WAO :: Volume #15

#1461: The keeping coming in a steady stream repeat comes

Article 2 the fish roasts. 第二条鱼烤好。 Has saying that Gu Qingshan really has one on the cooking. 不得不说,顾青山在烹饪上确实是有一手。 He in the past was because the barbecue craftsmanship goes through a strategic pass, can take to the streets to sell for money, earned some living expenses. 他当年就是因为烧烤手艺过了关,能上街卖钱了,才赚取了一些生活费。 The entire grilled fish roasts the golden yellow, rich fragrance disperses in the wind, rouses the taste bud of person. 整条烤鱼烤得金黄,浓郁的香气在风中散开,勾动人的味蕾。 What kind of, roasted?” Some Attlee unable to hold back. “怎么样,烤好了吗?”阿特利有些按捺不住了。 Ok.” Gu Qingshan gives him the branch. “好了。”顾青山把树枝递给他。 Attlee just about to meets, actually hears the sound to resound together: 阿特利刚要去接,却听一道声音响起: Originally you in grilled fish.” “原来你们在烤鱼。” Two people look, actually sees Renedora distant standing on a big tree, is looking toward two people. 两人望去,却见蕾妮朵尔远远的站在一颗大树上,正朝两人望来。 She plunders gently, falls before two people. 她轻轻一掠,就落在两人面前。 Looked to squat in ground grilled fish Gu Qingshan, had a look at the hand to grasp Attlee of beverage bottle, the eye of Renedora that pair of beautiful narrowed the eyes. 看了看蹲在地上烤鱼的顾青山,又看看手握酒瓶的阿特利,蕾妮朵尔那双美丽的眼睛眯了起来。 Everyone is hungry while is worried about you, your unexpectedly here grilled fish?” She asked. “大家一边饿着一边担心你们,你们竟然在这里烤鱼?”她质问道。 Attlee hurries saying: Was Rhodes said technique that must practice the grilled fish.” 阿特利慌忙道:“是罗德说要练一下烤鱼的手法。” Gu Qingshan jumps, said loudly: „, It is not Attlee must first eat one to try!” 顾青山跳起来,大声道:“才不是呢,是阿特利非要先吃一条试试!” Attlee stares him saying: Is you wants the grilled fish obviously.” 阿特利瞪着他道:“明明是你要烤鱼的。” Gu Qingshan does not draw back yields the way: I must go back the fish belt/bring, you dare saying that isn't you must eat?” 顾青山毫不退让道:“我本来是要把鱼带回去,你敢说不是你非要吃?” I ate, but this is not because you did roast one?” “我是吃了,可这不是因为你烤了一条么?” Why do you want me to roast second?” “那你为什么要我烤第二条?” Attlee is at a loss for words for a while. 阿特利一时语塞。 Renedora stared Attlee one, lowers the head to have a look at the grilled fish on hand. 蕾妮朵尔瞪了阿特利一眼,低头看看手上的烤鱼。 This grilled fish...... 这烤鱼…… Truly good. 确实不错。 Is the Rhodes talent in the compatible Death aspect, why the cooking also so obviously fierce? 罗德的天赋明明在亲和死亡方面,为什么烹饪也这么厉害? Slightly a recollection, Renedora recalls the incident. 略一回想,蕾妮朵尔记起一事。 Yes. 是了。 He prepares food. 他做饭。 Perhaps because he likes to process food ingredients, therefore takes a life many, then obtains compatible of Law of Death. 兴许正是因为他喜好处理食材,所以才杀生甚多,然后得到死亡法则的亲和。 ...... This, although sounds somewhat absurd, how many people but also has to prepare food even to make Law of Death to come compatible? ……这虽然听上去有些荒谬,但又有几个人能做菜做得连死亡法则都来亲和? Therefore his craftsmanship is so good. 所以他的手艺才这么好。 As for Attlee...... Wind God...... 至于阿特利……风神…… He just now returns to World of Living, somewhat cannot control also normally. 他才刚回到生界,有些控制不住也正常。 After Renedora thought through, was disinclined to say anything again. 蕾妮朵尔想通了之后,也懒得再多说什么。 She has turned around saying: Walks, we went back.” 她转过身道:“走,我们回去了。” .” “唔。” .” “唔。” Two youngster should say together. 两个少年一起应道。 Gu Qingshan steals a glance to look at Attlee, sees only following of his obediently and honestly behind Renedora, dashes to go when toward the road together. 