WAO :: Volume #12

#1193: Sudden change

Gu Qingshan, Zhang Yinghao and Ye Feili squat in front of the corpse of great snake. 顾青山张英豪叶飞离蹲在巨蛇的尸体面前。 Nearby some scientific researchers gather samples , the soldiers of some guards. 旁边有一些科研人员正在采集标本,也有一些护卫的士兵。 But the Gu Qingshan three people are professional, is the person of military, according to everyone obvious custom, they have not naturally received what awkwardness. 顾青山三人是职业者,也是军方的人,按照大家心照不宣的规矩,他们自然没受到什么为难。 Let newbie in these professional many contact with Apocalypse monster, will help them overcome the psychological fear, discovers the monster weakness, better dealing danger in later combat. 这些职业者中的新人多与末日怪物接触,将会有利于他们克服心理上的恐惧,发现怪物的弱点,在以后的战斗中更好的应对危险。 This is the common sense. 这是常理。 Ye Feili extends take action. 叶飞离出手 He used the hand to dip the blood of great snake, placed in the mouth to lick to lick gently. 他用手蘸了点巨蛇的血,放在口中轻轻舔舐。 Blood powerfully- seems like from magic-type, but also were more than anything the magic-type strength.” He said. “血液充满力量-似乎是来自魔法侧的,但又比魔法侧的力量多了些什么。”他说道。 This matter only then he dares to do, because his physique does not fear the corrosion of other thing. 这种事只有他敢做,因为他的体质不怕其他东西的侵蚀。 Gu Qingshan concentrates several Sword Qi, cut snake meat to get down. 顾青山凝出几道剑气,切了一块蛇肉下来。 Can eat?” Zhang Yinghao swallows the saliva. “能吃吗?”张英豪咽了咽口水。 You had not just eaten the individual good military provisions.” Gu Qingshan places in the snake meat the hand, looks at carefully carefully. “你不是刚吃过单兵行军粮么。”顾青山把蛇肉放在手中,细细端详。 I care is not the snake meat, is your cooking technique.” Zhang Yinghao patted a horse buttocks. “我在意的不是蛇肉,是你的烹饪技艺。”张英豪拍了一句马屁。 Does not have the means that the meal that Gu Qingshan makes always to provide much food for thought. 没办法,顾青山做的菜总是让人回味无穷。 „It is not good!” Gu Qingshan shakes the head saying that this snake whole body is poisonous, is very difficult to process cleanly-, if works hard to process, then the meat flavor did not have the meaning.” “不行!”顾青山摇头道,“这蛇浑身都是毒,很难处理干净-如果下大工夫去处理,那么肉的味道也就没意思了。” „.” Zhang Yinghao is somewhat disappointed. “哦。”张英豪有些失望。 Two people look one. 两人对望一眼。 Chatted to turn over to chat, but from the eyes of opposite party, two people detected some dignity. 说笑归说笑,但从对方的眼中,两人都察觉到了某种凝重。 In the air feels the invisible constriction. 空气中充满无形的压迫感。 This type feels the average person unable to detect, but these intuition keen people, will obtain some from the mystical-type direction ahead of time the sensation. 这种感觉一般人察觉不到,但是那些直觉敏锐的人,都会从神秘侧的方向获得一些提前感知。 „...... I have planting to stand in tsunami front feeling.” The Gu Qingshan surface sinks like the water, said in a low voice. “……我有种站在海啸面前的感觉。”顾青山面沉如水,低声说道。 Agree.” “同感。” Zhang Yinghao stands, anxious all over the place looks around. 张英豪站起来,焦躁的四处张望。 The soldiers minute/share makes several batch, some in maintaining order, some went to the city to go on patrol, some same place recuperation. 士兵们分作几批,有的在维持秩序,有的去城市里巡逻去了,有的原地休整。 People of fleeing from calamity slowly toward the temporary station movement of group army, systematic. 逃难的人们缓缓朝着集团军的临时驻地移动,井然有序。 Ye Ruxi just and several high-level military officers together, urging Li Dajun they to service the WeChat communication equipment. 夜如曦正和几名高级将领一起,督促着李大骏他们维修微信通讯设备。 Does not have monster to attack. 没有怪物袭击。 All normal. 