ADM :: Volume #32

#3111: Waste Forbidden Magic

Had in addition of Wind El­e­ment metal shell to hold, this military airplane wanted to be quicker than the passenger plane. 有了风系金属壳的加持,这架军用飞机比客机要快很多。 In the long aerial flight process, Lingling is basically sleepy. 漫长的空中飞行过程中,灵灵基本上在瞌睡。 She runs up to Im­pe­r­ial Capital from Ding City very early in the morning, elder sister Leng Qing explains the people who oneself must visit not to go with enough time, finally has flown on the land of Africa. 她一大早从矴城跑到帝都,姐姐冷青交待自己要拜访的人都还没有来得及去,结果就已经飞到了非洲的土地上。 When arrives in Egypt, the scorching sun flame, the temperature in airplane rose several points. 抵达埃及时,骄阳似焰,飞机内的温度都上升了几分。 The midway several groups of servicemen left ahead of time, they should be assigned to some cities of Egypt in assist to be stationed, although the population is not many, but undead this creature multi- contact can understand their habits truly...... 中途有好几批军人提前离开了,他们应该是被分配到一些埃及的城市之中协助驻扎的,人数虽然不是很多,但亡灵这种生物只有多接触才能够真正了解他们的习性…… The Magic Capital City disaster, Ding City and Ancient Capital become the migration places of two big Magic Capital City population. 魔都受灾,矴城古都成为了两大魔都人口的迁徙地。 The Ancient Capital population rises dramatically, the Ancient Capital surroundings wander undead that does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish can produce various conflict and small scale war with human surely, that side Egypt will deploy the army to assist Ancient Capital and surrounding city frequently builds the undead trench, Ancient Capital here natural(ly) also the dispatch personnel will go the Egyptian city help to guard at crucial moment. 古都人口暴增,古都周围游荡的不死不灭的亡灵就必定会与人类产生各种冲突、小规模战争,埃及那边经常派遣军队过来协助古都和周边城市筑起亡灵战壕,古都这边自然也会在关键时候派遣人员前去埃及城市帮助镇守。 Everyone please under airplane, Orange Sand Town.” Before that side military officer said loudly. “各位请下飞机,橘沙镇到了。”之前那边军官高声说道。 The cabin door opens in the midair, the strong winds filled all of a sudden, the military officer who sees the speech extends a hand, formed the together light air wall, bone-chilling cold wind in that midair preventing outside. 舱门在半空中打开,狂风一下子灌了进来,就看见说话的军官伸出一只手来,形成了一道薄薄的空气墙,将那半空中的凛冽之风给阻挡在外面。 Jumps directly??” Jiang Bin clearly stared in a big way the eye to say. “直接跳下去??”蒋宾明瞪大了眼睛道。 We have other areas to rush, wishing you are smooth, the successes or failures of your hunter are important to this campaign.” That military officer said. “我们还有其他地区要赶往,祝你们顺利,你们猎人的成败对这次战役同样至关重要。”那名军官说道。 Had the work, we walked.” Professor Tong Zhou was saying. “有劳了,我们走吧。”教授童舟正说道。 Other students are following the Tong Zhou step, after may pass through that light air wall, sees that to be separated by several kilometers land miniature, swallowing saliva cannot help but. 其他学员们跟随着童舟正的步伐,可穿过了那薄薄的空气墙后,看到那相隔数千米的大地缩影,不由自主的咽了咽口水。 Some people will not have flown! 有些人还不会飞啊! Wind lotus leaf.” “风荷叶。” The Tong Zhou ordinary professor hand lifts, in the under foot of Guan Yao formed cyclone of together like lotus leaf, after this cyclone carries Guan Yao was separated from the airplane the cabin door, arrives in several kilometers clouds directly. 童舟正教授手一抬,在关姚的脚下形成了一道像荷叶一样的气旋,这气旋载着关姚脱离了飞机后舱门,直接抵达数千米云霄之中。 This professor is the aloof, does not greet with other students, lifts the hand, will not have completed ready the school leader of healthy stature delivering. 这位教授也是高冷得不行,根本不和其他学员们打招呼,又是一抬手,将还没有做好准备的健美身材的学长给送了下去。 That commander, has the chute bag, my not too custom...... does not want, Professor!!” The Jiang Bin plain voice communication has not said, under foot that strong cyclone ejected the airplane him directly! “那个军长,有伞包吗,我不太习惯……不要啊,教授!!”