WAO :: Volume #10

#911: Fleeing

At night, the fuzzy form cuts the horizon together, flies in some direction. 黑夜中,一道模糊的身影划破天际,朝着某个方向飞去。 From the form number hundred zhang (333 m) outside, Demon Dragon full strength pursues. 在距离身影数百丈之外,魔龙全力追赶。 Helpless his speed was worse than throughout the frontline the opposite party, is unable to catch up with the opposite party. 无奈他的速度始终比对方差了一线,一直无法追上对方。 Distance of both sides is still expanding unceasingly. 双方的距离还在不断扩大。 Damn! Where I must have a look at you toward to run but actually!” “该死!我倒要看看你往哪里跑!” Exclaiming that Demon Dragon flies into a rage. 魔龙暴跳如雷的吼道。 time disappears. 时间转瞬即逝。 Mountain stream upstream. 溪水的上游。 Gu Qingshan stands in the dry well, stretches out the arms. 顾青山站在枯井上,张开双臂。 The next second, that crosses the horizon the form to fall, was hugged by him in the bosom. 下一秒,那横穿天际的身影落下来,被他一把抱在怀里。 How haven't you walked?” “你怎么没走?” The tall woman whole body is the blood, tone light asking. 高挑女子浑身是血,语气平淡的问道。 Gu Qingshan say: Reached an agreement I to wait here your.” 顾青山道:“说好了我在这里等你的。” tall woman spits of mouthful of blood, air/Qi, if the say/way of gossamer: Fool, walks!” 高挑女子吐出一口血,气若游丝的道:“笨蛋,走!” Said that she falls into the stupor. 说完她就陷入昏迷之中。 Gu Qingshan cannot bear ask: Shan Nu, situation how?” 顾青山忍不住问道:“山女,情况怎么样?” Shan Nu is unzoned in this world, can observe the world with Divine Sense. 山女在这个世界不受限制,能用神念观察世界。 Immediately, the Shan Nu anxious sound resounds suddenly: 立刻,山女焦急的声音骤然响起: Explained without enough time, the young master escapes quickly!” “来不及解释,公子快逃!” Gu Qingshan immediately apparent is the crucial moment. 顾青山立刻便知已是生死关头。 Has not stayed including one second, he holds tall woman to crash into the dry well, the direct impact secret room. 连一秒都没有停留,他抱着高挑女子坠入枯井,直冲密室。 In the secret room, Shan Nu had opened that valuable box, sees Gu Qingshan to come, immediately changes to the long sword, falls on his waist side. 密室里,山女已经打开了那个宝箱,见顾青山前来,立刻化作长剑,落在他腰侧。 Gu Qingshan is holding stupor tall woman, falls into the valuable box, closes the box. 顾青山抱着昏迷的高挑女子,落入宝箱,将箱子合上。 Delivers us to walk, then you hide.” Gu Qingshan urged to the puppet baby. “送我们走,然后你藏起来。”顾青山对木偶娃娃叮嘱道。 The puppet baby nods: Relax, you walk me to go to Monster Spirit there to hide, no one can find Monster Spirit.” 木偶娃娃点点头:“放心,你一走我就去妖精那里躲着,没人可以找到妖精。” At this time outside resounded a heavy hit ground sound. 这时外面响起了一声沉重的撞击地面声。 Demon Dragon has pursued to the bottom of the well. 魔龙已经追至井底。 His eyes see the wall that breaks open, as well as inside secret room. 他一眼就看到破开的墙壁,以及里面的密室。 Un? concealed treasure room? It is not right, this strange feeling......” “恩?藏宝室?不对,这种奇怪的感觉……” Demon Dragon doubts lives in figure. 魔龙疑惑的顿住身形 mysteriously and inexorably, he induced the demon dragon blood descendant strength. 冥冥之中,他感应到了魔龙血裔的力量。 But has not actually smelled any blood the aura. 可是却并未闻到任何血裔的气息。 Is that boy who captures Heaven and Earth Twin Swords? 