WAO :: Volume #12

#1190: The third gambling house!

Large supermarket. 大型超市。 A piece in confusion. 一片狼藉。 Besides the Gu Qingshan three people, only then 78 corpses lie down here. 除了顾青山三人之外,只有七八具尸体躺在这里。 Three people size up one then no longer to manage, looks ever emerging written prompt earnestly to Void. 三人打量一番便不再管,认真望向虚空中不断出现的提示符 To guarantee absolutely safe, Chaos consumed many strengths, in the time and destiny of this world, placed the status for you.” “为了确保万无一失,混乱耗费了许多力量,在这个世界的时光与命运之中,为你们安插了身份。” You are professional of this city, just shortly after awakened.” “你们是这个城市的职业者,刚刚觉醒不久。” Perhaps the average person does not know you, but your materials high-level had by human race, they will not get suspicious to you.” “也许普通人不认识你们,但你们的资料被人族高层所掌握,他们不会对你们起疑心。” Must treasure the status, careful conduct.” “务必珍惜身份,小心行事。” Three people look, look at each other in blank dismay. 三人看完,面面相觑。 Chaos consumed so many strengths, this mission seems like some difficulties.” Zhang Yinghao said. 混乱耗费了这么多力量,这个任务看上去有些困难啊。”张英豪道。 dīng! 叮! The gray writing appears again, brushes one line of written prompt: 灰色文字再次出现,刷出一行提示符: Era of Chaos has not arrived thoroughly, presented inborn Chaos Gods, this is unexpected.” 混乱纪元尚未彻底降临,却出现了一位天生的混乱神祇,这是始料未及的局面。” Because this event is important, Era of Chaos is unable to drag in lots of people, cannot have the too tremendous impact, now can only handle affairs by your three people quietly.” “由于本次事件非常重要,混乱纪元无法兴师动众,也绝不能造成太大的影响,现在只能凭借你们三人悄然行事。” To avoid causing other existence's to pay attention, your strengths were still limited in the current degree.” “为了避免引起其他存在的关注,你们的实力依然被限制在当前程度。” Chaos is giving you strength, please wait for three seconds.” 混乱正在赋予你们力量,请等待三秒。” Three,” “三,” Two,” “二,” One.” “一。” Your Transcendent Strength have de-archived and been at the workable condition completely.” “你们的超凡力量已经解封并全部处于可使用的状态。” From now on, all your item had poured into the abundant strength along, can use again.” 从现在开始,你们的所有随身物品都已被灌注了充裕的力量,可以再次使用。” Buzz- 嗡- A long sword flies, transferred several around Gu Qingshan. 一柄长剑飞出来,绕着顾青山转了几圈。 Well? I awoke suddenly.” The Luo Bingli sound conveys. “咦?我突然就睡醒了。”洛冰璃的声音传来。 Six Worlds Divine Mountain Sword follows to appear from Void. 六界神山剑跟着从虚空显现。 Shan Nu jumps for joy saying: Good, had you in words, the young master following pressure will be smaller.” 山女雀跃道:“太好了,有你在的话,公子接下来压力会小很多。” What had?” Luo Bingli asked. “发生什么了?”洛冰璃问道。 Two flying swords talked in whispers, quick was hidden again in Void. 两柄飞剑窃窃私语,很快又再次隐没在虚空中。 Zhang Yinghao said puzzled: Why your is Sword Spirit a female?” 张英豪不解道:“为什么你的剑灵都是女性?” Buzz! Buzz! 嗡!嗡! Earth Sword and Tide's Sound fly, extremely unfriendly transferred around the neck of Zhang Yinghao. 地剑潮音飞出来,极不友好的绕着张英豪的脖子转了一圈。 „, I made a mistake, originally also has two pure men! Heroes!” Zhang Yinghao said hastily. “啊,我错了,原来还有两位纯爷们!英雄好汉!”张英豪连忙道。 two swords then leisure flies, is hidden in Void. 两柄剑这才慢悠悠的飞回去,隐没在虚空中。 Gu Qingshan smiles, shakes the head, without speech. 顾青山笑起来,摇摇头,没说话。 Ye Feili said: Under Chaos such big qualification, it seems like we make an all-out effort.” 叶飞离道:“混乱下这么大本钱,看来我们得全力以赴了。” Right, even if to maintain life, probably still so.” Gu Qingshan say. “对,就算为了保命,大概也得如此。”