WAO :: Volume #9

#801: Fighting Enemy Sword Technique

Gu Qingshan was startled a while. 顾青山怔了一会儿。 This is in the oneself inference not the place that is possible to have problems. 这是自己推断中最不可能出问题的地方。 Finally here, presented the unexpected matter exactly. 结果却恰恰是在这里,出现了意想不到的事情。 Xie Guhong takes unexpectedly is extreme ancient sword technique, rather than the technique of age duplicated image. 谢孤鸿取走的竟是极古剑法,而不是时代重影之术。 Actually does the technique of age duplicated image come from where? 时代重影之术究竟来自哪里? If Remote Antiquity Clan, even is Eternal Abyss True God, will they give human race so powerful magical technique? 假如说是荒古一族,甚至是永恒深渊真神,它们又怎么会把如此强大的术法交给人族 It seems like in this age, many variables, is oneself has not detected. 看来在这个时代中,还有许多的变数,是自己没有察觉到的。 Gu Qingshan stands before float Jade Slip, hesitates to continue. 顾青山站在漂浮的玉简前,沉吟不止。 He infiltrates in Divine Sense Jade Slip, swept sweeping again. 他把神念透入玉简中,再次扫了扫。 Fighting Enemy Sword Technique......” 杀敌剑术……” Why does this name found somewhat familiar?” “这个名字为什么听上去有些耳熟?” Gu Qingshan is muttering, makes an effort to recall in the mind. 顾青山喃喃着,在脑海中使劲回想。 He the hand according to storage bag, starts to search thing in storage bag suddenly. 他忽然将手按在储物袋上,开始查找储物袋中的东西 That goal that he must look for is really extremely huge, was discovered by him instantaneously. 他所要找的那个目标实在是太过庞大,以至于瞬间就被他发现。 Ultra-large number Jade Slip. 超大号玉简 This came from the gift of Xie Guhong. 这是来自谢孤鸿的赠予。 Xie Guhong studies the own lifetime places in this Jade Slip. 谢孤鸿自己的毕生所学都放在这个玉简之中。 Gu Qingshan had once roughly glanced over content, this name somewhat fuzzy impression to Fighting Enemy Sword Technique. 顾青山曾大致浏览过其中的内容,对“杀敌剑术”这个名字有些模糊的印象。 But Fighting Enemy Sword Technique this name some were too plain . Moreover the condition that must study is too high, oneself swept one not to pay attention again. 只不过“杀敌剑术”这个名字有些太质朴了,而且所要修习的条件太高,自己扫了一眼就没有再关注。 Who can think, this unexpectedly is extreme ancient age's sword technique! 谁能想到,这竟然就是极古时代的剑法 extreme ancient age. 极古时代呵。 That age's is sword technique, actually how? 那个时代的剑法,究竟是怎样的? Gu Qingshan found this Sword Technique impatiently. 顾青山迫不及待的找到了这门剑术 Saw only in this Sword Technique side, Xie Guhong has written one line of postils: 只见在这门剑术的旁边,谢孤鸿已经写了一行批注: This is Sword Technique that is above the imagination, after pondering over of long time, I understood a matter: By me attainments on Sword Technique, but also needs big leap striving several times, may have obtained from this Sword Technique.” “这是一门超乎想象的剑术,在长时间的琢磨之后,我明白了一件事:以我在剑术上的造诣,还需要几次大跨越式的精进,才有可能从这门剑术上有所得。” Gu Qingshan for it speechless. 顾青山为之失语。 Even Xie Guhong has not studied this Sword Technique! 谢孤鸿都还没学这门剑术 It is not right, has study, but does not have the means learned temporarily. 不对,不是没学,而是暂时没办法学会。 Gu Qingshan shakes the head, with the mood of respect, Divine Sense invests in Jade Slip about Fighting Enemy Sword Technique that part. 顾青山摇摇头,怀着崇敬的心情,将神念投入玉简之中关于“杀敌剑术”的那个部分。 