AHBC :: Volume #11

#1052: Practices trickery to steal the source

As protects witch Wangnian to move the incantation, the truth law stick is separated from the suppression the heart of the world, fell in his hand. 随着守护巫王念动咒语,真理法杖脱离镇压的世界之心,落到了他的手上。 Originally the heart of the world because the truth law stick was moved one section by Qin Feng, revealed about half scar, right now is direct not to protect witch king to summon, on the heart of the world the place of breakage exposes suddenly completely, immediately gushed out by far previous several times the air/Qi of Innate source. 原本世界之心就因为真理法杖被秦风挪动了一截,露出了近半的伤痕,这下子直接别守护巫王召唤走,世界之心上破损之处骤然全部暴露出来,顿时就涌出了远胜先前数倍的先天本源之气。 Protects witch king to look at this grievedly. 守护巫王心痛的望着这一幕。 He knows before without the summon truth law stick like this, but witch ancestor recovers after now, actually strange has not helped them kill the enemy, instead is massacring air/Qi to them, causing the war to present the transformation, he also has to make this choice, with the aid of truth law stick suppression square powerful enemy! 他早在没有召唤真理法杖前就知道会这样,可是如今巫祖复苏后却诡异的没有帮助他们杀敌,反而对着他们乱杀一气,导致战局出现转变,他也不得不做出这种抉择,借助真理法杖镇压四方强敌! Otherwise this way a sorcerer clan decides however will rout, the heart of the world seizes by the ghost ancestor and hell's seventh monarchy jointly, no matter after they leave sorcerer , can monopolize the heart of the world , but fights, lost sorcerer Great World of heart of the world to deteriorate, even perished! 否则再这样下去巫师一族定然会大败,世界之心都被鬼祖和地狱第七君主联手夺走,不管他们离开巫师界后会不会为了独占世界之心而大战一场,失去了世界之心的巫师大世界都会衰败,甚至灭亡! Therefore after weighs the advantages and disadvantages, two power harm to choose the lesser, protects witch Wang Ning to be possible the heart of the world to pass temporarily the air/Qi of massive Innate source, witch ancestor who must not divide the enemy and ourselves suppresses first goes, sends cultivator to be able with the hell's seventh monarchy and others to do the devil powerhouse the blue sky respectively expel sorcerer greatly. 所以权衡利弊过后,两权相害取其轻,守护巫王宁可世界之心暂时流逝大量的先天本源之气,也要将不分敌我的巫祖镇压先去,将碧落各派修士大能和地狱第七君主等一干魔鬼强者驱逐出巫师界。 At least must force the opponent to leave the underground space, otherwise their existences threaten regarding the heart of the world too in a big way! 最起码也要逼迫对手离开地下空间,否则他们的存在对于世界之心来说威胁太大! At this moment protects witch king the hand to grasp the truth scepter, feels the vast truth principle on the law stick transmitting, results in the world will massive destiny in addition to hold, on the whole person fills a huge incomparable imposing manner immediately. 此刻守护巫王手握真理权杖,感受着法杖上传递来的浩瀚真理法则,又得世界意志大量气运加持,整个人身上顿时弥漫出一股庞大无匹的气势。 The confidence rises suddenly protects witch Wanghui to begin the finger/refers of truth law stick on toward witch ancestor, immediately the strength of boundless vast principle arrived on witch ancestor. 信心暴涨的守护巫王挥动手中真理法杖往巫祖身上一指,顿时磅礴浩瀚的法则之力就降临到了巫祖身上。 Bang, witch Zu's huge figure slightly, entire body by strength of suppression this huge principle downward short several points. 轰隆一声,巫祖庞大的身形微微一顿,整个身体都被这股庞大的法则之力镇压的往下矮了几分。 However witch ancestor figure, disregarded like that the huge strength, initiation attack that continues to stick to one's own way of doing things. 