ADM :: Volume #32

#3113: Bursts eye of Bounty burning

Naturally, believes my specialty!” Jiang Bin clearly is anticipating. “当然,相信我的专业!”蒋宾明期待着。 He anticipated that this may small Junior Sister of person reveal worship look clearly. 他期待这这位清纯可人的小学妹露出崇拜不已的眼神。 Good, I help the school leader make screening.” Lingling nods. “那好呀,我帮学长做筛选。”灵灵点了点头。 When Lingling discovers Jiang Bin clearly also in complacent standing before oneself, in the look when is hoping anything, Lingling was turning a big supercilious look at heart, pushing someone take on a difficult job pretends an entirely white sweet small girl, revealed one also to calculate that selected the face to him the smiling face. 灵灵发现蒋宾明还在得意洋洋的站在自己面前,眼神里在期许着什么的时候,灵灵在心里翻了一个大白眼,勉为其难的装作一个傻白甜的小丫头,露出了一个还算给他点面子的笑容。 Jiang Bin clearly saw smiling face that this Beautiful woman blooms, immediately the self-confidence bursting, the posture of walking became different. 蒋宾明看到这位小美人绽放的笑颜,顿时自信心爆棚,走路的姿势都变得不一样了。 Leng Lingling visits him to look for certainly departure of direction, sighed lightly. 冷灵灵看着他找准方向的离去,不由轻叹了口气。 The brain somewhat a little problem of grown man, why handled the insignificant matter to seek the female enthusiastic response even if, like three -year-old little darling such that learned itself to eat meal, without giving the sugar cut down happily. 成年男人的脑子多多少少有点毛病,为什么哪怕做了一点微不足道的事情都要寻求女性的热烈回应呢,就像三岁学会自己吃饭的小宝宝那样,没给糖就伐开心。 Was comfortable before, like not managing them, on cold face, others only thinks that does not incur the little girl to like. 还是以前舒坦,不像理他们,就冷脸,人家只会认为不招小女孩喜欢。 Grew up, the non- symbolic response, often must bear a grudge is very long. 长大了,不象征性的回应,往往还要被记恨很久。 But, Jiang Bin bright this seeks for the direction to be effective, the Egyptian desert vegetation were not many, this rain truly can add on busy.” Lingling with finger volume short own hair, then slowly pastes the line of cheeks to slide. “不过,蒋宾明这个找寻方向应该是有效的,埃及沙漠植被本就不多,这雨确实能够帮上大忙。”灵灵用手指卷短了自己的发丝,然后慢慢的贴着自己脸颊的线条又滑下来。 This is she thinks that now when issue Xiaoxiguan, now ponders time does not depend on the tea with milk purely, after all frequently holds one cup of tea with milk to be easy to think the issue, shortly after small meat meat on President on the slender arm and big long leg...... 这是她现在想问题时的小西关,现在思考的时候已经不纯粹靠奶茶了,毕竟时时刻刻捧着一杯奶茶容易想问题,没多久小肉肉就会长在了自己纤细的胳膊和大长腿上…… Words said that can the pharaoh source really the lasting youthfulness?” Lingling thinks, in the mind reverberates the big Senior Brother Chen He words to come suddenly, in the eye glittered some gloss. “话说,法老源泉真的可以青春永驻吗?”灵灵想着想着,脑海里突然回荡起大师兄陈河的话来,眼睛里闪烁起了一些光泽。 So long as Apasi that the snake monster estimated that had over 200 years old, an out-and-out old sorceress. 阿帕丝那只要蛇妖估计都有两百多岁了,一个不折不扣的老巫婆。 May have a look at her appearance, now and she walks in the same place, oneself became the Apasi elder sister quickly. 可看看她的模样,现在和她走在一起,自己都快成阿帕丝的姐姐了。 Why this female snake skin seductress/evil spirit can maintain the looks of that 16 -year-old young girl! 凭什么这个女蛇皮妖精可以一直保持着那十六岁少女的姿容! In recent years also has nothing. 近几年还没什么。 But ten years, 20 years?? 可过了十年,二十年呢?? Ten years, 20 years later, the young girl who there Apasi that appearance, clamps the snake tail to be coquettish fitting out that has little experience of the world, then must be taunted itself who uses old woman Aunt cold to come by her! 十年,二十年后,阿帕丝还是那个样子,夹着蛇尾巴在那里搔首弄姿的装成涉世未深的少女,然后还要被她用“老妇女”“冷大妈”来的嘲讽自己! Pharaohs and snake monsters relate closely, the Medusa lasting youthfulness is also related with the pharaoh source, said that Apasi this old seductress/evil spirit can also provide some clues to me.” Lingling thought of this link suddenly. “法老和蛇妖们关系密切,美杜莎的青春永驻是不是也和法老源泉有关,这么说阿帕丝这个老妖精也可以给我提供一些线索。”