WAO :: Volume #14

#1366: The reward of the world!

Gu Qingshan receives the black fine sand in hand. 顾青山将手中的黑色细沙收起来。 He has not answered the issue immediately, but looks to Red Ghost. 他并没有立刻回答问题,而是重新望向红鬼 What's wrong?” Red Ghost is perplexed. “怎么?”红鬼不明所以。 Gu Qingshan actually grasps this point time, thinking fast. 顾青山却抓紧这一点时间,飞快的思索起来。 Red Ghost said that Parallel World is the destiny numerous illusory images, this point to Parallel World that the black sharp thorn crab said is a camouflage to. 红鬼平行世界命运的重重幻影,这一点就跟黑色尖刺螃蟹所说的“平行世界是一种障眼法”对上了。 What to hide, will present so many Parallel World? 到底是为了隐藏什么,才会出现这么多平行世界 Also is who created such many Parallel World? 又是谁创造了如此之多的平行世界 Gu Qingshan shakes the head secretly. 顾青山暗暗摇头。 This matter was away from oneself is too far. 这件事距离自己太远了。 My handful of Samsara Eroding Spirit Sand, the itself/Ben derives in Evil Ghost World, this point you should be also clear.” Gu Qingshan said suddenly. “我的这一捧轮回蚀灵沙,本就是得自于恶鬼世界,这一点你应该也清楚。”顾青山忽然道。 Red Ghost Path: This is the Six Paths treasure, you are impossible to steal- I still cannot believe, you can steal unexpectedly it.” 鬼道:“这是六道的宝物,你不可能偷得出来-我依然不能相信,你竟然能把它偷出来。” Has a look at the Chaos Snake King fate, this is also the opponent who I am unable to defeat, it actually defers to my meaning, by seal and this.” Gu Qingshan look tranquil say/way. “看看混乱蛇王的下场,这也是我所无法打败的对手,它却按照我的意思,被封印与此。”顾青山神色平静的道。 Red Ghost looking pensive. 红鬼若有所思。 Gu Qingshan also said: I want to go to other world to seek for this treasure, but went all over the innumerable world, has never seen same thing, finally has make an all-out effort, to steal from your world.” 顾青山又道:“我本想去其他世界寻找这件宝物,但走遍了无数世界,从未见过相同的东西,最后只好全力以赴,从你们的世界盗取。” Red Ghost sighed, has saying: Naturally, in Void Chaotic Flow, only then one handful of Samsara Eroding Spirit Sand Six Paths the will approximately thought that this thing is too virulent, does not allow to present the second handful of such sands again.” 红鬼叹了口气,不得不说道:“当然,虚空乱流之中,只有一捧轮回蚀灵沙-六道的意志大约觉得这个东西太恶毒,不允许再出现第二捧这样的沙。” In Gu Qingshan heart a fierce revolution. 顾青山心中猛的一转。 Bet right! 赌对了! This is Evil Ghost World thing, does not come from Myriad Beasts Abyss Cave Great Grave, is not Boundary Divine Sword Sword Spirit in Great Grave! 这本是恶鬼世界东西,并非来自万兽深窟大墓,也并非大墓之中的定界神剑剑灵 In other words, that Evil Ghost Sword Spirit from Evil Ghost World. 也就是说,那个恶鬼剑灵来自恶鬼世界 This explained why it will have this handful of sands. 这就解释了为什么它会有这捧沙。 What is strange, why Evil Ghost can Sword Spirit to oneself this handful of sands? 但奇怪的是,恶鬼剑灵为什么要给自己这捧沙? Gu Qingshan is just thinking, only listens to Red Ghost to sigh, said: 顾青山正想着,只听红鬼叹了口气,说道: Rhodes, your strength is very weak, but your ability is my entire life only sees.” 罗德,你的实力很弱,但你的能力是我生平仅见。” Gu Qingshan has gotten back one's composure, hints the opposite party to continue. 顾青山回过神,示意对方继续说下去。 