WAO :: Volume #10

#914: Plundering information

In chaotic pit hole. 乱石洞中。 Gu Qingshan arrives at the tall woman side, asked: 顾青山走到高挑女子的身边,问道: Restored how?” “恢复的如何?” „It is not good, Demon Dragon that strikes is full strength acts, I can only walk now reluctantly.” tall woman shakes the head to say. “不行,魔龙的那一击是全力施为,我现在只能勉强行走。”高挑女子摇头道。 What she said is walks, rather than recover completely. 她说的是行走,而不是痊愈 Gu Qingshan then understands, the injury of opposite party serious. 顾青山这才明白过来,对方的伤势到底有多严重。 He is hesitating the say/way: This world is not quite safe, we must go to Riddle World to recuperate time.” 他沉吟着道:“这个世界不太安全,我们得去隐语世界休养一段时间。” tall woman asked: What issue does this world have?” 高挑女子问:“这个世界有什么问题?” Great Monster Spirit that does the information business in this world, I worried that it spies on our body secret.” Gu Qingshan say. “有一个做情报生意的大妖精在这个世界,我担心它窥探我们身上秘密。”顾青山道 Un, Monster Spirit is troublesome special life, leaves well.” tall woman approves the person of same belief. “恩,妖精是一种麻烦的特殊生命,离开也好。”高挑女子赞同道。 Gu Qingshan, said: Your I walk in each world together, however I have not known that your name, will be detected like this on the road is not right.” 顾青山顿了下,道:“你我在各个世界之间一起行走,然而我还不知道你的名字,这样在路上会被人察觉到不对劲。” tall woman has not replied, instead said calmly: Before my recover completely, you must walks while takes care of me, if meets others to ask how you did explain among us the relations?” 高挑女子没有答话,反而平静说道:“在我痊愈前,你都得边走边照顾我,万一遇上别人问起来,你怎么解释我们之间的关系?” I thought that you were my elder sister, our sister and brother went hand in hand, looked for the separate family member, while sought a livelihood.” Gu Qingshan say. “我想好了,你就是我姐,我们姐弟结伴同行,一边寻找失散的亲人,一边讨生活。”顾青山道 tall woman frowns saying: Elder sister? You thought that I am very old?” 高挑女子蹙眉道:“姐姐?难道你觉得我很老?” Gu Qingshan obediently and honestly said: „It is not, from cultivation base and experience, you are too many, I who I am stronger than do not dare arrogance, can only , when younger brother.” 顾青山老老实实道:“不是,从修为和见识上来讲,你比我强的太多,我不敢妄自尊大,只能当弟弟。” tall woman listened earnestly, shows the satisfactory expression. 高挑女子认真听了,露出满意表情。 I am Lin.” She said. “我是琳。”她说道。 Lin?” “琳?” Right, recently I moved about with difficulty, must look after by you, takes the trouble.” Her politeness say/way. “对,最近我行动不便,要靠你多照顾,费心了。”她礼貌的道。 Does not need to be polite, in my hand has therapy some spirit medicine, you eat one grain now, I use spirit power to help you recuperate the injury.” “不必客气,我手上有一些疗伤的灵丹,你现在吃一粒,我用灵力帮你调理一下伤势。” Good.” “好。” ...... …… Day quick black time. 天快黑的时候。 Gu Qingshan and Shan Nu lead Lin, the preparation to leave the chaotic pit hole. 顾青山山女带着琳,准备离开乱石洞。 Shan Nu is just about to ruin the cavern, was actually blocked by Gu Qingshan. 山女正要毁掉洞窟,却被顾青山拦住。 Here remains, if which day we return to this world, perhaps here can also use.” “这里留着,万一哪天我们回到这个世界,这里说不定还能用。” Gu Qingshan say. 顾青山道 He put out a hand to caress the forehead suddenly. 他忽然伸手抚了抚眉心。 lines after lines of past phantom appears suddenly, takes turn is rotating in Gu Qingshan at present continuous. 一道道往日的虚影忽然出现,交替着在顾青山眼前轮转不休。 