不过紧接着巫祖身形一挺,就无视了那般庞大的力量,继续我行我素的发起进攻。 Protects witch king to see in this heart one startled, immediately remembers this is by the mortal body achievement good fortune to strong existence, the body and spirit is tyrannical, matchless, strength naturally ultra imagination that can withstand. 守护巫王见此不由心中一惊,随即想起这可是以肉身成就造化至强的存在,体魄强横无比,举世无双,所能承受的力量自然远超想象。 Therefore in his hand the truth law stick rocks again and again, has strength of the principle together to fall together toward witch ancestor on, is not only the suppression, is the fetter, one after another after the strength of a lot of principle, immediately makes witch ancestor figure one stiff. 于是他手中真理法杖连连晃动,一道有一道的法则之力朝着巫祖身上落去,既是镇压,也是束缚,接连千百道法则之力过后,顿时就让巫祖身形一僵。 He is also bullies witch ancestor to be slow-acting at this time, without ability of avoidance, moreover cannot use the witchcraft to resist, as long as otherwise witch ancestor replies several points of before death memory, not to his so. 他也是欺负巫祖此时行动迟缓,没有躲避的能力,而且也不能施展巫术抵挡,否则但凡巫祖回复几分生前的记忆,也不会任由他这般施法。 However witch ancestor is not not sadly happy, the indolence not thinks, imitating such as the good-for-nothing is ordinary, absolutely does not have the least bit consciousness, to the forcing of principle on the body, making him as if shoulder a world to be heavy, but actually as in slow steps the footsteps, brandishes the arm, tries to attack sorcerer all around. 不过巫祖无喜无悲,无痛无觉,彷如行尸走肉一般,根本就没有半点知觉,任由法则之力压在身上,让他仿佛背负着一座世界般沉重无比,但却依旧在缓慢的迈动脚步,挥舞手臂,试图攻击周遭的巫师。 Pitifully the movement compared with had only slowed down previously, is impossible also to have the sorcerer to be attacked by him. 只可惜动作已经比先前放缓了许多,不可能还有巫师会被他攻击到身上。 But the common sorcerer is unable to injure to him similarly, is impossible to waste the strength to cope with such a is not the enemy of enemy, since witch ancestor even is slow, so long as he avoids him and that's the end, doesn't need to destroy witch ancestor mortal body? 但寻常巫师同样无法伤到他,也不可能浪费战力来对付这么一个不是敌人的敌人,既然巫祖即便动作缓慢,只要他避开他就是了,没必要非得把巫祖肉身打碎吧? Also does not need, cannot achieve! 既没有必要,也做不到! The only trouble is witch ancestor also drags to chase them who the sluggish step is unforgiving to stroke, even is slow, but he place of arriving, the surroundings sorcerer can only avoid everywhere, inevitable was messed up their camp by witch ancestor time and time again. 唯一的麻烦就是巫祖还拖着慢吞吞的步伐不依不饶的追赶着他们击打,即便动作缓慢,但他所到之地,周围巫师还是只能四处躲避,不可避免的被巫祖一次又一次的弄乱了他们的阵营。 Protects witch king to have a mind witch ancestor to suppress thoroughly, but did not have the opportunity. 守护巫王有心将巫祖彻底镇压下来,但是却没有机会了。 Regardless of because ghost ancestor or the hell's seventh monarchy not possible, whatever he so suppresses witch ancestor with ease, they will certainly attack to kill while this opportunity forcefully, broke him to continue to suppress witch Zu's movement forcefully, nightmare witch king wants to stop unable to block! 因为无论鬼祖还是地狱第七君主都不可能任由他这般轻松的镇压巫祖,他们当然会趁着这个机会强行攻杀,硬生生打断了他继续镇压巫祖的动作,噩梦巫王想要阻拦都拦不住! Protects witch Wangwang to attack to own ghost ancestor and hell's seventh monarchy, sneers: „ Now the truth law stick in my hands, paid the so big price, you think that also has the opportunity win? 