WAO :: Volume #17

#1700: Unties frozen secret!

Three blacksnakes are just about to depart, thinks a body severe pain suddenly. 三头黑蛇正要离去,忽觉身上一阵剧痛。 Two figure appear in its side, holds a long sword respectively, then cuts the multitudinousness sword instantaneously. 两道身形在它身边显现出来,各持一柄长剑,瞬间便斩出百千万剑。 Hiss hissing-” “嘶嘶嘶-” Three snake heads make the angry sound respectively. 三个蛇头分别发出愤怒的声音。 However it does not have the means to hit back, a strength of thunder and lightning corroded its body, making it lose the control to the body. 但是它没办法还手,一种雷电的力量侵蚀了它的身躯,让它失去了对身体的控制。 Meanwhile, left Blood Moon hung in the sky suddenly again. 与此同时,本已离开的血月猛然再次高悬天空之中。 That old man and green robe man also appear. 那名老者与绿袍男子也随之出现。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Courts death!” “找死!” Astonishing killing intent comes in waves, covers that two wielding a sword form. 惊人的杀意滚滚而来,将那两道挥剑的身影笼罩。 So long as in a flash, two forms will be ground the powder dust! 只要一瞬间,两道身影就会被碾成碎末! But Gu Qingshan and Shan Nu have not stopped cutting to strike slightly. 顾青山山女丝毫没有停止斩击。 Gu Qingshan wields a sword again, makes noise to exclaim: 顾青山再挥一剑,出声吼道: True Antiquity's Devil-” 真古之魔-” Bang!!!! 轰!!!! The strange omen arrives in the flash! 异兆在一瞬间降临! The sky changes to the azure black, all around all stagnate. 天空化作青黑色,四周一切陷入停滞。 The wind also stopped. 风也停了。 Three blacksnakes, old person and green robe men lost the ability of action, myriad creations also fell into the time static condition. 三头黑蛇、老人、绿袍男子都失去了行动的能力,万物随之陷入时间静止的状态。 Ten!” “十!” Above the sky, hears together the low and deep reciprocal sound. 天空之上,传来一道低沉的倒数声。 Only has that round of Blood Moon to proceed along no particular course in azure black Void crazily. 唯有那一轮血月在青黑色的虚空之中疯狂乱撞。 Who!” “谁!” Who is! Dares to arrive directly in my evil Great World, entire Dust-Laden World will not forgive you!” “到底是谁!竟敢直接降临在我的邪恶大世界,整个尘封世界都不会饶了你!” The Blood Moon anger exclaimed. 血月怒吼道。 No one replied its words. 没人回答它的话。 Sky depths, that sound continues the number to get down: 天空深处,那声音继续数下去: Nine!” “九!” Actually saw Gu Qingshan to receive the sword with Shan Nu, two people back presented a umbrella, distinguished the cover to live them. 却见顾青山已经与山女收了剑,两人背后出现一柄伞,将他们分别罩住。 Two people disappear do not immediately see. 两人顿时消失不见。 Blood-color Realm Spirit one after another appeared. 紧接着,一个接一个的血色界灵出现了。 Eight!” “八!” That sound continues to say. 那声音继续道。 Blood Moon erupts to roar suddenly together, flushes away toward sky depths. 血月突然爆发出一道咆哮,朝着天空深处冲去。 Meanwhile, blood-color Realm Spirit densely packed three blacksnakes regarding living. 与此同时,血色界灵密密麻麻的将三头黑蛇围绕住。 Three blacksnakes are still not able to move. 三头黑蛇依然无法动弹。 While this time, hammered the violent it!” Blood Colored Giant exclaimed. “趁这时,锤暴它!”血色巨人吼道。 All Realm Spirit together take action- 所有界灵一起出手了- Seven!” “七!” Sky depths, that sound is still still continuing. 天空深处,那声音依然还在继续。 Bang- 轰- Blood Moon falls from the day. 血月从天而坠。 The eyesight obvious shock-wave sways from the vault of heaven, entire Black City was blown off in the flash. 目力可见的冲击波从天穹之上吹拂而下,整个黑城在一瞬间被吹散。 