WAO :: Volume #22

#2150: Two scientists

The continuous bombing sound resounds by far. 连绵的炮击声远远响起。 Listens-” “听-” I heard, bombs the far mountain from city, but does not know that is our, is the enemy.” “我听见了,炮击来自城外的远山,但不知道是我们的,还是敌人的。” Earth vibrates slightly. 大地微微震动。 The giant mist and dust leaps the midair, may hear the sound that the building collapses indistinctly, is combining various decibel noisy sounds of people. 巨大的烟尘腾上半空,隐约可听见建筑倒塌的声音,混杂着各种分贝的嘈杂人声。 The grating alarm sound sounds suddenly. 紧接着,刺耳的警报声陡然拉响。 Good- it seems like it is the attack of enemy, do you also want to continue to repair a vehicle here?” Gu Qingshan asked. “好吧-看来是敌人的攻击,你还要继续在这里修车?”顾青山问。 Naturally, I also do not have your such skill, I must fix the car(riage) here.” Liao Hang said. “当然,我又没有你那样的身手,我必须在这里把车都修好。”廖行道。 „- I always do not know that you are so professional.” “-我从来都不知道你有这么敬业。” Gu Qingshan is holding the both arms, teased said. 顾青山抱着双臂,打趣儿道。 The Liao Hang imprecations resound: Damn , can you enforce? Must know that your life and even trillion worlds safety, at this moment is in my body.” 廖行的咒骂声响起:“该死的,都什么时候了,你能不能严肃点儿?要知道你的性命乃至亿万世界的安危,此刻都系在我身上。” Good.” Gu Qingshan shuts up. “好吧。”顾青山闭上了嘴。 Opposite of him, is the military transport truck of aligning. 在他对面,是排成一行的军用运输卡车。 Here is the open area outside air-raid shelter. 这里是防空洞外的空地。 Liao Hang is drilling under some truck, takes the trouble with effort is doing the maintenance work. 廖行正钻在某一辆卡车下面,费心费力的做着维修工作。 Some little time. 好一会儿。 Liao Hang drills from the truck, say/way of being sweating profusely: Look, fixes one, I am a expert.” 廖行从卡车下钻出来,满头大汗的道:“瞧,又修好一辆,我可是一把好手。” Gu Qingshan meaningful say/way: Military vehicle, soldier, air-raid shelter, but also is hiring the driver, therefore you had detected, is this?” 顾青山意味深长的道:“军车,军人,防空洞,还在聘用司机,所以你有所察觉,是这样吗?” In addition, the these person can make so many equipment in the wartime, just now also saw the ancient machine gun, even an artillery, this speaks for itself.” Liao Hang said. “除此之外,这些人能在战时弄来这么多设备,刚才还看到了古代机枪,甚至还有一门炮,这足以说明问题。”廖行道。 He closes one's eyes, in the mouth mumbled. 他闭上眼,口中念念有词。 Gu Qingshan listens, detects him in cultivation Qi Refinement one layer chant. 顾青山听了听,察觉他是在修行炼气一层口诀 To go on living in this world, Liao Hang also spelled. 为了在这个世界活下去,廖行也是拼了。 Gu Qingshan sighed lightly. 顾青山轻叹口气。 Although oneself is unable to enter this world- 虽然自己无法进入这个世界- But something actually can also do. 但有些事其实也能做。 He thinks, figure flashes then vanishes does not see. 他想了想,身形一闪便消失不见。 Urban center. 城市中心。 Gu Qingshan appears figure in the street. 顾青山在街道边现出身形 He is staring at all around construction, has a look at these to rely on means of transportation that the gasoline and diesel oil actuate, is lost in thought. 他凝望着四周的建筑,又看看那些凭借汽油和柴油驱动的交通工具,不禁陷入沉思。 Because offers a sacrifice to rule of technique to limit, this will be relatively fair combat. 由于祭术的规则所限,这将是一场相对公平的战斗 Liao Hang is an average person. 廖行是个普通人。 He faces, then extremely dangerous aspect regarding average person. 他所面对的,便是对于普通人来说极其危险的局面。 But oneself to guard against the world difficulty suddenly becomes high, only taught one layer chant of Qi Refinement period slightly. 自己为了防范世界难度突然变高,也只稍微传授了炼气期的一层口诀 From the practical significance, Qi Refinement one layer at all is not cultivation, can only be the martial artist level in mediocre world. 