Gu Qingshan holds the wall, shakes the head, scatters present phantom completely. 顾青山扶着墙,晃晃头,把眼前的虚影全部驱散。 Your condition is not right.” “你的状态不对。” Lin eyes see his difference, light say/way. 琳一眼看出他的异样,淡淡的道。 Gu Qingshan explained simply: measuring tribulation nears.” 顾青山简单解释道:“量劫在即。” Originally must attack Saint of Four Pillars Boundary- said, you are afraid the settlement of Heavenly Dao?” Asked. “原来是要冲击四柱圣境了-这么说,你害怕天道的清算?”琳问道。 Feared that but actually no feared, but measuring tribulation eventually is not a minor matter, therefore we must hurry the next world.” Gu Qingshan say. “怕倒没什么怕的,只不过量劫终究不是一件小事,所以我们得赶紧去下一个世界。”顾青山道 Lin is slanting his eyes, disdains saying: Feared in the final analysis the settlement of Heavenly Dao, killed my time initially is actually very resolute, now knows that feared?” 琳斜他一眼,不屑道:“说到底还是怕天道的清算,当初杀我的时候倒是挺果决的,现在知道怕了?” Takes a life to be contrary to Heavenly Dao. 杀生有违天道 The Abyss lifeform is also life- or the high-level shape in life, has eternal attribute, although cannot kill, but Heavenly Dao will care about this matter, settlement that can double. 深渊生物也是生命-还是生命中的高级形态,具备永恒属性,虽然杀不死,但天道还是会在意这件事,会加倍的清算。 Gu Qingshan shrugs. 顾青山耸耸肩。 This cannot chat. 这就聊不下去了。 He has to shut up, keeping silent loads storage bag various thing, is making the preparation of departure. 他只好闭上嘴,默不作声的把各种东西装入储物袋,做着离开的准备。 Before long, all thing tidy up. 不一会儿,所有东西收拾完毕。 Gu Qingshan signals with the eyes to Shan Nu. 顾青山山女使个眼色。 Shan Nu holds Lin, goes out of the chaotic pit hole together. 山女就扶着琳,一起走出乱石洞。 Gu Qingshan emits a flying boat in cave entrance. 顾青山在洞口放出一架飞舟。 „The position of that place north us, about 300 li (0.5 km), we fly.” He answered. “那个地方的位置在我们北边,大约三百里左右,我们飞过去。”他解释道。 Lin nods , indicating that oneself does not have the opinion. 琳点点头,表示自己没有意见。 Shan Nu holds her, three people boarded the flying boat, flies toward the Riddle World forthcoming place. 山女扶着她,三人上了飞舟,朝着隐语世界即将出现的地方飞去。 Lin by before the window, looks below Rubble Mountain, the say/way that does not return to: 琳靠在窗前,看着下方的一座座乱石山,头也不回的道: Speaks your plan to me.” “跟我讲讲你的打算。” Gu Qingshan say: First returns to Vying for Hegemony Region, found three coin, saved some people from the past time, then got rid of Demon King Order.” 顾青山道:“先回争霸区,找到三枚钱币,从过去的时光之中救一些人,然后干掉魔王秩序。” Why can get rid of it?” “为什么要干掉它?” When the antiquity, it once tried to cross me, summoned Demon King directly and so on thing arrived, I do not know at that time that was anything, but in the heart raised the inexplicable anxiety.” “在上古之时,它曾经试图越过我,直接召唤魔王之类的东西降临,我当时不知道那是什么,但心中升起了莫名的不安。” Your feeling is right.” Lin approves the person of same belief. “你的感觉是对的。”琳赞同道。 Gu Qingshan then said that said: In enemy-occupied region, Demon King Order has reached the Demon King's Arrival stage, but is busy with dealing with Soul Whistler, therefore also leaps the matter that not take action makes it to do, I must get rid of it while this opportunity.” 顾青山接着说下去道:“在沦陷区,魔王秩序已经达到了魔王降临的阶段,只不过忙于应付灵魂尖啸者,所以还腾不出手做它想做的事,我得趁着这个机会去干掉它。” But Order of Demon King with the Soul Whistler split body battle, you were killing it, Soul Whistler?” “可是魔王之序正在跟灵魂尖啸者分裂体争斗,你干掉了它,灵魂尖啸者呢?” Also gets rid of.” “也干掉。” Demon Dragon in Vying for Hegemony Region, hides in secretly, what to do do you prepare?” 