His spare no effort attempts to comprehend Fighting Enemy Sword Technique. 竭尽全力去尝试领悟“杀敌剑术”。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 Un...... 恩…… Really yes...... 果然是…… Cannot understand completely...... 完全看不懂啊…… Gu Qingshan is unwilling, the vision shoots a look at toward War God Interface. 顾青山不甘心,目光朝着战神界面瞥去。 On War God Interface has known how things stand the line glow small character constantly to emerge. 战神界面上早已有数行萤火小字不断涌现。 Fighting Enemy Sword Technique.” 杀敌剑术。” This is extreme ancient sword technique, is used to end all.” “此乃极古剑法,用来终结一切。” Because your realm is too low, temporarily is unable very good comprehension this/should Sword Technique.” “由于你的境界太低,暂时无法很好的领悟该剑术。” Uses Soul Strength to comprehend this/should Sword Technique, you need to pay Something went wrong Soul Strength.” “使用魂力领悟该剑术,你需要付出[Not Found]魂力。” Gu Qingshan counted a zero, coughs lightly a sound said: Shan Nu, we walk.” 顾青山数了一下零,轻咳一声道:“山女,我们走。” Shan Nu is looking at that introduction Fighting Enemy Sword Technique Jade Slip. 山女正在看那个介绍“杀敌剑法”的玉简 Well? Young master, this Sword Technique estimate is very fierce.” She said. “咦?公子,这门剑术估计很厉害啊。”她说道。 Un.” Gu Qingshan wooden say/way. “恩。”顾青山木然道。 Cannot think that Palace Master Xie gave up advanced Breaking Boundary Pill, actually chose this extreme ancient Sword Technique.” Shan Nu said. “想不到谢宫主放弃了进阶破境丹,却选择了这门极古剑术。”山女道。 Un.” Gu Qingshan say. “恩。”顾青山道 We go back to look for Palace Master Xie, thinking the means to make him pass to you this Sword Technique.” Shan Nu proposed. “我们回去找谢宫主,想办法让他把这门剑术传给你吧。”山女提议道。 Gu Qingshan lives, sincere say/way: Shan Nu, my Master does not have cultivation to become this Sword Technique, I do not want to make ambitious sword cultivator.” 顾青山顿住,正色道:“山女,我师父都没修行成这门剑术,我也不想做一个好高骛远的剑修。” „Is young master’s meaning?” “公子的意思是?” Before I exceed Master, I cannot cultivation such Sword Technique.” “在我超越师父之前,我不会修行这样的剑术。” Young master is really a steadfast person.” Shan Nu praised. “公子真是一个踏实的人。”山女赞道。 Did not say that walks.” “不说了,走。” Yes, Young master.” “是,公子。” Gu Qingshan takes out Transmission Talisman, spirit power urges. 顾青山取出一张传送符,灵力一催。 His whole person disappears from third ten 6 Layer, instantaneously by transmission. 他整个人从第三十六层消失,瞬间被传送了出去。 ...... …… Remote Antiquity World. 荒古世界 Completely wilderness that in becomes by the magic stone stack. 完全由魔石堆积而成的荒野中。 An underground cavern. 一处地下洞穴。 Gu Qingshan appears figure. 顾青山显出身形 Come time, here altogether four people, go back actually only remains Xie Guhong and Gu Qingshan. 来的时候,这里一共有四个人,回去的时候却只剩谢孤鸿顾青山 The white hair old man and tall and strong guy are the Eternal True God people, betrayed human race. 白发老者和魁梧大汉是永恒真神的人,背叛了人族 Xie Guhong resulted in the Heaven and Earth Twin Swords forging method that the white hair old man donated, oneself took Fighting Enemy Sword Technique, now has also departed floating. 谢孤鸿得了白发老者赠予的天地双剑锻造法,自己又取了“杀敌剑术”,现在也已飘然离去。 Here only has a Gu Qingshan person. 这里只剩下顾青山一个人。 He emitted Divine Sense to observe. 他放出神念观察了一下。 