WAO :: Volume #8

#798: Earth Sword will not die

The white hair old man is observing the Gu Qingshan facial expression. 白发老者观察着顾青山的神情。 Until the Gu Qingshan brow wrinkles was not so tight, old man very carefully say/way: According to your request, I had told you who oneself knew.” 直到顾青山眉头皱的不那么紧了,老者才小心翼翼的道:“按照你的要求,我已经把自己知道的都告诉了你。” Asked you, let off me!” “求求你,放过我!” Saying, the old man somewhat weeps with loud noise. 说着,老者就有些声泪俱下。 Gu Qingshan has not spoken, but makes an effort to pull out. 顾青山没说话,只是用力一拔。 Suppressing Prison Ghost Monarch Staff left the body of old man, was received in Void by Gu Qingshan. 镇狱鬼王杖离开了老者的身体,被顾青山收入虚空之中。 Old men immediately after flies to draw back. 老者立刻朝后飞退。 He flies to draw back, while stimulates to movement the body purple glow rapidly. 他一边飞退,一边迅速催动身上的紫芒。 With the help of Stength of Eternal, passed a time of breath merely, the white hair old man becomes a living person once again. 永恒之力的帮助下,仅仅过了一息的功夫,白发老者再次成为了一个活人。 At this moment, his over the face is the feeling relieved expression. 这一刻,他满面都是如释重负的表情。 That scepter was too terrifying, can completely the control be Dead he. 那柄权杖太恐怖了,可以完全主宰身为亡者的他。 Only then becomes the living person once again, in his heart frightened and desperate vanishes gradually. 只有再次成为活人,他心中的恐惧和绝望才渐渐消失。 However 但是 This person is so unexpectedly naive, not under extreme methods to oneself? 这个人竟然如此天真,没有对自己下死手? In the old man surface appears the color of doubts, cannot bear ask: „Don't you really kill me?” 老者面上显出疑惑之色,忍不住问道:“你真的不杀我?” Gu Qingshan say: I compare to abide by the principle of transaction, said trades the information with your life, will certainly achieve.” 顾青山道:“我比较遵守交易的原则,说了用你的命换情报,就一定会做到。” The old men shake the head saying: Cannot think that you are so naive, actually in this world, only then the deceased person can keep secret, once I live and to True God reported that reported your matter, you could not certainly escape from its palm.” 老者摇头道:“想不到你如此天真,其实在这个世界上,只有死人才可以保守秘密,一旦我活下来并向真神禀报你的事情,你一定逃不出它的手掌心。” I did not think so, I thought actually only has the fool to come conservative secret by Death.” Gu Qingshan say. “我不这么看,我倒是觉得唯有笨蛋才会以死亡来保守秘密。”顾青山道 Stupid!” The old men said. “愚蠢!”老者道。 Bang Boundless spirit power erupts from his body. 磅礴的灵力从他身上爆发开来。 in a split second, old man both hands change to afterimage, pinched one set of complicated secret art rapidly. 霎时间,老者双手化作残影,飞速捏出了一套繁复法诀 secret art has become! 法诀已成! This checks, the old man only need urge into the sleight of hand spirit power, powerful magical technique that is supplementing Divine Ability will release immediately! 这一刹,老者只需将灵力催入手诀,一个附带着神通的强大术法立刻就会释放出来! „The fellow of your idiot, can become Drifting Moon Immortal Sect Sect Master unexpectedly, it seems like that the Drifting Moon Immortal Sect destruction is natural!” The old men said with a smile ferociously. “你这种白痴的家伙,竟然也能当上流月仙宗掌门,看来流月仙宗的覆灭是理所当然的!”老者狞笑道。 He is just about to stimulate to movement spirit power, actually sees opposite of oneself, Gu Qingshan losses, visits him leisurely and carefree. 