WAO :: Volume #17

#1697: I spurn all your

Now, is your Death time.” “现在,是你死亡的时刻。” The shadow walks step by step toward Gu Qingshan. 影子朝顾青山一步一步走来。 Gu Qingshan has not actually responded him. 顾青山却没搭理他。 He is grasping sword , raises high- 他只是握着一柄剑,高高扬起- Then in insertion sea water ruthlessly! 然后狠狠的插入海水之中! Splendid sight appeared. 蔚为壮观的一幕出现了。 The limitless iron grey sea contracts and changes under the sword rapidly small, changes into a turbulent current. 无边无际的灰白色海洋在剑下急速收缩、变小、化为一股激流。 - 呼- The sea changes to the rivers and streams, the rivers and streams changes to the lake, changes into the brook, finally extinguishes in Void. 大海化作江河,江河化作湖泊,又化为溪流,最后消弭于虚空之中。 All around scene changes. 四周景象一变。 Black City appears again, Gu Qingshan discovered that oneself grasps the long sword, is standing in arena. 黑城再次出现,顾青山发现自己手持长剑,正站在角斗场中。 On the sword hears together the exhausted female voice: Remembers...... me probably stroll on ten days of streets...... you to pay......” 剑上传来一道困顿的女声:“记住……我要逛十天的街……你买单……” Good, good work.” Gu Qingshan say. “好,辛苦了。”顾青山道 Always makes others rest......” “总是让人家睡……” The female voice mumbled finally, then changes silent. 女声最后嘟哝了一句,便化作寂静。 Meanwhile, Void appears one line of glow small characters: 与此同时,虚空浮现出一行萤火小字: You started Chaotic Flow.” “你发动了乱流。” Phase World returned to its original position, has not superposed with current Main World.” 相位之界回到了它原来的位置,并未与当前主世界重合。” Gu Qingshan relaxes. 顾青山松了口气。 Chaotic Flow is really useful! 乱流果然有用! „- You made anything!” Shadow stern voice said. “-你做了什么!”影子厉声道。 It‘s nothing, I want first take action.” Gu Qingshan say. “没什么,我只是想先出手。”顾青山道 The countless skeletons fly, submerges his body. 数不尽的骷髅飞回来,没入他身躯 in the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, the boundless black fog from his body dispersing, toward covers to go in all directions. 电光火石之间,无边黑雾从他身上散开,朝四面八方笼罩而去。 All around was covered by the black fog, changes to the numerous light shadow. 四周被黑雾笼罩,化作重重光影。 The Main World scene again becomes slurred. 主世界的景象再一次变得模糊不清。 Cheating World Skill, Yesterday Reappears! 欺世之技,昨日重现 special phase?” 特殊相位?” The shadow was called one, stands in same place, a being critical situation appearance. 影子叫了一声,站在原地,一副如临大敌的模样。 Only then his such exist(ence), knows special Phase World is fearful. 只有他这样的存在,才知道一个特殊相位之界是何等可怕。 At that time oneself first take action, was feared that the opposite party has anything Phase World that was inconceivable. 当时自己抢先出手,就是怕对方有着什么难以想象的相位之界 Finally own Phase World was broken by some time laws by the opposite party. 结果自己的相位之界被对方以某种时间法则破掉了。 Now, oneself fell on Phase World Strength of opposite party. 现在,自己落在了对方的相位之界力 All around. 四周。 All scenes are getting more and more clear. 所有景象越来越清晰。 The world turned into the shadow familiar appearance. 世界变成了影子熟悉的模样。 His hometown. 他的故乡。 Sir, we what to do?” Some people asked. “大人,我们怎么办?”身后有人问道。 The shadow turns head suddenly. 影子猛然回头。 Sees only one crowd of professional stations that wear the military uniform a neat row, is crowding around oneself. 只见一群身穿军装的职业者站成整齐的一排,拥簇着自己 Everyone stands in a long said/tunnel, is waiting for an order. 所有人站在一条长长的地道之中,等待着一个命令。 Was, this was initially that time- 是了,这是当初那个时刻- Apocalypse monster is sweeping across the entire city, destruction all. 末日怪物正在席卷全城,毁灭一切。 