Red Ghost puzzled say/way: I cannot think through, you win the trust of Chaos Snake King obviously, why can also get angry to become enemies with it?” 红鬼困惑的道:“我想不通,你明明已经得到了混乱蛇王的信任,为什么还要跟它翻脸成仇?” Why can't get angry?” Gu Qingshan said with a smile. “为什么不能翻脸?”顾青山笑道。 Red Ghost Path: It is in Void Chaotic Flow peak exist(ence), my make an all-out effort cannot massacre it- you offended it, sooner or later will be found by it, kills.” 鬼道:“它可是虚空乱流中最顶尖的存在,我全力以赴都杀不掉它-你得罪了它,迟早会被它找到,杀死。” The Gu Qingshan silent moment, said: This is the struggle of faith.” 顾青山沉默片刻,说道:“这是信念之争。” „Are you Awaiter of Order camp?” The Red Ghost probe said. “难道你是秩序阵营的等待者?”红鬼试探道。 „It is not, I am cultivator, but also represents them.” Gu Qingshan say. “不是,我是修行者,但也代表它们。”顾青山道 Such simple that Red Ghost didn't expect he replied, was startled being startled. 红鬼没想到他回答的如此干脆,不由怔了怔。 Can this saying believe? 这话能信? Gu Qingshan saw its facial expression, sprinkles however said: We have the Heavenly Dao pledge to testify, each other was unable to harm the opposite party again, therefore I do not need to deceive you.” 顾青山见了它的神情,洒然道:“我们有天道誓约作证,彼此已经无法再伤害对方,所以我没有必要骗你。” Red Ghost hesitates saying: This actually, but your strength also rather too......” 红鬼沉吟道:“这倒是,但你的实力也未免太……” Gu Qingshan takes out a dark green long bow from Void conveniently, grasps in the hand. 顾青山随手从虚空之中取出一张墨绿色长弓,握在手中。 chaos-type Dreamland Level soul artifact,” Red Ghost holds breath cold air, guessed: You killed Awaiter of Chaos camp, oneself were also injured, was the strength damaged largely?” 混乱侧梦境级魂器,”红鬼倒吸一口凉气,猜测道:“你杀了混乱阵营的等待者,自己也受了伤,实力大幅受损?” Almost is so, I just killed fellows of Chaos camp some time ago- the fellow arranged an ultra long line in the years, has almost hidden the truth from us, thorough destruction Order.” Gu Qingshan light say/way. “差不多就是如此,我不久前刚杀了一位混乱阵营的家伙-那家伙在岁月中布置了一个超长的线,差点瞒过我们,彻底毁灭秩序。”顾青山淡淡的道。 Red Ghost lowers the head to have a look in the oneself sleeve robe hidden talisman. 红鬼低头看看自己袖袍中暗藏的符箓 talisman has no sound. 符箓没有任何动静。 Each character that the opposite party said real. 对方说的每个字都是真的。 This is how possible! 这怎么可能! But truly real! 但确实是真的啊! Red Ghost was slightly respectful, asked: Your real status is-” 红鬼稍稍恭敬了点,问道:“你的真实身份是-” No one can check my real status, because we and Chaos' wars had not ended, I as hiding in exist(ence) in secret, am shouldering many matters, cannot expose the status.” Gu Qingshan say. “没有任何人可以查探我的真实身份,因为我们与混乱的战争远未结束,我作为隐藏在暗中的存在,肩负着许多事,不能暴露身份。”顾青山道 Red Ghost relaxed gets down gradually, on the face reveals the color of feeling relaxed. 红鬼渐渐放松下来,脸上露出释然之色。 Another symbol combustion in its sleeve completely. 它袖子里的另一张符燃烧殆尽。 talisman by incomparably powerful strength destruction, had not found out the status of opposite party. 符箓被无比强大的力量毁灭,没有探得对方的身份。 „...... Can discard the Chaos Snake King friendship no wonder, and a point is without turning a hair.” “……难怪可以舍弃混乱蛇王的友谊,并且一点都面不改色。” No wonder you can steal Samsara Eroding Spirit Sand from our world.” “难怪你可以从我们的世界盗走轮回蚀灵沙。” Red Ghost mumbled in a low voice. 