WAO :: Volume #9

#858: The secret of soul artifact

Gu Qingshan looks rows of glow small character that War God Art on emits, in heart secret strange. 顾青山看着“战神技艺”上冒出的一行行萤火小字,心中暗暗奇怪。 Because these written prompt had not demonstrated that comprehends Soul Strength that skill needs. 因为这些提示符并没有显示出领悟技能所需的魂力 „Can I study these skill?” “我能学这些技能吗?” He is probing asking. 他试探着问道。 On War God Art from braves several lines of glow small characters newly, starts to explain the situation: 战神技艺上从新冒出来几行萤火小字,开始对情况进行说明: „The soul artifact manufacture is human race exclusive skill, therefore you can comprehend above skill.” 魂器制造是人族专属技能,因此你可以领悟以上技能。” But there is a premise:” “但是有一个前提:” War God Art has experienced level up, at present can demonstrate corresponding skill to you ; If you want to study extreme ancient human race skill, War God Art must again level up.” 战神技艺经历过一次升级,目前可以向你显示相应的技能;若你想修习极古人族技能,战神技艺还需再次升级。” Gu Qingshan looks at this explanation, recalled initially War God Interface and own suddenly talks. 顾青山看着这段说明,猛然回忆起当初战神界面自己的对话。 After your level up War God Art, again to War God Art conducts level up when next time, then can from remote antiquity monster body, before the comprehension remote past, human race strength.” “当你升级战神技艺之后,下一次再对战神技艺进行升级之时,便将可以从荒古怪物身上,领悟久远年代之前人族的力量。” Also does want level up next time? How level up?” “下一次还要升级?怎么升级?” Is favored by 20 Soul Strength, first truly can also level up, next, as for Soul Strength that level up War God Art needs, is about three million Soul Strength next time.” “承惠二十点魂力,首先确实还可以升级,其次,至于升级战神技艺所需的魂力,下一次约为三百万魂力。” ...... …… Three million Soul Strength. 三百万魂力 Gu Qingshan looks to own surplus Soul Strength Points. 顾青山望向自己的剩余魂力值 oneself also has about 8 million. 自己还有八百万左右。 Enough. 足够了。 This is Soul Strength that must spend. 况且这是必须要花的魂力 Immediately level up.” Gu Qingshan say. “立刻升级。”顾青山道 He looks helplessly own Soul Strength Points shrinks to 5 million all of a sudden. 他眼睁睁看着自己的魂力值一下子缩水至五百万。 But that embed golden short-sword War God Art icon fierce shone. 而那个镶嵌金色短剑的“战神技艺”图标猛的亮了起来。 It sends out eye-catching golden glow. 它散发出夺目的金芒 In a while. 没过多久。 The golden short-sword in icon lengthened a point slightly. 图标上的金色短剑稍稍变长了一点。 One line of written prompt appear by the icon, made explained: I long for lengthening.” 一行提示符出现在图标旁边,做出了说明:“我渴望变长。” Gu Qingshan looks at the icon, has a look at that line of characters, for a while some do not know said what good. 顾青山看着图标,又看看那行字,一时有些不知道说什么好。 Previous level up, the icon moves. 上一次升级,图标动了动。 This time, the golden short-sword in icon lengthened a point. 这一次,图标上的金色短剑变长了一点。 Un...... 恩…… Regarding an icon...... 对于一个图标来说…… This change...... can also be remarkable...... 这种变化……也可以算是显著…… I discovered that you besides will move, lengthened- what new ability do you have?” Gu Qingshan asked. “我发现你除了会动之外,又变长了-你有什么新的能力吗?”顾青山问道。 By the War God Art icon, braves one line of new written prompt: 战神技艺的图标旁边,冒出来一行新的提示符: You need to continue to let my level up, after the golden short-sword in icon turns into the long sword, War God Interface will activate another new ability.” “你需要继续让我升级,当图标上的金色短剑变成长剑之后,战神界面将会激活另一个新的能力。” New ability must in the War God Interface existence's situation, produce.” “新能力必须在战神界面存在的情况下,才会产生。” Gu Qingshan is startled. 顾青山一怔。 Yes, he thought. 是的,他想起来了。 War God Interface, except for War God Art and War God Title and War God mission as well as Apocalypse Chronicles that” changes, many options have not opened. 