World destruction. 世界毁灭 All All Living Things were all blown to fly to disappear without a trace, even the life and death is unable to know. 所有众生全都被吹飞得不知去向,连生死也无法知晓。 Sky depths resounds low and deep laughter: 天空深处响起一阵低沉的笑声: Courted death no wonder I- six!” “来找死就怪不得我了-六!” The voice falls. 话音落下。 All blood spirit dispersing. 所有血灵散开。 The black three snakes have only remained one group of muddy fleshes. 黑色三头蛇已经只剩一团肉泥。 Gu Qingshan appears in again central, shoulders that group of muddy fleshes with the sword, wields toward sky depths. 顾青山再次出现在中央,用剑挑起那团肉泥,朝天空深处一挥。 The muddy flesh flies to shoot on, vanishes baseless does not see. 肉泥飞射而上,凭空消失不见。 Giggle---” “咯咯咯-咔嚓-咔嚓-” Chews the sound to spread over the four directions in azure black Void. 一阵嘴嚼声在青黑色虚空之中传遍四方。 Fifth, 五, Fourth, 四, Third, 三, Second, 二, One. 一。 All scenes change to the fuzzy wind, forms one group of hurricanes regarding Gu Qingshan. 所有光景化作模糊的风,围绕着顾青山形成一团飓风。 The Myriad Worlds' Overlooker sound resounds from his heart: 万界俯视者的声音从他心中响起: This time noisy is a little big, I cannot come out to look for food temporarily again, must lie low until something blows over.” “这次闹的有点大,我暂时不能再出来觅食了,得避避风头。” You want the quick point to ruin that three evil Object of World Manifestation.” “你要快一点毁掉那三件邪恶世界具现之物。” Third evil Object of Manifestation falls, was caught by Gu Qingshan, is actually a black token. 第三件邪恶具现之物落下来,被顾青山接住,却是一个黑色的令牌。 Gu Qingshan, Dust-Laden World depths these fellows must come-” 顾青山,尘封世界深处的那些家伙就要来了-” You absolutely are not an opponent, run!” “你绝对不是对手,快跑!” - 呼-- The violent wind sound/rumor howls to go. 猛烈的风声呼啸而去。 All around all return to normal. 四周一切恢复正常。 Gu Qingshan brings Laura, received the flying sword, the around the body surging intermittent white fog. 顾青山带着萝拉,收了飞剑,身周涌起阵阵白雾。 „Do we go?” Laura asked hastily. “我们去哪儿?”萝拉连忙问道。 True Antiquity's Devil ran, we naturally also run immediately.” Gu Qingshan say. 真古之魔都跑了,我们自然也得立刻跑路。”顾青山道 The voice in the future, saw only the lines after lines of powerful incomparable aura to appear. 话音未来,只见一道道强大无比的气息出现了。 Had anything to invade our Dust-Laden World, quickly! Pray for rescue! Immediately summons strongest these people to come!” Some people open the mouth to say. “有什么入侵了我们尘封世界,快!求救!立刻呼唤最强的那些人前来!”有人开口道。 Truly......” another humanity. “确实……”另一人道。 War?” “战争?” First calls the manpower.” “先召集人手。” The long bugle horn sound resounds together. 一道悠长的号角声响起。 Meanwhile, Gu Qingshan brings Laura to leave. 与此同时,顾青山已经带着萝拉离开。 ...... …… Ruins world. 废墟世界。 Gu Qingshan appears figure, one second has not stopped, immediately takes out three Object of World Manifestation. 顾青山现出身形,一秒钟都没停,立刻取出三件世界具现之物 They will respond quickly, therefore we must grasp time!” “他们很快就会反应过来,所以我们得抓紧时间!” Saying, him was taking out the Key of the Wind mold. 说着,他取出了风之匙的模具。 The mold a appearance, that statue, token and bugle then had just induced, one after another shivers. 模具刚一出现,那雕像、令牌、号角便有所感应,纷纷颤抖起来。 Sees only them to fly, falls on the key mold, melts the liquid gradually, pours into the scoop channel of mold slowly. 只见它们飞起来,落在钥匙模具上,渐渐融化成液体,缓缓注入模具的凹槽之中。 