WAO :: Volume #19

#1821: Death God normal position

I understood......” “我明白了……” Su Xue'er extends take action, will receive the Death God sickle from the Chi Hu hand, actually suddenly stop. 苏雪儿出手,正要从赤鹄手中接过死神镰刀,却又突然停住 Her is hugging Chi Hu simply, another hand supports the sickle. 她索性一手搂着赤鹄,另一只手托住镰刀。 Chi Hu...... by my Strength of Space-Time, we give him the sickle together.” 赤鹄……以我时空之力,我们一起把镰刀给他。” Why can so?” Chi Hu is lifting the sickle, puzzled asking. “为何要如此?”赤鹄举着镰刀,不解的问。 Su Xue'er said: I happen to taking advantage of the Death God sickle, transmit oneself body Strength of Death God to him completely ; In addition, when we dispatch the sickle together, you can in the flash see him.” 苏雪儿道:“我正好借着死神镰刀,把自己身上死神之力全部传递给他;此外,当我们一起递出镰刀的时候,你可以在一瞬间看见他。” Chi Hu is anxious immediately. 赤鹄顿时紧张起来。 Comes...... not to fear.” “来……别怕。” Su Xue'er grips the Death God sickle, with Chi Hu together, handing over to Void. 苏雪儿握住死神镰刀,与赤鹄一起,将之递向虚空 Her body surges infinite Raging Flames of Death, completely submerges in the sickle. 身上涌起无穷的死亡烈焰,全然没入镰刀之中。 What she inheritance is the Death source strength of Lord of Radiance, these transmitted thoroughly. 她所传承的是来自光辉之主死亡本源之力,这一下就彻底传递了出去。 Su Xue'er read rapidly praises the incantation. 苏雪儿飞速念颂咒语。 Gradually, there is the shadow of overlapping river of time to come quietly, regarding in her around the body, forms gulf streams unceasingly. 渐渐的,又有层层叠叠的时光长河之影悄然而至,不断围绕在她身周,形成一片湾流。 The water of that turbulent time flows backwards baseless, changes to wall of the translucent waterfall. 那汹涌的时光之水凭空倒流,化作一堵半透明的瀑布之墙。 Wall here, is Su Xue'er and Chi Hu. 墙的这边,是苏雪儿赤鹄 Wall another side, presented the Gu Qingshan shadow. 墙的另一边,出现了顾青山的影子。 Saw?” Su Xue'er asked. “看到了?”苏雪儿问道。 Chi Hu nods, cannot bear say: „Can we speak to him?” 赤鹄点点头,忍不住道:“我们能跟他说话吗?” Su Xue'er said: „It is not good, is away from the space and time, is unable to exchange, can only see him.” 苏雪儿道:“不行,隔着时空,无法交流,只能看见他。” Chi Hu somewhat loses slightly. 赤鹄微微有些失落。 At this time Su Xue'er as if detected anything, shouted lowly: Opens!” 这时苏雪儿似乎察觉到什么,低喝道:“开!” She grabs the hand of Chi Hu, sends in the Death God sickle the time waterwall that flows backwards together. 她抓住赤鹄的手,一起把死神镰刀送入倒流的时光水墙之中。 This flickers. 这一瞬。 All water current no longer become muddy , opposite of waterwall the outline of that person is gradually clear. 所有水流变得不再浑浊,水墙对面的那个人的轮廓渐渐清晰。 Gu Qingshan. 顾青山 In such rare time, he starts All Biology Homologous Mystery, changes the oneself original(ly) appearance. 在这样罕见的时刻,他发动众生同调奥秘,重新变回自己原本的样子。 He is smiling, gentle gaze two females. 他微笑着,温柔的注视着两女。 Su Xue'er eye socket one red, wants to say anything, but bore. 苏雪儿眼眶一红,想说些什么,但又忍住了。 She pinched the hand of Chi Hu, hints slightly. 她捏了捏赤鹄的手,微微示意。 Should let go. 该松手了。 Loosens the hand, the Death God sickle will arrive in Gu Qingshan whereabouts. 松开手,死神镰刀将抵达顾青山所在之处。 Ended all. 一切到此结束。 Chi Hu eye not in a flash is looking at Gu Qingshan, does not abandon several times, has no alternative. 