魔龙争霸区,藏在幕后,你准备怎么办?” Gets rid of.” “干掉。” Lin has a look at him. 琳看看他。 He is sipping the lip, looks somewhat painful, seems withstanding anything. 他抿着嘴唇,看上去有些痛苦,似乎在承受什么。 Lin said strangely: „Are you because measuring tribulation is too anxious, therefore spoke some boasts only?” 琳奇怪的说:“你是不是因为度量劫太紧张,所以净说些大话?” „It is not, matter that these must do, as for method- saved others said again.” Gu Qingshan say. “不是,这些都是必须要做的事,至于方法-等救了人再说。”顾青山道 Lin looked at the cold sweat of his forehead, said: „Did measuring tribulation approach fast?” 琳看了看他额头的冷汗,道:“量劫快来了?” Yes, I try hard to tow, went to the next world to say again.” Gu Qingshan say. “是的,我努力拖着,去下一个世界再说。”顾青山道 Lin thought a while, said: I have Martial Scripture, can eliminate the sin of body, you first read with me, carried.” 琳想了一会儿,道:“我有一篇武经,能消除身体的罪孽,你跟我先念一遍,背下来。” Gu Qingshan say: „Is clasp the Buddha's feet when danger arises useful?” 顾青山道:“临时抱佛脚有用吗?” Said: This is the sovereign...... one type purifies body Martial Scripture specially, passes through the mouth to praise has the inconceivable strength seed to take root, recited let alone cultivates to hold.” 琳道:“这是皇……一种专门净化身躯武经,一经口颂即有不可思议力量种子生根,更何况背诵修持。” Her both hands about together, grasped magic seal solemnly and respectfully, the complexion read aloud. 她双手合在一起,握了一个法印,面色肃穆的念诵起来。 Gu Qingshan listened earnestly, carried several under her supervision, finally carried the trim scrip­tures. 顾青山认真听了一遍,在她的监督下又背了几遍,终于把整片经文都背了下来。 Your soul is to liberate the condition, can therefore purify the body sin with this Martial Scripture now, this will be few scope postponement measuring tribulation-, because Heaven and Earth laws wants re-count your sin.” Said. “你的灵魂是解放状态,所以现在就可以用这门武经净化身躯罪孽,这样会少幅度的延缓量劫-因为天地法则重新计算你的罪孽。”琳道。 Gu Qingshan attempted to read aloud several, the uncomfortable induction of body dissipated gradually. 顾青山尝试着念诵了几遍,身上的难受感应渐渐消散。 Really is marvelous.” He sighed. “真是奇妙。”他叹道。 Naturally, this degree of Martial Scripture has been lost, calculates your luck.” Lin's light say/way. “当然,这种程度的武经早就失传了,算你运气。”琳淡淡的道。 At this time outside transmitted lines after lines of incisively whistling sound. 这时外面传来一道道尖锐的唿哨声。 The Gu Qingshan look changes, immediately received the flying boat. 顾青山神色一变,顿时收了飞舟。 Three people vanish from the upper air with the flying boat, appear on Earth. 三人随着飞舟从高空中消失,出现在大地上。 Shan Nu holds Lin, Gu Qingshan is standing in one side, three people look up together toward the sky. 山女扶着琳,顾青山站在一侧,三人一起抬头朝天空望去。 Sees only several person who wears the evil forces mask drops from the clouds. 只见数名头戴鬼怪面具的人从天而降。 The these person falls on Earth, surrounds the Gu Qingshan three people. 这些人落在大地上,将顾青山三人包围住。 Young master-” Shan Nu anxious say/way. “公子-”山女不安的道。 Gu Qingshan waves, hinting her should not be anxious. 顾青山挥挥手,示意她别急。 He keeps off them after behind, with a smile toward all around cups the fist and says: Does not know why everyone does block us?” 他将她们挡在身后,笑着朝四周抱拳道:“不知各位为何拦我们?” afterimage grazes together, but. 