守护巫王望着攻向自己的鬼祖和地狱第七君主,不由冷笑一声:“如今真理法杖在我手中,付出了如此大的代价,你们以为还有机会取胜? Since dares to take advantage when my sorcerer interior is void comes to profit, 既然胆敢趁我巫师界内部空虚之际前来占便宜, That must prepare for leaving behind life! After I killed you, will make the specimen your corpses, hangs in the protection main hall, letting all sorcerers to see your pitiful appearances. 那就要做好留下性命的准备!等我杀了你们以后,会将你们的尸体做成标本,挂在守护大殿上,让所有巫师都能见到你们凄惨的模样。 Therefore, you die, how otherwise to do right by the strength of so many sources today the heart of the world drains! ” 所以,你们就去死吧,否则如何对得起今日世界之心流失的这么多本源之力!” During the speeches protects witch king to wield the truth scepter, the strength of vast boundless principle plunges the hell's seventh monarchy. 说话间守护巫王将真理权杖一挥,浩瀚磅礴的法则之力扑向地狱第七君主。 One of this hell father opinion to so power and influence also heart startled, happen to launched the attack on the nightmare witch king toward him, under both sides converging attack made him not dare to resist immediately hardly, the figure will draw back in the future, avoided point that protected witch king. 这位地狱大君主见到如此威势也不由心中一惊,恰逢噩梦巫王正好朝他发起了进攻,两面夹击下顿时让他不敢硬抗,身形往后一退,就避开了守护巫王的锋芒。 Protects witch king not to follow up a victory with hot pursuit, instead wielded the truth law stick to the ghost ancestor. 守护巫王并没有乘胜追击,反而将真理法杖挥向了鬼祖。 The ghost ancestor induces to the prestige energy of truth law stick, is in the heart one cold! 鬼祖感应到真理法杖的威能,也是心中一凛! However the ghost ancestor is experienced, the treasure of cultivation saw a lot, on he himself also had the might giant Innate Spirit Treasure approaching body, although astonished in tyrannical of truth law stick, but to his grade of boundary was also actually insufficient, because a powerful treasure gave birth to the heart of fear. 不过鬼祖见多识广,修行界的宝物见得多了,就连他自己身上同样也有威力巨大的先天灵宝傍身,所以虽然惊异于真理法杖的强横,但是到了他这等境界却还不至于因为一件强大的宝物而生出畏惧之心。 Only what is feared is here is not only sorcerer Great World, but also is in the heart of place world, making this protect witch king to obtain far ultra imagination world will in addition to hold, in addition existence of truth law stick, let protect witch king the strength to promote the extremely profound situation all of a sudden. 唯一可虑的是这里不仅是巫师大世界,而且还处于世界之心处,让这尊守护巫王得到了远超想象的世界意志的加持,再加上真理法杖的存在,让守护巫王的战力一下子提升到了极其高深的地步。 Otherwise if spars in the place outside sorcerer Great World, even if protects witch king to grasp the truth law stick, was not necessarily able to win the ghost ancestor. 否则若是在巫师大世界以外的地方斗法,哪怕守护巫王手持真理法杖,也未必就能赢得了鬼祖。 After all lost the world will in addition to hold, protecting witch king the strength were most also good fortune middle-stage, this was also only the disparity in boundary, if in adding on various methods, were inferior in the strength! 毕竟失去了世界意志的加持,守护巫王自身实力最多也才造化中期而已,这还只是境界上的差距,若是在加上各种手段,在战力上更加不如! However now, grasps the truth law stick, there are vast world will in addition to hold, this moment protects witch Wangdan to discuss by the strength is not weak to the powerhouse. 但是现在,手持真理法杖,又有浩瀚的世界意志加持,这一刻的守护巫王单以战力而论已经不弱于至强者。 The ghost ancestor waves to display all sorts of ghosts to say secret technique divine ability, with protecting witch king spars, while heart central disk. 鬼祖挥手施展种种鬼道秘术神通,一边跟守护巫王斗法,一边心中盘算起来。 