WAO :: Volume #15

#1459: Swallowing

Chi Hu has fallen asleep. 赤鹄已经睡着了。 She rests sinks very much, is holding that dark roaring flame sickle, how to entrain does not let go. 她睡的很沉,抱着那柄黑暗烈焰镰刀,怎么拽都不松手。 Qi Ruo at the back of her, went to behind of big tree to rest. 柒若背着她,去一颗大树的后面休息去了。 „Can this really combat?” Some Attlee suspicions. “她这样子真的能战斗吗?”阿特利有些怀疑。 Gu Qingshan grins to smile. 顾青山咧嘴笑起来。 He remembered Anna, therefore the mood is very good. 他想起了安娜,所以心情很愉快。 Anna once in drinking, drank to fall face down Zhang Yinghao, Ye Feili and Liao Hang, only then Gu Qingshan by the cultivator physique, has won her reluctantly. 安娜曾经在一次拼酒中,把张英豪叶飞离廖行都喝趴下了,只有顾青山凭借修行者的体质,才勉强赢过她。 All right, waits for her alcohol capacity to get up, her fighting strength will be only getting stronger and stronger.” He said. “没事,等她的酒量起来,她的战斗力只会越来越强。”他说道。 I do not feel......” “我不觉得……” Attlee is mumbling, went to cultivation. 阿特利嘟哝着,又去修炼去了。 Remaining Gu Qingshan people stand there. 剩下顾青山一个人站在那里。 He emits Divine Sense to sweep, sees only outside the grove, Renedora is walking in the round trip, the curtain actually disappears. 他放出神念一扫,只见树丛外,蕾妮朵尔正在往回走,幕却不见踪影。 This time, the curtain definitely went to the Lord of Laws of Radiance temple. 这个时间,幕肯定是去了光辉法则之主的圣殿。 Renedora will not kill the curtain now, instead will guarantee that the security of curtain, the curtain will bring back the World of Laws most precious these buried treasures after all. 蕾妮朵尔现在不会杀幕,反而会保证幕的安全,毕竟幕将取回法则世界最珍贵的那些宝藏。 Renedora said certainly anything to Mu. 蕾妮朵尔一定跟幕说了什么。 Gu Qingshan exhales in a single breath, in the heart somewhat is slightly anxious. 顾青山呼出一口气,心中微微有些紧张。 Once the curtain brings back the Lord of Laws of Radiance buried treasure, all Principle Behemoth will launch to chase down to the curtain. 一旦幕取回光辉法则之主的宝藏,所有的法则巨兽都会对幕展开追杀。 In addition, Renedora. 除此之外,还有蕾妮朵尔 She came from Myriad Gods Temple, does not know any idea. 她来自万神殿,也不知道打的什么主意。 Suddenly, the Gu Qingshan vision concentrates. 突然,顾青山目光一凝。 Renedora has entered the woods, walks in his direction. 蕾妮朵尔已经走进树林,朝着他的方向走来。 She seemed somewhat different...... 她看上去有些不一样了…… Before long, Renedora appears before him. 不一会儿,蕾妮朵尔出现在他面前。 Rhodes, others?” Renedora asked. 罗德,其他人呢?”蕾妮朵尔问道。 Chi Hu drank, Qi Ruo is taking care of her, Attlee oneself found the way to break through.” Gu Qingshan say. 赤鹄喝多了,柒若在照顾她,阿特利自己去想办法突破去了。”顾青山道 Renedora slightly nod. 蕾妮朵尔微微点头 This keeps up with a time situation to be similar, although had not been chased down, but several people are growing along the original path. 这跟上次的情况差不多,虽然没有被追杀,但几人还是沿着原有的轨迹在成长。 The Gu Qingshan vision falls on the Renedora top of the head, reveals the surprise the expression. 顾青山的目光落在蕾妮朵尔的头顶,露出诧异的表情。 In the Renedora top of the head, a little dissolves gradually the present star light. 蕾妮朵尔的头顶上,有一点渐隐渐现的星光。 Renedora notices his line of sight, light say/way: This is my new ability, I was trying to find out slowly.” 蕾妮朵尔注意到他的视线,淡淡的道:“这是我的新能力,我正在慢慢的摸索。” so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” Gu Qingshan makes suddenly the shape, in the heart even more is vigilant and alert. 顾青山做恍然状,心中却越发警惕和戒备。 In the later generation, innumerable Spiritual God worship on bended knees under the Renedora throne, birth behind her, evolution and destruction vast galaxy. 