他正要催动灵力,却见在自己对面,顾青山着手,悠闲的看着他。 Old men: „......” 老者:“……” The mood that one type is unable to describe stores up in his hearts unceasingly. 一种无法描述的情绪在他心间不断蓄积。 This bastard! 这个混蛋! oneself had obtained the body of not dying obviously, 明明自己早就获得了不死之躯, oneself prepares to erupt one set of big might the technique of killing the enemy obviously, 明明自己准备好爆发出一整套大威力的杀敌之术, Why can look at his appearance, oneself does not dare take action? 可为什么看着他那副样子,自己就不敢出手 The old men endured to endure, finally could not bear ask: You are standing like this casually, has prepared dead in my hands?” 老者忍了又忍,终于忍不住问道:“你就这样随随便便站着,是已经准备死在我的手中了?” Gu Qingshan say: No.” 顾青山道:“没有。” The old men asked: You think that oneself forgave my one time, will I thank you?” 老者问道:“难道你以为自己饶了我一次,我就会感激你?” „It is not, I thought at your intelligent degree, can certainly understand key.” Gu Qingshan say. “也不是,我只是觉得以你的聪明程度,一定可以明白这其中的关键。”顾青山道 The old men are startled. 老者一怔。 At my intelligent degree...... 以我的聪明程度…… Bastards! 混蛋! My anything does not know!!! 我什么都不知道啊!!! The old man whole person must go wild. 老者整个人都要抓狂了。 At this time the Gu Qingshan sound conveyed: What your is mission?” 这时顾青山的声音传来:“你的任务是什么?” The old men said: Naturally is to make Xie Daoling carry off Heaven and Earth Twin Swords Jade Slip.” 老者道:“当然是让谢道灵带走天地双剑玉简。” He said that is startled again. 他说完再次怔住。 ...... Right. ……对啊。 oneself has completed mission that True God has delivered. 自己已经完成了真神交予的任务 Gu Qingshan say: My subordinate surrounded your god in another world, perhaps how long but cannot surround, you hurry, a while I must walk.” 顾青山道:“我的手下在另一个世界困住了你的神,但恐怕困不住多久,你还是赶紧走吧,等会儿我也得走了。” The old men are startled once again. 老者又一次怔住。 Right, oneself completed mission, will obtain the praise of True God inevitably. 没错,自己完成了任务,势必得到真神的嘉奖。 But oneself fights with Zhao Wuzong here, if cannot take the opposite party for a short time 自己在这里跟赵无踪交手,如果一时半会儿拿不下对方 Wait! 等等! Zhao Wuzong is Drifting Moon Immortal Sect Sect Master, magical treasure are innumerable, method superior, was also higher than oneself by cultivation base planned. 赵无踪流月仙宗掌门,法宝无数,手段高强,论修为也比自己高了一筹。 Although oneself is Body of Undying, but wants easily to take the opposite party, is unlikely. 虽然自己不死之身,但想轻易拿下对方,也是不太可能的。 both sides fall into surely refuse to budge. 双方必定陷入僵持。 This can be long combat. 这会是一场漫长的战斗 When the time comes, True God comes to look personally 到时候,真神亲自前来一看 oneself is still fighting. 自己还在跟人打架。 True God take action will definitely hold Zhao Wuzong personally. 真神肯定会亲自出手抓住赵无踪 Then True God asked how oneself can explain this matter? 然后真神问起来,自己要怎么解释这件事? Said to True God, oneself according to was suffered on the ground by the opposite party ruthlessly, then said True God secret? 难道跟真神说,自己被对方按在地上狠狠折磨,然后把真神秘密都说了一遍? The old man whole body shakes. 老者浑身一抖。 No matter what situation, dares to disclose that True God secret is the gravest betrayal! 