战神界面的下方,除了“战神技艺”、“战神名号”、“战神任务”以及正在变化的“末日编年史”,还有许多选项并没有打开。 However now, War God Interface is not at side Gu Qingshan. 不过现在,战神界面并不在顾青山身边。 Therefore the new ability is also out of the question. 所以新能力也就无从谈起。 Gu Qingshan this matter secret in heart. 顾青山将这件事暗暗记在心中。 At this time, the rows of glow small character appeared in Void one after another: 这时,一行行萤火小字接连出现在虚空中: Comprehends defense soul artifact: the Chaotic Five Elements Bombarding Plate method of manufacturing, needs to consume the Soul Strength 10 million points, as a result of you as human race, this/should expense reduces to 100,000 Soul Strength.” “领悟防御魂器:乱五行轰击盘的制作方法,需要耗费魂力1000万点,由于你身为人族,该费用降低至10万点魂力。” Comprehension attack soul artifact: the Void Slaying Blade method of manufacturing, needs to consume the Soul Strength 20 million points, as a result of you as human race, this/should expense reduces to 200,000 Soul Strength.” “领悟攻击型魂器:空斩刀的制作方法,需要耗费魂力2000万点,由于你身为人族,该费用降低至20万点魂力。” Gu Qingshan looks at unusual. 顾青山看得一阵稀奇。 This written prompt explained an issue. 这段提示符说明了一个问题。 Not just human race can make and use soul artifact. 并非只有人族可以制造并使用魂器 But as human race, is making soul artifact this, on the one hand has the incomparable advantage. 但身为人族,在制造魂器这一方面拥有着无可比拟的优势。 Slow...... 慢着…… Is Heaven and Earth Twin Swords also soul artifact one? 难道天地双剑也是魂器的一种? Gu Qingshan starts to recall the Earth Sword function. 顾青山开始回想地剑的功用。 When he in Giant Corpse seal space, meets that monster time, Earth Sword took own all Soul Strength, a sword massacred that monster. 当他在巨大尸体的封闭空间之中,遇见那个怪物的时候,地剑取走了自己的所有魂力,一剑杀掉了那个怪物 Using Soul Strength, is a soul artifact dominant character. 利用魂力,是魂器的一个显著特征。 Initially in the Trieste collection world, the demon mothers and all Heavenly Demon for soul artifact, directly changed the attitude. 当初在翠丝特的珍藏世界,魔母和所有的天魔为了一柄魂器,直接改变了态度。 But human race on making soul artifact, has the big advantage. 人族在制造魂器上,拥有巨大的优势。 According to this logic- 这样说来- Is Heaven and Earth Twin Swords , the soul artifact class weapon? 天地双剑,难道也是魂器类的兵器? Gu Qingshan is lost in thought. 顾青山陷入沉思。 If Heaven and Earth Twin Swords is very powerful Soul Artifact of Abyss, then the Soul Whistler achievement could convince completely. 假如天地双剑是非常强大的深渊魂器,那么灵魂尖啸者的作为就完全说得通了。 Weighs in the War God Art standard, including ordinary offensive soul artifact, takes 20 million Soul Strength to comprehend the method of manufacturing. 战神技艺的标准来衡量,连一柄普通的攻击性魂器,就要2000万点魂力才可以领悟制作方法。 So long as human race 200,000 Soul Strength can learn. 人族只要20万点魂力就可以学会。 Then, forging of Heaven and Earth Twin Swords is certainly difficult, terrifying abyssal monster also has to seek for human race to do this matter. 那么,天地双剑的锻造一定非常艰难,就连恐怖的深渊怪物也不得不寻找人族来做这件事。 Before the big iron besieged city wall, the view of that old man, the truth may is this. 结合之前在大铁围城墙之内,那名老者的说法,事情的真相很有可能就是这样。 In the Gu Qingshan heart suddenly sees the light. 顾青山心中豁然开朗。 Finally was clear. 终于明白了。 He is gazing at front fluorescent written prompt, sighing of long. 他注视着面前的荧光提示符,长长的叹了口气。 Comprehension, the attack and defense soul artifact I need to comprehend.” “领悟吧,攻击和防御魂器我都需要领悟。” He said. 他说道。 In Void, the innumerable heat flows emerge out of thin air, such as the hot spring same surrounded Gu Qingshan, then floods into his sea of consciousness. 虚空之中,无数热流凭空出现,如温泉一样包围了顾青山,然后涌入他的识海 This is the completely unknown domain. 这是完全未知的领域。 