顾青山道 Zhang Yinghao the Righteous God color, extended take action, took the sign in Void continuously, quick takes completely playing card. 张英豪正了正神色,伸出手,在虚空连续抽牌,很快就拿满了一把卡牌 Ye Feili inclines the head and listens attentively. 叶飞离侧耳倾听。 Souls are crying, the enemy is very fierce, our time has hits.” He said. “灵魂们都在哭,敌人挺厉害,我们这次有得打。”他说道。 What is enemy?” Gu Qingshan asked. “敌人是什么?”顾青山问。 Ye Feili listened to a while, said: Some probably disaster that exterminates the world, it can give the new strength and development intelligence for other lives, the person in this world Calls it Calamity of Five Elements.” 叶飞离又听了一会儿,道:“好像是某种灭绝世界的灾难,它能为其他生灵赋予新的力量、开发神智,这个世界的人称之为-五行之灾。” Calamity of Five Elements.” The Gu Qingshan whisper said. 五行之灾。”顾青山嘀咕道。 He had not pondered with enough time, at present suddenly the ball comes out the rows of gray writing: 他还没来得及细想,眼前突然弹出来一行行灰色文字: Please note, the named Gu Qingshan Apotheosis Challenger, you had once saved many world and innumerable All Living Things, but this event belongs to secret mission, is directly related with your life and death, therefore you must take Chaos Gods that seeking has not awakened for the priority target, rather than takes saving the world as mission.” “请注意,名为顾青山登神挑战者,你曾拯救过许多世界和无数众生,但本次事件属于秘密任务,直接关系到你们的生死,所以你要以寻找未觉醒的混乱神祇为首要目标,而不是以拯救世界为任务。” Gu Qingshan helpless sighing. 顾青山无奈的叹口气。 He took a chocolate from the supermarket shelf conveniently, eats while said: Yinghao, we start the pathfinding.” 他随手从超市货架上拿了一条巧克力,边吃边道:“英豪,我们开始寻找目标。” Zhang Yinghao that pack of playing card stoppers in the coat pocket, put out a hand to knock knocking on the ground. 张英豪将那一叠卡牌塞在上衣口袋,伸手在地上敲了敲。 The black cat leaps again. 黑猫再次一跃而出。 darling, our times must find a person.” Zhang Yinghao supple sound said. 宝贝儿,我们这次要找一个人呢。”张英豪柔声道。 The black cat shrank the body, hesitates is crying out saying: Meow meow meow meow meow- meow! Meow meow! Meow meow meow!( I must eat convenience- no! Wait! Here is a supermarket!)” 黑猫缩了缩身子,迟疑着叫唤道:“喵喵喵喵喵-喵!喵喵!喵喵喵!(我要吃方便-不!等等!这里是超市!)” Before it runs up to the shelf directly, rips open one bag of small fish to do, ate cheerfully. 它直接跑到货架前,撕开一袋小鱼干,欢快的吃了起来。 Three people look one. 三人对望一眼。 This time will not always leave again what is accidental/surprised. 这次总不会再出什么意外了。 Zhang Yinghao relaxes, said: It seems like we must wait a while here.” 张英豪松口气,说道:“看来我们得在这里等一会儿了。” Ye Feili also took a chocolate, eats while said: From the situation on this shelf, their food actually very in plenty.” 叶飞离也去拿了一条巧克力,边吃边道:“从这个货架上的情况来看,他们的食物倒是很丰裕。” Yes, the chocolate eats.” Zhang Yinghao selected a flue. “是啊,还有巧克力吃。”张英豪点了一根烟道。 Should be the Order strength, otherwise in Apocalypse, food and various resources should be very deficient.” Gu Qingshan say. “应该是秩序的力量,否则在末日之中,食物和各种资源应该很匮乏。”顾青山道 Three people are saying, saw only several to wear unifies the man of combat clothing/taking to crash in the supermarket, distressed and flustered is seeking for the place of hiding. 三人正说着,只见几名身穿统一战斗服的男子冲进了超市,狼狈而慌张的寻找着躲藏之地。 In their also didn't expect supermarket also some people, surprised under carried the spear/gun in hand unexpectedly. 