灵灵又忽然想到了这个环节。 Before Mo Fan is very early, bled off Apasi, struggle of Apasi among with her elder sisters had not finished, moreover she definitely in Egypt, does not know which temple at this moment hides in slaughters with her elder sister continuous, has sat the throne of mother of Medusa. 莫凡很早之前就将阿帕丝放走了,阿帕丝与她姐姐之间的斗争还没有结束,而且她此刻肯定也在埃及,就是不知道是躲在哪个神庙中与她姐姐厮杀不休,还是早已经坐上了美杜莎之母的王位。 Who that rebel is, harms the Forbidden Magic been stranded fellow, now I also only contact black shape king senior figure, his such several words, how judged that he is the person who and Hufu colludes with?” “那个叛徒又是谁呢,害禁咒被困的家伙,现在我也只接触到黑象王这一个高层人物,他就那么几句话,怎么判断他是不是和胡夫勾结的人?” Lingling discovered the matter that oneself must worry about are really many, points at the volume, had the hair mark. 灵灵发现自己要操心的事情还真不少,手指卷卷着,都有了发丝的勒痕。 Ok, three days of time moved the time to everyone, three days later each of you handed over a windvane to report to me, exhaustive related mission material.” The Tong Zhou ordinary professor said. “好了,给大家三天时间自己活动时间,三天后你们每个人给我交一份风向标报告,详尽的有关任务资料也可以。”童舟正教授说道。 Before the directive property clue, must do is the gather material. 在没有任何指向性线索之前,要做的就是收集资料。 What the complete material can a bigger probability is everyone provides to seek for the direction, this direction even can reduce is a very explicit indicator, the hunter the grand match had been starting, other Master Hunter natural(ly) are also starting to seek everywhere...... 完整的资料可以更大概率的为大家提供找寻方向,这个方向甚至可以缩小为一根很明确的指针,猎人正雄大赛已经开始了,其他猎人大师自然也在开始四处找寻…… Different with the struggle of World School, the hunter striving for hegemony competition is the limit of nothing resources, even if you buy a pharaoh source from outside directly, same calculates that you win. 世界学府之争不同,猎人争雄大赛是没有任何资源的限制,哪怕你直接从外头买到一份法老源泉,一样算你获胜。 Hunters, without rule, so long as is not dishonorable and guilty of the most heinous crime, any method will complete mission is not condemned. 猎人,没有规则,只要不是伤天害理、罪大恶极,任何手段完成任务都不会遭到谴责。 ...... …… Bought one bottle of Cola, sat near the window, Leng Lingling turned on own small notebook. 买了一瓶可乐,坐在了窗边,冷灵灵打开了自己的小笔记本电脑。 This small computer is the Lingling buried treasure storehouse, inside has various hunter procedures that oneself design, the whole world richest knowledge, including Egyptian desert vegetation distribution. 这台小电脑就是灵灵的宝藏库,里面有自己设计的各种猎人程序,还有整个世界最丰富的知识,包括埃及沙漠植被的分布。 The Jiang Bin clear(ly) has asked itself to cooperate on own initiative, wants to come also to snatch displays own splendid hunter level in front of those graduate student school leader senior to the Tong Zhou ordinary professor. 蒋宾明已经主动找自己合作了,想来也是想抢在那些研究生学长学姐们前面向童舟正教授表现自己的出色猎人水准。 The idea had no issue, Lingling does not need to set up a proposition to look for the pharaoh source again. 想法没什么问题,灵灵也不需要自己再立一个命题去找法老源泉了。 Everything must have a direction, from very small thing to the possible big indication, Lingling overwhelming majorities originates to the forecast of matter from this. 凡事都得有一个方向,由很小的事物到可能出现的大征兆,灵灵绝大多数对事情的预测都来源于此。 From one small clue one can see what is coming! 见微知著! When several small detail that does not have the connection, aimed at an important result, then can the affirmation this result of very big probability be real! 当几个没有关联的微小细节,都指向了一个重要的结果,那么可以很大概率的肯定这个结果是真实的! After the rain , the distribution of vegetation...... 雨后植被的分布…… Is a reference target, but was not enough to find the pharaoh source. 是一个参考指标,但不足以找到法老源泉。 Matter that Jiang Bin clearly handles, un, compared with conforming to student this contribution of doing. 