The these person is the oneself final subordinate. 这些人是自己最后的部下。 Therefore this lets oneself return to past? Said, this is only an ordinary illusion? 所以这是让自己回到过去?还是说,这只是一个普通的幻境之界? The shadow grins fiendishly, full strength strikes a fist. 影子狞笑一声,全力击出一拳。 All around Void was destroyed, but reorganizes and join together quickly again the beforehand scene. 四周虚空被打碎,但很快重组、再次拼合成之前的景象。 The shadow used several powerful attack techniques, rumbles the flying ash the entire light shadow world. 影子又用了几种威力巨大的攻击手法,将整个光影世界轰成飞灰。 But all quick then start over. 但一切很快便重来 time, still returned to that moment. 时间,依然回到了那一刻。 Still is the said/tunnel. 依然是地道。 Still is these people. 依然是那些人。 Sir, we what to do?” “大人,我们怎么办?” These soldiers as if look but not see his just now achievement, is still waiting for his order. 那些军人们似乎对他刚才的作为视而不见,依然等待着他的命令。 The shadow is lost in thought. 影子陷入沉思。 Can be able to withdraw from current Phase World? 要怎么才可以从当前的相位之界脱身? Perhaps can let all start over? 或许要让一切重来 The shadow opens the mouth saying: You resist in this, I have a look at the situation in said/tunnel.” 影子开口道:“你们在此抵抗,我去看看地道里的情况。” Yes!” “是!” The soldiers are exhibiting the combat formation same place. 军人们就在原地摆开战斗阵型。 The shadow walks toward said/tunnel depths. 影子朝着地道深处走去。 He inputs a long string password, opens a leaf of heavy metal front door. 他输入一长串密码,打开一扇沉重的金属大门。 Bang rumble- 轰隆隆隆- The gate is closing behind. 门在身后合上。 The shadow stands behind the gate, somewhat is silent. 影子站在门背后,有几分沉默。 Ten seconds. 十秒。 In ten seconds, Apocalypse monster will destroy all of city, then discovers this said/tunnel. 再过十秒,末日怪物将摧毁城市的一切,进而发现这处地道。 These will resist the attack of monster hand/subordinate temporarily. 那些手下将暂时抵挡住怪物的袭击。 Therefore does oneself want start over? 所以自己重来一遍? If unable to run away, will die here? 假如无法逃走,就会死在这里? Thinks of here, the shadow stride walks toward the room. 想到这里,影子大步朝房间里走去。 Here connects Arctic Ocean, Arctic Ocean depths has a secret submergence center, can make oneself evade this catastrophe. 这里连接着冰洋,冰洋深处有着一个秘密的潜航中心,可以让自己躲过这场浩劫。 The shadow speed is getting more and more fast, shoves open the next door. 影子速度越来越快,推开下一扇门。 At present a flower. 眼前一花。 All scene circulations back up, return to the just now said/tunnel. 所有景象流转倒退,回到刚才的地道。 Still is these people. 依然是那些人。 Sir, how did you come back?” “大人,您怎么回来了?” The soldiers are looking at him, wait command. 军人们望着他,等待命令。 The shadow lives. 影子顿住。 What situation is this? 这到底是什么情况? oneself compulsory brought back to the said/tunnel? 自己被强制性的带回了地道? On Earth hears the Apocalypse monster songs and calls, avalanche sound and combat of innumerable pitiful yell and construction bellow. 大地上传来末日怪物的鸣叫声,无数惨叫、建筑的崩塌声、战斗的轰鸣声。 All will soon come to the end. 一切都即将走到尽头。 The shadow looks to soldiers, looks in that serious facial features. 影子望向身边的军人们,看着那一张张严肃的面容上。 these is very loyal subordinate. 这些都是十分忠诚的手下。 Without them, oneself runs away radically without enough time. 没有他们,自己根本来不及逃走。 The shadow deeply inspires, is calm. 影子深吸口气,镇定下来。 All right. 没事。 All right. 没事的。 By the oneself present strength, even if meets these Apocalypse monster again, does not fear anything. 自己如今的实力,就算再遇上那些末日怪物,也不怕什么。 Thinks of here, the shadow arrives in the soldiers, said: Everyone could rest assured that in the said/tunnel has a sea route to be used to escape, but makes us first resist these monster now.” 