他们也没想到超市里竟然还有人,惊讶之下端起了手中的枪。 You roll out, quickly!” A soldier shouted. “你们滚出去,快!”一名士兵喝道。 Three people of smoking smoking, eat the chocolate the eating chocolate. 三人抽烟的抽烟,吃巧克力的吃巧克力。 The black cat oneself buries in one pile of fish do, just eats happy. 黑猫把自己埋在一堆鱼干里,吃得正欢。 No one responds him. 没人搭理他。 dá dá! 哒哒哒! Soldier without the slightest hesitation projects a shuttle bullet. 士兵毫不犹豫的射出一梭子弹。 The scarlet ray changes to a wall, keeps off in the face of three people. 猩红色的光芒化作一道墙,挡在三人面前。 The bullet hits on the light wall, direct separating. 子弹打在光墙上,直接弹开。 The Ye Feili eyeball moved, also receives. 叶飞离眼珠子移动了下,又收回去。 The these person is too weak. 这些人太弱。 Is professional, run!” “是职业者,快跑!” These soldiers are calling out in alarm, frightened hurrying ran the supermarket. 那些士兵惊呼着,吓的赶紧跑出了超市。 Gu Qingshan say: Feili the strength in meditation is now good, kills them to strengthen their strengths obviously is uses, does not have take action.” 顾青山道:“飞离现在定力不错,明明杀他们就可以汲取他们的力量为己用,却没出手。” Ye Feili cracks into a smile: I do not kill people generally.” 叶飞离咧嘴一笑:“我一般不杀人。” Gu Qingshan was startled being startled, always thought that this saying to be very familiar-sounding. 顾青山怔了怔,总觉得这话很耳熟。 Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚! The floor starts the strenuous vibration, probably had what thing to be attracted by these people, pursues these people. 地板开始剧烈震动,好像有什么东西被那些人吸引,追着那些人去了。 No wonder the these person compels Gu Qingshan they to go out. 难怪这些人逼着顾青山他们出去。 A series of pitiful yell sounds get up. 紧接着,一连串的惨叫声响起。 Nearby the supermarket is peaceful. 超市附近安静下来。 Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚!咚! The vibration goes far away gradually. 震动渐渐远去。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 Sees only the man who a military officer dresses up to graze, but. 只见一名军官打扮的男子飞掠而至。 Which army are you?” The men are taking a look at them, asked. “你们是哪个部队的?”男子打量着他们,问道。 Three people are also taking a look at him. 三人也打量着他。 This person of body some special strengths fluctuate, looks is Transcendent. 这人身上有些特殊的力量波动,一看就是超凡者。 On Chaos interface also presents several lines of small characters: 混乱界面上也出现几行小字: Be careful, this is Order loader.” “小心,这是秩序加载者。” Your Chaos interface will soon hide, after completing this time saves mission, will activate again.” “你们的混乱界面即将隐藏,等到完成本次拯救任务之后将再次激活。” Explained: Chaos does not dread Order, but is this time matter must be extremely discrete.” “说明:混乱并不是畏惧秩序,而是这次的事必须万分谨慎。” Specifically explained: This is last of three gambling houses, after you win next, can bring Chaos Gods to return to the great gate world, she join your teams , helping you and your opponent combat!” “特别说明:这是三场赌局的最后一场,你们赢下之后,可以带着混乱神祇回到巨门世界,她将加入你们的队伍,帮助你们与你们的对手战斗!” The writing demonstrates, interface shouting received, vanishes from three people at present. 文字显示完毕,界面“呼”的一声收了起来,从三人眼前消失。 I thought that...... Chaos some were discrete.” Ye Feili sound transmission said. “我觉得……混乱有些过于谨慎了。”叶飞离传音道。 Explained Gods that has not awakened is very important.” Gu Qingshan judges to say. “说明那个未觉醒的神祇对它很重要。”顾青山判断道。 Hello, we are the civilians.” Zhang Yinghao beckons with the hand to say toward that military uniform man. “你好,我们是平民。”