The entire scoop channel overbrimmed the muddy liquid metal, finally sends out the light golden light. 整个凹槽注满了浑浊的液态金属,最终散发出淡淡的金光。 The liquid metal flows in the scoop channel, with key body connection together, gradually fusion, finally unified whole. 液态金属在凹槽中流动,与匙身接驳在一起,渐渐融合,最终浑然一体。 It solidified. 它凝固了。 On the key appears five colors, respectively is the bronze and key handle of front section key handle place black, dark red color and gray connection key body, as well as forefront pale golden. 钥匙上显现出五种颜色,分别是匙柄处的古铜色、匙柄前段的黑色、暗红色与灰色接驳的匙身、以及最前端的淡金色 They correspond three coin and Gloomy Old City Relic of Evil and Bell Tower World the pentagon block and three big Object of Manifestation of evil of the world dark red pocket watch and ruins world respectively. 它们分别对应三枚钱币灰暗旧城邪之圣物以及钟塔世界的暗红怀表、废墟世界的五边形方块、邪恶世界的三大具现之物 The sound of disruption resounds. 碎裂的声音响起。 The entire mold completely crushes, changes to the dust particle to disperse in the wind. 整个模具彻底粉碎,化作微尘散在风中。 However, complete Key of the Wind appeared! 但是,一把完整的风之匙出现了! Not only this is Key of the Wind, is the parents leaves own Key of Passing Through! 这不仅是风之匙,也是父母留给自己的通行之匙”! Had it, oneself can open another door, leading everyone to leave this Void. 有了它,自己就可以打开另一扇门,带着大家离开这一处虚空 Does not need to be afraid Apocalypse again! 不必再害怕末日 Everyone can live! 所有人都可以活下来了! Thinks of here, even if Gu Qingshan saw the storm, slightly was still excited. 想到这里,即便顾青山见惯了风浪,也不禁为之微微激动。 The golden light flies together from Gu Qingshan body. 一道金光从顾青山身上飞出来。 That black Book of the Sea also appears. 那本黑色的海底之书也随之出现。 These two Saint Pillars soul artifact keep circling regarding the key, exudes the songs and calls that jumps for joy. 这两件圣柱魂器围绕着钥匙不停盘旋,发出雀跃的鸣叫声。 On Book of the Sea appears one line of writing, shows in Gu Qingshan at present: 海底之书上浮现出一行文字,展现在顾青山眼前: Key of the Wind Key Spirit has induced key body, it is catching up.” 风之匙匙灵已经感应到匙身,它正在赶来。” Gu Qingshan slightly nod. 顾青山微微点头 four saint pillars has resulted in its three! 四圣柱已得其三! This no doubt is a matter that is worth congratulating, but is most important at present, that said half of secret. 这固然是一件值得庆贺的事,但眼前最重要的,还是那个说了一半的秘密 Frozen Corpse secret! 冰封之尸秘密 He is just thinking, actually saw War God Interface to have the sound. 他正想着,却见战神界面已经有了动静。 The rows of glow small character appears in Void: 一行行萤火小字浮现在虚空之中: You obtained complete Key of Passing Through.” “你得到了完整的通行之匙。” Attention, exceeds Technique of Sealing Secrets that you can understand to untie thoroughly.” “注意,超越你所能理解的秘密封印之术已经彻底解开。” Opportunity, only then one time, you must hear carefully.” “机会只有一次,你一定要仔细听闻。” One group of translucent light from the Gu Qingshan chest fly, flutters to Gu Qingshan on hand, stops before Key of Passing Through. 一团半透明的光从顾青山胸口飞出来,飘至顾青山手边,停在通行之匙前。 Gu Qingshan is calm immediately, is ready. 顾青山立刻凝神静气,做好准备。 Quick, the Frozen Corpse sound resounds from the light group: 很快,冰封之尸的声音从光团上响起: „- I use the final strength, from all indefinite future, will seek for an inevitable fruit.” “-我用最后的力量,从所有不确定的未来之中,找寻到了一个必然的果。” In some moment of future, all in Gate of World without enough time.” “在未来的某一刻,世界之门内的一切都来不及了。” That moment that Six Paths Contend for Supremacy starts, will hide Apocalypse Envoy in Six Paths will also regain consciousness.” 