He is resolute, knows oneself definitely cannot fight now protects witch king, the time delays long, once fall on leeward, not only may cause heavy losses by the opposite party, perhaps will protect witch king also to wield the truth law stick to other faction big energies, in addition the number of sorcerer powerhouse as before many one's own side, and fought to win or die the heart of going all out, when the time comes only feared one's own side will lose seriously. 他性格果决,知道自己肯定斗不过现在的守护巫王,时间耽搁的久了一旦自己落在下风,不仅有可能被对方重创,说不定守护巫王还会将真理法杖挥向其他各派大能,再加上巫师强者的数量依旧多过己方,且背水一战起了拼命之心,到时候只怕己方会损失惨重。 Thinks of here, in the ghost ancestor heart gets down the decision immediately, this place is not suitable stays for a long time, must retreat rapidly! 想到这里,鬼祖心中立刻就下了决定,此地不宜久留,应当迅速退走! However had arrived at the sorcerer heart of place world, if departs he to be really unwilling! 不过都已经到了巫师界的世界之心处,若是就这么离去他实在心有不甘! The ghost ancestor look twinkle moment, in the heart makes a determined effort suddenly, a figure point, by one ten, the field in presented ten ghost ancestors' figure immediately! 鬼祖眼神闪烁片刻,突然心中发狠,身形一分,由一化十,场中顿时出现了十尊鬼祖的身形! Trivial imaginary technique, wants to be puzzled my mind?” “区区幻术,也想惑我心神?” In protection witch Wangkou cold snort/hum, in the hand on the truth law stick glitters a ray, holds him of eyes to look by the truth in addition again to that ten forms, discovered which with amazement oneself are unable to see through as before is the ghost ancestor true body, which is false! 守护巫王口中冷哼一声,手中真理法杖上闪烁出一道光芒,以真理加持双眼的他再次看向那十道身影,骇然发现自己依旧无法看穿哪个才是鬼祖真身,哪个才是虚假! Or in his eyes these ten ghost ancestor figure completely real! 或者说,在他眼中这十道鬼祖身形全部都是真的! Because on each has the powerful principle fluctuation, has the immeasurably deep strength presents, moreover each waved to release tyrannical magic arts divine ability, after the protection witch king wielded truth law stick anti- under these magic art, can clear discovery these magic arts divine ability be completely might tyrannical magic art, no was the false imaginary technique. 因为每一尊身上都有强大的法则波动,都有深不可测的力量呈现,而且每一个都挥手间释放出了强横的道法神通,当守护巫王挥动真理法杖抗下这些法术以后,更是能够清晰的发现这些道法神通全部都是威力强横的法术,没有一个是虚假的幻术。 This makes in his heart be startled, nearly suspected that own eye had the problem. 这让他心中大吃一惊,险些怀疑自己的眼睛出现了问题。 However he grasps the truth law stick after all, since this law stick names by the truth, naturally has its unique merit, after when protects witch king by the truth law stick investigates, this knows that the ghost ancestor cultivated/repaired ten Great Dao unexpectedly simultaneously, at this moment ten separations, changes to ten clone, this will present the present scene. 不过他毕竟手持真理法杖,这件法杖既然以真理来命名,其中自然有其独特之处,所以当守护巫王以真理法杖探查过后,这才知道鬼祖竟然同时修了十条大道,此刻将十道分离,化作十尊分身,这才会出现眼前的场景。 This lets protect in witch Wangxin to shock, with cultivating ten principle Great Dao, no wonder this blue sky cultivator can be so tyrannical greatly. 这让守护巫王心中震惊,同修十条法则大道,难怪这尊碧落修士大能如此强横。 However this also strengthened him the thought that the ghost ancestor life leaves behind. 不过这也更加坚定了他将鬼祖性命留下的念头。 If really hard to cut to kill the good fortune archenemies of two invasions, can let go the hell's seventh monarchy, that is one sinister saw devil who deceitfully cheap throws upward, although the strength is tyrannical, but regardless of the strength strong and weak or the conduct attitude, can deal with regarding any sorcerer king. 