Gu Qingshan barely escapes death, has not thought in the world also to have such wonderful workmanship thing exist(ence). 顾青山两世为人,从来没想过世界上还有这样巧夺天工的东西存在 Various unprecedented novel knowledge and structure law keeping coming in a steady stream repeat comes, constantly emerges in his mind. 各种前所未见的新奇知识和构造法纷至迭来,不断涌现在他脑海之中。 soul artifact, is powerful item that World Source Strength and All Living Things Soul Strength unifies to produce, has the far surpasses general thing marvelous strength. 魂器,是世界源力众生魂力相结合所产生的强大物品,拥有远超一般东西的奇妙力量。 All heat flows vanish. 所有热流消失。 Finally two lines of glow small characters sparkle: 最后两行萤火小字闪了闪: You have learned to make Chaotic Five Elements Bombarding Plate.” “你已经学会了制造乱五行轰击盘。” You have learned to make Void Slaying Blade.” “你已经学会了制造空斩刀。” Under the weak ray of dark vault of heaven, Gu Qingshan closes one's eyes, still immerses to the absorption of new knowledge during. 在黑暗天穹的微弱光芒下,顾青山闭着眼,依然沉浸于对新知识的吸收之中。 Carves the thing with Soul Strength interestingly............” “用魂力来雕琢物件……有意思……” Gu Qingshan muttered. 顾青山喃喃自语道。 He opens eyes, raises head to look at the black vault of heaven, said: 他睁开眼,仰头望着黑色天穹,说道: I want to know whether in Abyss Jail has special makes the soul artifact place.” “我想知道,深渊看守所中是否有专门制造魂器的地方。” Circular light winding mountain road: Has, the instruction section has the special work table.” 圆形光盘道:“有的,指令部有专门的工作台。” Invited to lead me to go to there.” “请带我去那里。” Good.” “好的。” The circular compact disc brings Gu Qingshan to fly in another direction. 圆形光盘带着顾青山朝着另一个方向飞去。 Approximately flew for a half hour, they arrived at a spacious flat roof. 大约飞行了半个小时,他们来到了一处空旷的露台。 Gu Qingshan looked, here discovers that soul carver place. 顾青山一看,这里正是发现那个魂琢刀的地方。 Damage soul carver calmly lies down on an ultra-large square shape work table, all around piled up with various materials. 损坏的魂琢刀静静躺在一个超大的方形工作台上,四周堆满了各种材料。 If you must make soul artifact, the instruction center can provide another soul carver for you, but please note, this was last complete soul carver.” “假如您要制造魂器的话,指令中心可以为您提供另一柄魂琢刀,但请注意,这是最后一柄完好的魂琢刀了。” In other words, I cannot spoil it.” “也就是说,我不能把它弄坏。” Correct, soul carver manufactures soul artifact main tool, because of rare of material, this instruction center is unable to restore damage soul carver.” “正确,魂琢刀是制作魂器的主要工具,因为材料的稀有性,本指令中心无法对损坏的魂琢刀进行修复。” I understood.” Gu Qingshan say. “我明白了。”顾青山道 The spacious work table opens toward the two sides. 宽大的工作台朝两边打开。 A floats soul carver in Void to appear in Gu Qingshan at present. 一柄漂浮在虚空中的魂琢刀出现在顾青山眼前。 Reason that experienced the long years it also to be perfect, was because it was sealed in static space. 之所以经历了漫长的岁月它还能完好无损,是因为它被密封在一个静止的空间之中。 Gu Qingshan looks at soul carver, cannot bear shake the head. 顾青山看着魂琢刀,忍不住摇了摇头。 He is really unable to believe, in extremely ancient age, human race can achieve that step the artifact manufacture unexpectedly. 他实在是无法相信,在极其古老的时代之中,人族竟然可以把器物制造做到那一步。 soul carver seems like a mechanical arm that filled the tall and slender tentacle. 魂琢刀看上去就像是一个充满了细长触手的机械臂。 In the whisker of densely packed, some are cast by the steel, some are the flesh whiskers, some are not the well-known material quality soft length of body manages, some are the sharp burins, some are together the rays of bending torqve, some are constituted by five elements completely, actually some cannot see is what material qualities. 密密麻麻的触须之中,有的由钢铁铸就,有的是血肉触须,有的是不知名材质的软体长管,有的是尖锐的刻刀,有的是一道弯曲扭转的光线,有的完全由五行元素构成,有的又根本看不出究竟是什么材质。 