WAO :: Volume #22

#2147: Time Spirit Skill!

All fall into the stationary state. 一切陷入停滞状态。 Sees only a young girl quietly to appear. 只见一名少女悄然出现。 Xie Shuangyan! 谢霜颜 She said fast: Listened, I now only then a move of strength, if could not kill it, everyone must escape immediately!” 她飞快说道:“听好了,我如今只有一招之力,如果杀不死它,那所有人都得立刻逃!” Immediately gravity that Gu Qingshan realizes the matter. 顾青山立刻意识到事情的严重性。 „Had you once killed Evil Demon?” He asked hastily. “你们曾杀死过邪魔吗?”他连忙问。 No.” Xie Shuangyan said. “没有。”谢霜颜道。 That also hits anything, leads us to walk directly.” Gu Qingshan say. “那还打什么,直接带我们所有人走。”顾青山道 But this Evil Demon and other Evil Demon are different.” Xie Shuangyan said. “但这个邪魔与其他邪魔不同。”谢霜颜道。 You said- can it the suppressions and injuries of various innumerable laws?” Gu Qingshan says immediately. “你是说-它可以无数各种法则的压制和伤害?”顾青山立刻道。 Xie Shuangyan is eager to try saying: Right, moreover this opportunity is very good, only then its here, does not have any Evil Demon takes care of it alone- historically simply few such opportunities!” 谢霜颜跃跃欲试道:“对,而且这次机会很好,只有它独自一个在此,没有任何邪魔照应它-历史上简直很少有这样的机会!” Gu Qingshan shouted: Then on take action!” 顾青山喝道:“那就出手!” Xie Shuangyan extends the hand in Void, immediately has the ring-like wave to proliferate from her arm. 谢霜颜将手伸在虚空中,顿时有环形的水波从她手臂周围扩散开来。 Time mystery Spirit Skill- 时光奥秘灵技- ten thousand water diverges! 万水分流! In a flash, in the battlefield starts to fall into a strange condition. 一瞬间,战场上开始陷入一种怪异的状态。 Saw only Nine-faced Insect Demon around the body all darkness to receive completely, it stood is sending out to angrily roar same place: Died the person to have you in presently, the bunch menopause has fought the war!” 只见九面虫魔身周所有黑暗全部收了回去,它站在原地发出怒吼:“吧死去都人有所们你在现,束结经已斗战!” Besides it, others are actually at another condition. 除了它,其他人却又处于另一种状态。 Dance of Sacrifice Lady is still releasing Sacrifice of Saint Hope. 祭舞女士依然在释放圣愿之祭 The infinite white light group flies, dances in the air in Void unceasingly. 无穷的白色光团飞出去,在虚空之中不断飞舞。 Accordingly, in the body of Nine-faced Insect Demon leaps the lines after lines of black fog, seems withstanding Dance of Sacrifice intangible attack. 相应的,九面虫魔的身体里腾起一道道黑雾,仿佛正承受着祭舞无形攻击 Curtain all movements receive, then one plunders from the Gu Qingshan side, Lance blooms the glow of numerous seven color, punctures ruthlessly toward Nine-faced Insect Demon body. 幕所有的动作重新收回去,然后从顾青山身边一掠而出,长矛绽放出重重七彩之芒,狠狠朝九面虫魔身上刺去。 Stabbed! 刺中了! He just stabbed, immediately goes back but actually, before flying again, stabs again! 他刚一刺中,立刻又倒回去,再次飞上前,再次刺中! Stab! 刺中! Stab! 刺中! Stab! 刺中! Gu Qingshan looks at this, cannot bear say: „Did you separate their time?” 顾青山看着这一幕,忍不住道:“你把他们的时间都分开了?” Xie Shuangyan said: Right, I make Evil Demon time back up thoroughly, but others attack the beforehand time the rebound, endlessly repeats the process that they attack, to create injures repeatedly.” 谢霜颜道:“对,我让邪魔时间彻底倒退,而其他人将跳回攻击之前的时刻,不断重复他们攻击的过程,以造成多次伤害。” She puts out a hand finger/refers of Dead Fatty. 她伸手一指死胖子 Saw only Dead Fatty to fly a look toward Gu Qingshan, picked up the microphone to sing: 只见死胖子顾青山飞了个眼神,拿起话筒就唱: „- Urges to go faster stubbornly stubbornly stubbornly-” “-去去去去去去死死死死死死-” Also does not know that in this flash, actually he used many Dragon Incantation. 也不知道在这一瞬间,他究竟用了多少次龙咒 Gu Qingshan looks toward Nine-faced Insect Demon, sees only Rune that its around the body these revolve to corrode suddenly, was eliminated cleanly by Dragon Incantation. 顾青山九面虫魔望去,只见它身周那些围绕的符文急剧腐蚀,被龙咒消灭得一干二净。 This move was too great.” Gu Qingshan sighed. “这一招太了不起了。”顾青山叹道。 Xie Shuangyan said anxiously: „It is not good, my move of consumption is really big, but Evil Demon enough had not been injured!” 