WAO :: Volume #10

#921: Summoned the devil

Coastal world. 海岸世界。 In the starry sky, a flying boat just entered this world, fast shuttle in sky. 星空中,一艘飞舟刚刚进入这个世界,正在天空上快速穿梭。 Had been through repeatedly the long flight, they finally arrived in this world. 历经了漫长的飞行,他们终于抵达了这个世界。 Under Shan Nu overlooks the light-decorated dim light of night, in the surface reveals the novel meaning. 山女俯瞰下方灯火阑珊的夜色,面上露出新奇之意。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Gu Qingshan is caressing by the night wind dishevel hair, asked. 顾青山抚着被夜风吹乱的头发,问道。 Young master, if Luo Bingli is awaking, perhaps will like such world very much.” “公子,若是洛冰璃醒着,恐怕会很喜欢这样的世界吧。” „, Yes, she has not experienced such world.” “啊,是的,她没见识过这样的世界。” Gu Qingshan smiles: We do not need to hurry along in any case temporarily, rests here time, she will have the opportunity to see this world.” 顾青山笑起来:“反正我们暂时不必赶路,就在这里休息一段时间,她会有机会看到这个世界的。” Shan Nu joyful nod. 山女欣喜的点点头。 Gu Qingshan cuts the finger gently, squats, is drawing a design in the deck of flying boat gently. 顾青山轻轻划破手指,蹲下来,在飞舟的甲板上轻轻画着一个图案。 Lin has turned head, shot a look at a that design, disdained say/way: low rank devil Summoning Spell, did you summon the devil to do?” 琳回过头,瞥了一眼那个图案,不屑的道:“低级的魔鬼召唤术,你召唤魔鬼干什么?” When devil Summoning Spell that Gu Qingshan learns, just entered Vying for Hegemony Region, learns on a spaceship. 顾青山所习得的魔鬼召唤术,是刚进入争霸区之时,在一艘飞船上学会的。 At that time that crew named Wang Cheng was Underworld Ghost King Gu Qingshan summoned by devil Summoning Spell. 当时那个叫王成的船员以魔鬼召唤术把身为黄泉鬼王顾青山召唤了出来。 Gu Qingshan lowers the head draws the summon chart mark earnestly, in the mouth is replying: Here is about some Chaos world of Vying for Hegemony Region surrounding, I was really issuing a warrant for arrest by Vying for Hegemony Region, cannot easily make an appearance, needs a new status.” 顾青山低头认真画着召唤图纹,口中答道:“这里大约是争霸区外围的一些混乱世界,我正在被真个争霸区通缉,不能轻易露面,需要一个新身份。” He looked at written prompt on War God Interface: 他看了看战神界面上的提示符: All Biology Homologous Mystery has completed advanced .” 众生同调奥秘已经完成进阶。” When you use this mystery, your body will be the soul from the level simulation opposite party of source, will be hard to be detected the flaw extremely.” “当你使用这种奥秘,你的身躯甚至是灵魂会从本源的层面模拟对方,极其难以被发觉破绽。” Lin saw him saying that no longer managed him, considered only to look to below dim light of night. 琳见他这么说,就不再管他,只顾望向下方的夜色。 Sea......” “海……” She is reading in a soft voice, the brow smooths gradually. 她轻声念着,眉头渐渐抚平。 This is a famous coastal world, Civilization establishes in various islands, pleasant weather, excellent surroundings. 这是一个著名的海岸世界,文明建立在各处岛屿上,气候宜人,环境优美。 Under the curtain of night, the sea and stars lights complement mutually, show a charming coastal character and style. 夜幕下,大海与繁星般的灯火相互映衬,展现出一股迷人的海岸风情。 Gu Qingshan does not have the time to admire the scenery. 顾青山却没有功夫欣赏风景。 Abyssal Demon Dragon knows his many matters, therefore he must never use with one status. 深渊魔龙知道他的许多事,所以他必须用一个从未用过的身份。 The summon design has been completed, now should read aloud the contract. 召唤图案已经完成,现在该念诵契约了。 I will take the reward at money, summoned you which world, no matter you came from, was what type devil, so long as you came here, on a dull small little while, I will give you reward of money.” “我将以金钱作为报酬,呼唤你不管你来自哪个世界,属于什么种类的魔鬼,只要你前来我这里,呆上一小会儿,我就将给予你金钱的奖励。” Come, appears in my front, takes away this money!” “来吧,出现在我的面前,拿走这一笔金钱!” Gu Qingshan places in coin the summon design. 