在后世,无数神灵跪拜于蕾妮朵尔的王座之下,浩瀚的星河在她背后诞生、演化、毁灭 The past four gods had once said that Renedora Title is Jade of All Worlds, Master of the Galaxy and Inner World Empress of Favour, Myriad Gods Empress. 过去四神曾说过,蕾妮朵尔名号诸界之玉星河的主人里世界恩赐之女,万神女帝 But now, in this dense fog history, Renedora congealed the first star light. 而现在,就在这迷雾般的历史中,蕾妮朵尔凝结了第一道星光。 Is this worth oneself asking a reason? 这值不值得自己问一声缘由? Gu Qingshan silent flickered, suddenly the opens the mouth asked: 顾青山默了一瞬,突然张口问道: Renedora, what origin is your star light?” 蕾妮朵尔,你这一点星光到底是什么来历?” Meeting You Once Again, starts! 再见你一面,发动! The people eat the noodles that he made early, now finally arrives at the harvest time. 早前众人都吃了他做的汤面,现在终于到了收获的时候。 Renedora falls into immediately absent-minded. 蕾妮朵尔顿时陷入恍惚。 She seems to be recalling anything, in mouth saying of sleep talking: Laws of Wind Behemoth lingers in the , wants to seek to be able with the mortal who it signs the contract, I ate it, condensed this point star light.” 她似乎在回忆什么,口中梦呓似的说道:“风之法则巨兽在附近徘徊,想找寻能与它签订契约的凡人,我吃了它,凝聚了这一点星光。” The Gu Qingshan whole body shakes, heart surging difficult situation. 顾青山浑身一震,心头涌起惊涛骇浪。 Previous Renedora also wants to eat powerful professional. 上一个蕾妮朵尔还只是想吃掉强大的职业者 This Renedora is completely different. 这一个蕾妮朵尔却完全不同。 She eats Principle Behemoth directly! 她直接吃法则巨兽 That is World's Will and Source Strength manifestation life, is laws Grasper! 那可是世界意志源力具现生命,是法则掌握者 Such exist(ence), isn't able to arrive in swallowing of Renedora? 这样的存在,也无法抵达蕾妮朵尔的吞噬么? Gu Qingshan is controlling the breath and heartbeat, in order to avoid being detected by Renedora. 顾青山控制着呼吸和心跳,以免被蕾妮朵尔察觉。 Next flickers. 下一瞬。 Renedora returned to normal. 蕾妮朵尔恢复了正常。 She seems like does not know that oneself just now said anything, tranquil say/way: Rhodes, I rest, you pay attention to observe all around trend, had what situation to shout me.” 她看上去根本不知道自己刚才说了什么,平静的道:“罗德,我去休息一下,你注意观察四周动向,有什么情况了就喊我。” „Did curtain come back to shout you?” Gu Qingshan say. “幕回来了要不要喊你?”顾青山道 immediately shouted me.” 第一时间喊我。” Good.” “好。” Renedora crosses Gu Qingshan, prepares to move toward grove depths. 蕾妮朵尔越过顾青山,准备走向树丛深处 She the stop footsteps, looks suddenly to him. 她突然又停住脚步,望向他。 Rhodes, all laws are afraid two laws, one type is Radiance laws, one type is Law of Death, is not only because these two laws are powerful, because also Radiance can fuse other laws, but Death will melt with any laws will destroy the opposite party.” 罗德,所有的法则都害怕两种法则,一种是光辉法则,一种是死亡法则,不仅是因为这两种法则强大,还因为光辉可以融合其他所有法则,而死亡跟任何法则相融都会破坏对方。” A Gu Qingshan face is confused, asks: You me told that these does do?” 顾青山一脸迷茫,问道:“你跟我说这些是干什么?” The say/way of Renedora wear a look of profound meaning: „The talent of curtain is doomed he to be getting stronger and stronger, you must cultivation Strength of Death, this be able to stand in the side of curtain well.” 蕾妮朵尔面带深意的道:“幕的天赋注定他会越来越强,你必须好好修炼死亡之力,这样才可以一直站在幕的身边。” Then, she turns around to walk into grove depths, found the place to rest. 说完,她转身走入树丛深处,找地方休息去了。 The Gu Qingshan look sinks slowly. 顾青山眼神慢慢沉下来。 monster that swallows Lord of Laws, stays side the curtain and oneself. 一个吞噬法则之主怪物,就呆在幕和自己身边。 Initially oneself and Renedora combat time, Destiny Skill attachment induced inevitable Death. 当初自己蕾妮朵尔战斗的时候,命运技“眷恋”感应到了必然的死亡 Now looks like, this induction is right. 现在看来,这种感应是对的。 So terrifying swallowing strength, who can resist? 