蒋宾明做的事情,嗯,比较符合一个学生该做的贡献。 Oneself are also only the student, handles the matter that big one can handle to be good! 自己也只是大一学生,就做大一能做的事情好啦! This small mission, the Lingling less than ten minutes completed, in her computer had the procedure/program in this aspect, inputs the Egyptian vegetation material, joins rain variable, removes the factor that some can disturb, quick can the result that oneself want. 这种小任务,灵灵不到十分钟就完成了,她的电脑里本就有这方面的程序,把埃及植被资料输入进去,加入雨这个变数,排除一些会干扰的因素,很快就可以得到自己想要的结果。 Considering ten minutes was too short, the Cola drank a small mouth, Lingling everywhere bored sitting before the window, the train of thought fluttered to a farther place...... 考虑到十分钟太短暂了,可乐才喝了一小口,灵灵满目无聊的坐在窗前,思绪不由飘向了更远的地方…… Thump!!!!” “噔!!!!” Suddenly, in the computer screen popped up a red window. 突然,电脑屏幕里弹出了一个红色的窗口。 Lingling recovers, discovered after the rain , the computed result of changing has come out. 灵灵回过神来,发现雨后变化的计算结果已经出来了。 Icy rain wild rose?” “冷雨蔷薇?” „After Egyptian rain, one desert wild rose that night can emerge, is numerous, can be raising livestock food.” “埃及雨后当夜会涌现的一种沙漠蔷薇,数量繁多,可以作为畜牧食物。” Rare golden icy rain wild rose can pursue undead.” “稀有的金色冷雨蔷薇可以驱逐亡灵。” man (Han) treads sand nearby desert, oasis and desert to present the golden icy rain wild rose.” “汉踏沙都附近的沙漠、绿洲、戈壁会出现金色冷雨蔷薇。” Bounty: Golden icy rain wild rose, 10,000 pounds.” 悬赏:金色冷雨蔷薇,一万英镑一株。” In the past had Bounty of golden icy rain wild rose, is conventional long-term purchase Bounty, the price actually rises dramatically today suddenly, it seems like that this golden icy rain wild rose has one special Magic vegetation of close relation with the pharaoh source, the Bounty golden color icy rain wild rose is false, must obtain the geographical position of pharaoh source is real.” “以往就有金色冷雨蔷薇的悬赏,算是常规长期收购的悬赏,价格却在今天突然暴增,看来这金色冷雨蔷薇是与法老源泉有着密切联系的一种特殊魔法植被了,悬赏金色冷雨蔷薇是假,要获得法老源泉的地理位置是真。” Bounty: Seeks for ancient magic instrument to burst the eye of burning.” 悬赏:找寻古老法器溃灼之眼。” Bursts the eye of burning probably in my, is that Mo Fan magic tool that from discovering the Apasi vestige digs out.” “溃灼之眼好像在我这呀,就是那个莫凡从发现阿帕丝的遗迹里抠下来的魔器。” Burst eye of thing Mo Fan original plan burning to be used to give the FanXue new town achievement to attack magic instrument, can sweep away Sea-Monster in surrounding area, making scale rotten, the defense capability was weaken significantly. 溃灼之眼这东西莫凡原计划是要用来给凡雪新城作为攻击法器的,可以横扫方圆内的海妖,让皮鳞腐烂,防御能力大幅度减弱。 But after bringing, Mo Fan discovered that this thing will cause very big damage to Spirit Moth and small Moon Phoenix-Moth, but has to seal in Blue Sky Hunter's House. 但带回去之后,莫凡发现这东西对灵蛾和小月蛾凰都会造成很大的伤害,无奈之下只好封存到青天猎所里了。 Lingling knew that the battle efficiency is weak, the body brought many excel Magic magic instrument, this burst the eye of burning also to be received in the pouch by Lingling. 灵灵自知战斗力微弱,身上带了许多高强的魔法法器,这溃灼之眼也被灵灵收入自己囊中了。 Does not want some unexpectedly people to pay the sky-high price to look for this magic instrument clue, moreover Bounty that also issues most newly. 不曾想竟然有人出天价找寻这件法器的线索,而且也是最新发布出来的一项悬赏 The hunter striving for hegemony competition conducts here, many hunters are also good at using oneself resources very much, therefore new Bounty emerges one after another incessantly, after Lingling completed own small mission, starts to glance over these fresh Bounty. 猎人争雄大赛在这里举办,许多猎人也很擅长使用自己的资源,所以新的悬赏层出不穷,灵灵完成了自己的小任务后,就开始浏览着这些新鲜的悬赏 This thing and pharaoh source will have the relations, should like, after all it not be Evil Temple container.” “这东西和法老源泉也会有关系吗,应该不像,毕竟它是邪庙器皿。”
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