从现实意义上来讲,炼气一层根本不算修行,只能算是在凡俗世界之中的武者水准。 Has not broken through Liao Hang as the upper limit of mortal, but can actually add on him. 并没有突破廖行作为凡人的上限,但却可以真实的帮上他。 Like this...... 这样的话…… In a war, the opportunity that Liao Hang lives will be bigger. 在一场战争中,廖行活下来的机会将更大一些。 Gu Qingshan is just thinking at heart, suddenly raised the head. 顾青山心里正想着,忽然抬起头。 The sky transmits the giant noise, sees only a giant transport plane to graze, release each and everyone parachute. 天空传来巨大的噪音,只见一架大型运输机飞掠而过,释放出一个个降落伞。 Clip clop dá dá ! 哒哒哒哒哒! Around the city, the sound of anti-aircraft artillery resounds immediately. 城市四周,防空火炮的声音顿时响起。 These parachute one after another crash, but still falling of some little securities in city. 那些降落伞纷纷坠落,但依然有少许安全的落在城市之中。 Paratroopers? 伞兵? Gu Qingshan grazes gently, arrives at a place quickly. 顾青山轻轻飞掠过去,很快来到一处降落地点。 Sees only the parachute lower end to tie up a black rectangular box, at this time has fallen to the ground safely. 只见降落伞下端绑着一个黑色的长方形盒子,此时已经安然落地。 Bang! 嘭! The box was shoved open. 盒子被推开。 A person crawled from the box. 一个人从盒子里爬了出来。 The Gu Qingshan facial expression concentrates. 顾青山神情微凝。 Sees only that person hands and feet and using, like beast running fast, bangs into the crowd generally directly, grasps fatty to start to gnaw to nip. 只见那个人手脚并用,如同野兽一般飞快的奔跑,径直撞入人群之中,抱住一个胖子就开始啃咬。 The crowd disperses loudly. 人群轰然而散。 That person gnawed one, seemed attracted attention by the squeal together, immediately put down fatty, towards the street end female running in the past, then threw on- 那个人啃了一阵,似乎被一道尖叫声吸引了注意力,顿时放下胖子,朝街道尽头的一名女子奔行过去,然后一扑而上- The scream stops suddenly. 尖叫戛然而止。 Gu Qingshan calmly looked at one, has turned head, looks to the just now bit that person. 顾青山静静看了一眼,又扭过头,望向刚才被咬的那人。 Sees only fatty to lie down on the ground, the whole body twitches to keep fiercely, suddenly has rolled over, crawls on the ground. 只见胖子躺在地上,浑身剧烈抽搐不停,突然翻过身,爬在地上。 His pupil vanished, the tooth becomes sharp, figure also thin. 他的瞳孔消失了,牙齿变得尖利,身形也瘦了下来。 Eats...... eats......” “吃……吃……” fatty shouts is dashing about wildly to go toward a noise market. 胖子嘶吼着朝一处喧嚣的商场狂奔而去。 First, two, three. 一,二,三。 Three seconds. 三秒。 After being nipped, only takes three seconds on the radical transformation is Man-Eating Ghost, this speed is really the terrifying. 被咬之后,只需三秒就彻底转化为吃人鬼,这个速度实在是恐怖。 The Gu Qingshan vision transfers again, stares at these to hide the crowd in street both sides cafe. 顾青山目光再转,盯着那些躲在街道两旁咖啡馆里的人群。 Sees only these people also to maintain the intelligence of human. 只见那些人都还保持着人类的神智。 It seems like not the air dissemination. 看来不是空气传播。 From it by the squeal attraction, perhaps the sound is the important factor that to cause it pays attention. 从它被尖叫声吸引来看,也许声音是引起它注意的重要因素。 Perhaps at Man-Eating Ghost Attack Power and speed, this city...... has been doomed to fall to the enemy, sooner or later will turn into a scene of Human World hell. 吃人鬼攻击力和速度,这个城市……恐怕已经注定沦陷,早晚将变成一副人间地狱的景象。 Looked that Liao Hang can live. 就看廖行能不能活下来了。 Gu Qingshan from vanishes quietly same place. 顾青山悄然从原地消失。 ...... …… time passes slowly. 时间缓缓流逝。 Sound of footsteps in disorder approaches gradually. 一阵零乱的脚步声渐渐靠近。 Liao Hang opens eyes, stands from the ground, those who actually see is several soldiers. 廖行睁开眼,从地上站起来,却见来的是几名军人。 Repaired how?” Is the first soldier asks. “修的怎么样了?”