顾青山将一把钱币放在召唤图案中。 Lin turns head, looked at these money, disdains to say again: What can such money do? The currency that also the devil liked was the soul.” 琳回过头来,看了看那些钱,再次不屑道:“这么点钱能干什么?再说魔鬼喜欢的货币是灵魂。” Say/Way that Gu Qingshan does not lift: Only needs to come one to have money to take, it is estimated that would the devil coming.” 顾青山头也不抬的道:“只需要来一趟就有钱拿,估计总会有魔鬼来的。” Come can only be some low level devils.” Said. “来的只会是一些低阶魔鬼。”琳道。 Doesn't matter, unremarkable is better, I do not need to be noticeable.” Gu Qingshan said with a smile. “没关系,越不起眼越好,我不需要引人注目。”顾青山笑道。 Lin understands, said: Un, I currently have the wound, truly cannot receive what troubled, your become unremarkable fellow is actually good.” 琳明白过来,道:“恩,我现在有伤,确实不能受到什么纷扰,你变作一个不起眼的家伙倒是挺好的。” Two people spoke, the summon design sent out the ray gradually. 两人说话间,召唤图案渐渐散发出了光芒。 Lin said suddenly: What if comes is sticks to stick a kind of devil, you cannot turn into it.” 琳忽然道:“假如来的是粘黏一类的魔鬼,你不许变成它。” Sticks mounts class devil in all devil world one status, that is responsible for cleaning up the corpse. 粘黏类的魔鬼在所有的魔鬼世界都只有一个身份,那就是负责清理尸体。 Good.” Gu Qingshan agrees to say. “好。”顾青山同意道。 Lin also said: Bites a corpse kind of devil is not good, the body stink is too heavy.” 琳又道:“噬尸一类的魔鬼也不行,身上的臭味太重。” Good.” “好。” „An hysterical/frenzy kind of devil is not better, is too ominous, looks that cannot bear want to punch.” “狂乱一类的魔鬼更不行,太凶,看着忍不住想揍一顿。” Good.” “好。” These lascivious, the dreadful devil follows my words, is not good.” “那些好色的、猥琐的魔鬼跟着我的话,也不行。” Good.” “好。” Sutures a kind of devil is too ugly.” “缝合一类的魔鬼太丑。” „...... Good.” “……好。” Lin thinks, finally said: Is these, other is casual you changes.” 琳想了想,最终道:“就是这些,其他的随便你变。” Gu Qingshan helpless forced smile. 顾青山无奈的苦笑一声。 In this case, must summon several times. 这样的话,恐怕得多召唤几次。 Bang Summoned in the design, a loud sound. 召唤图案上,一声巨响。 The devils come on invitation! 魔鬼应约而来! Three people look together toward the design. 三人一起朝图案望去。 A whole body covers entirely monster of suture line to appear. 一头全身布满缝合线的怪物出现。 This monster puts out a hand to take to summon on Rune is putting these money. 怪物伸手就去拿召唤符文上放着的那些钱。 Gu Qingshan extracts Earth Sword, knocked the head of this monster gently. 顾青山抽出地剑,轻轻敲了敲这个怪物的头。 monster faints immediately. 怪物立刻昏死过去。 Bang! 嘭! It changes to white smoke, vanishes from this world. 它化作一阵白烟,从这个世界消失。 Loses place that the consciousness Summoning Creation will return to come. 失去意识的召唤物会回到它来的地方。 The summon design is still operating. 召唤图案依然在运行。 That piles coin swayed in good condition in the summon design. 那堆钱币好端端的摆在召唤图案上。 The next devil appears. 下一个魔鬼出现。 This is a whole body is covered with the pustule, such as the turtle 这是一个浑身长满脓包,头如乌龟的 ! 啪! Gu Qingshan knocked knocking with Earth Sword above the devil. 顾青山地剑在魔鬼头上敲了敲。 The devils have not appeared thoroughly, was knocked the dusk directly, lay down. 魔鬼还没彻底出现,就直接被敲昏,躺回去了。 Good, response very quick.” “不错,反应挺快的嘛。” Lin approved one. 琳赞了一声。 Summons the soul design to continue to operate...... 召魂图案继续运行…… The next devil appears. 下一个魔鬼出现。 Fair and slender arm, pitch-black long hair, sharp pointed chin, evil charm double pupil. 白皙而修长的手臂,乌黑的长发,尖尖下巴,邪魅双眸。 His figure selects to be healthy high, but attire matching fashion tidal current. 他的身形高挑而健美,衣着搭配时尚而潮流。 Gu Qingshan is lifting Earth Sword, is somewhat scruple. 顾青山举着地剑,有些迟疑。 