难道是那个夺取天地双剑的小子? When antiquity, in the final decisive battle, the opposite party by soul artifact Incarnation is Immortal Giant, therefore oneself is unable to induce the real status of opposite party. 上古之时,在最后的决战中,对方凭借魂器化身不朽巨人,所以自己无从感应对方的真实身份。 Now, in the oneself heart actually raised a desire of feed. 现在,自己心中却升起了一股进食的欲望。 This proved neighbor has exist(ence) of blood. 这证明了附近有血裔的存在 What is strange, oneself has not actually smelled blood the smell...... 但奇怪的是,自己却未闻到血裔的气味…… Had that boy in Parallel World, massacred oneself? 难道那个小子在平行世界之中,曾经杀掉过自己 Also then, is what camouflaged his aura? 那么,又是什么遮蔽了他的气息? Is having doubts, suddenly, the smell of blood vanished. 正疑惑着,突然,血裔的气味消失了。 The Demon Dragon complexion changes, to near secret room, the big hand wields, the covers of all valuable boxes open immediately completely. 魔龙脸色一变,冲近密室,大手一挥,所有宝箱的盖子顿时全部打开。 Completely empty. 空空如也。 They had left here. 他们已经离开了这里。 Demon Dragon slightly pondered over, walked around the these treasure box, finally squats down before a box. 魔龙略一思忖,绕着这些宝箱走了一圈,最后在一个箱子前蹲下。 He extends the take action finger/refers, touches in the spatial box gently. 他伸出手指,在空箱子中轻轻一触。 Finger incarnadine. 手指被染红。 Demon Dragon licked the finger, said in a low voice: Right, this is her blood- they walked from this box transmission......” 魔龙舔了舔手指,低声道:“没错,这是她的血-他们从这个箱子传送走了……” Demon Dragon drills into the box. 魔龙钻入箱子之中。 Is opposite to his five meters high huge build, this box was actually somewhat small, he pushed the half of the day not to have break into to go. 相对他那五米高的庞大体形来说,这个箱子却是有些小了,他挤了半天都没挤进去。 Demon Dragon stops simply, is lost in thought. 魔龙索性停下来,陷入沉思。 The box has the transmission special ability- 箱子具备着传送特殊能力- As a rule, is used for transmission space item in each world is very fine expensive/noble, cannot stand up to the own destruction. 通常来说,在各个世界之中用来传送空间物品都是很精贵的,禁不起自己的破坏。 Finally, Demon Dragon can only receive completely the own strength, strongly the figure contraction to about three meters, but must roll up, this enters the box completely. 最终,魔龙只能将自己的力量全部收起来,竭力将身形收缩至三米左右,还得蜷缩起来,这才完全进入箱子。 Ok, then, am I had a look at that fellow my food.” “好了,接下来,我就去看看那家伙到底是不是我的食物。” Demon Dragon shows the fierce smile, puts out a hand to close the cover of box. 魔龙露出狰狞的笑容,伸手将箱子的盖子合上。 In the secret room restored silent. 密室内恢复了寂静。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 Vibrates the Earth angry roaring sound to resound from the box together: 一道震动大地的怒吼声从箱子里响起: What's all this about, why I cannot transmission walk!!!” “这是怎么回事,为什么我不能传送走!!!” ...... …… Void Chaotic Flow. 虚空乱流 The primal chaos wind will never cease is swaying. 混沌的风永不停息的吹拂着。 Gu Qingshan is holding tall woman, was bound by a strength, flies in some fixed direction. 顾青山抱着高挑女子,被一股力量裹住,朝着某一个固定的方向飞去。 Strange, should arrive.” He is muttering. “奇怪,应该已经到了啊。”他喃喃着。 On the transmission law of according to Stars Chart, from the box leaves Twin Stars, can by transmission to the Elemental Spirit world. 按照星图上的传送之法,从箱子里离开双子星,将会被传送元素精灵的世界。 