不管是什么情况,敢透露真神秘密就是最深重的背叛! In front of Eternal True God, the fate of traitor is...... 永恒真神面前,背叛者的下场是…… In old man heart cannot help but surges a chill in the air. 老者心中不由自主的涌起一股寒意。 This matter cannot certainly happen! 这件事一定不能发生! He receives secret art in hand immediately, said embarrasedly: I first walked, your a while also walks a bit faster, do not bump into True God.” 他立刻收了手中的法诀,讪讪道:“那我先走了,你一会儿也快点走,千万别撞见真神了。” Goes ahead, old man figure moves, plunders to a ground that marks the white clouds design. 说走就走,老者身形一动,掠至一处标识着白云图案的地面上。 Detected that Gu Qingshan is gazing at him, he also explained patiently: This is the going out place, each one layer has, so long as you chose thing, it will return to Remote Antiquity World to go your transmission.” 发觉顾青山正注视着他,他还耐心解释道:“这是出去的地方,每一层都有,只要你选完了东西,它就会把你传送荒古世界去。” Good, takes care much.” Gu Qingshan cups the fist and says. “好,多多保重。”顾青山抱拳道 You are also, takes care.” Old man routine holding the fist in the other hand of returns a courtesy said. “你也是,多保重。”老者习惯性的抱拳回礼道。 His form disappears from the white clouds. 他的身影从白云上消失。 Disappearance instantly, the old man responded oneself is leaving with opposite party cups the fist and says. 消失的刹那,老者才反应过来自己在跟对方抱拳道别。 This person...... this...... 这个人……这到底…… Why does not know, a thought appears in the old man hearts suddenly. 不知为何,一个念头忽然出现在老者心间。 Later does not want to bump into this Sect Leader Zhao. 以后再也不想碰到这位赵掌门了。 Even if goes to and person struggle several days, and even goes to the mountain of sword, getting down the sea of fire is good. 哪怕是去和人苦战数日,乃至上刀山,下火海都行。 Really does not want to meet him. 真的再也不想碰见他了。 ...... …… After the old men leave . 老者离开之后。 Gu Qingshan beckons. 顾青山招了招手。 Some ground scattered in disorder silver hair fly, was used a small bag to install carefully by him, this puts in storage bag. 地上一些散乱的银发飞起来,被他用一个小袋子细细装好,这才放入储物袋 When just now trigs the opposite party by Dream Awaken, Tide's Sound Sword cuts off the opposite party throat, once cut away some hair of opposite party. 刚才惊梦制住对方,潮音剑斩断对方喉咙之时,曾切掉了对方的一些头发。 At an appropriate time, oneself could the useful these hair. 在适当的时候,自己或许可以用得上这些头发。 Are in any case many a preparation, always compares few one to prepare. 反正多一手准备,总比少一手准备好。 Gu Qingshan receives thing , to continue to be lost in thought. 顾青山收好东西,继续陷入沉思。 Originally Heaven and Earth Twin Swords came from the Eternal Abyss weapon. 原来天地双剑是来自永恒深渊的兵器。 A part of some weapon. 只是某件兵器的一部分。 The matter that Soul Whistler plans has actually been defeated. 灵魂尖啸者所谋划的这件事其实已经失败了。 The situation of oneself understanding, when Desolate Cloud Heavenly Palace destruction, Xie Guhong makes Huang Zhan carry off being damaged Earth Sword. 自己所了解的情况来看,当荒云天宫覆灭之时,谢孤鸿黄战把受创的地剑带走。 But oneself had once entered that fragment, knows that the final three disciples only had Shen Yang to live. 自己曾进入过那个片段,知道最后三个弟子只剩下沈泱活了下来。 Shen Yang has Xie Daoling of Earth Sword and deep sleep, entered in Six Paths of Samsara some fragment. 沈泱带着地剑和沉睡的谢道灵,进入了六道轮回的某个碎片里。 There is Cultivation World of later generation. 