顾青山偷眼去看阿特利,只见他老老实实的跟在蕾妮朵尔背后,一起朝来时的路飞奔而去。 This person, or this fellow who occupied Attlee body, it seems somewhat afraid Renedora. 这个人,或者说这个占据了阿特利身躯的家伙,看来还是有些害怕蕾妮朵尔 It seems like in Myriad Gods Temple, that soul in Renedora body, Earth Position is not certainly ordinary. 看来在万神殿之中,蕾妮朵尔躯壳内的那个灵魂,地位一定不一般。 Gu Qingshan is thinking silently, figure moved, followed two people. 顾青山默默想着,身形一动,跟上了两人。 In the evening is to naturally eat the grilled fish. 晚上自然是吃烤鱼。 Had finished eating in food that in the carriage searched for and seized previous time, but the seasoning really also had many. 上一次在马车中寻获的食物早已吃完,但调料确实还有不少。 Since thing is prepared, the Gu Qingshan normal display level, makes everyone eat sufficiently well satisfied. 既然东西齐备,顾青山正常发挥水准,足以让每个人吃得心满意足。 Renedora and Attlee, are Qi Ruo and Chi Hu, everyone ate several grilled fish. 无论是蕾妮朵尔阿特利,还是柒若赤鹄,每个人都吃了好几条烤鱼。 Only then after the curtain has eaten a grilled fish, worried arriving is in a daze at the same time. 只有幕吃过一条烤鱼之后,就心事重重的走到一边发呆。 His performance, the fools know that definitely has what issue. 他这种表现,傻子都知道肯定有什么问题。 Gu Qingshan asked directly: Curtain, isn't the grilled fish delicious?” 顾青山直接问道:“幕,烤鱼不好吃?” „It is not, I presented some auditory hallucination.” The curtain said with a smile reluctantly. “不是,我只是又出现了一些幻听。”幕勉强笑道。 Gu Qingshan say: „Haven't we chatted this matter? You hear, Apocalypse comes is more dangerous.” 顾青山道:“我们不是聊过这件事吗?你听得越多,末日就来的越危险。” The curtain shakes, in the surface reveals the color of not enduring. 幕甩甩头,面上露出不忍之色。 Renedora asked in a soft voice: Curtain, what just now did you hear? Said everyone to consider in detail, if were really not meaningful, later do not listen again.” 蕾妮朵尔轻声问道:“幕,刚才你听到了什么?说出来大家参详一下,要是真的没有什么意义,以后你就不要再听了。” Mu sighed, said: First I only hear some lives several times in the desperate summon, but these time completely different, I heard the innumerable sounds to speak the same words.” 幕叹了口气,道:“前几次我只听见有些生灵在绝望的呼唤,但这一次完全不同,我听见无数声音在说着同一句话。” What?” Renedora asked. “什么?”蕾妮朵尔问。 Gate cannot open.” Mu said. “门打不开。”幕说道。 „Did these sounds really say like this?” Gu Qingshan cannot bear closely examine. “那些声音真的这样说?”顾青山忍不住追问。 Yes.” Mu confirmed. “是的。”幕确认道。 The people fall into silent, the thoughts are each every different. 众人陷入沉默,各各心思不同。 The curtain thinks, continues saying: „The these sound gradually is reducing, I guess that has many person who makes the sound, has died.” 幕想了想,继续道:“这些声音正在逐渐减少,我猜是有很多发出声音的人,已经死了。” Qi Ruo always fears the unknown thing, at this time then shrank the body, covered the mouth with the hand. 柒若从来都惧怕未知的事物,这时便缩了缩身子,用手捂住了嘴。 Chi Hu actually comforts her saying: Do not fear, we now are safe.” 赤鹄却安慰她道:“别怕,我们现在是安全的。” Un.” Qi Ruo complied. “恩。”柒若应了一声 Gu Qingshan is bewildered, in the heart truly somewhat is also vacant. 顾青山一脸茫然,心中也确实有些茫然。 If the gate really cannot open, how then Awaiter do come in? 如果门真的打不开,那么等待者们是怎么进来的? From the later generation, many Apocalypse raid from Gate of World, Lord of Infinite Source Strength fallen / die, body was also divided into two sections at the scene. 从后世来看,诸多末日世界之门外袭来,无穷的源力之主当场陨落,身躯也被分为两截。 ...... The final gate was opened. ……最终门还是被打开了。 But thinks, now the time has not arrived. 只不过想,现在时候未到。 Now Principle Behemoth induce to Apocalypse is near, all the crazy seeking outlet, this had beforehand Calamity of Laws, as well as Lord of Radiance Death. 