The previous time, oneself also truly entered the Elemental Spirit world. 上一次,自己也确实进入了元素精灵的世界。 But this time actually as if has problems. 可是这次却似乎出了什么问题。 Suddenly, in front endless Void, radiant nebulas fly at the extremely quick speed. 忽然,前方的无尽虚空之中,有一片璀璨的星云以极快的速度飞来。 The vast stars condense a face of connecting heaven and earth before him. 浩瀚的繁星在他面前凝聚成一副接天连地的面孔。 That is the Spirit of Time appearance. 那是时之精灵的模样。 She shows the smile to Gu Qingshan, starts talking: 她冲着顾青山露出微笑,开口说话: „The Saint Pillars of Earth master, you and I signed the secret contract, your status will be kept secret by me, therefore you cannot have this Abyss lifeform to enter my world, such will divulge a secret, ruins your my contract, you will also be detected by many powerful unknown exist(ence).” 地之圣柱的主人,你与我签订了秘密契约,你的身份将由我保密,所以你不能带这个深渊生物进入我的世界,那样会走漏风声,毁掉你我的契约,你也会被很多强大的未知存在所察觉。” Gu Qingshan lowers the head to have a look at the bosom tall woman. 顾青山低头看看怀里的高挑女子 She is still in the stupor, look pale, the corners of the mouth remain the bloodstain. 她依然处于昏迷之中,脸色苍白,嘴角残留着血迹。 Gu Qingshan say: I cannot drop out her, therefore did not go to your excellency world.” 顾青山道:“我不能抛下她,所以就不去阁下的世界了。” Spirit of Time revealed the color of thinking deeply, the moment said: I went to you to gain Stars Chart that time, looked at Stars Chart, now has known you next world where- was inferior that I directly did send you to the next world?” 时之精灵露出深思之色,片刻才说:“我去了你获取星图的那个时刻,看了一眼星图,现在已经知道你将去的下一个世界在哪里-不如我直接送你去下一个世界?” Also good, that troubled you.” Gu Qingshan say. “也好,那就麻烦您了。”顾青山道 Spirit of Time smiles, said: This is not troublesome, but I will then deal with one a war that is related to the Spirit Clan life and death, possibly has no time to care about you, therefore in the following day, you must depend upon the own strength to be careful to survive, diligently become stronger.” 时之精灵一笑,说:“这并不麻烦,但我接下来将应付一场事关精灵一族生死的战争,可能无暇顾及你,所以在后面的日子里,你必须依靠自己的力量小心生存,努力变强。” Gu Qingshan feels grateful: You give me to help, I have thanked very much.” 顾青山感激道:“您给过我很多帮助,我已经很感谢了。” Spirit of Time nods: Met again, hopes that you can quick grow, after all, four saint pillars lacked strength of the column, we will have enough to do......” 时之精灵点点头:“再会了,希望你能快一点成长起来,毕竟,四圣柱缺少了一柱之力,我们会很吃力……” Her sound gradually becomes weak. 她的声音渐渐变得微弱。 Radiant nebula dispersing, the Spirit of Time appearance becomes dim, all star light vanish in endless Void finally. 璀璨的星云散开,时之精灵的模样变得黯淡,所有星光最终消失在无尽虚空之中。 In Void, Gu Qingshan is flying toward the front as before. 虚空中,顾青山依旧在朝着前方飞行。 All do not seem to happen. 一切似乎不曾发生过。 But crossed several breaths, the Gu Qingshan body force of traction suddenly changes. 但过了数息,顾青山身上的牵引力忽然一变。 He has put together the arching trajectory in Void, flies in another direction. 他在虚空中划过一道弧形轨迹,朝着另一个方向飞去。 Flight. 飞行。 Continuously flight. 一直飞行。 How long has not known. 不知过了多久。 In Void suddenly presented one fully is the bright light opening, supported into which Gu Qingshan all of a sudden. 