WAO :: Volume #10

#907: Female military person

As a result of giving up of Gu Qingshan, tall woman finished eating the third bowl of surface slowly. 由于顾青山的放弃,高挑女子慢慢的吃完了第三碗面。 Many thanks your hospitality, the noodles are very delicious.” “多谢您的款待,面条十分美味。” She places in the mountain stream to wash to hurry the surface bowl, both hands hold the bowl, giving back Road Guider Old Man. 她将面碗放在溪水中洗赶紧,双手捧着碗,将之还给指路老人 Then her again move. 然后她就再次中招了。 Road Guider Old Man according to beforehand with the issue that Gu Qingshan reaches an agreement, asked: Soul Whistler and are Abyssal Demon Dragon doing now?” 指路老人按照事先与顾青山商量好的问题,问道:“灵魂尖啸者深渊魔龙现在都在干什么?” tall woman reveals the color of recollection, said slowly: „The Soul Whistler main body has problems, therefore its split body was also falling into crazily, as for Demon Dragon, it is trying to rule entire Vying for Hegemony Region now, takes starting all All Living Things seeks for three coin as him, and collects all treasures.” 高挑女子露出回忆之色,缓缓说道:“灵魂尖啸者的本体出了问题,所以连带着它的分裂体也陷入了疯狂,至于魔龙,它现在正试图统治整个争霸区,以发动所有众生为他寻找三枚钱币,并收集一切宝物。” After the twinkling . 瞬息之后。 tall woman returns to normal. 高挑女子恢复正常。 „Are you really willing to help me?” She asked Gu Qingshan. “你真愿意帮我?”她问顾青山 Gu Qingshan nods. 顾青山点点头。 The tall woman thinking said: You are cultivator, most fears is the Heavenly Dao pledge, if you are really willing to urge for me, that distributes the Heavenly Dao pledge.” 高挑女子思索道:“你是修行者,最惧怕的便是天道誓约,如果你真的愿意为我所驱使,那就发下天道誓言。” Gu Qingshan shakes the head saying: I help you be able, but Heavenly Dao pledged that this thing is related with dao heart, I cannot send vowing that type vouches for completely, because I feared that I cannot achieve.” 顾青山摇头道:“我帮你可以,但天道誓言这东西道心有关,我不能发那种完全打包票的誓言,因为我怕我做不到。” It seems like you said is the lies.” tall woman said. “看来你说的都是假话。”高挑女子说。 Gu Qingshan say: Because you truly helped me obtain Heaven Sword, therefore I can pledge, so long as in my area of competence, I wanted full strength to help you, did not violate this pledge, otherwise the strength did not have the little advance again.” 顾青山道:“因为你确实帮助我得到了天剑,所以我可以发誓,只要在我能力范围内,我愿意全力帮助你,绝不违背此誓言,否则实力再无寸进。” Bang! 轰! Sunny sky crack startling thunderclap. 晴朗的天空炸响了一声惊雷。 Heavenly Dao Laws responded the pledge of Gu Qingshan. 天道法则响应了顾青山的誓言。 tall woman visits him, eyeful is inconceivable. 高挑女子看着他,满眼都是不可思议。 Her static thought a while, suddenly starts to sway from side to side the body. 她静静的想了一会儿,忽然开始扭动身子。 Selected plentiful body high, is swaying from side to side shows meaning of the different kind attracting. 本就高挑丰满的身躯,在扭动中透出一股别样的魅惑之意。 But Gu Qingshan facial expression actually dignified. 顾青山的神情却凝重了起来。 Because of swaying from side to side of opposite party, the air was brought the lines after lines of fierce vibration sound by her. 因为随着对方的扭动,空气被她带起了一道道剧烈的震动声。 Opens!” Female clear shouted. “开!”女子清喝道。 ! 噼里啪啦! - 呼-- After sound of vibration, violent astral wind erupts from her body, sweeps across the four directions. 震动的响声过后,一阵猛烈的罡风从她身上爆发出来,席卷四方。 tall woman wields a fist gently. 高挑女子轻轻挥出一拳。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Beyond several hundred meters, a big tree was broken by smashing with stone around the middle, throws high, tumbles layer on layer/heavily, blocked the entire brook. 