一道残影飞掠而至。 Gu Qingshan puts out a hand to take the sword, according to afterimage wielded a sword at will. 顾青山伸手取剑,照着残影随意挥了一剑。 When! 当! In the clear junction engine knock, that said that afterimage flew to draw back. 清脆的交击声中,那道残影飞退了回去。 Is a figure short and small man, both hands holds a sharp claw glove respectively. 却是一名身形矮小的男子,双手各持一副尖爪手套。 These people look at this, not too loudly responded, as if all are expected. 那些人看着这一幕,并无太大反应,似乎一切都在预料之中。 The short and small man exudes the sharp laughter: Can block my sneak attack, it seems like is also the Overlord Level character, no wonder will have the secret information about Demon Dragon.” 矮小男子发出尖利的笑声:“能挡住我的偷袭,看来也是霸主级的人物,难怪会拥有关于魔龙秘密情报。” In the Gu Qingshan heart sinks. 顾青山心中一沉。 The information transaction secret in the Great Monster Spirit palace is conducted, finally now oneself actually walks by others. 情报交易是在大妖精的宫殿中秘密进行的,结果现在自己却被别人找上门来。 This indicated that Great Monster Spirit also gave to sell him. 这说明大妖精把他也给卖了。 ...... 或者…… Gu Qingshan asked: Said that do you want to do?” 顾青山问道:“说吧,你们想干什么?” Doesn't do, is Great Monster Spirit there information is too expensive/noble, before we do not want to spend so many, therefore wants you to tell us the Demon Dragon information.” The short and small man said. “不干什么,就是大妖精那里的情报太贵,我们不想花那么多前,所以想要你把魔龙的情报告诉我们。”矮小男子道。 If I didn't say?” Gu Qingshan asked. “如果我不说呢?”顾青山问道。 The short and small man said: You, although is Overlord Level expert, but the Demon Dragon value of information is huge, we will not let off this news- you can have a look at all around, each is Overlord Level expert.” 矮小男子道:“你虽然是霸主级强者,可魔龙的情报价值巨大,我们不会放过这个消息-你可以看看四周,我们每一个都是霸主级强者。” Gu Qingshan looks all around. 顾青山环顾四周。 Indeed, the opposite party has not lied, the person who all around dozens bring the mask, the strength almost reached the Overlord level. 诚然,对方并未说谎,四周数十名带着面罩的人,实力几乎都达到了霸主的层级。 It seems like they wear a mask, to avoid becoming enemies, but the hope obtains this information about Demon Dragon. 看来他们蒙着面,也是为了避免结仇,只是渴望得到这个关于魔龙的情报。 In oneself wants in transcending tribulation the crucial point...... 偏偏在自己渡劫的这个节骨眼上…… But since the information about Demon Dragon, told them also to have nothing. 但既然是关于魔龙的情报,告诉他们也没什么。 Gu Qingshan shows the smile, said: Good, I can tell you.” 顾青山露出微笑,说道:“好,我可以告诉你们。” All around these people nod. 四周那些人都点了点头。 The short and small man snort/hum, said: Calculates that you know the limitation.” 矮小男子哼了一声,道:“算你识相。” How Gu Qingshan did not pay attention to him saying that but repeated secret about Demon Dragon again. 顾青山不理会他怎么说,只是把关于魔龙秘密再次复述了一遍。 These people listened earnestly. 那些人认真的听了。 When he said, among these people broadcasts together the sound: He has not lied.” 等他说完,那些人中间传来一道声音:“他没说谎。” The atmosphere slightly was loose several points. 气氛就略略松了几分。 Gu Qingshan toward all around cups the fist and says: Information had said that you also really determine to reliable, now can ask us to leave.” 顾青山朝四周抱拳道:“情报已经说了,你们也判定为真实可靠,现在可以让我们走了吧。” These people are motionless. 那些人一动不动。 They are surrounding Gu Qingshan and Shan Nu and Lin as before. 