想到这里,影子走到军人们之中,说道:“大家放心,地道里有一条海路可以用来逃生,但现在让我们先抵挡住那些怪物。” Yes!” “是!” The soldiers heard the fresh hope, one after another roused spirit, exhibited the combat battle formation. 军人们听到了生的希望,纷纷抖擞精神,摆开战斗阵势。 Bang- 轰- The said/tunnel drove out. 地道被轰开。 Appearance fierce monster appeared. 模样狰狞的怪物们出现了。 They have the blade edge generally sharp and sharp limbs, such as the tide is common, was filled with the said/tunnel instantaneously, to/clashes in the direction of people. 它们有着刀锋一般尖锐而锋利的肢体,如潮水一般,瞬间就挤满了地道,朝着众人的方向冲来。 On everyone!” The soldiers exclaimed together. “大家上!”军人们一起吼道。 The shadow stands in the soldier, body shows killing intent, prepares take action. 影子站在军人之中,身上透出一股杀意,预备出手 Some insects, start over one still court death even.” “一些虫子而已,就算重来一遍也是找死。” He is just thinking, suddenly thought that body is somewhat cool. 他正想着,忽然觉得身上有些凉。 One type has the pain ice-cold submerges in body. 一种带着痛楚的冰冷没入身躯之中。 This is the feeling. 这是久违的感觉。 The shadow is on the rise slowly, looks to all around. 影子慢慢抬头,望向四周。 Sees only these soldiers to gaze at him. 只见那些军人全都注视着他。 Sir, you abandoned us to go in the past, now we revenged.” A soldier said. “大人,您当年弃我们而去,现在我们来报仇了。”一名军人说道。 In their hands is grasping the long sword, densely packed pricks in his body. 他们手中握着长剑,密密麻麻的刺入他的身躯之中。 Their swords are quick, is very accurate, is almost unexpectedly. 他们的剑很快,很准,几乎是出其不意。 „- Your this is courts death!” “-你们这是找死!” The life and death time, the shadow anger howls, erupts ten tenths ten strength. 生死时刻,影子怒啸一声,爆发出十成十的战力。 The violent wind sends out from his body, manifestation becomes myriad fist shades. 猛烈的风从他身上散发出去,具现成万千拳影。 This is fist technique the top of deep meaning, is his unique skill, no one can resist! 这是拳法的奥义之顶,是他的绝招,没有人能抵挡! In the wink of an eye, all soldier and Apocalypse monster was all struck to kill cleanly. 瞬息之间,所有军人、末日怪物全被击杀干净。 Tunnel already no longer exist(ence). 地道已经不复存在 The world was wiped a stretch of wide and open flat land in the fist shadow. 世界在拳影之中被抹成一片广袤无垠的平地。 However, the after bodies of these soldiers were rumbled is broken, actually changes to the skeleton of each and everyone on the back grows bone wing, loudly flying. 然而,那些军人的尸体被轰碎之后,却化作一个个背生骨翼的骷髅,轰然飞身而起。 The skeletons grasp the double sword, dances in the air in the sky unceasingly, is overlooking the shadow. 骷髅们手持双剑,在天空上不断飞舞,俯瞰着影子。 They grin, as if revealed the ridicule. 它们咧开嘴,仿佛露出了嘲笑。 The shadow spits of mouthful of blood froth, is clenching teeth, said wickedly: One crowd of playing tricks bones, looked at me to extinguish you.” 影子吐出一口血沫,咬着牙,恶狠狠道:“一群装神弄鬼的骨头,看我灭了你们。” Responded his, was together the loud sound: 回应他的,是一道粗重的声音: „? Really has the self-confident person.” “哦?真是一个相当有自信的人啊。” Shadow fierce turning head, when actually sees does not know, oneself presented a huge monster behind. 影子猛的回头,却见不知何时,自己身后出现了一个庞然巨物。 That is a whole body is passing blood-color Giant. 那是一个浑身透着血色的巨人 „! Death!” “啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!死啊!” Giant is roaring, grasps shadow full strength to pound fiercely toward the ground. 巨人咆哮着,抓起影子全力朝地上猛砸下去。 Thump! 咚! Thump! 咚! Thump! 咚! In the deafening impact noise, the shadow was pounded into Earth depths. 