Outside in the cavern ground, such as monster of tide sea still stops up watertight, the wilderness to Remote Antiquity World depths will stand. 洞穴外面的地面上,如潮似海的怪物依然堵得水泄不通,将通往荒古世界深处的荒野站满。 In outermost monster, no powerful. 在最外面的一圈怪物中,没有什么实力强大的。 But close to the city wall of wilderness end, appeared monster is more terrifying. 但越是靠近荒野尽头的城墙,出现的怪物就越恐怖。 This is Lord of Remote Antiquity not, Soul Whistler arrangement the sea of monster, without Shadow Origin Strength, no one can pass. 这是荒古之主不,灵魂尖啸者布置的怪物之海,没有阴影源力,谁都过不去。 Gu Qingshan thought a while, slowly left the cavern, halts after a covert pitched slope. 顾青山想了一会儿,慢慢离开了洞穴,在一处隐蔽的石坡后站住。 He spread out the hand to look. 他摊开手看了看。 coin appears in the hand. 一枚钱币出现在手中。 This is Humanoid Light gives his coin, can only use one time, can return to Primordial Heavenly World Heaven Beyond the Heaven momentarily. 这是光形人给他的钱币,只能用一次,随时可以返回原始天界天外天 Gu Qingshan several breaths silent. 顾青山沉默数息。 system, do you also need Soul Strength now?” He asked. 系统,你现在还需要魂力么?”他问道。 dīng! 叮! War God system exuded the clear sound: Naturally, Soul Strength the more better.” 战神系统发出了清脆的响声:“当然,魂力越多越好。” Gu Qingshan nods. 顾青山点点头。 He did not ask that actually system also wants Soul Strength to make anything, hides after the pitched slope simply, static waiting. 他也不去问系统究竟还要魂力做什么,索性藏在石坡之后,静静等待。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 His look moves suddenly. 他忽然神色一动。 Among Heaven and Earth resounded the fierce sound. 天地间响起了剧烈的声音。 Chaos Tide must come! 混乱之潮就要来了! This was the magic stone strength saves the peak, Chaos various strengths of inflation doped together, magnificent scene that simultaneously erupted. 这是魔石的力量积蓄到了顶峰,混乱而膨胀的各种力量掺杂在一起,同时爆发的壮观景象。 monster are agitated. 怪物们烦躁起来。 They no longer look around toward the four directions, but is the tight post tread, was for fear that affected by Chaos Tide. 它们不再朝四方张望,而是紧紧贴着地面,生怕被混乱之潮波及。 In Chaos Tide, various strengths have, if can restrain the own strength to hit by some type, that was bad. 混乱之潮中,各种力量都有,万一被某种能克制自己的力量打中,那就糟糕了。 The Gu Qingshan eye shone. 顾青山眼睛亮了起来。 His silent sword technique. 他默剑诀 Tide's Sound Sword and Six Worlds Divine Mountain Sword appear from Void together. 潮音剑六界神山剑一起从虚空出现。 Goes!” He shouted lowly. “去!”他低喝道。 Two long swords buzz called one, shuttled back and forth to go toward the sea of monster. 两柄长剑嗡鸣一声,朝着怪物之海穿梭而去。 First monster was beheaded by Tide's Sound Sword. 第一头怪物潮音剑砍下了头。 Before it at the point of death, even sent out an sharp pitiful yell. 它临死前甚至发出了一声尖锐的惨叫。 However the Chaos Tide sound vibrates Heaven and Earth, its cry simply has not passed on far, immediately is submerged by the huge sound. 但是混乱之潮的声响震动天地,它的叫声根本没有传出去多远,立刻就被巨大的声响淹没了。 All monster are busy resisting Chaos Tide, has no time to care about other monster conditions radically. 所有的怪物都在忙着抵御混乱之潮,根本无暇顾及其他怪物的状况。 Gu Qingshan grabs this opportunity, transports/fortunes various Secret Sword, spirit power like does not ask for money to release. 顾青山抓着这个机会,默运各种秘剑,灵力像不要钱一样释放出去。 