他们依旧围堵着顾青山山女、琳。 Gu Qingshan complexion invariable asking: What is this?” 顾青山面色不变的问:“这是什么意思?” The short and small man said: According to Great Monster Spirit said, you continue this valuable information.” 矮小男子道:“根据大妖精所说,你不止这一个有价值的情报。” Gu Qingshan said lightly: This was too much, if actually I really want to run, anyone of you cannot block me, why can become enemies in this with me?” 顾青山淡淡说道:“这就有点过了,其实我若真想跑,你们谁都拦不住我,何必要跟我在此结仇?” He has not lied.” “他没说谎。” In these people, specifically is responsible for distinguishing one person of lie to say again. 那些人之中,专门负责鉴别谎言的一人再次道。 Some crowd tumults. 人群有些骚动。 Dozens Overlord could not have blocked him, does he have the treasure that some type can be separated from instantaneously? 几十名霸主还拦不住他,他有某种可以瞬间脱离的宝物? In this case, pouring is not good to force , will otherwise be wasted effort. 这样的话,倒也不好逼迫太甚,否则将会是竹篮打水一场空。 Overlord separate spatially looks mutually, secret communication. 霸主们隔空互望,暗暗沟通。 Finally, the short and small man said: You said again an information- we must receive one valuable, to sell the good money again the information, puts you to walk.” 最后,矮小男子道:“你再说一个情报-我们得再收一个有价值、能卖大钱的情报,就放你们走。” Gu Qingshan is just about to speak, actually some feeling back people pulled oneself. 顾青山正要说话,却感觉背后有人扯了扯自己 Shan Nu. 山女 She is full of the anger the say/way: Young master, these things are your untold hardships-” 她充满怒意的道:“公子,那些事情都是你千辛万苦-” Gu Qingshan beckons with the hand to her, sound transmission said: time quickly without enough time.” 顾青山冲她摆摆手,传音道:“时间快来不及了。” Shan Nu looked up the weather. 山女抬头看了看天色。 The night falls. 夜幕降临。 Moon just searched from Cloud Layers. 月亮刚刚从云层中探出来。 Again after a while, the deep deep pool to Riddle World will soon appear. 再过一会儿,通往隐语世界的深潭即将出现。 Truly cannot drag again. 确实不能再拖下去。 Young master body has measuring tribulation! 况且公子身上量劫 Shan Nu clenches teeth, shut up. 山女咬咬牙,闭上嘴。 Gu Qingshan turns around, toward numerous position Overlord cups the fist and says: Good, we settled, I told you again a valuable information, we said goodbye, how?” 顾青山转身,朝众位霸主抱拳道:“好,那我们说定,我再告诉你们一个有价值的情报,我们就此别过,如何?” These Overlord have a look mutually, nods. 那些霸主互相看看,都点了点头。 Ok, person who everyone has the status, does not need to do some contradictory matters, I said another Eternal Monster Soul Whistler and its split body information.” “行,大家都是有身份的人,没必要做一些出尔反尔的事,那我就说说另一个永恒怪物-灵魂尖啸者和它的分裂体的情报。” Gu Qingshan then told. 顾青山接着讲述起来。 He said Soul Whistler all things. 他把灵魂尖啸者的所有事情都说了一遍。 He has not lied.” “他没说谎。” That sound was still judging said. 那道声音依然判断着说道。 Gu Qingshan said: Ok, I really must catch up with time, today's matter actually also indifferent, stops on the line.” 顾青山紧接着说:“好了,我真的要赶时间了,今天的事其实也无所谓,到此为止就行。” He emits the flying boat, must lead Shan Nu and Lin departs. 他放出飞舟,就要带着山女和琳离去。 These Overlord remain silent, slowly makes way a road. 那些霸主们保持着沉默,慢慢让开一条路。 Suddenly, the sharp sound resounds together. 突然,一道尖利的声音响起。 The short and small man said loudly: Monster Spirit just said that his information is very important, but he special life, holds that life in Monster Spirit Treasure House to choose same soul artifact behind very much willfully!” 