蒋宾明话还没有说完,脚下那强劲的气旋直接将他抛出了飞机! Others rode this wind lotus leaf to leave the airplane one after another, in the midair that even if howled in the strong winds can hear to fear the high Jiang Bin bright sad and shrill pitiful yell as before. 其他人陆陆续续乘着这风荷叶离开了飞机,哪怕在狂风呼啸的半空中依旧可以听见恐高的蒋宾明的凄厉惨叫。 That military officer toward everyone good a military salute, the engine room gate closed slowly. 那位军官朝着所有人行了一个军礼,机舱门缓缓的关上了。 ...... …… The orange sand, boiling hot must make one not dare with the flesh to touch, other person of many were the steady landing when the orange sand, the both feet touched the sand felt burning hot. 橘色的沙子,滚烫得令人不敢用肌肤去触碰,其他人多数是平稳的降落在了橘沙之中,双脚触碰到沙地时都感觉到了一阵炎热。 But the Jiang Bin clear(ly) was to crash, the whole person buried in the gravel, but also without with enough time the stupor in the past immediately burning to turn to jump by the sand, then the fast racket fell and exposes sand, the movement manner just like a wise street dance Grandmaster! 蒋宾明是坠落的,整个人埋入到了砂砾中,还没有来得及昏迷过去就立刻被沙子给烫得翻跳起来,然后快速的拍落和抖落身上的沙子,动作神态宛如一位高明的街舞大师! School leader, on how before you fear to be high the airplane, did not say.” Lingling by Jiang Bin bright funny amusing, is saying with a smile. “学长,你恐高怎么上飞机前不说呀。”灵灵蒋宾明的滑稽给逗乐了,笑着道。 Where I can know that is in the airplane Haste halfway jumps downward, I play to eat the time parachuting of chicken not to dare to stare at the screen.” Jiang Bin clearly the face was saying painstakingly. “我哪能知道是飞机疾行半途中往下跳的,我玩吃鸡的时候跳伞都不敢盯着屏幕。”蒋宾明苦着脸说道。 Walks, front should not be Orange Sand Town, other Hunting Team should arrive compared with us early.” Tong Zhou was saying. “走吧,前面不远应该就是橘沙镇了,其他猎人团队应该比我们更早抵达。”童舟正说道。 If everyone is indirect to the notice for a while, that China must compare in the distance in other country is farther. 如果大家都是第一时间接到通知的话,那中国在路程上是要相较于其他国家更远。 Orange Sand Town is crude, basically is some stone houses, basically not over four buildings, street also only then such several, are one that international Hunter's Union establishes provisionally gathers the institute obviously temporarily. 橘沙镇非常简陋,基本上都是一些土石房屋,基本上不会超过四层楼,街道也只有那么几道,显然是国际猎者联盟暂定的一个临时聚所。 In the town/subdues has many people, a very small town/subdues, probably the rural fair is obviously same, seemingly obtains news not only only then hunters, some merchant of running business also comes frequently, set up the booth in the town directly, sold the those scattered Magic appliance and Magic herbal medicine...... 镇上已经有很多人了,明明很小的一个镇,却像是集市一样,貌似得到消息的不仅仅只有猎人们,一些经常跑商的商人也闻风而来,直接就在镇子上摆起了摊,售卖那些零零散散的魔法器具、魔法草药…… teacher, we do not know that comes to Egypt, does not know that copes with undead, the drugs estimate is not very sufficient, do I purchase some?” Guan Yao said to the Tong Zhou ordinary professor. 老师,我们不知道是来埃及,也不知道是对付亡灵,药品估计不是很充足,我去采购一些?”关姚童舟正教授说道。 Un, you lead the female student to go together, the matter of replenishment supply gave you.” Tong Zhou was saying. “嗯,你带女学员一起去吧,补充物资的事情交给你们了。”童舟正说道。 Good.” “好嘞。” Buys blesses scroll, the rank is higher, distributes to the students.” Tong Zhou was remembering anything, urged Guan Yao one. “买一些庇佑卷轴,级别高一些,分发给学生们。”童舟正想起了什么,又叮嘱了关姚一句。 This is not cheap, Professor.” Guan Yao blinks. “这个可不便宜呀,教授。”关姚眨了眨眼睛。 The Tong Zhou ordinary professor took out a card, said: Wants the high rank, best is Light Element scroll, if there is good Magic Shield Equipment or Magic Armor Equipment, can buy.” 童舟正教授取出了一张卡,道:“只要高级别的,最好是光系卷轴,如果有不错的盾魔具或者铠魔具,也可以买来。” Professor, you are really bold, Junior Brother Junior Sister, your may gain in a big way.” Guan Yao said. “教授,您真豪啊,学弟学妹们,你们这一趟可赚大咯。”关姚说道。 