红鬼低声嘟哝道。 Naturally, cannot entirely believe that this Rhodes, he may be other powerful exist(ence) after all. 当然,也不能完全相信这个罗德,毕竟他有可能是其他强大的存在 Grasps Dreamland Level soul artifact, certainly will bring in other Awaiter, only if there is the ability to draw a bow this with method processing of special, can hide the truth from Awaiter of Chaos camp. 手持梦境级魂器,一定会引来其他的等待者,除非有能力将这张弓用特殊的方法处理,才可以瞒过混乱阵营的等待者 To achieve this point, either is super powerful Awaiter, either compared with Awaiter stronger exist(ence). 想做到这一点,要么是实力超强的等待者,要么是比等待者更强的存在 Who no matter the opposite party is, Red Ghost thought that does not need to think again. 不管对方到底是谁,红鬼都觉得没必要再想了。 This is really the fellow of Order camp. 这真的是秩序阵营的家伙。 No wonder is so hard to deal with! 难怪这么难缠! Gu Qingshan saw his expression, knew in the heart that the upholstery had finished, will say anything, suddenly the wrist/skill transmits feeling of the fierce ignition. 顾青山见了他的表情,心知已经铺垫完毕,正要说些什么,忽然手腕传来一阵剧烈的灼烧之感。 in a split second, all on desert diverge. 霎时间,沙漠上的一切散去。 The infinite star light drops from the clouds. 无穷星光从天而降。 Gu Qingshan emits Divine Sense immediately, twines in the left hand wrist/skill. 顾青山立刻放出神念,缠绕在左手手腕。 Saw only that dark blue large snake design to change to combustion divine text. 只见那深蓝色的长蛇图案化作了一道燃烧的神文 The vast star glow regarding in Gu Qingshan around the body, sends out the delighted countless words: 浩瀚的星芒围绕在顾青山身周,发出欢欣的千言万语: You received the new life for the world!” “你为世界迎来了新生!” Chaos Snake King by the seal, the new world will have been soon started the fast development and evolution, and forms consistent flow of time with Parallel World that you are at immediately.” 混乱蛇王已经被封印,新世界即将开始快速的发展和进化,并立刻和你所在的平行世界形成一致的时间流。” From now on, Holy Spirit World has become the world in your Void Chaotic Flow.” 从现在开始,圣灵世界已成为你们虚空乱流中的世界。” „- You must obtain our presenting!” “-你应当得到我们的馈赠!” But before then, because the new world will enter during the evolution of thorough isolation, therefore you must make the choice:” “但是在这之前,由于新世界将进入彻底隔绝的进化之中,所以你必须做出选择:” You can keep Holy Spirit World in isolation, completes until the world evolution.” “你可以留在隔绝中的圣灵世界,直到世界进化完成。” Or, you can with your companions together, return to your original(ly) world, when the Holy Spirit World evolution is completed, we will invite you to come again.” “或者,你可以和你的同伴们一起,回归你们原本的世界中去,等到圣灵世界进化完成,我们会邀请你再来。” In five minutes, Holy Spirit World will enter the thorough secluded from the world condition.” “五分钟内,圣灵世界将进入彻底的与世隔绝状态。” You must make the choice in five minutes!” “你必须在五分钟内做出选择!” In the Gu Qingshan heart sinks. 顾青山心中一沉。 original(ly) planned that with the Awaiter some status and Red Ghost set of words, does the matter in Myriad Beasts Abyss Cave clearer- 原本打算用等待者的身份与红鬼套一些话,把万兽深窟里的事情搞的更清楚- But looking back now, already without enough time. 