谢霜颜焦急道:“不行,我这一招消耗甚大,可邪魔还是没有受到足够的伤害!” Nine-faced Insect Demon stands in Void, even if has been affected by the Dance of Sacrifice strength, even if were struck by the curtain unceasing thorn, even if withstanding the attack of control and Dragon of Death of Singing and Dancing Manipulator, but it is also living! 九面虫魔站在虚空中,纵然被祭舞的力量一直影响,纵然被幕不断刺击,纵然承受着歌舞操纵者的控制与死亡之龙的攻击,但它还活着! Gu Qingshan extracts Earth Sword saying: On me.” 顾青山抽出地剑道:“我上。” Your strength is too bad, careful do not bump its around the body any Rune, otherwise must die!” The Xie Shuangyan urging said. “你实力太差,小心别碰它身周的任何符文,否则必死!”谢霜颜叮嘱道。 Understood.” “明白。” Gu Qingshan grazes on straight, raises Earth Sword to cut according to the Nine-faced Insect Demon overhead. 顾青山飞掠直上,扬起地剑照着九面虫魔当头斩下。 Bang! 嘭! A dull thumping sound, the top of the head of insect demon presented a spoken parts seal. 一声闷响,虫魔的头顶出现了一道白印。 Has not broken the external skin! 没有破开表皮! Earth Sword buzz sound said: „It is not good, the power gap is too disparate, it stands is making you cut motionless, you also cut to be motionless it.” 地剑嗡声道:“不行,实力差距太悬殊,它就是站着不动让你砍,你也砍不动它。” Gu Qingshan avoids together incomplete Rune, then said: Xie Shuangyan, troublesome attack stop of curtain.” 顾青山避开一道残缺的符文,回头道:“谢霜颜,麻烦把幕的攻击停住。” My strength was almost used up!” Xie Shuangyan clenches teeth to wave to say. “我的力量快用完了!”谢霜颜咬牙挥手道。 The curtain stagnates immediately in the midair, no longer makes the attack. 幕顿时停滞在半空,不再作出攻击。 Gu Qingshan receives Earth Sword, blows up the complete strength, makes an effort to face forward a thorn! 顾青山地剑收回来,鼓起全部力量,用力朝前一刺! Behind him, two war flags appear simultaneously, sends out the luster. 在他背后,同时有两柄战旗显现而出,散发出绚丽光彩。 With water! 地与水! Sees only the rows of glow small character to reappear in Void: 只见一行行萤火小字浮现在虚空之中: You started Hammer of Earth God.” “你发动了地神之锤。” You started the sea life.” “你发动了海命。” Your attack has been equal to the prestige of Spirit Skill, simultaneously you gave new attribute for the enemy: The skin is frail.” “你的攻击已经等同于灵技之威,同时你为敌人赋予了新属性:皮肤脆弱。” attribute that because the skin is extremely frailly easy to give, but the opposite party situated in time ultimate secret technique, is unable to revolt against your any action, therefore this attribute gives successfully.” “由于皮肤脆弱是极其容易赋予的属性,而对方处于时间的终极秘术之中,无法反抗你的任何举动,所以本次属性赋予成功。” „The skin of opposite party falls into the extremely frail condition, will come under any attack to produce shatter!” “对方的皮肤陷入极其脆弱的状态,受到任何攻击都将产生破碎!” A Gu Qingshan sword wields- 顾青山一剑挥出- ! 唰! Earth Sword changes wipes the cold light, swept in Nine-faced Insect Demon body directly. 地剑化作一抹寒光,直接在九面虫魔身上扫了一遍。 The Nine-faced Insect Demon around the body external skin disrupts immediately. 九面虫魔身周表皮顿时碎裂。 One line of new glow small characters jump: 一行新的萤火小字跳出来: You caused the damage to Nine-faced Insect Demon.” “你对九面虫魔造成了创伤。” „The Earth Sword strength was triggered.” 地剑的力量被触发。” Divine Ability: Cuts to extinguish, the whole world is only.” 神通:斩灭,举世唯一。” Starts this Divine Ability, only need cause any damage to the enemy, can cut to extinguish the opposite party directly!” “发动此神通,只需对敌人造成任何创伤,便可直接斩灭对方!” Bang!!! 轰!!! Near the Nine-faced Insect Demon left half the body blasts open, was cut the irrelevant shatter flesh priming directly. 九面虫魔的左半边身子炸裂开来,直接被斩成支离破碎的血肉飞沫。 Success! 成功了! Xie Shuangyan spirit inspires immediately, both hands empty press toward Gu Qingshan, shouted high: Gives all my strengths, gives me to rotate ruthlessly his body time!” 谢霜颜顿时精神一振,双手朝着顾青山虚按,高喝道:“献出我所有的力量,给我狠狠轮转他身上时间!” Gu Qingshan time was also changed immediately. 