现在法则巨兽们感应到末**近,全都疯狂的寻找出路,这才有了之前的法则之灾,以及光辉之主死亡 Then, what will have? 接下来,会发生什么? In the Gu Qingshan heart lacks self-confidence, steals a glance to look at Renedora. 顾青山心中没有底,偷眼去看蕾妮朵尔 Renedora has no expression actually. 蕾妮朵尔倒是没什么表情。 The curtain look moves suddenly, extracts that Book of Destiny in Void, opened to look earnestly. 幕忽然神色一动,在虚空中抽出那本命运之书,翻开认真看了看。 Everyone pays attention, Lord of Laws appears beyond being away from our several hundred li (0.5 km).” He said fast. “大家注意,一个法则之主出现在距离我们数百里之外。”他飞快说道。 The atmosphere is suddenly tight. 气氛骤然紧张起来。 The curtain comforts the big family fortune: All right, my Concealment of Light isolates to trace magical technique, so long as we do not leave this place, it should unable to find our.” 幕安慰大家道:“没事,我的‘光之隐’隔绝一切追踪术法,只要我们不离开这个地方,它应该是找不到我们的。” Renedora stands, said: I have a look.” 蕾妮朵尔站起来,说道:“我去看看。” The curtain changes countenance said: Was too dangerous.” 幕变色道:“太危险了。” The Gu Qingshan also hindrance waylays: „It is not good, you are not the Principle Behemoth opponent.” 顾青山也阻拦道:“不行,你绝不是法则巨兽的对手。” Renedora smiles, said: Relax, I definitely cannot be victorious Principle Behemoth, but my space ability can avoid the investigation of Principle Behemoth, I am only have a look.” 蕾妮朵尔一笑,说道:“放心,我肯定打不过法则巨兽,但我的空间能力可以避开法则巨兽的探查,我只是去看看而已。” I go with you together.” The curtain stands to say. “我跟你一起去。”幕站起来道。 Does not use, so long as I hide in different space, does not have any exist(ence) can discover me, you went instead to put to trouble to me.” Renedora severe say/way. “不用,只要我躲在异空间,没有任何存在能发现我,你去了反而给我添麻烦。”蕾妮朵尔严厉的道。 The curtain does not know that said what good, can only sitting down embarrasedly. 幕不知道说什么好,只能讪讪的坐下。 Renedora and Attlee look at each other one, suddenly vanishes from the people at present. 蕾妮朵尔阿特利对视一眼,忽然从众人眼前消失。 She. 她去了。 Gu Qingshan looks to Attlee. 顾青山望向阿特利 Saw only the Attlee eyeball to transfer the revolutions, looked at Qi Ruo one unknowingly. 只见阿特利眼珠子转了转,不经意的看了柒若一眼。 In Gu Qingshan heart one cold. 顾青山心中一凛。 Attlee had been replaced. 阿特利已经被替换了。 Next can, be Qi Ruo? 下一个,会不会是柒若 After all in the entire team, the curtain must stay behind absolutely, Rhodes and Chi Hu carrying/sustaining Law of Death, is not easily able to replace. 毕竟在整个团队里,幕是绝对要留下的,罗德赤鹄承载了死亡法则,轻易无法替换。 Only is left over Qi Ruo is weakest, moreover not with any Principle Behemoth signing contract. 只剩下柒若是最弱的,而且也还没和任何法则巨兽签订契约。 If Renedora swallows Principle Behemoth again, then means what laws Qi Ruo will also induce , was replaced? 如果蕾妮朵尔再吞噬一个法则巨兽,那么是不是意味着柒若也会感应到什么法则,进而被替换? Attlee was replaced not making a sound, oneself has not prevented with enough time. 阿特利不声不响就被替换了,自己没来得及阻止。 Now since knew the truth, but must try to find a solution, rescues Qi Ruo...... 现在既然知道了真相,还得想个办法,救一下柒若…… Gu Qingshan lowers the head, the look is sharp. 顾青山低着头,眼神锐利起来。 At this time Qi Ruo and Chi Hu started to tidy up the tableware on own initiative, Attlee looked for a tree, by started to rest above, curtain careful is looking at carefully Book of Destiny, tried to see the change of outside circumstance. 这时柒若赤鹄主动开始收拾碗筷,阿特利找了颗树,靠在上面开始休息,幕则仔细的端详着命运之书,试图看到外面情势的变化。 The Gu Qingshan vision falls on Qi Ruo body. 顾青山目光落在柒若身上 Qi Ruo detected that the Rhodes vision, praised: Rhodes, your fish roasts really well.” 