一切正常。 Strange...... my feeling rarely makes a mistake, but issue where?” “奇怪……我的感觉很少出错,可问题到底在哪儿?” Zhang Yinghao wiped the cold sweat on forehead, on the face wrote all over being at a loss. 张英豪抹了把额头上的冷汗,脸上写满了迷惘。 The world becomes before him is slow and heavy, a sensation of asphyxia arises spontaneously. 世界在他面前变得缓慢而沉重,一股窒息感油然而生。 Gu Qingshan does not feel better, grasps Heaven and Earth Twin Swords from Void directly, grasps in the hand. 顾青山也不好受,直接从虚空抓出天地双剑,握在手中。 He felt Death! 他感觉到了死亡 Two people stand fiercely, is observing the surroundings vigilantly. 两人猛的站起来,警惕的观察着周围。 The night wind is warm. 夜风暖暖。 The army starts to distribute food for the civilians. 军队开始为平民分发食物。 Has drinking of eating, the mood of these civilians stabilize gradually. 有吃的喝的,那些平民的情绪都渐渐安定下来。 All usual. 一切如常。 Damn, what is?” Zhang Yinghao cursed. “该死,到底是什么?”张英豪咒骂道。 Ye Feili squats in one side, at this time suddenly inclined the head and listened attentively, in the surface reveals the puzzled facial expression. 叶飞离蹲在一边,这时忽然侧耳倾听,面上流露出困惑神情。 Gu Qingshan notices immediately, immediately asked: What's wrong?” 顾青山立刻注意到了,马上问:“怎么了?” Ye Feili explained: Has thing erect to come.” 叶飞离解释道:“有一个东西正飞过来。” What is? Is monster?” Zhang Yinghao asked. “是什么?是怪物吗?”张英豪问道。 No, is thing of human, probably...... is an airplane? Speed actually really quick.” Ye Feili said. “不,是人类的东西,好像……是一架飞机?速度倒是真的快。”叶飞离道。 Gu Qingshan was startled flickered. 顾青山怔了一瞬。 It is not an airplane. 绝不是飞机。 The monster besieged city, the airplane cannot come. 怪物围城,飞机根本过不来。 ...... 难道…… The great demon ape had said the words reverberate again near his ear: 巨魔猿说过的话再次回荡在他耳边: Human, pitiful human.” “人类,可悲的人类。” This Apocalypse monster previous second must fight, actually gave up assassinating Ye Ruxi suddenly, calm retreat. 这头末日怪物前一秒还要大战一场,却突然放弃了刺杀夜如曦,从容退去。 Pitiful. 可悲。 This word...... 这个词…… in the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, the Gu Qingshan complexion fiercely changes. 电光火石之间,顾青山脸色猛变。 Air fine motion. 空气微动。 A mean howling sound transmits from sky depths. 一种低微的呼啸声从天空深处传来。 Ten seconds. 十秒。 No. It too quick- 不。它太快- Seven seconds. 七秒。 Only has seven seconds of time! 只有七秒时间 Gu Qingshan anything could not attend. 顾青山什么都顾不上了。 Yinghao, I guess that is the nuclear bomb!” 英豪,我猜是核弹!” He roared, grasps Earth Sword from Void, ruthlessly insertion ground. 他吼了一声,从虚空抓出地剑,狠狠插入地面。 Secret Sword Drawing Shadows! 秘剑画影 The infinite black sword shadow blooms suddenly, across the surface of reinforced concrete, has deep cut downward. 无穷黑色剑影骤然绽放,穿过钢筋水泥的地表,一直往下深挖。 At this time Zhang Yinghao also responded. 这时张英豪也反应过来了。 I go-” “我去-” He cursed, carries the light sniper's rifle, exchanges a larger-scale number the telescopic sights, direct pointing sky. 他大骂了一声,把轻型狙击枪端起来,换上一个更大型号的瞄准镜,直接瞄准天空。 One second. 一秒。 Two seconds. 两秒。 without the slightest hesitation, Zhang Yinghao deducts the trigger directly. 毫不犹豫的,张英豪直接扣下扳机。 Bang! 砰! The depressed gunshot sound alarmed everyone. 沉闷的枪响声惊动了所有人。 Zhang Yinghao was hit to Log-Out / withdraw to go to two steps by the intense recoil force, then the whole person falls downward- 张英豪被强烈的后座力打得退出去两步,然后整个人向下掉落- Bang rumble- 轰隆隆隆- Earth vibration continuous. 大地震动不休。 A Gu Qingshan sword gets down, various being frightened screamed that one after another resounds. 