矮小男子大声道:“妖精刚刚说了,他的情报很重要,但他身后有一个很特殊生命,抓住那个生命可以在妖精宝库里任意挑选一样魂器!” The crowd is in a tumult again. 人群再次骚动起来。 Great Monster Spirit Treasure House, inside has precious soul artifact. 大妖精宝库,里面有许多珍贵的魂器 That is soul artifact! 那可是魂器 If really can select one casually, oneself this may gain sends greatly! 假若真的能随便挑一件,自己这一趟可就赚大发了! Quickly! Quickly! Surrounds him!” “快!快!围住他!” The short and small man exclaimed. 矮小男子吼道。 Overlord encircle, the Gu Qingshan three people are one of them sleepily. 霸主们重新围上来,将顾青山三人困在其中。 This time, they encircle tightened. 这一次,他们围的更紧了些。 Looking that the short and small man stares to Lin. 矮小男子直勾勾的望向琳。 He has transferred the line of sight fiercely, looks to Gu Qingshan say: Boy, becoming Overlord Level expert is not easy, you may see clearly, we have dozens Overlord, wants to kill you to be easy as pie.” 他猛的转过视线,望向顾青山道:“小子,成为霸主级强者不容易,你可看清楚了,我们有几十名霸主,想杀你易如反掌。” Then?” Gu Qingshan asked. “然后呢?”顾青山问道。 just now you also calculate the knowledge to favor, therefore only need do the last matter now again.” 刚才你还算识抬举,所以现在只需再做最后一件事。” What matter?” “什么事?” Leaves behind that woman, you can walk.” “把那个女人留下,你就可以走了。” The short and small man is pointing at Lin, said. 矮小男子指着琳,说道。 Gu Qingshan then has a look at Lin. 顾青山回头看看琳。 Lin shoots a look at his one eyes indifferently, the look is indifferent. 琳无所谓的瞥他一眼,神色淡然。 The short and small man said: Perhaps boy, you can run away from our surrounding, but this woman, you do not have the means to lead her to run together, I urged you to treasure the own life, left us her.” 矮小男子道:“小子,也许你可以从我们的包围中跑掉,但这个女人,你却没办法带着她一起跑,我劝你还是爱惜自己的性命,把她留给我们。” Gu Qingshan thinks, sighed. 顾青山想了想,叹息一声。 He arrives in front of Lin saying: Sorry.” 他走到琳面前道:“对不起。” What?” “什么?” Lin's vision did not have the focal distance suddenly, but scatters on his face, looks at his sincere appearance. 琳的目光忽然没了焦距,只是散落在他脸庞上,看着他真诚的模样。 Gu Qingshan say: You may be unable to rest well.” 顾青山道:“你可能无法好好休息了。” Why?” Lin wooden say/way. “为什么?”琳木然道。 Because-” “因为-” Gu Qingshan hesitant, said simply actually: 顾青山犹豫了下,索性还是照实说道: I, although has killed God Race of four pillars boundary, had once hit with Abyssal Demon Dragon such monster with Soul Whistler, but copes with these excrement same Overlord, is short to experience.” “我虽然杀过四柱境的神族,也曾与灵魂尖啸者深渊魔龙这样的怪物打过,但对付这些屎一样的霸主们,还是欠缺经验。” Lin stayed. 琳呆了呆。 Gu Qingshan continues saying: Perhaps will waste time- I know that your body has the wound, therefore also please forgive.” 顾青山继续道:“恐怕会浪费一点时间-我知道你身上有伤,所以还请多包涵。” Bang!!!!!! 轰!!!!!! Fierce Sword Intent ascends from his body, changes to the sword wind to sway the entire wilderness. 剧烈的剑意从他身上升腾而起,化作剑风吹拂整个荒野。 He has turned around, surface toward these Overlord expert. 他转过身,面朝那些霸主强者们。 Heaven and Earth Twin Swords appears from Void, was grasped by him in the hand. 天地双剑虚空显现,被他抓在手中。 On the Gu Qingshan face reveals terrifying killing intent, faces forward to walk slowly. 顾青山脸上露出久违的恐怖杀意,缓缓朝前走去。 Must die.” “都得死。” In the wind hears his low sound of talking gently. 风中传来他轻轻的低语声。
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