数百米外,一颗大树被拦腰砸断,高高抛起,又重重滚落下来,拦住了整条溪流。 The mountain stream rises gradually. 溪水渐渐涨起。 Gu Qingshan is startled however looks at this, for a long time said: Really is extraordinary.” 顾青山怔然看着这一幕,许久才道:“真是了不起。” The opposite party have not depended upon Transcendent Strength, merely by a fist that flying high to strike, achieved this degree. 对方并未依靠超凡力量,仅仅凭借凌空击出的一拳,就做到了这种程度。 This is stores up for a long time, pure fleshly body strength! 这是蓄积已久的、纯粹的肉体力量 You know that Gu Qingshan, I, although does not know that you made anything, but I can actually feel that you have planned to me-, because I, although lost all abilities, what I most excel is Weaving Destiny, therefore my heart still has the intuition.” “你知道吗,顾青山,我虽然不知道你做了什么,但我其实能感觉到你对我有所谋划-因为我虽失去了所有能力,但我最擅长的是编织命运,所以我的心依然具备直觉。” tall woman saying slowly. 高挑女子慢慢的说道。 Road Guider Old Man sips the tight lip, shot a look at Gu Qingshan one fast. 指路老人抿紧嘴唇,飞快的瞥了顾青山一眼。 Gu Qingshan shakes the head to two people directions, not only hints Road Guider Old Man not to act rashly, and hints oneself to think otherwise to the tall woman words. 顾青山冲着两人的方向摇摇头,既示意指路老人别轻举妄动,又示意自己高挑女子的话不以为然。 He said lightly: I have distributed Heavenly Dao to pledge, haven't you letter/believed?” 他淡淡说道:“我已经发下天道誓言了,难道你还不信?” tall woman smiled suddenly, said: Yes, because just I detected your sincerity, therefore did not go to manage all your arrangement and methods, only asked that your- dares to distribute the Heavenly Dao pledge.” 高挑女子忽而笑了一下,说道:“是的,正因为我察觉到了你的诚意,所以才不去管你所有的布置和手段,只问你一句-敢不敢发下天道誓言。” If your just now does not dare to pledge, I will kill you at the scene.” “如果你刚才不敢发誓,我会当场杀了你。” Gu Qingshan, your sincerity rescued your life.” 顾青山,你的真心救了你的命。” Her words are loud and clear, passes on to be very far in bicker in broken bits, has the powerful self-confidence and strength. 她的话掷地有声,在细碎的流水声中传出去很远,带着强大的自信和力量。 Gu Qingshan smiles bitterly, said: Really is the Martial Path expert attitude, yesterday fought with you for the first time, I actually should understand that you were this kind of person.” 顾青山苦笑一声,说道:“果然是武道高手的作风,昨日第一次与你交手,我其实就应该明白你是这一类的人。” „? You thought that which kind of person I am?” Say/Way that tall woman is interested. “哦?你觉得我是哪一类的人?”高挑女子感兴趣的道。 „The people of practicing martial art are this, whatever others thousand plan, in ten thousand army takes its severed head by all means that” Gu Qingshan said, I somewhat understand you now finally.” “习武的人都是这样,任凭别人千般谋算,只管万军之中取其首级,”顾青山说道,“我现在终于有些理解你了。” Yes, because the human race high level of faith and dependence gives up by oneself, side all allies therefore die, even if oneself turns into monster, the person who even if these make the decision had gone to Gate of World inside, must pursue to complete the revenge. 是的,因为被自己所信赖和依靠的人族高层放弃,身边所有战友因此而死,所以就算自己变成怪物,就算那些做决定的人已经去了世界之门的里面,也要追上去完成复仇。 This is a true military person! 这是一位真正的武夫! In the Gu Qingshan heart were many a identity, solemnly said: I need first to complete something, then can full strength help you.” 顾青山心中多了一丝认同感,沉声道:“我需要先完成一些事,然后就可以全力帮你。” „? Your condition are very many, but I cannot.” tall woman extends the slender fair hand, sways from side to side gently. “哦?你的条件还挺多,但我不许。”高挑女子伸出修长白皙的手,轻轻扭动。 Her arm sends out lines after lines of just like the steel junction strikes the clear sound. 