但现在看来,已经来不及了。 Excuse me, do I can choose the companion who I must take away?” Gu Qingshan asked. “请问,我可以选择我要带走的同伴吗?”顾青山问道。 Sure, but you must obtain their agreements beforehand.” World's Will changes says the sound ten million/countless, resounds in the Gu Qingshan ear. “当然可以,但你事先要得到他们的同意。”世界意志化作千万道声音,在顾青山耳边响起。 Very good, I have decided.” “很好,我已经决定了。” Gu Qingshan looks to Red Ghost. 顾青山望向红鬼 I walked.” His brief saying. “我走了。”他简短的说道。 „Do you want to go?” Red Ghost asked. “你要去哪儿?”红鬼问。 Gu Qingshan smiles, said: I defeated Plague Apocalypse, taking advantage of your strength seal Chaos Snake King, what also stays here to make?” 顾青山笑了笑,说:“我战胜了瘟疫末日,借你的力量封印了混乱蛇王,还留在这里做什么?” Red Ghost cannot bear say: But Chaos Snake King is also living.” 红鬼忍不住道:“可是混乱蛇王还活着。” Gu Qingshan cold(ly) say/way: I recovered, will summon our Awaiter to extinguish together kills it.” 顾青山冷冷的道:“等我缓过劲,会召唤我们的等待者一起来灭杀它。” Red Ghost, tactful shutting up. 红鬼一顿,识趣的闭上嘴。 This is Chaos and eternal wars between Order two camps, oneself do not annoy these two groups of extreme lunatics. 这是混乱秩序两个阵营之间的永恒战争,自己还是不要惹到这两帮极端的疯子。 Gu Qingshan continues saying: 顾青山继续道: This world is completing the new student|life, it secluded from the world time, you will rest well here, we later are predestined friends say goodbye.” “这个世界正在完成新生,它将与世隔绝一段时间,你就好好在这里休息吧,我们以后有缘再见。” Finishes speaking, Earth, sky and boundless desert, as well as cannot see the end the world, all sent out the profound tremor. 话音刚落,大地、天空、无边的沙漠,以及看不到尽头的世界,全都发出了深远的颤动。 The world must start to evolve! 世界就要开始进化了! Red Ghost naturally can the sensation from this change to the real situation. 红鬼自然能从这种变化中感知到真实的情况。 It immediately the complexion changes. 它顿时脸色一变。 Opposite party really not lies. 对方真的没有一句虚言。 Slow!” It shouts one. “慢着!”它大喊一声。 Gu Qingshan curious visits it, hinted it to continue. 顾青山好奇的看着它,示意它继续说下去。 Red Ghost Path: „Can you lead me to go out?” 鬼道:“你能带我出去吗?” „Can you go out?” Gu Qingshan say. “你要出去?”顾青山道 Right, all my killed off by Chaos Snake King, here mission has been defeated, I must first return to our world.” Red Ghost Path. “对,我的所有手下都被混乱蛇王杀光,这里的任务已经失败,我必须先回我们的世界。”红鬼道 Has your line...... you not to fear that I do harm you?” Gu Qingshan smiles. “带你也行……你不怕我害你?”顾青山笑笑。 Your I have the Heavenly Dao pledge, cannot to each other take action.” Red Ghost Path. “你我有天道誓约,不能对彼此出手。”红鬼道 That line, prepares to walk.” Gu Qingshan say. “那行,准备走。”顾青山道 He wields conveniently. 他随手一挥。 The crow and plush duck appear immediately. 鸦和毛绒鸭子顿时出现。 We walk.” Gu Qingshan say. “我们走。”顾青山道 Among Heaven and Earth, the broad will arrives together. 天地间,一道恢弘的意志降临下来。 People one after another heard said the whisper sound ten million/countless. 众人纷纷听到了千万道耳语声。 Complies, otherwise I cannot take away you.” Gu Qingshan say. “都答应,否则我带不走你们。”顾青山道 Three people somewhat shock. 三人都有些震撼。 