为首军人问道。 Good.” Liao Hang said. “都好了。”廖行道。 Ok?” The voice of soldier is somewhat surprised. “都好了?”军人的声音有些意外。 He boarded a truck personally, rumbled accelerator- 他亲自上了一台卡车,轰了轰油门- Fierce, this car(riage) initially in my hand the breakdown, you fix in such short time internal energy unexpectedly, is really the master craftsman.” “厉害啊,这车当初是在我手上出的故障,你竟然在这么短时间内能修好,真是老师傅。” Servicemen to Liao Hang gives a thumbs up. 军人冲着廖行竖起大拇指 The Liao Hang as if bad expression, is only the clumsy revealing smile, nods to the opposite party. 廖行似乎不善言辞,只是笨拙的露出笑容,冲着对方点点头。 An overly cautious and prudent appearance. 一副老实巴交的样子。 This instead makes the opposite party favorable impression increase. 这反而让对方好感大增。 We are urgently needed your such talent- was right, what will you also repair?” The soldiers asked. “我们急需你这样的人才-对了,你还会修什么?”军人问。 Liao Hang said: Wanting is a truck, I can cultivate/repair-” 廖行道:“只要是卡车,我都能修-” At this time Gu Qingshan appeared figure quietly. 这时顾青山悄然显现身形 He says immediately: Large-scale and complex machinery excels especially.” 他立刻道:“大型、复杂的机械尤其擅长。” Liao Hang says immediately: „, Right, the large-scale and complex machinery I excelled especially.” 廖行立刻道:“啊,对了,大型、复杂的机械我尤其擅长。” Large machine? 大型机械? The soldiers think, said: Comes with me.” 军人想了想,说道:“跟我来。” He brings Liao Hang to walk toward the air-raid shelter. 他带着廖行朝防空洞走去。 Liao Hang walks, while asked quietly: Why can say the large machine?” 廖行一边走,一边悄声问:“为什么要说大型机械?” Gu Qingshan explained: Is more urgent than the driver, is the servicemen, you are also therefore was appointed.” 顾青山解释道:“比司机更迫切的,是维修人员,你也是因此被聘任的。” Right.” “对。” Since here urgently needed servicemen, I guess that also has thing that other must cultivate/repair- you looked that in the open area outside air-raid shelter only has the truck, thing that then other must cultivate/repair should in the air-raid shelter.” “既然这里急需维修人员,我猜还有其他要修的东西-你看防空洞外的空地上只有卡车,那么其他要修的东西应该在防空洞内。” Therefore your goal is to let me enters the air-raid shelter?” “所以你的目的是让我进防空洞?” At least must first enter.” “起码要先进入其中。” Fantasy, I have the claustrophobia- why can enter that damn air-raid shelter? Inside is gloomy, I cannot be dull in this seal environment.” Liao Hang cursed low voice. “活见鬼,我可是有幽闭恐惧症的-为什么要进入那该死的防空洞?里面阴森森的,我根本不能在这种密封环境多呆。”廖行小声咒骂道。 Man-Eating Ghost is infecting in the city everywhere, how long entire city cannot want to be finished, I guess that under this aspect, the air-raid shelter can make you live.” Gu Qingshan say. 吃人鬼正在城市里遍地感染,要不了多久整个城市都会完蛋,我猜这种局面下,防空洞能让你活下来。”顾青山道 Also likes the air-raid shelter about...... me.” Liao Hang said. “也对……我喜欢防空洞。”廖行道。 They step out, crosses the spacious and profound channel, enters a large-scale warehouse. 他们加快脚步,越过空旷而幽深的通道,进入一间大型仓库。 Looks at this.” “看这个。” The soldiers toward wave hand/subordinate. 军人朝手下挥挥手。 Under two masters walks to go forward, unties the one layer thick against wind distribution, reveals inside big fellow. 两名手下走上前,解开一层厚厚的防风布,露出里面的大家伙。 „Is this...... the tank?” Liao Hang cannot bear say. “这是……坦克?”廖行忍不住道。 The soldiers explained: These were responsible for servicing the engineering corps of army equipment to go to frontline- our these guard placed the Senior Officer family in this, but here really lacked the firepower, only then this crashing tank, if you can fix it, our securities had the safeguard.” 