她的手骨发出一道道宛如钢铁交击般的清脆响声。 You must help me complete my matter, like this I and your gratitude and grudges wrote off, you can do your own matter.” “你得帮我完成我的事情,这样我和你的恩怨一笔勾销了,你才可以去做你自己的事。” Gu Qingshan, you are clear, now Road Guider Old Man will not help you, but I can kill you momentarily, if not for looks at your sincerely help, I will not speak so many idle talk to you.” 顾青山,你要明白,现在指路老人不会帮你,而我随时可以杀你,若不是看着你真心帮忙,我才不会跟你说这么多废话。” Therefore you do not have the choice!” “所以你没有选择的余地!” tall woman said by an unquestionable tone. 高挑女子以一种不容置疑的口气说道。 She thinks, slows down the language gas channel/angrily said: „After perhaps I complete the revenge, will come back to help you also perhaps, when the time comes, your things to me are really easy.” 她想了想,又放缓语气道:“也许我完成复仇之后,会回来帮你也说不定,到时候,你那些事情对我来说实在是轻而易举。” Gu Qingshan sighed, will further explain, suddenly the complexion changed. 顾青山叹息一声,正要进一步解释,忽然脸色一变。 The intermittent pain spreads in the body. 阵阵痛楚在身体里蔓延。 The strength that is unable to suppress is corroding all the limbs and bones gradually. 一股无法抑制的力量正在渐渐侵蚀四肢百骸。 Gu Qingshan thinks immediately! 顾青山立刻想起来了! At that time returned to this world from the Elemental Spirit world, because the matter in heart were too many, the thought has not recorded is anything. 当时从元素精灵世界回到这个世界,由于心中的事情太多,有一个念头始终没记起来到底是什么。 At this moment, Gu Qingshan understands finally significance that thought represents. 此刻,顾青山终于明白了那个念头所代表的意义。 Today is the day of dancing! 今天是跳舞的日子! Must dance immediately, otherwise Strength of Demon Dragon will spread to the whole body. 必须立刻跳舞,否则魔龙之力就会蔓延至全身。 On War God Interface also emits one line of glow small characters rapidly: 战神界面上也迅速冒出一行萤火小字: Please display Dance of Sacrificing Life For All Living Things immediately( first layer), otherwise Strength of Demon Dragon spreads, your body will suffer the irretrievable corrosion.” “请立即施展众生祭命之舞(第一层),否则魔龙之力扩散开来,你的身体将遭受到不可挽回的侵蚀。” tall woman is paying attention to change in his facial expression, cold sound said: What's wrong, did you regret?” 高挑女子注意着他神情上的变化,冷声道:“怎么,你后悔了?” Gu Qingshan hurries saying: „It is not this, but is my matter must do immediately- you are listening, I will have a time to be very uncomfortable every month-” 顾青山慌忙道:“不是这样,而是我有一件事必须马上做-你听着,我每个月都会有一个时刻很难受-” At this point he under. 说到这里他不由顿了下。 Probably said somewhat improper. 好像这么说有些不妥。 Really, a everywhere deathly stillness. 果然,四下一阵死寂。 Road Guider Old Man, is tall woman, the expression becomes very strange. 无论是指路老人,还是高挑女子,表情都变得非常奇怪。 Road Guider Old Man seems like some collapses, somewhat starts to speak but hesitates. 指路老人看上去有些崩溃,又有些欲言又止。 tall woman seemed to be shocked, subconscious takes a look toward his chest. 高挑女子似乎惊呆了,下意识的直朝他胸口瞅。 Gu Qingshan understands, beckons with the hand to say hastily: „It is not such that you think, I must dance a dance.” 顾青山明白过来,连忙摆手道:“不是你想的那样,我只是必须跳一段舞。” When I dance, do not make noise, best run by far, will otherwise possibly injure to you.” “在我跳舞的时候,你千万别出声,最好跑得远远的,否则可能会伤到你。” Gu Qingshan said hurriedly, immediately jumps Dance of Sacrificing Life For All Living Things first layer. 顾青山匆匆忙忙说完,立刻就跳起了众生祭命之舞第一层 Really did not have time to avoid the opposite party, could not attend to anything being ashamed- at this kind of time, suppressing Strength of Demon Dragon was the most important matter! 