顾青山一剑下去,各种惊惶尖叫纷纷响起。 In a surrounding area five li (0.5 km) range, the soldiers, General, the scientific researchers and civilians all fall into big hole that he cut. 方圆五里范围内,士兵、将军、科研人员、平民全都跌进了他斩出来的大坑之中。 The Gu Qingshan heart sinks. 顾青山心头一沉。 Insufficiently! 不够! This depth is insufficient! 这深度还不够! He wields Earth Sword, again ruthlessly insertion ground. 他挥动地剑,再次狠狠插入地面。 Stop! Gu Qingshan!” “住手!顾青山!” The Ye Ruxi sound resounds. 夜如曦的声音响起。 Because is extremely sudden, many people received some wounds in the process of depreciation, even is badly beaten, the hands and feet breaks off. 由于太过突然,不少人都在跌落的过程中受了些伤,甚至头破血流,手脚折断。 Ye Ruxi puts down remaining unconscious civilians, the whole person falls into the violent anger. 夜如曦放下一位昏迷不醒的平民,整个人陷入暴怒之中。 But sees her figure to flash, such as afterimage charges into Gu Qingshan. 但见她身形一闪,如残影般冲向顾青山 Zhang Yinghao blocks her, is actually blown to fly by fog that her body sends out, hits on the pothole inner wall. 张英豪挡住她,却被她身上散发出的一阵灰雾吹飞,撞在坑洞的内壁上。 Ye Feili emits dozens spurs to stop, was wielded by her conveniently, all scatters. 叶飞离放出数十道骨刺阻拦,又被她随手一挥,全部打散。 Was in this time. 正在这时。 In the profound sky, the sharp songs and calls resound together suddenly. 深远的天空中,一道尖锐的鸣叫声骤然响起。 Everyone looks up. 所有人抬头望去。 The remote horizon end, wants the dazzling glare to form one group of fireballs compared with Sun, illuminated the entire city instantaneously. 遥远的天际尽头,比太阳还要刺眼的强光形成一团火球,瞬间照亮了整座城市。 The world changes silent. 世界化作无声。 The complexions of all military personnel changed. 所有军事人员的脸色都变了。 Nuclear bomb! 核弹! Why can be the nuclear bomb! 为什么会是核弹! Gu Qingshan complexion one severe. 顾青山面色一厉。 Although Zhang Yinghao hit nuclear bomb- 虽然张英豪击中了核弹- But that is a nuclear bomb! 但那可是核弹! Gu Qingshan emits spirit power, stimulates to movement sword technique ruthlessly. 顾青山放出灵力,狠狠催动剑诀 Secret Sword Mighty Torrent! 秘剑洪流 „, Gives me to get down!” “啊啊啊啊啊,给我下去!” His violent shouted. 他暴喝道。 The gotten sucked pit, was rumbled again several meters depth. 本已深陷的地坑,再次被轰出数米的深度。 Falls into people in pit to fall down immediately. 陷入地坑的人们立刻又掉了下去。 Gu Qingshan by the sword column place, the whole body sweats profusely, is standing reluctantly freezing. 顾青山以剑柱地,浑身大汗淋漓,勉强站着原地不动。 Foundation Establishment period. 筑基期。 spirit power only then so many. 灵力只有这么多了。 Under his full strength take action, all strengths have consumed cleanly. 全力出手之下,所有力量已经消耗干净。 Fortunately this depth, can evade the glare and first round of shock-wave of horizon that nuclear bomb reluctantly. 所幸这种深度,勉强可以躲过天边那枚核弹的强光和第一轮冲击波。 Do not watch the glare!” Ye Ruxi loud say/way. “不要去看强光!”夜如曦大声道。 But her sound was submerged by the giant bellow, no one hears radically. 但她的声音被巨大的轰鸣声淹没,以至于根本没有人听见。 Ye Ruxi stamps the feet, flying, wields a fist in pit cave entrance. 夜如曦一跺脚,飞身而起,在坑洞口挥出一拳。 The a layer upon layer fog also appears, covers the entire pit mouth. 一层层灰雾随之出现,将整个坑口掩盖住。 The intense bright light was blocked, in the pothole turns into the pitch-dark night instantaneously. 强烈的明光被挡住,坑洞中瞬间变成伸手不见五指的黑夜。 Earth vibrates. 大地震动。 The shock-wave starts to form. 冲击波开始形成。 The mushroom cloud leaps over ten thousand meters upper air in the flash. 蘑菇云在一瞬间腾上万米高空。 Zhang Yinghao drills from the soil, puts out silt, throws playing card in hand. 张英豪从泥土里钻出来,吐出一口泥沙,将手中的卡牌抛出去。 Bang! 