赤鹄目不转瞬的望着顾青山,不舍了几次,还是无可奈何。 She clenches teeth, prepares to loosen hand- 她咬咬牙,准备松开手- Gu Qingshan faced forward to step suddenly one step, lowered the head to overlook her. 顾青山忽然朝前迈了一步,低头俯视着她。 He is pasting the water current, is comparing the shape of the mouth, silent told a few words. 他贴着水流,比着口型,无声的诉说了一句话。 Chi Hu looks at Gu Qingshan. 赤鹄怔怔的看着顾青山 Although could not hear him to say anything, but she actually saw clearly the meaning that he must express. 尽管听不见他说了什么,但她却看清楚了他所要表达的意思。 She erases the tears on face, blooms the smile. 她抹掉脸庞上的泪水,绽放出笑容。 I believe!” “我相信!” She silent is saying compared with the shape of the mouth, simultaneously pushes the Death God sickle forward- 她比着口型无声的说着,同时将死神镰刀向前一推- Bang! 轰! The wall avalanche, all time water current disperse loudly. 墙壁崩塌,所有时光水流轰然而散。 The Death God sickle and Gu Qingshan vanish together do not see, like has not appeared. 死神镰刀与顾青山一同消失不见,就像从来没有出现过一样。 ...... …… In the past the age's light shadow diverged. 过去时代的光影散去。 Boundary Divine Sword float in Gu Qingshan body side, said: You and past age had the link, and also took thing to come, therefore here time class/flow the thorough disorder, was unable to see to have anything again.” 定界神剑悬浮在顾青山身侧,说道:“你和过去的时代产生了链接,并且还拿了一件东西过来,所以这里的时光流已经彻底紊乱,无法再看见过去发生了什么。” Gu Qingshan silent moment, said: Might as well, I have not regretted.” 顾青山默了片刻,道:“无妨,我已没有遗憾。” He extends take action, gripped that to send out the infinite Raging Flames of Death long dark sickle gently. 他伸出手,轻轻握住了那柄散发着无穷死亡烈焰的长柄黑暗镰刀。 All dark roaring flame following his hand, submerge in his body. 所有的黑暗烈焰顺着他的手,没入他身躯之中。 At this moment, Gu Qingshan somewhat hesitates. 这一刻,顾青山有些犹豫。 If oneself brings back Strength of Death God thoroughly, will certainly return to the position of Death God, such will vibrate entire Underworld. 如果自己彻底取回死神之力,必将重归死神之位,那样会震动整个黄泉世界 Therefore must hide the identity, intrigue against all ; Becoming high-rank Gods directly? 所以到底是要隐藏身份,暗中图谋一切;还是直接成为一名上位神祇 He is lost in thought. 他陷入了沉思。 Moment. 须臾。 He shakes the head, loses says with a smile: Obviously is sees the true facts the time, why must play the small trick.” 他摇摇头,失笑道:“明明是见真章的时候,为什么还要玩小花招。” Giant Corpse take action. 巨大尸体出手了。 Myriad Worlds' Overlooker is also helping oneself. 万界俯视者也在帮自己 But the own enemy, no can easily defeat. 自己的敌人,没有一个是能轻易战胜的。 At this time, did not gain the powerful strength to go to combat, after also wants to wait ? 这种时候,再不获取强大的力量去战斗,难道还想等以后? An invisible imposing manner ascends from Gu Qingshan body. 一股无形的气势从顾青山身上升腾而起。 Only listens to him to read in a low voice praises the incantation: Death is an absorbing dream, when you crash into, then falls into eternal slumber Lord of Laws of Death aide, must belong to Source of Laws again, becomes me and River of Death messenger.” 只听他低声念颂咒语:“死亡是一场酣梦,当你坠入其中,便陷入永恒沉眠-死亡法则之主的侍从,现在应当再次归于法则之源,成为我与死亡之河的信使。” - 呼- The sickle renews one group of suddenly rising roaring flame, finally condenses bird of the darkness. 