若是实在难以将两尊入侵的造化大敌斩杀,可以将地狱第七君主放走,那不过是一个阴险狡诈看到便宜就往上扑的魔鬼而已,虽然实力强横,但无论战力强弱还是行事作风,对于任何一尊巫师王来说都能应付。 But ghost ancestor blue sky good fortune can somewhat stem from greatly protects beyond witch king the expectation, in addition various blue sky factions can greatly the performance, even more lets protect in witch Wangxin to dread. 可鬼祖这尊碧落造化大能就有些出乎守护巫王的预料之外了,再加上碧落各派大能的表现,愈发让守护巫王心中忌惮。 He even suspected that this sorcerer Great World treats as the object of invasion the blue sky is whether correct, if cannot attack and occupy the blue sky, only feared finally suffers a loss they! 他甚至都怀疑这次巫师大世界将碧落当做入侵的对象是否正确,若是不能攻占碧落,只怕最后吃亏的还是他们! Because in the heart dreads to aggravate, therefore protects witch king to start to be getting more and more heavy, tries several that strikes to kill the ghost ancestor clone, breaks ghost ancestor's several Great Dao, first its heavy losses, then strikes to kill him in this thoroughly, finally various destruction blue sky factions can greatly the powerhouse. 因为心中忌惮加重,所以守护巫王下手越来越重,试图击杀鬼祖的几尊分身,打断鬼祖的几条大道,先将其重创,然后把他彻底击杀于此,最后再覆灭碧落各派大能强者。 However protects the witch king regarding the truth law stick extremely in the trust, only knows the true understanding logo stick to feed back ghost ancestor cultivation ten Great Dao, changes to ten clone to him to launch to besiege, actually does not know that the true understanding logo stick eventually is not the life, but passive accepts his control, the matter that the passive response he wants to know, does not know at this moment the true plan of ghost ancestor completely. 不过守护巫王对于真理法杖太过于信任,只知道真理法杖反馈回来鬼祖修行十条大道,化作十尊分身对他展开围攻,却不知道真理法杖终究不是生灵,只是被动的接受他的掌控,被动的回应他想要知道的事情而已,完全不知道此刻鬼祖的真正打算。 He does not know that the ghost ancestor while clone to launch roaming Douwei kills to him, truly main soul Primordial Spirit not, in these ten clone in any! 他不知道鬼祖在分身对他展开游斗围杀的同时,真正主魂元神可不在这十道分身中的任何一个里面! Ghost ancestor's Yuan divine ability the ghost has said the mystique, transferred a soul place baseless, combined with that say/way soul. 鬼祖的元神通过鬼道秘法,凭空挪移到了一道分魂处,跟那道分魂合二为一。 But that say/way soul, previously the ghost ancestor displayed the seven orifices to seize the life secret technique, controls main prime culprit who witch ancestor corpse kills the four directions greatly. 而那道分魂,正是先前鬼祖施展七窍夺命秘术,掌控巫祖尸身大杀四方的主要元凶。 At this moment the ghost ancestor displays the mystique to unite with this soul Primordial Spirit baseless, transferred witch Zu's mortal body directly, replaced a minute/share of soul to control witch ancestor corpse, immediately made witch ancestor body shake. 此刻鬼祖施展秘法将元神凭空跟这道分魂合一,也就直接挪移到了巫祖的肉身当中,代替分魂掌控巫祖尸身,顿时就让巫祖身躯一震。 After witch Zu's corpse ghost ancestor Primordial Spirit controls, may want the score soul control to be much stronger, so long as the ghost ancestor wants, immediately can reduce on sorcerer's ancestor the strength of that boundless principle suppression, displays the tyrannical strength. 巫祖的尸身被鬼祖元神掌控后,可要比分魂掌控力强得多,只要鬼祖愿意,立刻就能减轻巫师之祖身上那磅礴的法则镇压之力,施展出强横的战力。 