Originally is talks with World's Will directly, was delivered. 原来是直接跟世界意志对话,然后被送出去。 This is what kind of strength! 这是何等的力量! The Red Ghost careful investigation, found that is really Will of the World, moreover Transmission Technique, this felt relieved together. 红鬼细细探查,发现果然是世界的意志,而且只是一道传送之术,这才放下心来。 You...... can deal with World's Will unexpectedly, I know that now why Awaiter of Order camp will elect you.” Red Ghost Path. “你……竟然能跟世界意志打交道,我现在知道为什么秩序阵营的等待者会选你了。”红鬼道 Did not say that we walk.” Gu Qingshan say. “不说了,我们走。”顾青山道 The ray flashes, covers four people. 光芒一闪,将四人罩住。 They disappear from Holy Spirit World. 他们从圣灵世界消失。 ...... …… In Void Chaotic Flow. 虚空乱流之中。 Four forms appear suddenly. 四道身影忽然出现。 Gu Qingshan, Red Ghost, crow and Yu Juan. 顾青山红鬼、鸦、御卷 Red Ghost just fished out Summoning Talisman, the preparation says anything, suddenly a realized matter. 红鬼刚摸出一张传讯符,准备说些什么,忽然意识到了一件事。 It discovered that the body of own Immortal, and even its oneself main body puts out work to be done the dust gradually. 它发现自己的仙人之躯,乃至它自己本身都在渐渐散做尘埃。 The Red Ghost whole face doubts, looked at Gu Qingshan one: How do you achieve?” 红鬼满脸疑惑,看了顾青山一眼:“你怎么做到的?” You were said that violated the Heavenly Dao pledge? No, I never to your take action.” Gu Qingshan say. “你是说违背天道誓约?不,我从来都没有对你出手。”顾青山道 Thoroughly Red Ghost figure scatters becomes dusky dust. 红鬼身形彻底流散的成一片灰蒙蒙的尘埃。 He said finally: I not......” 他最后说道:“我不……” The words have not ended, it has lost all existence's trails thoroughly. 话未完,它已彻底失去所有存在的踪迹。 Red Ghost radical dissipation. 红鬼彻底消散。 Your luck is not good.” Gu Qingshan said with a sigh. “你运气不好。”顾青山叹息道。 Strange, how this does Evil Ghost disappear?” Crow vigilant asking. “奇怪,这个恶鬼怎么不见了?”鸦警惕的问道。 Gu Qingshan say: 顾青山道: Died.” “死了。” Died? Why? He is very probably fierce.” Yu Juan said. “死了?为什么?他好像很厉害。”御卷道。 Because Holy Spirit World has integrated our Void Chaotic Flow thoroughly, is equal to our Parallel World's part.” Gu Qingshan say. “因为圣灵世界已经彻底融入我们的虚空乱流,等同于我们这个平行世界的一部分。”顾青山道 What does this have to affect?” The crow cannot feel the mind. “这有什么影响?”鸦摸不着头脑。 Gu Qingshan said completely regrettably: Holy Spirit World does not belong to other Parallel World, All Living Things that it carries, in our flow of time and space class/flow, can only exist(ence).” 顾青山满是遗憾的说:“圣灵世界已经不属于其他平行世界了,它所携带的众生,在我们这个时间流空间流之中,只能存在一个。” Therefore just now that Evil Ghost was cancelled by Three Great Laws?” Yu Juan said. “所以刚才那个恶鬼三大法则抹去了?”御卷道。 Very much so.” Gu Qingshan say. “正是如此。”顾青山道 He looked at War God Interface. 他看了看战神界面 The True Luck technique just ended. 真实幸运术刚刚结束。 One line of glow small characters stay on interface: 一行萤火小字停留在界面上: You successfully saved Holy Spirit World, obtained presenting of Holy Spirit World will!” “你成功拯救了圣灵世界,得到了圣灵世界意志的馈赠!” Please in idle examine the treasure that you obtain immediately.” “请在空闲的时候立刻查看你所获得的宝物。”
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