军人解释道:“那些负责维修军用装备的工程兵都去了前线-我们这些近卫则在此安置高级军官们的家眷,但这里实在缺乏火力,只有这台出了故障的坦克,如果你能修好它,我们所有人的安全就更有保障了。” Liao Hang looks to that tank, in the heart somewhat is quite scruple- 廖行望向那台坦克,心中颇有些迟疑- We cultivate/repair together.” Gu Qingshan has the sound said. “我们一起修。”顾青山出声道。 Repairs together? My specialty is space migration, by destroying me will only do bomb- is the domain that you excel at what?” Liao Hang asked on the quiet. “一起修?我的专业是空间迁跃,论破坏我只会搞炸弹-你擅长的领域是什么?”廖行悄悄问道。 Gu Qingshan slightly. 顾青山微微一顿。 Also yes. 也是。 This time, Liao Hang just came back from the outer space, has not further learned various class of technical knowledge. 这个时刻,廖行刚从外太空回来,还没有进一步学习各门类技术知识。 Even cultivation just started. 甚至连修行都才刚刚开始。 Gu Qingshan say: I excel at the individual combat system design, the electronic information class equipment, artificial intelligence, as well as Mechanical Battle Armor.” 顾青山道:“我擅长单兵作战系统设计,电子信息类设备,人工智能,以及机动战甲。” What fierce paper has?” Liao Hang walks while asked. “有什么厉害的论文吗?”廖行边走边问。 No.” Gu Qingshan say. “没有。”顾青山道 Even paper? You are not an academic swindler.” Liao Hang said scruple. “连论文都没有?你不会是个学术骗子吧。”廖行迟疑道。 On academic I am insufficient but actually am a swindler.” Gu Qingshan say. “学术上我倒不至于是骗子。”顾青山道 What do you have to prove the oneself technology and academic thing?” “那你有什么能证明自己技术和学术的东西吗?” I have Gu Su'an.” “我有顾苏安。” „...... Was good, I most like your these actual combat faction.” “……行了,我最喜欢你们这些实战派。” Liao Hang has turned around, shows the simple and honest smile to the soldiers: I can try-, even if cannot fix, is still insufficient to cultivate/repair badly, did you say?” 廖行转过身,冲军人们露出憨厚的笑容:“我可以试试-就算修不好,也不至于修得更坏,您说呢?” Ok, you try, cannot fix also indifferently.” The soldiers said. “行,你试试,修不好也无所谓。”军人道。 He started the tank, then jumps down, leading the person hastily to leave, only leaves behind a young soldier to look in the one side. 他启动了坦克,然后跳下来,带着人匆匆离开,只留下一个年轻士兵在一旁看着。 Liao Hang looks toward that soldier, seeing only his figure is thin, on the face has the color of carefully examining. 廖行朝那士兵望去,只见他身形瘦削,脸上带着审视之色。 Is a supervisor. 是个监工。 Gu Qingshan floated the tank to look at one, flew, said quietly: Gets someone to leave this person.” 顾青山飘进坦克看了一眼,又飞出来,悄声道:“把这个人支走。” Liao Hang understands. 廖行心领神会。 At this time Gu Qingshan as if detected anything, suddenly from vanished same place. 这时顾青山似乎察觉到什么,忽然从原地消失。 After a breath, he appears again. 一息之后他再次出现。 Man-Eating Ghost has arrived around the air-raid shelter quickly, but the gate of air-raid shelter is opening, I guess that they close first Dao Sect without enough time.” Gu Qingshan say. 吃人鬼已经快到防空洞附近了,但防空洞的门还是开着的,我猜他们来不及关第一道门。”顾青山道 Puts the warehouse of tank to be near from first Dao Sect. 放坦克的仓库距离第一道门非常近。 So long as Man-Eating Ghost attacks, will first arrive in this warehouse inevitably. 吃人鬼只要攻进来,势必会先抵达这处仓库。 We cannot withdraw now.” Liao Hang clenches teeth to say. “我们现在脱不了身。”廖行咬牙道。 Gu Qingshan say: Right, moreover second Dao Sect is very far from you, even if you can run, there still has strictly guard, only then the military officers and some families can enter.” 顾青山道:“对,而且第二道门距离你很远,就算你能跑过去,那里也有严格的把守者,只有军官们和一些家眷可以进入。” Two people, looking as if by prior agreement to tank. 两人一顿,不约而同的望向坦克。 time is urgent.” Gu Qingshan has the sound said. 时间紧迫。”顾青山出声道。 