张英豪朝那军装男子摆手道。 The men narrowed the eye, puts out an electronic device, is sweeping to three people. 男子眯了眯眼,拿出一个电子设备,对着三人一扫。 He looks at rows of writing on the electronic device, said suddenly: Originally is professional of this city- just awakened- is very good, now I announced that you were recruited, immediately follows I to resist Calamity of Five Elements.” 他看着电子设备上的一行行文字,恍然道:“原来是这个城市的职业者-还是刚觉醒的-很好,现在我宣布你们被征招了,立刻跟着我去抵挡五行之灾。” Good.” Gu Qingshan say. “好。”顾青山道 The man reveals the color of accident/surprise. 那男子露出意外之色。 Cannot think that the opposite party is so good to speak. 想不到对方这么好说话。 However here is their city, their homelands, such response is also normal. 不过这里是他们的城市,他们的家园,这样的反应也算正常。 Now happen to have a look at this world what's the matter.” Gu Qingshan said toward two people sound transmission. “现在正好去看看这个世界到底是怎么回事。”顾青山朝两人传音道。 Two people understand. 两人心领神会。 Zhang Yinghao caught a fish to do, hugged the black cat. 张英豪抓了一把鱼干,把黑猫抱起来。 Three people of following lions walk together outward. 三人跟着狮子一起朝外走。 Sees only in the sky, the fighter aircraft and some luminous spots each other pursue, often launches the attack, is playing intensely. 只见天空上,战机和一些光点彼此追逐,不时发动攻击,正打得激烈。 The human army in ground is in utterly defeated. 地面上的人类军队正在溃败 The soldiers run away in a panic. 士兵们仓惶逃窜。 Various types of heavy weapons and destruction swayed of tank in disorder in position. 各种重型武器和毁坏的坦克横七竖八的摆在阵地上。 No matter the man also these, having three people to flush away toward the combat most intense place. 那男子也不管这些,带着三人朝战斗最激烈的地方冲去。 Science and technology is backward, even Mecha does not have, otherwise we can also reveal two.” “科技落后,连机甲都没有,不然我们还能露两手。” Zhang Yinghao said toward Gu Qingshan sound transmission. 张英豪顾青山传音道。 Gu Qingshan nods, seeing the roadside to have a body of man, by the corpse fell a long bow and casing of arrows. 顾青山点点头,看见路边有一具男子的尸体,尸体旁掉落了一张长弓和一筒箭矢 Obviously is the technical world, but also some people use such weapon, perhaps this weapon might is also good 明明是科技世界,还有人用这样的兵器,恐怕这兵器威力也还不错 A Gu Qingshan move, takes the long bow and arrows. 顾青山手一招,把长弓和箭矢取过来。 Previous time in Pillar Supporting Heavens World, these incomplete World's Will, passed to him some superior Bow Technique. 上次在天柱世界,那些残缺的世界意志,把一些上等的弓术也传给了他。 However did not have the opportunity to use. 不过一直都没有机会用。 You with bending?” The man asked. “你会用弓?”那男子问道。 Has studied.” Gu Qingshan say. “学过一点。”顾青山道 This is the high-level military officers of army equips, after this campaign ended, the these equipment must deliver.” Men's sincere say/way. “这是军队的高级将领装备,等这次战役结束后,这些装备要上交。”男子正色道。 Good.” Gu Qingshan say. “好。”顾青山道 Four people of simultaneously look suddenly to the front. 四人忽然齐齐望向前方。 Nearby region all voice are peaceful. 附近区域所有的声音都安静下来。 Died like the people who these escaped. 就像那些逃跑的人都死了一样。 Thump! Thump! Thump! 咚!咚!咚! Heavy footsteps sound. 沉重的脚步声响起。 Sees only a first three people of high lion to walk from the corner of street. 只见一头三人高的狮子从街道的转角走来。 Its place visited, ground one after another of reinforced concrete changes to the loess. 它所过之处,钢筋水泥的地面纷纷化作黄土。 Three people being astonished looks one. 三人讶异的对望一眼。 