Gu Qingshan counted the number, on the entire mechanical arm altogether covered entirely 967 whiskers. 顾青山数了数,整个机械臂上一共布满了九百六十七根触须。 The material quality of no whisker is the same. 没有一根触须的材质相同。 This is a super precision instrument, is hard to control pampered. 这是一种超精密的仪器,娇贵而难以操控。 When forging soul artifact, only then experiences richly, highly skilled Soul Carving Master, can smooth free control soul carver, complete each article to just like state-of-the-art soul artifact. 在锻造魂器之时,只有经验丰富、技艺精湛的魂琢师,才可以流畅自如的操控魂琢刀,完成一件件犹如艺术品般的魂器 These level insufficient Soul Carving Master, will let all material abandonment incautiously, may make soul carver be also damaged. 那些水平不够的魂琢师,一不小心就会让所有材料报废,更有可能会让魂琢刀也为之受损。 Gu Qingshan somewhat was disturbed at this time. 顾青山这时就有些忐忑了。 This is last complete soul carver. 这是最后一柄完好的魂琢刀 Also is massacres the hope of Demon Dragon to be. 也是杀掉魔龙的希望所在。 He thought several oneself obtained soul artifact manufacturing method back and forth, prepares completely appropriately material on the work table, determined until all unmistakably, this extended take action, touches soul carver. 他把自己所得的魂器制造方法来来回回想了好几遍,又把工作台上的材料完全准备妥当,直到一切都确定无误了,这才伸出手,去触摸魂琢刀 The finger just contacted soul carver, entire mechanical long arm immediately fitting on the arm of Gu Qingshan. 手指刚一接触魂琢刀,整个机械长臂立刻贴合在了顾青山的手臂上。 An itchy hemp transmits. 一阵痒麻传来。 This is soul carver is assimilating with his body. 这是魂琢刀在与他的身躯进行同化。 After the assimilation, the mechanical arm that this covers entirely the whisker will defer to the idea in Gu Qingshan heart to revolve completely. 同化之后,这个布满触须的机械手臂就将完全按照顾青山心中的想法来运转。 several breaths. 数息过去。 The connection is completely successful. 接驳完全成功。 Gu Qingshan took a deep breath, transmitted the own thought toward soul carver: 顾青山深深吸了口气,朝着魂琢刀传递了自己的意念: Starts to forge Void Slaying Blade.” “开始锻造空斩刀。” „The first step, material fusion.” “第一步,材料融合。” The whisker on soul carver stretches out 191 whiskers immediately, selects gently on various materials, lifts them to Gu Qingshan in front. 魂琢刀上的触须立刻伸出一百九十一根触须,轻轻点在各种材料上,将它们举到顾青山面前。 „No. 75 material heating melts, molding.” “七十五号材料加热融化,塑形。” „No. 31 material makes into the powder.” “三十一号材料打成粉。” „No. 56 material integrates Soul Strength, mixes with No. 98 material.” “五十六号材料融入魂力,与九十八号材料糅合。” Gu Qingshan concentrate one's attention completely, in the mind is issuing orders. 顾青山全神贯注,脑海中不停的发布着一条条命令。 ...... …… Finally, his first work was completed. 终于,他的第一件作品完成了。 offensive soul artifact, Void Slaying Blade. 攻击性魂器,空斩刀 Gu Qingshan places on soul carver the table, takes up first soul artifact that oneself makes. 顾青山魂琢刀放在桌子上,拿起自己所做的第一把魂器 This is a miniature knife of index finger size. 这是一柄食指大小的微型小刀。 In obtained knowledge according to mind, Gu Qingshan Soul Strength irrigation, then loosens the hand. 按照脑海中所得的知识,顾青山魂力灌注其中,然后松开手。 Void Slaying Blade floats quietly. 空斩刀悄然漂浮起来。 It static float in Gu Qingshan behind Void. 它静静悬浮于顾青山身后的虚空之中。 Now, can start to try this soul artifact characteristics. 现在,可以开始试一试这个魂器的特性了。 Gu Qingshan took sword conveniently, flies high to wield cuts- 顾青山随手取了一柄剑,凌空挥斩- Void Slaying Blade emits a fluctuation of distortion immediately. 空斩刀立刻放出一丝扭曲的波动。 Sees only beyond dozens meters, presented Gu Qingshan afterimage. 只见数十米外,出现了顾青山残影 afterimage sent out completely same cutting to strike. 残影发出了一道完全相同的斩击。
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