那里就是后世的修行世界 Perhaps Shen Yang is injured with the fight of Zhao Kuan, therefore is not good Desolate Cloud Heavenly Palace Confucian orthodoxy completely inheritance. 沈泱恐怕在和赵宽的搏斗中受了伤,所以并没有把荒云天宫的道统全部传承好。 Therefore the Cultivation World level was not high, the necessary knowledge is not clear. 所以修行世界的水准一直不高,连许多必要的知识都不清楚。 Looks over the entire history, Earth Sword hands down from generation to generation, Xie Daoling also lived. 纵观整个历史,地剑传了下来,谢道灵也活了下来。 Perhaps Soul Whistler also unexpected, the persecution of Spiritual God causes Earth Sword suddenly to be missing from Primordial Heavenly World. 兴许灵魂尖啸者也预料不到,神灵的迫害导致地剑原始天界突然失踪。 As for Heaven Sword, was hidden by the method of age duplicated image by human race. 至于天剑,更是被人族时代重影之法藏了起来。 This two swords, regardless of which is not easy to look. 两柄剑,无论哪一柄都不好找。 Therefore when ancient age end, Heaven and Earth Twin Swords simply had not been won finally, has not composed Weapon of Eternal Abyss. 所以在上古时代的终末之时,天地双剑根本没有被夺走,也没有组成永恒深渊兵器 The plan of Soul Whistler fails finally. 灵魂尖啸者的筹谋最终落空。 However! 但是! However! 但是! oneself actually spans the innumerable time, returned to ancient age from the remote future. 自己却跨越无数的时光,从遥远的未来回到了上古时代 oneself brings Earth Sword to come. 自己带着地剑而来。 Heaven Sword the place of hiding gradually is also appearing. 天剑所藏之处也在逐渐显现。 This gave Eternal True God to bring for the second time the opportunity of capturing the double sword. 这就给永恒真神带来了第二次夺取双剑的机会。 The marvelousness of destiny, really makes one be unable to explain. 命运之奇妙,真是让人无法解释。 Gu Qingshan knits the brows, with heart and soul is thinking deeply about the countermeasure. 顾青山皱起眉,全心思索着应对策略。 To solve this matter, is actually very simple. 想要解决这件事,其实很简单。 Earth Sword originally soon shatter. 地剑本就快要破碎 So long as oneself ruins Earth Sword, the Eternal True God second opportunity dissipated thoroughly. 只要自己毁掉地剑,永恒真神的第二次机会就彻底消散了。 Thinks of here, shaking the head that Gu Qingshan can not help. 想到这里,顾青山情不自禁的摇摇头。 Has lines after lines of Spiritual Energy to raise from the stage suddenly. 忽而有一道道灵气从高台上升起。 Gu Qingshan looks immediately. 顾青山立刻望去。 Sees only Zhao Wuzong to appear on Transmission Array. 只见“赵无踪”出现在传送法阵上。 Lines of sight of two Zhao Wuzong to. 两个赵无踪的视线对上。 They are not real Zhao Wuzong. 他们都不是真的赵无踪 Well? Such quickly? That martial cultivator?” Gu Qingshan asked. “咦?这么快?那个武修呢?”顾青山问道。 He ran,” Shan Nu said that „, when he saw that white hair old man appears, two people walked together.” “他跑了,”山女道,“当他看到那个白发老头出现的时候,两人就一起走了。” They said that anything does not have.” “他们说什么没有。” old man said mission to complete, immediately retreats, that martial cultivator hurried to follow he to walk.” “老头说任务完成,立刻撤退,那武修就赶紧跟着他走了。” „, This also is really simple.” Gu Qingshan say. “哦,这还真是简单。”顾青山道 Shan Nu fishes out Summoning Talisman, gives Gu Qingshan. 山女摸出一张传讯符,递给顾青山 Whose this is?” Gu Qingshan strange say/way. “这是谁的?”顾青山奇道。 