However the ghost ancestor has not done that instead made a weak appearance, sluggish after several sorcerers made the attack, draws support from the opposite party toward the tyrannical witchcraft that on him makes toward retroceding several steps, then figure staggers, falls down directly, has not set out again! 不过鬼祖并没有这么做,反而做出了一副不支的模样,慢腾腾的朝几尊巫师做出了攻击后,就借助对方朝他身上打出的强横巫术朝后退了几步,然后身形一个趔趄,直接摔倒在地,再也没有起身! „......” “……” Sorcerer powerhouse surprise mutual cross-eyed how many, some strange witch Zu's this time conditions, previously also vivid, how to say now but but actually actually? 一众巫师强者诧异的相互对视几眼,有些奇怪巫祖此时的状态,先前还生龙活虎的,怎么现在就说倒就倒了? However before witch ancestor , the condition of regaining consciousness was strange, was just now protected witch king to operate the truth law stick suppression, perhaps witch ancestor corpse had the problem, perhaps lost the possibility of recovery thoroughly, died truly also perhaps. 不过巫祖先前苏醒的状态本就非常奇怪,方才又被守护巫王操纵真理法杖镇压,或许巫祖尸身又出现了问题,或许彻底失去了复苏的可能,真正的死去了也说不定。 But no matter how, so long as at this moment does not have witch ancestor to disturb, they can win as before! 但不管如何,此刻只要没有巫祖捣乱,他们依旧能够获胜! Therefore many sorcerer powerhouses saw after the sign that witch ancestor has not set out, no longer excessively pays attention, starts to encircle to invade the archenemy full power. 所以众多巫师强者见到巫祖没有起身的迹象后,也就不再过多关注,开始全力围剿入侵大敌。 But everyone has not paid attention, witch Zu's figure had one less than half to lie to bend down directly on the heart of the world, because his build was extremely huge, this space relatively was also small, regardless of being setting upright horizontally is very being truly easy to touch the heart of the world by witch Zu's build, therefore the people have not cared about these, after all witch ancestor guarded the heart of the world not to have several tens of thousands of years here, how also does not see him the heart of the world. 只不过所有人都没有注意,巫祖的身形有一小半直接趴伏在了世界之心上,只是因为他的体型太过庞大,这处空间又相对较小,无论横着还是竖着以巫祖的体型确实很容易碰触世界之心,所以众人都没有在意这些,毕竟巫祖在这里镇守了世界之心无数万年,也没见他将世界之心如何。 However they do not know, this time witch ancestor may not only be only witch ancestor, his within the body also has to be able from the blue sky good fortune greatly Primordial Spirit! 但是他们不知,此时的巫祖可不仅仅只是巫祖,他体内还有着来自碧落造化大能的元神 witch ancestor built in the arm on heart of the world moved slightly, searched into the heart of breakage place world the hand. 巫祖搭在世界之心上的手臂微微挪动了一下,就将手探入了世界之心破损处。 But the ghost ancestor uses the law of practicing trickery at this time, used the imaginary technique to cover up witch Zu's movement truly, therefore had not been detected. 只不过此时鬼祖施展瞒天过海之法,真正施展幻术遮掩了巫祖的动作,因此并没有被人察觉。 Afterward the ghost ancestor takes sorcerer's ancestor's mortal body as the carrier, opened a independent space in his within the body, fishes for the strength of source from the heart of the world directly! 随后鬼祖以巫师之祖的肉身为载体,在他体内开辟了一处独立空间,直接从世界之心内部捞取本源之力! ps: Originally wants to write big chapter of a plot that finished sorcerer, the result not careful cannot open the machine that in notebook hitting the ground fell, if tomorrow the renewal is not punctual everyone to excuse me. ps:本来想写一个大章结束巫师界的情节,结果不小心把笔记本撞地上摔的开不了机了,明天如果更新不准时的话大家见谅一下。 High-speed writing hits beast-controlling various day of chapters to list https:// 高速文字手打御兽诸天章节列表https://
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