如此恐怖的吞噬力量,又有谁能抵挡呢? If Renedora just now said real, that- 如果蕾妮朵尔刚才说的都是真的,那么- She does not swallow to have Strength of Death Rhodes , because Strength of Death will destroy other laws. 她不吞噬拥有死亡之力罗德,是因为死亡之力会破坏其他法则 Why doesn't she swallow the curtain? 她为何不吞噬幕? ...... Probably is because Lord of Laws of Radiance has died, the curtain has not grown, but also is not very powerful, is not strongest exist(ence). ……大概是因为光辉法则之主已死,幕还未成长,还不够强大,还不是最强存在 When one day, the curtain really becomes Lord of Laws of Radiance...... 等到有一天,幕真的成为光辉法则之主…… Gu Qingshan does not want to get down again, actually understood another matter suddenly. 顾青山没有再想下去,却突然明白了另一件事。 The Renedora body first grain of star light, represented swallowed Laws of Wind. 蕾妮朵尔身上的第一粒星光,代表了被吞噬的风之法则 In later generation, infinite star light regarding in her around the body, achievement she Lord of Galaxy Title. 在后世,无穷的星光围绕在她身周,成就了她“星河之主”的名号 In other words- 也就是说- Almost all laws were swallowed by her! 几乎所有的法则都被她吞噬了! The hand of Gu Qingshan moves. 顾青山的手动了动。 His that slender finger opens slightly, as to grip anything. 他那修长的手指微微张开,似乎想握住什么。 Meanwhile, four sword hidden in Void, calmly waits for his choice. 与此同时,四柄剑隐在虚空,静静等候他的挑选。 They prepare combat at any time! 它们随时准备战斗 However the hand of Gu Qingshan lives. 但是顾青山的手顿住。 During he fell into hesitated. 他陷入了犹豫之中。 Can kill her directly? 要不要直接杀了她? Does not use the upfront combat way, but with way of assassination. 不用正面战斗的方式,而是用刺杀的方式。 As sword cultivator, the most terrifying strength does usually not lie, but lies in two situations. 作为一名剑修,最恐怖的战力不在于平时,而在于两种情况。 A situation wears armor Dashing against the Wave(s). 一种情况是披甲冲阵 Another type, is the reckless assassination. 另一种,就是不顾一切的刺杀。 Massacred Renedora by the Red Ghost status previous time. 上一次是以红鬼的身份杀掉了蕾妮朵尔 This time, oneself used many methods, makes her not suspect Rhodes with great difficulty. 这一次,自己用了许多手段,好不容易才让她不疑心罗德 In this case, no matter she is how powerful, so long as she stands near oneself, oneself full strength uses the sword, can before she responded, ripped her head. 这样的话,不管她如何强大,只要她站在自己附近,自己全力出剑,就能在她反应过来之前,就割掉她的脑袋。 Gu Qingshan took a deep breath. 顾青山深深吸了口气 But killed this Renedora, will also have next Renedora to brave. 可是杀了这个蕾妮朵尔,还会有下一个蕾妮朵尔冒出来。 Next Renedora inherited former's memory, knows surely Rhodes is Red Ghost. 下一个蕾妮朵尔继承了前者的记忆,必定会知道罗德就是红鬼 She will not let oneself again close to her, but once sees oneself, uses Destiny Skill immediately. 她不会再让自己靠近她,而是一旦看到自己,就会立刻动用命运技 Destiny Skill, oneself cannot block. 命运技,自己挡不住。 ...... 啧…… Killed was not meaningful, words that did not kill, in the future she will be getting more and more fierce. 杀了没什么意义,不杀的话,未来她会越来越厉害。 At this moment, Gu Qingshan quite some feelings of being in a dilemma. 这一刻,顾青山颇有些进退维谷的感觉。 Crossed for a long time, he put down the hand gently. 过了许久,他轻轻的放下了手。 Killed this, next. 杀了这个,还有下一个。 Does not kill her, oneself had at least known much the information about this Renedora. 不杀她,至少自己已经知道了不少关于这个蕾妮朵尔的情报。 Her personality, her ability, her scheme. 她的性情,她的能力,她的图谋。 Trades Renedora to come again, wants to kill Rhodes to be then quick surely. 再换一个蕾妮朵尔来,必定欲杀罗德而后快。 Moreover that is completely strange Renedora, she will not make Rhodes know her any situation. 而且那是一个完全陌生的蕾妮朵尔,她不会让罗德知道她的任何情况。 That will be thornier. 那会更棘手。 Gu Qingshan sighed silently, finally decided did not kill. 顾青山默默叹了口气,最终还是决定不杀。 