嘭! The earthworm that dozens are sending out the gloomy ray appears. 几十条散发着暗淡光芒的蚯蚓出现。 Helps me fix here troublesome, many thanks.” Zhang Yinghao said. “麻烦帮我固定住这里,多谢了。”张英豪道。 The earthworms nod, quick dispersing, drills into the pothole four walls, starts to work. 蚯蚓们点点头,很快散开,钻入坑洞四壁,开始工作。 - shouted- shouted- 呼-呼-呼- Storm severe roar that the shock-wave forms continues, along with the densely packed pitiful yell sound, as well as sound of innumerable building collapse and hit. 冲击波所形成的暴风厉啸不止,伴随着密密麻麻的惨叫声,以及无数建筑物倒塌和撞击的声音。 At this time everyone knows that had anything. 这时大家都知道发生了什么。 Many people cry loudly. 不少人放声大哭起来。 Their family members outside, could not have lived shortly. 他们的亲人还在外面,眼看是活不下来了。 They are most luck, falls into the gulf that Gu Qingshan drives out directly, the nuclear bomb by Zhang Yinghao in far in the air is detonated ahead of time, this fortunately survived. 他们是最幸运的,直接掉进顾青山轰开的深坑,核弹又被张英豪在远空中提前引爆,这才幸存了下来。 Ye Ruxi arrives at side Gu Qingshan, the racket his shoulder said: I wrongly accused you.” 夜如曦走到顾青山身边,拍拍他肩膀道:“我错怪你了。” Gu Qingshan wants exhaustedly, but nods, without speech. 顾青山疲惫欲死,只是点点头,没说话。 Ye Ruxi turns around to take away toward several stars. 夜如曦转身朝几名将领走去。 All military officer complexion grey defeats, heart, if dying embers. 所有的将领都面色灰败,心若死灰。 The nuclear bomb cannot kill Apocalypse monster, will therefore put the person of nuclear bomb definitely is the future kills here everyone. 核弹打不死末日怪物,所以放核弹的人肯定是未来杀死这里所有人。 Why? 为什么? Why can like this? 为什么会这样? Ye Ruxi is controlling the mood reluctantly, said toward all soldiers: Everyone could rest assured that we will not let off that murderer, now please endure patiently temporarily, we must wait for this disaster in the past.” 夜如曦勉强控制着情绪,朝所有军人道:“大家放心,我们绝不会放过那个凶手,现在请暂时忍耐,我们要等这场灾难过去。” I pledged that wants-” “我发誓一定要-” Her words called out the sound to break suddenly together. 她的话突然被一道暴喝声打断。 Killed her!” “杀了她!” Li Dajun called out. 李大骏叫道。 78 Orderer take action, in caught off guard, launched the surprise attack toward Ye Ruxi together! 七八名秩序者一起出手,于猝不及防之间,朝夜若曦发起了突袭! When! When! When! When! 当!当!当!当! At the same time seven color shields protect Ye Ruxi. 一面七彩的盾牌将夜若曦护住。 Meanwhile, Ye Feili grips River of Forgetfulness Leaving Soul Hook, the opens the mouth exudes one sentry post. 与此同时,叶飞离握住忘川离魂钩,张口发出一声唿哨。 - 呜-- In the wink of an eye, everyone was been motionless by the anchorage. 瞬息之间,所有人被定住不动。 The sound is the technique, Soul Returns to River of Forgetfulness! 音系技,忘川魂归 This is Ye Feili through Divine Skill that River of Forgetfulness Leaving Soul Hook displays! 这是叶飞离通过忘川离魂钩施展的神技 But saw the scarlet blood light to flash several to flash in Void together. 但见一道猩红血光在虚空中闪了几闪。 Several pitiful yell sounds get up. 数道惨叫声响起。 Keeps the living witness!” Gu Qingshan say. “留活口!”顾青山道 Relax.” Ye Feili reveals figure from the scarlet blood glow. “放心。”叶飞离从猩红血芒之中显露身形 He throws Li Dajun on Ye Ruxi front ground. 他一把将李大骏丢在夜如曦面前的地上。 Several other Orderer by homicide. 其他几名秩序者都被他杀了。 A breath has crossed. 一息已过。 Everyone returns to again normal. 所有人再次恢复正常。 Ye Ruxi stayed, say/way that is unable to believe: Major Li, why, do you want to kill me?” 夜如曦呆了呆,无法置信的道:“李少校,为什么,你要杀我?” Li Dajun whole body is the blood, suddenly laughs: Your this Apocalypse apostle, was you killed everyone in this city.” 