实在是没有时间避开对方了,也根本顾不上什么羞耻不羞耻-在这种时候,压制魔龙之力才是最重要的事! He stands in the mountain stream, the rocking shoulder, waves to stamp the feet, sometimes also makes to turn the ashamed movement of buttocks. 他就站在溪水中,晃动肩膀,挥手跺脚,有时还做出扭屁股的羞耻动作。 tall woman also exhibits a defensive from the beginning, vigilant makes the defense movement. 高挑女子一开始还摆出一个守势,警惕的做出防御动作。 But with the passage of time, when does not know, she stood silently the body. 但随着时间的推移,不知何时,她又默默的站直了身子。 „...... Were you brain go wrong?” “……你是脑子出毛病了?” She looked at a while, cannot bear ask. 她看了一会儿,忍不住问道。 Gu Qingshan while the opportunity of turning around, the whole face warned sternly her seriously: Do not make noise, will then have many inconceivable matter, I do not want to make you misunderstand me to cope with you.” 顾青山趁着转身的机会,满脸严肃的正告她:“千万别出声,接下来会发生很多不可思议的事情,我不想让你误会我是要对付你。” This dance is a very difficult awkward matter, even in remote ancient age, Gu Qingshan oneself still always subconscious evading, but does not think. 这个舞蹈是一件十分难以启齿的尴尬之事,就算在远古时代的时候,顾青山自己也总是下意识的避而不想。 Therefore Fate Weaver does not know this matter from the start. 所以织命者也压根不知道这件事。 At this moment, Gu Qingshan warned tall woman with such tone, has made tall woman attach great importance to sufficiently completely, but- 此刻,顾青山用这样的语气警告高挑女子,已经足以让高挑女子完全重视起来,但是- Gu Qingshan just spoke, immediately makes one to fill to tease the meaning the ashamed dance movements. 顾青山刚说完话,立刻就做出了一个充满挑逗含义的羞耻性舞蹈动作。 This movement is really...... 这个动作实在是…… The brow of tall woman raised. 高挑女子的眉头扬了起来。 Road Guider Old Man looks in the one side from afar, at this time cannot bear cast aside goes excessively- her Divine Sense is still looking at Gu Qingshan. 指路老人远远地在一旁看着,此时也忍不住撇过头去-不过她的神念依然在看着顾青山 tall woman is holding the both arms, gazes at Gu Qingshan to repeat that movement, in the heart braves the quirk: Your movement somewhat does not make contact with your spoken language, therefore you what's the matter?” 高挑女子抱着双臂,注视着顾青山重复那个动作,心中冒火道:“你的动作跟你的言语有些搭不上,所以你到底是怎么回事?” Gu Qingshan spoke a few words without enough time again. 顾青山来不及再多说一句话。 He can only jump with single-hearted devotion! 他只能专心的跳下去! Only has this to suppress Strength of Demon Dragon! 唯有这样才可以压制魔龙之力 just now he is also very helpless, the dance happen to jumped to here, what means did he have? 刚才他也很无奈,舞蹈正好跳到这里了,他又有什么办法? tall woman visits him to jump a while, somewhat could not endure the temper. 高挑女子看着他跳了一会儿,不禁有些耐不住性子了。 This anything with anything. 这到底什么跟什么啊。 This man is comes funny? 这个男人是来搞笑的吗? tall woman cannot bear say: Hey, can you not dance this laughable dance.” 高挑女子忍不住道:“喂,你能不能别跳这个可笑的舞蹈了。” Finishing speaking. 话音刚落。 She feels a dizziness suddenly, in the line of sight by the mountain stream and stone fully occupies. 她忽然感受到一阵天旋地转,视线中被溪水和石头占满。 - 唰唰唰唰唰- In Void emits several fine laces, vanishes quickly. 虚空中冒出几道细线,又很快消失。 The dry strange sound resounds together: Great dance does not allow to slander, as the spider, dies of the silk thread, this is your fate.” 一道干涩的奇怪声音响起:“伟大的舞蹈不容污蔑,身为蜘蛛,死于丝线,这便是你的下场。” The tall woman body minute/share makes dozens, scatters in the mountain stream, was flushed by the water current disappears without a trace. 高挑女子身躯分作数十块,散落在溪水中,被水流冲得不知去向。
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