This lion can change the basic constitution of the world, this is not simple control Five Elements can achieve. 这狮子能改变世界的基本构成,这可不是简单的操控五行能做到的。 Be careful, the yellow sand lion sovereign, Five Elements Earth Element monster, is strong.” Men's dignified say/way. “小心,黄沙狮皇,五行土元怪物,非常强。”男子凝重道。 His body surges strength of the magic, condenses the azure wind spirit. 身上涌起一股魔法之力,凝聚成青色的风灵。 Shields me!” He yelled. “掩护我!”他大叫道。 Together!” Gu Qingshan toward another two humanity. “一起!”顾青山朝另外两人道。 The lion opens the mouth suddenly, exudes the deafening roar: 狮子猛然张开口,发出震耳欲聋的吼声: Human, you will certainly die here!” “人类,你们必将死在这里!” ping! 呯! The sound of gunfire resounds. 枪声响起。 Meanwhile, the scarlet light flashes not to have. 与此同时,猩红之光一闪而没。 Zhang Yinghao flung a spear/gun to be colored, inserted the dual spears/pistols ; Ye Feili stands in same place , to continue to eat the chocolate. 张英豪甩了个枪花,把双枪插回去;叶飞离则站在原地,继续吃巧克力。 Only listens to bang a heavy sound, the lion falls down straightly. 只听“嘭”的一声沉重响动,狮子直挺挺倒在地上。 The military uniform man has a scare, has a look at two people, has a look at the lion. 军装男子吓了一跳,看看两人,又看看狮子。 The lion lies down on the ground is motionless. 狮子躺在地上不动。 Male very carefully walks to go forward to examine the situation. 男子小心翼翼的走上前查看情况。 Sees only the lion eyes to be hit blindly by the bullet, the whole body is perfect, the nape of the neck place was cut open a ray of light slippery wound, only a little skin also including on the neck, therefore the entire talent has not fallen down. 只见狮子双眼已被子弹打瞎,全身完好无损,脖颈处被切开了一道光滑的伤口,唯有一点皮还连在脖子上,所以整颗头才没掉下去。 The back of the head of lion reveals a arrows tip. 狮子的后脑勺露出一点箭矢尖头。 The military uniform man remembers anything, looking of hard to believe to Gu Qingshan. 军装男子想起什么,难以置信的望向顾青山 You......” “你……” He knew other two truly take action, but this arrows what's the matter! 他知道另外两人确实出手了,但这箭矢是怎么回事! Gu Qingshan dangles the bow, said: „When it spoke mouth stretch/open Taida.” 顾青山将弓垂下,说:“它说话时嘴巴张太大。” The military uniform man long time, is pointing at the bow say/way in his hand silent: „This bow was your.” 军装男子沉默半晌,指着他手中的弓道:“这把弓是你的了。” The front hears the pitiful yell sound that is frightened intermittently. 前方又传来阵阵惊惶的惨叫声。 We walk.” “我们走。” Four people step in yellow sand everywhere , to continue forward running. 四人踩在满地的黄沙上,继续向前奔行 Passes through two streets, they see another immediately. 走过两条街道,他们立刻看到了另一幕。 A several hundred meters great snake plate in the skyscraper, overlooks the human race position. 一条数百米长的巨蛇盘在摩天大楼上,俯瞰人族阵地。 It puts out bunch of cold air, freezes in same place many people, whatever the these person loses in the despair gradually lives. 它吐出一团团寒气,把许多人冻在原地,任凭这些人在绝望中渐渐失去生息。 I now am the Foundation Establishment period, cannot fly.” Gu Qingshan say. “我现在是筑基期,飞不了。”顾青山道 I come.” “那我来。” Zhang Yinghao takes out the light sniper's rifle, said. 张英豪取出轻型狙击枪,说道。 He is just about to aim, on the shoulder transmits a cat to call suddenly. 他正要瞄准,肩膀上突然传来一声猫叫。 Meow!” “喵!” Several people look to the black cat. 几人望向黑猫。 Sees only the black cat to eat the belly plump, is rubbing the belly, while stretches out another claw, aims at some direction. 只见黑猫吃得肚子圆滚滚,正一边揉着肚子,一边伸出另一只爪子,指向某个方向。
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