Said these, Tong Zhou hurriedly has the building of golden tent to walk toward a courtyard, but he as if remembered anything to come, is harnessing together [Wind Path] Haste. 说完这些,童舟正急匆匆的往一栋院子里有金色帐篷的楼房走去,但他似乎又想起了什么来,驾着一道风轨疾行了回来。 He takes down on oneself neck was hanging the white amber necklace, gave Guan Yao. 他取下了自己脖子上挂着的白琥珀项链,交给了关姚 The Guan Yao eye glistened all of a sudden, perhaps others do not know, Guan Yao is actually clear about this necklace, but of Tong Zhou ordinary professor protects magic tool unusually, resisted Sovereign Level risk one's life to strike. 关姚眼睛一下子闪亮了起来,别人或许不知道,关姚却清楚这项链可是童舟正教授的一件超凡守护魔器,曾经抵挡过君主级舍命一击。 Professor usually an icy appearance, by essential time highly cares own, after all here is Egypt, who is possible accidentally/surprisingly. 教授平时一幅冷冰冰的样子,到了关键的时候还是非常在意自己的嘛,毕竟这里是埃及,谁都可能出意外。 Gives that Dean niece it.” Tong Zhou is speaking these words, then left again. “把它给那个院长的侄女。”童舟正说完这句话,便再次离开了。 Guan Yao was shocked, joyful rapid dissipate that on the face just surged, becomes somewhat strange and depressed. 关姚愣住了,脸上刚刚涌起的喜悦迅速的消退,变得有些古怪与消沉。 ...... …… Purchased many Magic goods, Leng Lingling both hands somewhat raised sore, does not know why senior Guan Yao always put toward oneself here the heavy thing. 采购了许多魔法物品,冷灵灵两只手都提得有些酸痛了,也不知道为什么学姐关姚总把重的东西往自己这里放。 Entered the night, the town was still extremely busy, more and more hunters gather toward here, the merchant watches, even if night Cairo is cold. 入了夜,镇子仍旧热闹非凡,越来越多猎人往这里聚集,商人更是不眠不休,哪怕夜晚的开罗寒冷至极。 Takes a bath, the whole body spread the skin care essence of lubrication, came Egyptian here dryness almost to be split by own skin previous time, before this Leng Lingling realized went out, must complete the protection, cannot only safeguard girl's beautiful appearance by Magic. 洗了个澡,全身涂上了润滑的护肤精华,上一次来埃及这里的干燥就差点让自己的皮肤裂开了,这一次冷灵灵意识到出门前,一定要做好防护,光靠魔法是不能够保障女孩子的美貌。 Thump thump thump......” “咚咚咚……” Suddenly, Lingling heard the strange sound, outside bathroom partition board. 突然,灵灵听到了奇怪的声音,就在浴室隔板外面。 The Lingling vigilant heart raises immediately, in the hand gathered the together vine to puncture Magic, once discovered that the peeper punctures immediately blindly his eye. 灵灵警惕心立刻提了起来,手中蓄起了一道藤刺魔法,一旦发现偷窥者立刻将他的眼睛刺瞎。 Is so skillful, in taking a bath bath?” A somewhat dreadful sound conveys, actually in oneself behind, moreover to very nearly. “这么巧,在洗澡澡啊?”一个有几分猥琐的声音传来,却在自己身后,而且离得很近。 Lingling body trembles, responded the time of immediately the angry cheeks became flushed, turn around to kick this person of foot ruthlessly. 灵灵身子不由的一颤,反应过来的时候顿时恼怒的脸颊涨红,转过身去就是狠狠的踢了此人一脚。 Hoodlum!” Lingling panting in indignation scolding. “臭流氓!”灵灵气呼呼的骂道。 I think you to grow up, has anything at the worst.” A that person of face is self-poise, but that black-brown eye could not bear size up Leng Lingling that is binding the bath towel, some looks of giving off heat had betrayed his calm. “我看着你长大的,有什么大不了的。”那人一脸镇定自若,但那黑褐色的眼睛还是忍不住打量起了裹着浴巾的冷灵灵,有些发热的眼神就已经出卖了他的从容。 How do you know me in this?” Lingling does not have asking of in a good mood. “你怎么知道我在这?”灵灵好气的问道。 Where the entire world is most beautiful the most intelligent invincible beautiful young girl, my omniscient and omnipotent Magic god is certainly clear, good and evil our so many year partners.” On the Mo Fan face full is the smiling face said. “全世界最美丽最聪明的无敌美少女在什么地方,我这个全知全能的魔法神当然清楚,好歹我们这么多年的搭档。”莫凡脸上满是笑容道。 „The sudden change of this Egypt, is related with you, your with me said that previous time must go to Hufu to do accounts......” Lingling to say. “这次埃及的突变,是不是和你有关,你上一次和我说要去胡夫算账……”灵灵道。 