This is a beautiful male devil, although no extremely dreadful place, but was somewhat free. 这是一个过于美丽的雄性魔鬼,虽然没有什么太过猥琐的地方,但有些招摇了。 The devils put out a hand a move, piles money Jie that in the hand, hefted hefting. 魔鬼伸手一招,将那堆钱接在手中,掂了掂。 „, What does not need me to make, right?” The devils asked. “那么,不需要我做什么,对吗?”魔鬼问道。 His sound is magnetic, is very sincere, is very easy to give people the favorable impression. 他的声音富有磁性,又很厚重,很容易给予人好感。 Gu Qingshan has not spoken with enough time, the devil had seen Lin. 顾青山还没来得及说话,魔鬼已经看到了琳。 „?” “哦?” His eye shone. 他的眼睛亮了起来。 He saw Shan Nu. 紧接着,他又看到了山女 „, Is the types that I like.” “啧啧,都是我喜欢的类型啊。” The devils walk evilly with a smile, then to and Shan Nu deep good a ritual. 魔鬼邪笑着走上来,然后冲着琳和山女深深的行了一礼。 Two elder sisters are good, needs to serve?” “两位姐姐好,请问需要服务吗?” The devils show a charming smile. 魔鬼露出一个充满魅力的笑容。 How much money?” Lin laughs in spite of trying not to ask. “多少钱?”琳失笑问道。 Is inexpensive, looks in the elder sister so charming share, what if you have is Vying for Hegemony Region coin, I can discount.” “不贵,看在姐姐如此迷人的份上,假如你们持有的是争霸区钱币,我可以打个折。” Actually, I am very expensive/noble.” “其实,我可是很贵的哟。” Demon Ghost Path. 鬼道 What do you have to serve?” Shan Nu curious asking. “你都有什么服务?”山女好奇的问道。 Gu Qingshan could not bear again, waved the arms about a sword this devil stun in the past. 顾青山再也忍不住了,甩手一剑将这个魔鬼打昏过去。 Before the devil faints, he has not forgotten to dig out from the devil hand money. 在魔鬼昏过去之前,他还不忘了把钱从魔鬼手中抠出来。 Bang! 嘭! The devils change to white smoke, vanishes from this world. 魔鬼化作一阵白烟,从这个世界消失。 Shan Nu is perplexed, strange say/way: Well? This image is good, why doesn't the young master use this fellow?” 山女不明所以,奇怪道:“咦?这个形象不错啊,公子为何不用这个家伙?” Also, what he makes?” “还有,他是做什么的?” Gu Qingshan had not replied, but stared Lin one eyes. 顾青山没回答,只是瞪了琳一眼。 Lin has a look at Shan Nu that face perplexed appearance, this suddenly. 琳看看山女那一脸不明所以的样子,这才恍然。 ......, Young sword, is young. ……啧,雏的剑,也是雏。 Lin thinks, the recovery said: This devil gives the person to pound the back specially.” 琳想了想,补救道:“这魔鬼是专门给人捶背的。” Gu Qingshan eyebrow first choice. 顾青山眉头挑了起来。 : Charge is very expensive, moreover will frequently steal others' personal item.” 琳加了一句:“收费很贵,而且经常会偷别人的私人物品。” Shan Nu has no interest immediately, said: Devils are not good thing.” 山女立刻没了兴趣,道:“魔鬼都不是好东西。” Gu Qingshan then relaxed. 顾青山这才放松了些。 „, That, Shan Nu, you come back to rest, did not need to defend Lin again.” Gu Qingshan say. “啊,那个,山女啊,你回来休息吧,不用再守着琳了。”顾青山道 Good.” The Shan Nu smile said. “好的。”山女微笑道。 If not for the young master wants her to protect Lin, actually she is willing to follow side the young master. 若不是公子要她保护琳,其实她更愿意跟在公子身边。 Shan Nu changes to Six Worlds Divine Mountain Sword, flies into Gu Qingshan sea of consciousness. 山女化作六界神山剑,飞入顾青山识海之中。 And Gu Qingshan right. 琳和顾青山对了一眼。 Continue, just now cracks a joke, actually after I asked the words, so long as that devil dares to meet a few words, I was prepare a fist to kill him.” Lin's light say/way. “继续吧,刚才只是开个玩笑,其实我问完话之后,只要那个魔鬼敢接一句话,我是准备一拳杀了他的。”琳淡淡的道。 Result is I delivers him to go back.” Gu Qingshan say. “结果还是我送他回去。”顾青山道 Because I forgot that I had the wound.” Said. “因为我忘记我有伤了。”琳道。 Gu Qingshan looks at her face confident appearance, helpless said: Good, we continue.” 顾青山看着她一脸坦然的样子,无奈道:“好吧,我们继续。” He returns to summon in the soul design coin, starts to summon again. 他将钱币放回召魂图案上,再次开始召唤。
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