虚空之中突然出现了一道满是明光的口子,一下子就把顾青山拥入其中。 Under pale yellow sky. 昏黄的天空下。 The meteor has delimited together, falls slantingly to boundless Earth. 一道流星划过,斜斜坠向无垠大地 The meteor flew, suddenly in the midair, randomly and vanishes thoroughly. 流星飞了一阵,忽然顿在半空,随机又彻底消失。 Gu Qingshan falls on the ground. 顾青山落在地上。 He emits Divine Sense to sweep periphery several thousand li (0.5 km). 他放出神念扫过周围数千里。 Desolate and uninhabited. 荒无人烟。 Here is a barren Rubble Mountain group. 这里是一片贫瘠的乱石山群。 Young master, all around no one.” “公子,四周无人。” Shan Nu flies, around vigilant sizing up said. 山女飞出来,警惕的打量四周道。 Un, you help me hug her.” “恩,你帮我抱着她。” Gu Qingshan pats storage bag, fishes out side array disk- 顾青山一拍储物袋,摸出一方阵盘- Left Twin Stars, as cultivator of Three-Thousand Worlds peak, he brought back the own strength finally! 离开了双子星,作为一名三千世界巅峰的修士,他终于拿回了自己的力量! Gu Qingshan in a single breath, goes into hiding and to attack array various large-scale defense arrange, then put out a hand to pinch a secret art, rumbled a cavern on the mountain massif. 顾青山一口气将各种大型防御、隐匿、攻击法阵全都布置下来,然后伸手捏了个诀,在山体上轰出一个洞窟。 He walks, first arranged one set of gathering spirit array, takes out the seat and bedding places neatly, in the point one bunch of joss sticks, this makes Shan Nu place tall woman to collapse softly. 他走进去,先是布置了一整套聚灵法阵,取出座椅和卧具摆放整齐,点上一束安神香,这才让山女高挑女子放在软塌上。 Gu Qingshan takes out grain of Top-grade therapy spirit medicine, after breaking up by rubbing, directing the clear water to melt, poured into the tall woman mouth. 顾青山又取出一粒极品疗伤灵丹,揉碎之后,引清水化了,灌入高挑女子的口中。 His complexion becomes somewhat heavy. 他的脸色变得有些沉重。 On Twin Stars, has Shan Nu of oneself complete strength unable to defeat tall woman. 双子星上,拥有自己全部力量的山女根本无法击败高挑女子 But Demon Dragon one, the stalemate being on the verge of death comatose condition that tall woman hits. 可是魔龙一来,就把高挑女子打的陷入濒死昏迷状态。 So was been fierce by the condition of seal under the strength, if oneself meets Demon Dragon that full strength erupts, can have the opportunity of fleeing? 在力量被封印的状况下都这么厉害,假如自己遇上全力爆发的魔龙,可有逃离的机会? The disparity was too big. 差距实在太大了。 He remembers the incident suddenly, asked that Shan Nu said: „When they battle, you have been using Divine Sense to observe, then situation how?” 他忽然想起一事,问山女道:“他们交战之时,你一直在用神念观察,当时的情况到底如何?” Shan Nu said Demon Dragon and tall woman combat situation one by one, even among them each dialogue has not omitted. 山女就把魔龙高挑女子战斗的情况一一说了,连他们之间的每一句对话都没有遗漏。 The Gu Qingshan hear, turns the head to examine the tall woman injury carefully. 顾青山听完,转头细细查看高挑女子的伤势。 She said, I am the successor of old man?” Gu Qingshan asked. “她说,我是老头子的传人?”顾青山问道。 Right, she said that the old man has a successor with great difficulty, therefore does not want to make you die, she puts together completely full strength to resist Demon Dragon, had not retroceded.” Shan Nu said. “对,她说老头子好不容易才有个传人,所以不想让你死,她拼尽全力抵挡着魔龙,一直没有后退。”山女道。 Gu Qingshan falls into silent. 顾青山陷入沉默。
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