震耳欲聋的撞击声中,影子被砸入了大地深处 Earth vibrates, the flame soars to the heavens, the whole world starts to collapse. 大地抖动,火光冲天,整个世界开始崩溃。 This is an ordinary world, cannot resist the attack of Giant, starts the disintegration directly. 这是一个平凡的世界,根本抵挡不住巨人的攻击,直接开始崩碎。 World shatter, diverges. 世界破碎,散去。 A nihility piece. 虚无一片。 „......” “咳咳……” Shadow spits of mouthful of blood, looks toward all around. 影子吐出一口血,朝着四周望去。 What does not have. 什么也没有。 But the next flash, the familiar world scene appears in all around. 但下一刹那,熟悉的世界景象出现在四周。 Here is- 这里是- Black City! 黑城 The shadow relaxes. 影子松了口气。 It seems like the Phase World of opposite party has the time limit. 看来对方的这种相位之界是有时间限制的。 Although paid the severely wounded price, but oneself finally success lived. 虽然付出了重伤的代价,但自己终于成功的活了下来。 Now, Phase World of opposite party has departed. 现在,对方的相位之界已经离去。 Was one's turn oneself to assume an awe-inspiring pose! 轮到自己发威了! He stands, the anger exclaimed: Gu Qingshan, rolls to me, I must kill you, makes the wine pot with your head/number of people!” 他站起来,怒吼道:“顾青山,给我滚出来,我要杀了你,用你的人头做酒壶!” That person has not appeared. 那个人没出现。 The shadow is somewhat anxious. 影子有些焦躁不安。 own Phase World must see the opposite party, can start. 自己的相位之界必须要看到对方,才可以发动。 Suddenly, the gentle sound conveys from the back together: 忽然,一道温柔的声音从背后传来: Husband, do you want to compete today?” “夫君,你今天又要去打擂吗?” Shadow fierce turning head. 影子猛的回头。 Sees only a female to hug the baby, is gazing at oneself. 只见一名女子抱着婴孩,正注视着自己 On her face reveals the color of worry. 她的脸上流露出担心之色。 The heart of shadow falls unceasingly downward. 影子的心不断往下坠。 No. 不。 Phase World had not finished. 相位之界并没有结束。 This woman, cherished the child dead with her. 这个女人,和她怀中的孩子早就死了。 Was sold to exchange the opportunity of life by oneself, was killed. 一个被自己卖掉换来了活命的机会,一个被人杀死。 When oneself able time, stepped on the enemy actually under the foot, but the woman the enemy has also suffered dead. 等到自己有能力的时候,倒是把敌人踩在了脚底下,但女人也早就敌人折磨死了。 Husband, do not compete, we do not need to pursue too much money.” The women full are worried that said. “夫君,不要去打擂了,我们不必追求太多的钱。”女人满是担忧的说。 She is hugging the child single-handedly, another opens, hugs shadow. 她一手抱着孩子,另一手张开,去抱影子。 But she approaches every time one step, the shadow cannot bear retrocede one step, consistently is maintaining the distance. 但她每靠近一步,影子就忍不住后退一步,始终保持着距离。 Do not come!” The shadow anger exclaimed. “别过来!”影子怒吼道。 Husband, you how?” Woman strange asking. “夫君,你怎么了?”女人奇怪的问。 I...... want to live! This is the evil world, even if you want to start with a clean slate, still in do not pull I!” “我……只是想活着!这是邪恶的世界,就算你想改过自新,也别拉上我!” The shadow is yelling, rumbles a fist toward the woman. 影子大叫着,朝女人轰出一拳。 The women were striked to fly immediately, died at the scene. 女人顿时被打飞出去,当场就死了。 ...... shouts...... shouts......” “呼……呼……呼……” The shadow is covering the body wound, respite that continuously. 影子捂着身上的伤口,不住的喘息。 Suddenly, the back broadcasts together the sound: 忽然,背后传来一道声音: Husband, today do not compete.” “夫君,今天就不要打擂了吧。” Shadow fierce turning around. 影子猛的转身。 That woman. 那个女人。 That memory depths woman lived. 那个记忆深处的女人又活了。 She stands in front of oneself, reveals facial expression that gentle cares about, said quietly: I did not ask very rich, so long as you were safe.” 她站在自己面前,露出温柔又关心的神情,悄声道:“我不求大富大贵,只要你平安。” The shadow gawked staring. 影子愣了愣。 