We were been cloudy. When a great general in Egypt when we Hufu seal to its coffin board, made the big hands and feet, instead can other six people be stranded me and Forbidden Magic in pyramid.” Mo Fan somewhat indignant scolding. “我们被人阴了。埃及的一位大将在我们将胡夫封印到它的棺材板时,做了大手脚,反而将我和禁咒会其他六个人困在了金字塔里。”莫凡有些气愤的骂道。 „Were you stranded in pyramid?? What in front of me is who??” Lingling surprised say/way. “你被困在了金字塔??那我面前的是谁??”灵灵惊讶道。 My shadow.” Mo Fan replied. “我的影子啊。”莫凡回答道。 Was saying these words time, his whole body started to present swaying from side to side, turned into one group of black smoke, seeming like the black flame was like that bright, from time to time dragged...... 说着这些话的时候,他全身开始出现了扭动,变成了一团黑色的烟,又像是黑色火焰那般鲜明,时而摇曳…… Lingling touches with the hand, the discovery present person also is really not a live person, immediately a disappointment. 灵灵用手去触摸,发现眼前的人还真不是活人,顿时一阵失望。 Relax, we will not have what danger, but Hufu colluded in us somebody, is stranded our these Forbidden Magic characters in the pyramid different regions respectively.” Mo Fan said. “放心,我们倒不会有什么生命危险,只是胡夫勾结了我们中某个人,将我们这些禁咒人物分别困在金字塔不同的区域。”莫凡说道。 No wonder everyone is so anxious, probably the war is about to begin, originally was your Forbidden Magic capsizes.” Lingling said. “难怪所有人那么紧张,像是大战在即,原来是你们这些禁咒翻船了。”灵灵说道。 cough cough, was Hufu was too sly, he was familiar with our actions. Lingling, you came...... us to be stranded just right, Hufu and those colluding will certainly conduct the large-scale action to Egypt, you helped the head who we discovered that colluding outside as soon as possible.” 咳咳,实在是胡夫太狡猾了,他对我们的行动了如指掌。灵灵,你来了正好……我们被困,胡夫那些勾结者一定会对埃及进行大规模的行动,你在外面尽快帮我们找出那个勾结者的首脑。” Striving for hegemony competition places in this sudden change to be held, do you know?” Lingling said. “争雄大赛放在这次突变中举行,你知道吗?”灵灵道。 In our team has hunting for Forbidden Magic, should be he is being stranded the rescuing assistance that the forward world joint alliance headquarters initiate.” Mo Fan said. “我们队伍里有一名猎者禁咒,应该是他在被困前向世界联者联盟总部发起的解救协助。”莫凡说道。 Lingling nods. 灵灵点了点头。 Then so that's how it is, the subject of this world hunter striving for hegemony competition mostly was these wrong way Forbidden Magic Mage is related. 原来如此,那么这次世界猎人争雄大赛的主题多半是和这些“迷路”的禁咒法师有关了。 What clue also has?” Lingling asked. “还有什么线索吗?”灵灵问道。 No, our clue is few.” “没有,我们线索很少。” That must find with the person who Hufu colludes with, the difficulty is very high.” “那要找到和胡夫勾结的人,难度很高。” To others truly is, but you are Lingling, you found the peerless beautiful young girl of China country beast big Azure Dragon.” Mo Fan not stingy that several vulgar praises. “对别人来说确实是,可你是灵灵呀,你可是找到了中国国兽大青龙的绝世美少女。”莫凡毫不吝啬自己那几个庸俗的赞美之词。 Lingling cold snort/hum. 灵灵冷哼一声。 Others were one on just the University female student, your Forbidden Magic turned the water, but also counted on that what a young student can make? 人家不过是一个刚上大学的女生,你们这些禁咒都翻水水了,还指望一个小学员能做什么? I make contribution.” Lingling said. “我尽力。”灵灵说道。 Originally is mixes a hunter the qualifications of grand match, in the end was directed by Mo Fan, must help him look for that rebel who colludes with Hufu. 本来就是来混一个猎人正雄大赛的资格,到头来还是被莫凡使唤了,要帮他找那个勾结胡夫的叛徒。 Can by the person who Hufu can have a liking, is mostly powerful, moreover hidden is extremely deep, what clue does not have, how being called oneself to look! 能够被胡夫看得上的人,多半位高权重,而且隐藏极深,什么线索都没有,叫自己怎么找嘛! My this shadow disappears quickly, coming to hug.” Mo Fan said. “我这个影子快消咯,来个抱抱。”莫凡说道。 Waste.” Lingling said. “废物。”灵灵道。 ...... …… Girl each family, how spoke!” In the Hufu pyramid, Mo Fan becomes angry out of shame to say. “女孩子家家的,怎么说话的!”胡夫金字塔内,莫凡恼羞成怒道。 ...... ……
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