belongs eternal, only feared that also thinks the blue sky does not know where also invited a giant king who makes the stage of perfection! 如此体型,着实骇人,就连正在激烈战斗的双方造化大能都忍不住对他频频侧目,若非看他身上气息依旧属于永恒,只怕还以为碧落不知道从哪里又请来了一尊造化境的巨人王呢! Continues his main body whole body vitality to rush to imitate like the drying furnace, behind him strength of supply of nine jack-o'-lantern flame dragons under obtaining his within the body endless vitality, had by the empty solid sign, as if must change to the truly vivid body to be the same from the energy body. 不止他的本体浑身气血澎湃彷如烘炉,就连他背后的九头鬼火炎龙在得到他体内无尽气血之力的供应下,都有了由虚化实的迹象,仿佛要从能量体化作真正有血有肉的身体一般。 What a pity Qin Feng is not a creator, is not the good fortune big energy, may not have the air/Qi of good fortune to change magically nine jack-o'-lantern flame dragons. 可惜秦风不是造物主,更不是造化大能,可没有造化之气来点化九头鬼火炎龙。 Otherwise also really has the possibility to cause the true mortal body to own nine jack-o'-lantern flame dragon Dharma Idol directly, has the complete meridians, becomes him, as soon as has true clone, can cultivation independently, does not need to make him provide the energy to progress. 否则还真有可能直接给自己的九头鬼火炎龙法相弄出真正的肉身,拥有完整的经脉,成为他一具真正的分身,可以自主修炼,不需要让他来提供能量才能进步了。 This time Qin Feng body huge build is scary, the nine similarly huge fierce jack-o'-lantern flame dragons circle, the whole person as if the fiendish person who went out of the without a gap purgatory has the wild imposing manner to appear in the battlefield generally. 此时的秦风身躯庞大体型骇人,身后更有九头同样庞大狰狞的鬼火炎龙盘旋,整个人就仿佛从无间炼狱走出的魔王一般带着狂放的气势出现在了战场上。 One step treads, stirs the mess the front monster regiment, does not know that stamped many to suture strangely, waved to waste tried to launch several immortalities of sneak attack to him, a fist pounded again, a hit eternal sorcerer spat blood to withdraw! 一步踏出,就将前方的怪物军团搅得一团糟,不知道踩死了多少缝合怪,挥手间打飞了试图对他展开偷袭的几尊不朽,再一拳头砸出,打的一尊永恒巫师吐血退后! This time he, has exceeded same level eternal, even must be strong a section compared with the powerhouses of common half-step good fortune boundary! 此时的他,已经超越了同级永恒,甚至比起寻常半步造化境界的强者都还要再强一截! On such as initially him also when the place of abandonment encircles with other super powerhouses together kills immortal Lord God, everyone similarly is the super powerhouse, but that one-eyed stone image can provoke the time river by one's effort, let the Qin Feng true cognition to even similarly were the super powerhouse, the strength had in the same old way has low high! 就如当初他还在遗弃之地跟其他超级强者一起围杀不朽主神的时候,大家同样都是超级强者,但是那尊独眼石人就能凭借一己之力挑动时光长河,让秦风真正认知到了即便同样都是超级强者,实力照样有高有低! The huge body and spirit took to him by far previous boundless supernatural power, at this moment he has not used magic arts divine ability, can only achieve this step depending on the mortal body, the strength rise, is dumbfounded simply stunning! 庞大的体魄带给了他远胜先前的无边神力,这一刻他根本就没怎么动用道法神通,仅凭肉身就能做到这一步,实力提升之多,简直让人瞠目结舌! If he, when sorcerer also relies on nine Great Dao principle and «World Junctions Drafts strength in addition that Yin-Yang Greatly Sad Tax» brings to hold the ability to be on par with the half-step good fortune, then now, only he can achieve this step by the mortal body strength. 如果说他在巫师界的时候还只是凭借九条大道法则和《天地交征阴阳大悲赋》带来的战力加持才能跟半步造化比肩,那么现在,只凭肉身力量他就能做到这一步。 If adds on magic arts divine ability that his emerges one after another incessantly again, strength, the common half-step good fortune is not his opponent. 若是再加上他那层出不穷的道法神通,战力之强,寻常的半步造化已经不是他的对手。 