The double sword circles in flight to keep 双剑飞旋不停 The blood light is dreadful! 血光滔天! The extension part of entire wilderness, looks like the cropland of harvest, whatever two flying swords harvest the monster life back and forth. 整个荒野的外延部分,就像是丰收的庄稼地,任由两柄飞剑来回收割其中的怪物性命。 Some moment, only listens to working as a sound. 某一刻,只听“当”的一声响。 Tide's Sound Sword hit to spin. 潮音剑打着旋飞了回来。 It was hit by a strange strength. 它被一种奇怪的力量击中了。 Gu Qingshan cannot bear ask: All right?” 顾青山忍不住问道:“没事吧?” Tide's Sound Sword buzz, changed to the flowing light , to continue to cut to kill toward monster to go. 潮音剑嗡了一声,化作流光,继续朝着怪物斩杀而去。 Gu Qingshan observed a while. 顾青山观察了一会儿。 Sees only Tide's Sound often to be hit. 只见潮音不时会被打中。 But Six Worlds Divine Mountain Sword has Immortal and Breaking Laws the characteristics, by any strength influence, were hardly cut to strike in the monster group continuously, is almost unable to interrupt. 六界神山剑具备“不朽”和“断法”的特性,几乎不受任何力量影响,在怪物群中连续斩击,几乎无从间断。 Gu Qingshan also throws simply the shining sword, releases the large-scale group to attack frost magical technique willfully conveniently. 顾青山索性将霜刀也抛出去,任意随手释放着大范围的群攻冰霜术法 Finally, the monster wailing sound has covered the Chaos Tide sound. 终于,怪物们的哀嚎声盖过了混乱之潮的声音。 On the one hand is Gu Qingshan kills is too ominous. 一方面是顾青山杀的太凶。 On the other hand, because was Chaos Tide was finishing slowly. 另一方面,是因为混乱之潮正在慢慢结束。 Certain powerful remote antiquity monster detected that the sneak attack of Gu Qingshan, was gradually working loose the fear to Chaos Tide, full strength from the profound wilderness catches up. 某些强大至极的荒古怪物察觉到了顾青山的偷袭,正逐渐挣脱对混乱之潮的恐惧,从深远的荒野中全力赶来。 Roar!!! 吼!!! monster angry roar continuously. 怪物们的愤怒吼声此起彼伏。 time was similar! 时间差不多了! Kills again, but will have the big problem. 再杀下去,可就会出大问题。 Gu Qingshan beckons immediately. 顾青山立刻一招手。 The sword returns lightly, is hidden in his back Void. 刀剑翩然而回,隐没于他背后的虚空之中。 coin appears in the Gu Qingshan hand. 一枚钱币出现在顾青山手中。 coin sends out ray slightly. 钱币发出微微的光芒。 in a split second, Gu Qingshan from vanishes same place does not see. 霎时间,顾青山从原地消失不见。 He appears in Heaven Beyond the Heaven God King Temple. 他出现在天外天神王殿中。 Humanoid Light is defending here. 光形人正守在这里。 Luo Bingli is still building jade plate. 洛冰璃依然在打造玉碟 The instance that Gu Qingshan returns, a person of god notices immediately. 顾青山归来的瞬间,一人一神立刻就注意到了。 Luo Bingli maintains composure, dangling both eyes, continue to build jade plate. 洛冰璃不动声色,垂下双目,继续打造玉碟 Humanoid Light approach, asking of unable to hold back: What kind of, what secret God King can your majesty once investigate?” 光形人迎上来,按捺不住的问道:“怎么样,神王陛下可曾探查到了什么秘密?” Naturally, I discovered all.” “当然,我发现了一切。” Gu Qingshan said that while hints the opposite party to be patient. 顾青山一边说,一边示意对方稍安勿躁。 He uses the split vision to pay attention to War God Interface. 他用余光关注着战神界面 On War God Interface, Soul Strength Points is still still brushing the screen crazily. 战神界面上,魂力值依然还在疯狂刷屏。
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