柒若察觉到罗德的目光,夸道:“罗德,你的鱼烤得真好。” „After actually ate the grilled fish, drank a liquor to be best again, do you want to try?” “其实吃了烤鱼之后,再喝点酒最好了,你要不要试试?” Gu Qingshan puts out one bottle of liquor, said with a smile. 顾青山拿出一瓶酒,笑道。 The head of Qi Ruo swings with rattle-drum, said: I later will not drink.” 柒若的头摇得跟拨浪鼓似的,说道:“我以后都不会喝酒。” Why?” Gu Qingshan strange say/way. “为什么?”顾青山奇道。 I am afraid with Law of Death produce anything to relate- you know that my lifetime ambition saves others, is afraid to take a life.” Qi Ruo somewhat shy say/way. “我害怕跟死亡法则产生什么联系-你知道的,我一生的志向就是救人,害怕去杀生。”柒若有些害羞的道。 Attlee also interposed: Rhodes, do not compel others to drink, bring drink to me.” 阿特利也插话道:“罗德,你别逼人家喝酒,拿过来给我喝吧。” Gave up any idea of, drank one bottle to you, you betray me.” Gu Qingshan stares his one eyes. “休想,才给你喝了一瓶,你就出卖我。”顾青山瞪他一眼。 Attlee is startled slightly, at once laughing heartily gets up. 阿特利微微一怔,旋即哈哈大笑起来。 Really is a little fellow. 果然还是个小家伙。 Might as well, when behind us found the cities, my oneself drinks all the way.” He said with a smile. “无妨,等我们后面找到城镇,我自己去喝个够。”他笑着说道。 Qi Ruo smiled to Gu Qingshan, lowers the head , to continue to tidy up the tableware. 柒若冲着顾青山笑了一下,低下头,继续收拾餐具。 In the Gu Qingshan heart is somewhat regrettable. 顾青山心中有些遗憾。 What a pity. 可惜。 Law of Death is exclusive, so long as signs the contract with Law of Death, Qi Ruo was equal to the security. 死亡法则具有排它性,只要跟死亡法则签订契约,柒若就等于安全了。 What a pity Qi Ruo this little miss, timid, is afraid of getting into trouble, but actually regarding curing others has obsessiveness. 可惜柒若这个小姑娘,胆小、怕事,但却对于治愈他人有种执念 She does not accept Law of Death. 她不接受死亡法则 oneself misses this opportunity, cannot urge her again. 自己错过这次机会,也不能再劝她。 In that case, will arouse the Attlee vigilance truly. 那样的话,将会真正引起阿特利的警觉。 This difficult to handle. 这就难办了。 In Gu Qingshan heart fast is transferring the thought that suddenly, in present Void appears the rows of glow small character: 顾青山心中飞快的转着念头,忽然间,眼前的虚空中浮现出一行行萤火小字: Please note! Please note!” “请注意!请注意!” Considering the special nature of current situation, this interface from War God Intelligence( Multi-coloured Rooster), extracted an important information.” “考虑到当前情况的特殊性,本界面战神情报(彩色公鸡)之中,提取了一条重要信息。” This information has paid Soul Strength, your Soul Strength reduced 100,000 to select Soul Strength.” “该情报已经支付过魂力,你的魂力减少了十万魂力。” Please note the following information:” “请注意以下信息:” War God Intelligence detected the unusual fluctuation.” 战神情报察觉到了异常的波动。” Apocalypse is arriving.” “一场末日正在降临。” Apocalypse specific information unknown.” 末日的具体信息未知。” „After three minutes/shares 17 seconds, this/should Apocalypse will erupt.” “三分十七秒后,该末日将会爆发。” Three minutes/shares 17 seconds! 三分十七秒! In the Gu Qingshan heart sinks, consideration fast. 顾青山心中一沉,飞快的思量起来。 These Awaiter were stranded outside Gate of World, but had Apocalypse to spread ahead of time in the gate. 那些等待者被困在世界之门外,但却有末日已经提前蔓延到了门里面。 Giant Corpse is processing Apocalypse, this world is not naturally able to escape by luck. 就连巨大尸体都在处理末日,这个世界自然也无法幸免。 Gu Qingshan sizes up the environment fast. 顾青山飞快打量周围环境。 A here actually suitable refuge shelter, but if the Apocalypse destructive power is too big, the oneself these person has to run away. 这里倒是一个适合的避难所,但若末日的破坏力太大,自己这些人就不得不逃走。 