After Spring and Autumn Period academy mountain long Gongsun Cuokan to Qin Feng power and influence at this moment, cannot bear in the heart be flabbergasted. 当春秋书院山长公孙错看到秦风此刻的威势后,也忍不住心中咋舌。 Also thinks this fellow distance exceeds itself also to have a long way to go, the result is booing, how long this passes, already, when the eternal boundary's first powerhouse was more tyrannical! 原先还以为这家伙距离超越自己还有很长的路要走,结果倒好,这才过去多久,就已经比自己在永恒境第一强者的时候更加强横了! He shakes the head gently, in the heart rejoiced, was good because had not said these words language initially, how could it not be otherwise to become the joke! 他轻轻摇了摇头,心中庆幸,好在当初没有将这番话语说出来,不然的话岂不成了笑话! Regardless of Qin Feng the huge figure is the wild strength, is remarkable. 秦风无论庞大的身形还是狂暴的战力,全都非常引人注意。 A blue sky regiment from all walks of life sees this, performs all the morale to rise suddenly, was crying out initiated the charge. 碧落一方各界军团看到这一幕,尽皆士气暴涨,呐喊着发起了冲锋。 But all at the Qin Feng front sorcerer alliance regiment, performs all the complexion crazily changes, so huge existence is not the ordinary regiment can contend, really must be held up a day of giant to attack by this, will be absolutely stave their zero of team impact, is chaotic! 而所有处在秦风前方的巫师联盟军团,尽皆脸色狂变,这般庞大的存在可不是普通军团所能抗衡的,真要被这尊擎天巨人冲击过来,绝对会将他们的队伍冲击的支零破碎,混乱不堪! Therefore immediately many powerhouses clash toward Qin Feng, sorcerer truth sorcerer and eternal sorcerer, there are god king powerhouses in other world, even the big dragons and phoenix these two clans have several immortal and eternal powerhouses intercept before. 所以立刻就有不少强者朝秦风冲了过来,又巫师界的真理巫师和永恒巫师,也有其他世界的神王强者,甚至巨龙和不死鸟这两族都有几个不朽和永恒强者拦截在前。 Actually these build giant big dragons and phoenix sincerity do not want with the Qin Feng so tyrannical existence fight, their two clan strengths to reduce now greatly, the world was broken, loses them of foundation only to want in the battlefield to fish in troubled waters, mixes on the line. 其实这几头体型巨大的巨龙和不死鸟真心不想跟秦风这般强横的存在战斗,如今它们两族实力大减,就连世界都被打破,失去了根基的它们只想在战场上浑水摸鱼,混过去就行。 Does to the Qin Feng build to be extremely huge, what although forefront is the monster regiment of sorcerer, but may be the regiment that their two clans collect with great difficulty again in the future. 奈何秦风的体型太过庞大,虽然最前面的是巫师的怪物军团,但是再往后可就是它们两族好不容易才凑起来的军团了。 The common big dragon and phoenix imitate such as the earthworm winged insect to be common before the so huge giant, the casual under foot will go to be stamped by him. 寻常巨龙和不死鸟在这般庞大的巨人面前就彷如蚯蚓飞虫一般不起眼,随便一脚下去都会被他踩死许多。 The present two clans may be unable to undergo the so huge loss, therefore under two clan powerhouses have no other choice, has the flying but follows other powerhouses from all walks of life to besiege Qin Feng together! 如今的两族可经受不起这般庞大的损失,所以两族强者不得已下,也只好飞身而出跟着其余各界强者一起围攻秦风 Hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈……” In the Qin Feng mouth spread the wild laughter, the graces showed the boundless prestige energy, not only kept off all the attack of that 10-20 immortal and eternal boundary powerhouses, wielded the gigantic palm of the hand to lay out, several palms of the hand got down to clap two immortal Lord God directly, pleasant spirit gold/metal wind blew out, blew flesh and blood to become mud an eternal sorcerer unexpectedly, the spirit body was stave, nearly fell from the sky directly at the scene! 秦风口中传出了狂放的笑声,举手投足展现出了无边威能,不仅将那10-20个不朽和永恒境强者的攻击尽数挡下,挥动硕大的巴掌拍出,几巴掌下去就直接拍死了两尊不朽主神,一口如意化灵金风吹出,竟然将一尊永恒巫师吹得骨肉成泥,灵体破碎,险些直接陨落当场!
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