Shan Nu said: That martial cultivator wants to let my join their group, leaves vigorously, him who I told is possibly feeling somewhat regrettably, kept the contact method to me.” 山女道:“那个武修想让我加入他们那一伙儿,离开的时候正跟我说的起劲,可能他觉得有些遗憾,就给我留了联系方式。” „Hasn't that old man managed?” “那个老头没管?” No, the expression on his face is very strange.” “没有,他脸上的表情很奇怪。” What expression?” “什么表情?” „It is not good to describe that......” Shan Nu thinks, said: Hit like a dashing person on a wall.” “不好形容……”山女想了一下,说道:“就像一个飞奔的人撞在了一堵墙上。” Un, I roughly understood.” Gu Qingshan say. “恩,我大致理解了。”顾青山道 Shan Nu flies to fall, stands side Gu Qingshan, shot a look at his several eyes quietly. 山女飞落下来,站到顾青山身边,悄然瞥了他几眼。 Young master...... you seem like were not quite how happy, what happened?” “公子……你怎么看上去不太高兴,难道发生什么事情了吗?” Un.” “恩。” Gu Qingshan on a matter saying. 顾青山就把事情一说。 The Shan Nu hesitation moment, said: I think of a method, can keep Soul Whistler from working.” 山女沉吟片刻,道:“我想到一个方法,能让灵魂尖啸者无法得逞。” What means?” Gu Qingshan asked. “什么办法?”顾青山问。 Earth Sword, if ruined, plan of Soul Whistler will fail.” Shan Nu say/way gently. 地剑若是毁掉了,灵魂尖啸者的谋划就会落空。”山女轻轻的道。 Fool, we are rescue Earth Sword, does not ruin it.” Gu Qingshan say. “傻瓜,我们是来救地剑的,不是毁掉它。”顾青山道 Shan Nu said anxiously: As the matter stands, the young master might compete for Heaven and Earth Twin Swords it too to be really strong with Soul Whistler when the time comes, we are hopeless.” 山女紧张道:“可是这样一来,到时候公子说不定要与灵魂尖啸者争夺天地双剑它实在太强了,我们没有希望的。” Gu Qingshan say: I want to try.” 顾青山道:“我想试试。” Shan Nu worries: Young master, in our own age, all Overlord of 900 million World Federations is not its opponent, do not show off ability.” 山女担忧起来:“公子,在我们自己的时代,连九亿世界联合会的所有霸主们都不是它的对手,你千万别逞能。” Gu Qingshan shakes the head saying: Shan Nu, you know that what is the true desperate condition?” 顾青山摇头道:“山女,你知道什么是真正的绝望境地吗?” Shan Nu said: „Is strength disparate?” 山女道:“实力悬殊?” Gu Qingshan shakes the head saying: No, the true despair is anything does not know that the unknown enemy, unknown secret, the unknown environment, is anything does not know in brief, in this time, you can only full strength combat, a strategy unable to think.” 顾青山摇头道:“不,真正的绝望是什么也不知道未知的敌人,未知的秘密,未知的环境,总之就是什么都不知道,在这种时刻,你只能全力战斗,一点策略都想不到。” But we know many information now, but also saw with one's own eyes the Soul Whistler combat process, our chances are expanding unceasingly.” “但是现在我们知道了很多情报,还亲眼看到了灵魂尖啸者战斗过程,我们的赢面在不断扩大。” I will not make Earth Sword die, I pledged.” “我绝不会让地剑死,我发誓。” Finally, Heaven Sword also certainly is our, I will not give that True God any opportunity.” “最后,天剑也一定是我们的,我不会给那个真神任何机会。” Shan Nu listened, look relaxed gets down finally. 山女听了,神色终于放松下来。 The young master said that the chance is sprawling, that certainly real. 公子说赢面在不断扩大,那就一定是真的。 The young master said that Earth Sword will not die, that Earth Sword will certainly not die. 公子说地剑不会死,那地剑就一定不会死。 In brief, oneself does not need to be worried again, completed young master’s sword on the line. 总之,自己不需要再多担心,做好公子的剑就行了。
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