Hey, has the smoke not to have, to do the root smoke to pull out.” Liao Hang clears throat, cottons up to say to that soldier. “嘿,有烟没有,搞根烟来抽。”廖行清了清嗓子,跟那士兵套近乎道。 Here refuses Yan Huo!” The soldiers stare his one eyes. “这里严禁烟火!”士兵瞪他一眼。 Liao Hang invites scorn, traces the belly with the hand, looks distressed saying: Little elder brother, I was hungry for day, good and evil before cultivating this big fellow, you do the point to eat to me.” 廖行讨了个没趣儿,用手摸摸肚子,愁眉苦脸道:“小哥啊,我都饿了一天了,好歹在修这大家伙之前,你给我搞点吃的吧。” This actually real, he had repaired several hours of truck continuously. 这倒是真的,他已经连续修了几个小时的卡车。 The soldiers somewhat hesitate. 士兵有些犹豫。 Liao Hang also said: My family people wait for me to look for the work to draw cash, now found the work with great difficulty, finally oneself is actually starving, oh, you act charitably, little elder brother.” 廖行又道:“我一家子人都等着我找工作拿钱,现在好不容易找到了活儿,结果自己却在挨饿,唉,你行行好,小哥。” Saying, he fishes out the pay of just sending from the pocket, extracts a bank note to give the opposite party. 说着,他从口袋里摸出刚发的薪酬,抽出一张票子递给对方。 Soldier heart movement. 士兵心动了。 Meals and snacks have crossed, now may have no hot thing.” The soldiers receive money, said. “饭点已经过了,现在可没什么热的东西。”士兵收了钱,说道。 You do the point to eat to me secretly, anything is good.” Liao Hang gave the opposite party the stopper a bank note. “你偷偷给我搞点吃的,什么都行。”廖行又给对方塞了一张票子。 This tank-” “这坦克-” I am only a repairman, dares to drive the tank, don't you shoot me?” “我只是个修理工,难道还敢开坦克,你们不枪毙了我?” Also yes, you and others I came back to cultivate/repair again.” “也是,你等我回来再修。” Good.” “好。” The soldiers. 士兵去了。 Liao Hang took cigarette to light conveniently. 廖行随手取了一根烟点燃。 just now from his pocket along- do you pull out? I forgot, you now are the ghost condition.” He toward Gu Qingshan say. 刚才从他口袋顺来的-你抽不抽?哦,我忘记了,你现在是鬼魂状态。”他朝顾青山道 Gu Qingshan say: Little spoke the trash words, we must the quick point fix this thing, arrives at second door there it, otherwise this is the last cigarette of your life.” 顾青山道:“少说垃圾话,我们得快一点修好这东西,把它开到第二扇门那里去,否则这就是你人生的最后一根烟。” Liao Hang said: Right that said that as the scientist, the present is we saves the time of the world- words saying that the tank I will not cultivate/repair completely.” 廖行道:“说的对,作为科学家,现在是我们拯救世界的时刻-话说坦克我完全不会修。” I cannot.” Gu Qingshan say. “我也不会。”顾青山道 Liao Hang one static, could not bear call out: Damn! Can't you? Won't make me embrace this manual labor?” 廖行一静,忍不住叫道:“见鬼!你不会?不会还让我揽下这个活计?” Tank is quite firm, can block Man-Eating Ghost, said again perhaps has a look, I can.” Gu Qingshan shrugs to say. “坦克相当坚固,可以挡住吃人鬼,再说也许多看看,我就会了。”顾青山耸肩道。 Liao Hang is staring him. 廖行瞪着他。 As the scientist, we must be realistic, wasn't the reality, the learn/study cannot suddenly?” Say/Way that Gu Qingshan is without turning a hair. “作为科学家,我们得实事求是,不会是现实,学习一下不就会了?”顾青山面不改色的道。 Liao Hang said dejected: Listened to Fair Goddess saying that you had once saved the innumerable world- saved with this way?” 廖行颓然道:“听公正女神说,你曾拯救过无数世界-都是用这种方式拯救的?” Otherwise?” Gu Qingshan strange say/way. “不然呢?”顾青山奇道。 „...... Good, since lasting of the world...... that everyone were so finished not to blame my head at will.” “……好吧,既然世界的存续如此随意……那么大家都完蛋了也怪不到我头上来。” Liao Hang throws the smoke on the ground stubs out, moves toward the tank with stride. 廖行把烟扔在地上踩熄,大步走向坦克。
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