Renedora has regarded a youngster oneself, has not guarded to oneself gradually. 蕾妮朵尔已经把自己当成一个少年,渐渐对自己没有防备。 This point is very important. 这一点很重要。 oneself first finds out her complete details, then make the decision to wonderfully. 自己还是先摸清她的全部底细,再做决定为妙。 Just thinking, Attlee was running from woods depths. 正想着,阿特利从树林深处跑了出来。 Rhodes, you help me have a look.” He said. 罗德,你帮我看看。”他说道。 What's wrong?” Gu Qingshan asked. “怎么了?”顾青山问。 Attlee extends take action. 阿特利出手 A wind azure ray winds around on his arm, then gathers in the palm, forms a long wind blade. 一股风青色的光芒缭绕在他的手臂上,然后聚拢于手心,形成一柄长长的风刃。 Gu Qingshan said with a smile: Congratulates you, you signed the contract with Laws of Wind finally.” 顾青山笑道:“恭喜你,你终于跟风之法则签订了契约。” Attlee puzzled say/way: No.” 阿特利困惑的道:“没有。” What?” Gu Qingshan asked. “什么没有?”顾青山问。 I...... not with Laws of Wind Behemoth signing contract, but I can use the Laws of Wind strength.” Attlee terrified say/way. “我……没有跟风之法则巨兽签订契约,可是我能用风之法则的力量。”阿特利惶恐的道。 Suddenly, the magnificent ray flashes through together. 突然,一道辉煌的光芒闪过。 The curtain appears before two people. 幕出现在两人面前。 He holds a golden book, recited an incantation. 他捧着一本金色的书,念了声咒语。 The golden books open automatically, spring small circular Pendant. 金色书籍自动翻开,弹出一个小小的圆形坠饰 This is Radiance Pendant that previous he takes time, can resist all techniques of tracing. 这正是上一次他拿出来的光辉坠饰,能抵御一切追踪之术。 The curtain wears Pendant on the neck, toward two humanity: We must walk quickly, all Lord of Laws are looking for me!” 幕将坠饰戴在脖子上,朝两人道:“我们得快走,所有的法则之主都在找我!” The Gu Qingshan look moves. 顾青山眼神一动。 Really, the escaped day must formally start from this moment! 果然,逃亡的日子从这一刻就要正式开始! When does not know, Renedora has appeared. 不知何时,蕾妮朵尔已经出现。 Does not need to be worried, her calm say/way, your transmission place is this jungle, so long as we leave here, no one can find us.” “不必担心,”她冷静的道,“你的传送地点是这片丛林,只要我们离开这里,就没人能找到我们了。” Attlee, calls Qi Ruo and Chi Hu, we prepare to walk!” 阿特利,去叫柒若赤鹄,我们准备走!” The strength of wind spirit the Attlee hurrying powder switches hands, hurries to call Qi Ruo. 阿特利慌忙散掉手上的风灵之力,赶紧去叫柒若 The curtain called out suddenly: „It is not good! Attlee can use the Laws of Wind strength now, perhaps Laws of Wind Behemoth can act according to his position, found us.” 幕忽然叫道:“不好!阿特利现在能用风之法则的力量了,恐怕风之法则巨兽能根据他的位置,找到我们。” The Renedora vision flashes, said in a soft voice: Not, relax.” 蕾妮朵尔目光闪动,轻声道:“不会的,放心。” The curtain stayed. 幕呆了呆。 Life of Gu Qingshan doubts: „Very strange, he has not signed the contract, but can use the Laws of Wind strength now.” 顾青山疑惑的生活:“很奇怪,他没签订契约,但现在可以使用风之法则的力量。” Renedora said: This is not strange, Lord of Laws of Radiance has died, but the curtain also same can use the Radiance laws strength.” 蕾妮朵尔道:“这不奇怪,光辉法则之主已死,但幕也一样可以使用光辉法则的力量。” The curtain said surprised: You said, Attlee is like me, has to become the Lord of Laws potential?” 幕吃惊道:“你是说,阿特利跟我一样,也具备成为法则之主的潜质?” Right.” Renedora said. “对。”蕾妮朵尔道。 The curtain relaxes. 幕松了口气。 Gu Qingshan looks at Renedora, even more does not know that she is actually thinking anything. 顾青山看着蕾妮朵尔,越发不知道她到底在想什么。 It seems like oneself must make several food, finds out her true goal. 看来自己还得多做几顿饭,摸清她的真正目的。 During the thinking, several people quick prepare appropriately. 思索间,几人很快就准备妥当。 They chose a direction casually, left the woods fast. 他们随便选了个方向,飞快的离开了树林。
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