The women walk, wants to grasp him. 女人走上来,想要抱住他。 We...... are good on such life, does not need to betray the dignity, does not need to make these gloomy deals ?” The women asked. “我们……就这样生活挺好,不必出卖尊严,不需要做那些阴暗勾当,好吗?”女人问道。 The shadow sends out shouts together, full strength rumbles a fist. 影子发出一道嘶吼,全力轰出一拳。 The women were striked to fly again, dies before him. 女人再次被打飞出去,死在他面前。 However the baby of her arms flies in the midair, at once, has not fallen. 然而她怀里的婴儿飞在半空,一时之间,尚未落下去。 The shadow is looking at that small form. 影子望着那小小的身影。 That is his child. 那是他的孩子。 In age that anything does not know, was killed. 在什么都不知道的年岁,就被杀害了。 Dies in his great ambition, was used to take revenge by his enemy. 死在他的雄心之中,被他的敌人用来复仇。 In the shadow heart is somewhat absent-minded, extends take action, toward that say/way small form one move. 影子心中有几分恍惚,伸出手,朝着那道小小的身影一招。 The child flies, falls in his hands. 孩子飞回来,落在他手中。 Back. 背后。 The voice of woman resounds again: 女人的声音再次响起: Husband, do not compete, we such tranquil life ?” “夫君,不要打擂了,我们就这样平平静静的生活,好吗?” She grasped him. 她抱住了他。 He is hugging the child. 他抱着孩子。 Suddenly, he opens a blood red eye, hiss exclaimed: No! I must become the whole world strongest person! I must wield authority of the whole world, making all people crawl in my under foot, even if makes you die, I must achieve this thing!” 突然,他睁开一双血红眼睛,嘶吼道:“不!我一定要成为整个世界最强的人!我要执掌整个世界的权柄,让一切人都匍匐在我的脚下,哪怕是让你们去死,我也要做到这件事!” The light shadow diverges. 光影散去。 The women and children also disappear. 女人与孩子都随之消失。 The shadow was startled being startled. 影子怔了怔。 The bosom also does not have any again, but he discovered that oneself was fixed. 怀里再也没有什么,但他发现自己被固定住了。 The densely packed skeleton regarding him, pricked his body with the long sword, is fixed him on the spot. 密密麻麻的骷髅围绕着他,用长剑刺入了他的身躯,将他固定在原地。 Several hundred long swords. 数百柄长剑。 Destroyed his vitality thoroughly. 彻底破坏了他的生机。 The skeletons did not say a word, but visits him with the pitch-black eye socket. 骷髅们一言不发,只是用深黑的眼眶看着他。 They seem ridiculing anything. 它们似乎在嘲笑着什么。 That swordsman walks from nihility, is holding the both arms, visits him from afar. 那个剑客从虚无之中走出来,抱着双臂,远远的看着他。 Bah!” Shadow unwilling puts out spit. “呸!”影子不甘的吐出一口吐沫。 The swordsmen sighed, in the vision revealed the complex facial expression. 剑客叹了口气,目光中流露出复杂神情。 You won battle, no qualifications ridiculed me.” The shadow said. “你只是赢了一场角斗而已,没资格嘲笑我。”影子道。 Gu Qingshan several breaths silent, shakes the head saying: „- Actually you are doomed to lose from the beginning.” 顾青山沉默数息,摇头道:“-其实你一开始就注定会输。” Why?” The shadow said. “为什么?”影子道。 „- In your heart clear awareness, oneself sacrificed these to protect your person, can live, finally becomes King of Gladiator Battle. „ “-你心中清楚的知道,自己牺牲了那些守护着你的人,才得以活下来,最后成为了角斗之王。“ „Because in your heart filled timidly with the lamentation, I can see your crime, can reappear your crime with yesterday.” “正因为你心中充满了怯懦与悔恨,我才能看到你的罪,才能用昨日之界重现你的罪。” A long sword appears from Void, drifts away behind erratically in Gu Qingshan, as if prepares to attack at any time. 一柄长剑从虚空浮现,在顾青山身后游离不定,似乎随时准备出击。 The shadow could not speak. 影子说不出话来。 I ridiculed and spurn all your.” Gu Qingshan say. “我嘲笑并唾弃你的一切。”顾青山道 The sword goes like the shadow. 剑去如影。 A head shoots up to the sky. 一颗头颅冲天而起。
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