Principle Behemoth are mobilizing the mortals to seek for the curtain, now oneself this team practically whole world all enemy. 法则巨兽们正在发动凡人们寻找幕,现在自己这个团队等于说是举世皆敌。 The Renedora estimate is swallowing that Principle Behemoth. 蕾妮朵尔估计正在吞噬那个法则巨兽 Again shortly afterward, she will replace their people Qi Ruo. 再过不久,她就会把柒若替换成她们的人。 After three minutes, Apocalypse will arrive. 三分钟后,末日就会降临。 Gu Qingshan sighed. 顾青山叹口气。 This aspect, the variable are too many, some difficult to handle. 这种局面,变数太多,有些难办 He turns on the beverage bottle, sipped one, next drinks up the entire bottle of liquor directly. 他打开酒瓶,浅浅的抿了一口,下一口直接把整瓶酒喝干。 Rhodes, you drink was too fierce.” Say/Way of curtain worry. 罗德,你喝的太猛了。”幕担心的道。 Gu Qingshan smiles, said: Relax, drinks, can rest to be good to think.” 顾青山笑笑,说道:“放心,多喝点,可以睡个好觉。” Chi Hu earnest asking: Sleeps to promoting Strength of Death helpful?” 赤鹄认真的问:“睡觉会对提升死亡之力有帮助吗?” Attlee smiles in the one side, shakes the head saying: Naive fellow, I may hear that the promotion of Strength of Death only takes a life with you how many related, killed more is fiercer, got it?” 阿特利在一旁笑起来,摇头道:“天真的家伙,我可听说死亡之力的提升只跟你杀生的多少有关,杀的越多就越厉害,明白了吗?” The Chi Hu complexion is somewhat white. 赤鹄脸色有些白。 Attlee finds it interesting , to continue saying: Load bearing Strength of Death, was the carrying/sustaining the curse of Death, besides taking a life, your life will not have other matters again.” 阿特利觉得有趣,继续道:“承载了死亡之力,就是承载了死亡的诅咒,除了杀生之外,你的人生会再也没有其他事。” That is uncertain, we use the liquor now.” Gu Qingshan smiles, said. “那倒不一定,我们现在用酒也可以。”顾青山笑笑,说道。 This is only for a while,” Attlee shakes the head saying that Lord of Laws of Death must have providing for of Strength of Death, will grant you unceasingly strength- this point we can look, therefore your destiny have been doomed, perhaps takes a life , during or is taking a life, was massacred.” “这只是一时而已,”阿特利摇头道,“死亡法则之主必须有死亡之力的供养,才会不断的赐予你们力量-这一点我们都看得出来,所以你们的命运已经注定,或许是杀生,又或在杀生之中,被人杀掉。” The Gu Qingshan complexion changes, looks to Chi Hu. 顾青山脸色微变,望向赤鹄 Chi Hu figure swayed several, turns around to walk into a back of big tree. 赤鹄身形摇晃了几下,转身走入一颗大树的背后。 Before long, after the big tree, heard her weeping sound. 不一会儿,大树后传来了她的哭声。 Attlee.” The curtain knits the brows to say. 阿特利。”幕皱眉道。 Excuse me, I drank, sorry, sorry!” Attlee apologized with a smile. “不好意思,我喝多了,抱歉,抱歉!”阿特利笑着道歉。 In his look, no apology. 他的眼神中,没有一点歉意。 But everyone did not say anything. 但大家也不好说什么了。 Gu Qingshan sighed. 顾青山叹了口气。 Although Attlee seems like some is not right, but the youngster actually do not want is too many. 阿特利虽然看上去有些不对,但少年们却没有想太多。 Soul Substitution this matter, the present these youngster are unable to understand, cannot think absolutely. 灵魂替换这种事,眼前的这些少年们根本无法理解,也绝对想不到。 Let alone they, oneself bumps into from the beginning, almost say/way. 别说他们,就连自己一开始碰上,都差点着了道。 Troublesome...... 麻烦…… Too troublesome...... 太麻烦…… A thought appears in the Gu Qingshan heart gradually. 一个念头渐渐在顾青山心中浮现。 Really is not good, gives up other ideas, only considers means. 实在不行,就放弃其他想法,只考虑一个办法。 All killed Myriad Gods. 万神全都杀了。 Everyone in the skill depending on the hand sees the true facts respectively, divides the life and death, decides the victory and defeat. 大家各凭手上本事见真章,分生死,定胜负。 Myriad Gods Temple. 万神殿 Kills off Myriad Gods, it no longer exist(ence). 杀光万神,它将不复存在
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