顾青山时间顿时也被改变了。 Sees only him to fly, throws, wields a sword toward Nine-faced Insect Demon. 只见他飞回去,又扑上来,朝着九面虫魔挥出一剑。 This sword leaves, he flies immediately again, throws again , to continue to cut a same sword- 这一剑出完,他立刻再次飞回去,又再次扑上来,继续斩出同样的一剑- Cut! 斩! Cut! 斩! Cut! 斩! Cut! 斩! Cut! 斩! Consecutive Slash seven swords, Gu Qingshan finally stop. 连斩七剑,顾青山终于停住 Draws back quickly, my magical technique must finish immediately!” Xie Shuangyan shouts. “快退,我的术法马上要结束了!”谢霜颜喊道。 Sees only her look pale, stands creakies in Void. 只见她脸色苍白,站在虚空之中摇摇欲坠。 Gu Qingshan without the slightest hesitation after grazes, has fallen back on side Xie Shuangyan. 顾青山毫不犹豫的朝后飞掠,一直退到谢霜颜身边。 Xie Shuangyan saw him to be safe, then toward returning received both hands, shouted lowly: 谢霜颜见他安全了,便将双手朝回一收,低喝道: Solution!” “解!” in a split second, the time branch vanishes thoroughly. 霎时间,时间的支流彻底消失。 All return to normal. 一切恢复正常。 In Void, the Dust-Laden World spirit, curtain, Gu Qingshan and Xie Shuangyan look together toward Nine-faced Insect Demon. 虚空中,尘封世界的灵、幕、顾青山谢霜颜一起朝九面虫魔望去。 Sees only the Nine-faced Insect Demon body support thoroughly to separate, was cut to extinguish almost completely, is only left over a covered with blood arm. 只见九面虫魔身躯支干已经彻底分离,被斩得几乎全部灭去,只剩下一根血肉模糊的手臂。 „Did he die?” Dead Fatty asked loudly. “他死了没有?”死胖子大声问道。 No one replied. 没有人回答。 Only some Xie Shuangyan think, said: Evil Demon of its this rank has not died, therefore does not know.” 唯有谢霜颜想了想,说道:“它这种等级的邪魔从来都没有死过,所以不知道。” Everyone pays attention, it has not died!” Gu Qingshan suddenly high sound said. “大家注意,它还没死!”顾青山突然高声道。 War God Interface has not reminded him to defeat the opponent! 战神界面并未提醒他战胜了对手! In Void a dreariness. 虚空之中一片沉寂。 Was hit only remains an arm, but also living? 都被打得只剩一根手臂了,还活着? This also too evil. 这也太邪性了。 Dead Fatty immediately howling say/way: 紧接着,死胖子立刻嚎道: That also waits for anything , to continue to hit!” “那还等什么,继续打啊!” Suddenly, the mutation lives steep- 突然,异变陡生- Sees only that covered with blood arm toward Gu Qingshan one finger/refers! 只见那根血肉模糊的手臂朝顾青山一指! In this in the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, the curtain has kept off before the Gu Qingshan body, Xie Shuangyan also waves the arm reluctantly, releases together slow class time magical technique again. 在这电光火石之间,幕已经挡在顾青山身前,谢霜颜也勉强挥动手臂,再次释放出一道迟缓类的时间术法 Dance of Sacrifice Lady distant shouting: „The spirits of numerous sacrifice, Guard!” 祭舞女士远远的喝道:“众祭之灵,护卫!” Regarding Gu Qingshan around the body Void, meets a powerful dust-laden spirit emergence. 围绕着顾青山身周虚空之中,一位接一位强大的尘封之灵出现。 On the arm of that covered with blood, emits together gray long-line, was actually extinguished by airtight defense magical technique in the halfway cleanly. 那根血肉模糊的手臂上,放出一道灰色的长线,却在半途就被密不透风的防御术法消弭得一干二净。 Gu Qingshan was protected among everyone, nearly does not have any blind spot. 顾青山被护在所有人中间,近乎没有任何死角 Nine-faced, haven't you died? How can massacre you?” Gu Qingshan distant asking. 九面,你还没死?到底要怎样才可以杀掉你?”顾青山远远的问道。 That arm actually exudes together the sharp insect whining noise, hiss exclaimed with nearly crazy strange tonality: 那手臂却发出一道尖锐的虫鸣声,以近乎疯狂的诡异音调嘶吼道: Gu Qingshan, this is you compels my.” 顾青山,这是你逼我的。” „- When I offer sacrifices this body, fights it out with you.” “-我当献祭此躯,与你一决胜负。” Desperate, this is your helpless technique, all your intelligence and abilities, and even all your strengths, are not meaningful in the face of this technique.” “绝望吧,这将是你无能为力的术,你所有的聪明才智,乃至你所有的实力,在这个术面前都没有任何意义。” The voice falls, strange aura sends out from the arm. 话音落下,一股诡异的气息从手臂上散发开来。
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