镰刀再次燃起一团暴涨的烈焰,最终凝聚成一只黑暗之鸟。 In Immemorial Age, it was summoned by Chi Hu, because of the Rhodes combat need, thus condensed the Death sickle. 亘古时代,它被赤鹄召唤出来,又因为罗德战斗需要,从而凝聚成了死亡镰刀。 Now, it should belong to River of Death. 如今,它该归于死亡之河了。 The bird of darkness to a Gu Qingshan ritual, changes to a black glow lightning flash to go slightly, fast arrives at the River of Death above. 黑暗之鸟冲着顾青山微微一礼,化作一道黑芒电闪而去,飞快的来到死亡河流的上方。 It changes to the rich dark mist, submerges River of Death gradually. 它化作浓郁的黑暗雾气,渐渐没入死亡河流 All around one static. 四周一静。 The whole world falls into a marvelous silencing gradually. 整个世界渐渐陷入一种奇妙的静寂之中。 Gu Qingshan stands is freezing, actually sees dozens ray of light splendors to fly rapidly from the Samsara Palace direction. 顾青山站在原地不动,却见数十道光辉从轮回殿的方向急速飞来。 These Gods of karmic virtue palace! 功德殿的那些神祇 They fall around Gu Qingshan, puts out various magical item fast, starts to arrange the Buddhist temple. 他们落在顾青山四周,飞快拿出各种法器,开始布置道场。 Before that Ghost God official who was responsible for him promoting walks, complexion complex say/way: Cannot think that your original(ly) is River of Death Spiritual God, now Underworld and River of Death will soon produce the resonance, we help you strengthen this resonance full strength, to help your godhood promotion reasonably.” 之前那名负责他晋升的鬼神官员走过来,面色复杂道:“想不到你原本就是死亡河流神灵,现在黄泉死亡河流即将产生共鸣,我们将全力帮助你增强这种共鸣,以便于你的神职晋升顺理进行。” Gu Qingshan slightly nod said: good work, many thanks you.” 顾青山微微点头道:“辛苦了,多谢你们。” Is impolite, this is our godhoods is, original(ly) should do the these matter for the ghost numerous, I speak the item that must pay attention to you again.” “不客气,这是我们的神职所在,原本就该为鬼众做这些事,我再跟你讲讲要注意的事项。” The official repeated the matter that previous time said that when nothing but was the Celestial cross coupling birth Underworld Divine Skill, must go with the own will with the words that the Underworld source communicated and so on. 那官员把上次说的事情又重复了一遍,无非是天人交感之际将诞生黄泉神技,一定要用自己的意志去与黄泉本源沟通之类的话。 Gu Qingshan is listening earnestly, around the sleep/felt had a marvelous induction suddenly gradually. 顾青山认真听着,忽觉四周渐渐产生了一股奇妙的感应。 As if the whole world is paying attention to him, breathes with him together. 仿佛整个世界都在关注他,与他一同呼吸。 The official said in a low voice: Must start! Finally urged your one, Underworld only then River of Forgetfulness, River of Forgetfulness Gods to River of Death were also some alerts and coveting, what to do your oneself had a look should.” 那官员低声道:“要开始了!最后叮嘱你一句,黄泉只有一个忘川,忘川神祇们对死亡河流也是有些戒备和觊觎,你自己看看该怎么办。” Said that then draws back. 说完便退开。 Gu Qingshan slightly nod. 