六道争雄开始的那一刻,藏在六道之中的末日使者也将随之苏醒。” Apocalypse Envoy will summon 99 Types of Apocalypse Sequences, captures Gate of World directly, thorough destruction all.” 末日使者将呼唤九十九种序列末日,直接攻陷世界之门,彻底毁灭一切。” If can therefore find Key of Passing Through, must catch up before Six Paths Contend for Supremacy starts, leaves this Gate of World!” “所以如果能找到通行之匙,就得赶在六道争雄开始之前,离开这处世界之门!” Do not delay, as soon as possible!” “别耽搁,尽快!” That true secret, on conceals in this Gate of World most depths.” “那个真正的秘密,就藏在这处世界之门的最深处。” It is another leaf of Gate of World.” “它是另一扇世界之门。” Yes, in Void has innumerable Gate of World, but I notice this door , because its Guardian is powerful.” “是的,虚空之中有无数的世界之门,而我之所以注意到这扇门,是因为它的守护者过于强大。” I am not their opponents!” “连我都不是它们的对手!” Innumerable years, this door was displayed the special strength, no one can approach this door, even pays attention to it unable to achieve.” “无数年来,这扇门被施展了特殊的力量,没有任何人能靠近这扇门,甚至连注意它都做不到。” However I am extremely special Apocalypse, can therefore in myriad Void World, discover this unremarkable minor matter.” “而我是极其特殊末日,所以才可以在万千虚空世界之中,发现这件毫不起眼的小事。” I verified for a long time, finally determined that it fully conformed to that astonishing secret-” “我查证了许久,最终确定它完全符合那个惊人的秘密-” It is in Void rarest that Gate of World, if some people can open it, in out of the door discovery......” “它就是虚空之中最为罕见的那种世界之门,如果有人能打开它,将会在门外发现……” „The future without Apocalypse, with has never seen the world.” “一个没有末日的未来,和从未见过的世界。” In the Gu Qingshan heart moves. 顾青山心中一动。 Actually sees that group of light to be gradually dim. 却见那团光渐渐黯淡下去。 The Frozen Corpse sound also becomes weak: 冰封之尸的声音也随之变得微弱: „The future that I can see is extremely limited, but I will not give up this door.” “我能看到的未来极其有限,但我绝不会放弃这扇门。” My subconscious can continuously exist(ence).” “我的潜意识将会一直存在。” It will find whereabouts of that door, and makes the secret mark in suitable time.” “它会找到那扇门的所在之处,并在适合的时间作出秘密标记。” Mark is a Apocalypse Sequence special exclusive word-” “标记就是末日序列的一个特殊专属词-” I am willing to call it Eternal Abyss.” “我愿称之为‘永恒深渊’。” That door in Bottom of Abyss another end, is guarded by unfathomable guarding a gate Demonic Creature, always no one can pass.” “那扇门就在深渊之底的另一端,由不可知的守门魔物所镇守,从来无人可以通过。” „- Even by the seal, I will still do everything possible, seeks for the strategy in the long years, hopes that can the casting leave copes with these Demonic Creature powerful weapons specially.” “-就算被封印,我也会想尽办法,在漫长的岁月中寻找策略,希望能铸造出专门对付那些魔物的强大兵器。” In the future, that weapon will have such Title:” “在未来,那件兵器将具有这样的名号:” Soul Artifact of Abyss and Weapon of Eternal Abyss main body and endless Abyss bottom Weapon of Suppressing Demon, Extinction's Shelterer, Sword of Changing Destiny, All Worlds Gate Key and legendary twin sword: Heaven and Earth.” “-深渊魂器永恒深渊兵器主体、无尽深渊底端的镇魔之兵灭绝的庇护者背离命运之剑诸界门匙传说中的双生剑:天与地。”
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