李大骏浑身是血,突然大笑起来:“你这个末日的使徒,是你害死了这座城市里的所有人。” He smiles while cries , to continue saying: Order had told us, you are the seed of disaster, will bring compared with a Apocalypse more fearful end, you must die!” 他一边笑一边哭,继续说道:“秩序已经告诉了我们,你是灾祸的种子,将会带来比末日更可怕的终结,你必须死!” Ye Ruxi stand motionless. 夜如曦站着不动。 Her complexion is particularly pale, said: I do not understand that your meaning, I am always fighting against Apocalypse, always stands in the first line, why can kill me? Why!” 她的脸色分外苍白,说道:“我不明白你的意思,我从来都是在抗击末日,从来都站在第一线,为什么要杀我?凭什么!” Her sound becomes somewhat sways, but is inobservable. 她的声音变得有些飘摇而不可测。 Do not install, General, your fog, what had created, don't you remember?” “别装了,将军,你的那种灰雾,曾经造成过什么,难道你不记得?” Ye Ruxi closely is shutting up, slowly dangling head. 夜若曦紧紧闭着嘴,慢慢垂下头。 Li Dajun is staring at her, incomparably regrettable say/way: Ye Ruxi, you were too strong, if not to kill you, how the allied armies will use the nuclear bomb?” 李大骏盯着她,无比遗憾的道:“夜若曦,你太强了,若不是为了杀你,联军又怎么会动用核弹?” Pitifully, you lived.” “可惜,你还是活了下来。” He looks to Ye Feili and Gu Qingshan, as well as is controlling the earthworms to build the wall Zhang Yinghao. 他望向叶飞离顾青山,以及正在控制蚯蚓们筑墙的张英豪 Is these three people. 就是这三个人。 If the time can flow backwards, oneself will not gather them! 如果时光可以倒流,自己绝不会招揽他们! Hateful! Hateful! 可恨!可恨啊! Gu Qingshan received the can that Ye Feili throws, puts out a hand to open the snap ring, in a single breath drinks up. 顾青山接过叶飞离抛过来的易拉罐,伸手拉开扣环,一口气喝光。 He restored many strengths, stands, said toward Ye Ruxi: time are not many, the radiation material and dust will fall quickly, but monster surrounded the city, we may escape now roadless, must hurry to try to find the solution.” 他恢复了不少力量,站起来,朝夜若曦道:“时间不多,辐射物质和粉尘很快就会落下,而怪物包围了城市,我们现在无路可逃,必须赶紧想办法。” Ye Ruxi looks at dumbly there, motionless, seemed like pulls out to empty the soul. 夜若曦呆立在那里,一动不动,看上去就像被掏空了灵魂。 Another side. 另一边。 World Allied armies headquarters. 人类世界联军总部。 The human high-level elites, gather together. 人类高层的精英们,汇聚一堂。 Nuclear bomb detonates ahead of time, the source of that disaster lived.” Has humanity. “核弹提前引爆,那个灾祸之源活了下来。”有人道。 I also obtained the Order news, is very regrettable, probably was so.” Another humanity. “我也得到了秩序的消息,很遗憾,大概就是如此了。”另一人道。 Silent. 寂静。 People have not made noise. 人们都没有出声。 After several breaths, some people exploratory said: 数息之后,才有人试探性的说: That...... execution plan for the aftermath?” “那就……执行后续计划?” Approval.” “赞成。” Does not have the means that this is the Order first important matter, the approval.” “没办法,这是秩序的第一要务,赞成。” Approval.” “赞成。” Right, since not good...... that puts several!” “对,既然一颗不行……那就多放几颗!” Unanimously passes, execution.” “全票通过,执行吧。” After three minutes . 三分钟后。 Fox wing, request carries out top-secret mission.” “狐狸飞行联队,请求执行绝密任务。” Receives, request has authorized, 3rd and 4 th and 5 th and 6 th and No. 9 channel is opening, please final check power system and firepower reserve.” “收到,请求已批准,三号、四号、五号、六号、九号通道正在打开,请最后检查动力系统与火力储备。” Report, all are ready.” “报告,一切就绪。” Understood, after three seconds, you can take off!” “明白,三秒钟后,你们可以起飞!” Three,” “三,” Two,” “二,” One.” “一。” set off!” 出发!” In the bellow, the entire airplane regiment ran out of the base, toward far flies spatially. 轰鸣声中,整个飞机联队冲出了基地,朝着远空飞去。
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