顾青山微微点头 Next flickers, the rows of scarlet small character appears quietly: 下一瞬,一行行猩红小字悄然浮现: You obtained dark Death Source Strength from Radiance, obtained the protection of River of Death.” “你得到了来自光辉之暗的死亡源力,亦获得了死亡之河的守护。” You obtained Underworld and River of Death common addition.” “你得到了黄泉死亡河流的共同加成。” „From Immemorial Age, you is All Living Things ends the guide, direction to slumber world, River of Death master.” “自亘古时代起,你便是众生终结之时的引路人,通往沉眠世界的指引者,死亡河流的主人。” „- You are Death God!” “-你是死神!” You have innumerable karmic virtue naturally, from that moment on, the automatic promotion is Death River God Lord.” “你天然具备无数功德,从这一刻起,自动晋升为死河神主。” Gu Qingshan raised the head looks, sees only the karmic virtue calculator flashing moment of oneself top of the head, changes to dozens meters high dark light, such as one round of black day fell quietly, appears in him behind. 顾青山抬头一望,只见自己头顶的功德计算器闪动片刻,化作数十米高的黑暗之光,如一轮黑日悄然下落,浮现在他身后。 Why didn't demonstrate the digit?” Gu Qingshan asked. “为何不显示数字了?”顾青山问。 Your excellency karmic virtue is immeasurable.” The karmic virtue calculator response said. “阁下功德无量。”功德计算器回应道。 Hidden, your too eye-catching, did not suit me.” Gu Qingshan say. “隐藏了吧,你这样子太拉风,不适合我。”顾青山道 Yes.” “是。” Round of darkness fierce Yang is hidden gradually in Void. 一轮黑暗烈阳渐渐隐没在虚空之中。 The Gu Qingshan heart has a feeling, opens one's eyes wide to look in the River of Death direction. 顾青山心有所感,张目朝死亡河流的方向望去。 Seeing only River of Death is turbulent, the water current rises suddenly, forms the potential of meeting as an equal to River of Forgetfulness gradually. 只见死亡河流汹汹涌涌,水流暴涨,渐渐和忘川形成分庭抗礼之势。 In River of Forgetfulness, many Gods one after another fly, encircles is examining the situation at the same time. 忘川中,不少神祇纷纷飞出来,围在一边查看情况。 The Gu Qingshan intention moves, opens the mouth saying: 顾青山心念一动,开口道: River of Forgetfulness is the institute of reincarnation, Death River is the place of slumber, cannot blend.” 忘川是投胎之所,死河沉眠之地,本不应当交融。” The voice falls, River of Death starts the fierce vibration, as if has life to be the same. 话音落下,死亡河流开始剧烈的震动,仿佛有生命一样。 Goes, I was the hell, you then go to the hell, in bottom of again manifestation 18 Layer hell is rivers.” “去吧,我本属地狱,你便去地狱之中,于十八层地狱之底重新显化为河流。” These redeem the sin, is not willing to urge to go faster Dead of reincarnation, can fall into eternal slumber in River of Death.” “那些赎完罪孽,又不愿去去投胎的亡者,可以在死亡之河中陷入永恒沉眠。” The dark river water the adverse current goes immediately, shuttles back and forth in River of Forgetfulness like river dragon-like, finally arrives at River of Forgetfulness and Iron Encircling Mountain intersection point, wells up to enter. 黑暗河水顿时逆流而去,如同一条江龙般在忘川之中穿梭,最终来到忘川铁围山的交汇处,一涌而入。 It vanished. 它消失了。 It already no longer and River of Forgetfulness great river with being in the bank of Underworld . 它已经不再和忘川大江同处于黄泉之畔。 After this, River of Death will only be the hell. 从此之后,死亡河流将只属于地狱。 Gu Qingshan stands in same place, only thought that all around Void has the dim pale yellow ray winding gradually in oneself body. 顾青山站在原地,只觉得四周虚空渐渐有黯淡的昏黄光芒缠绕在自己身上 One line of scarlet small characters appear in him at present: 一行猩红小字浮现在他眼前: You have become Underworld Righteous God.” “你已成为黄泉正神。” Underworld because of your induction, production together Underworld Divine Skill.” 黄泉世界将因你的感应,生成一道黄泉神技。” Now starts!” “现在开始!”
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