ADM :: Volume #32

#3109: additional quota

Hunter learned 猎人学会 This is a Pearl Academy no learned organization, is mainly trains in the school those to display the outstanding student in hunter Domain, can want real to gain experience student many opportunities ahead of time. 这是明珠学府没有的一个学会机构,主要是培养学府内那些在猎人领域里表现得出色的学生,也可以给一些想要提前获得真实历练的学生许多机会。 The hunter striving for hegemony competition immediately started, the hunter learned also received Hunter's Union that side invitation, can dispatch a team to attend this hunter striving for hegemony match. 猎人争雄大赛马上开始了,猎人学会这边也受到了猎者联盟那边的邀请,可以派遣出一支队伍参加这次猎人争雄赛。 Lingling is Master Hunter, although is qualified for participating alone, but she does not belong Master Hunter that can fight independently , without Mo Fan that goods, Lingling a lot not to do. 灵灵猎人大师,虽然是有资格单独参加的,可她不属于能够独立战斗的猎人大师,没有了莫凡那货,灵灵很多事情也做不了。 Now towed to accompany itself to attend this hunter striving for hegemony competition Mo Fan to be little significance, Lingling can only find the way to participate, oneself chose the new team, mainly was also the ability that trained itself to handle matters independently. 如今把莫凡拖过来陪自己参加这个猎人争雄大赛已经没有太大的意义了,灵灵只能够自己想办法参加,自己选择新的团队,主要也是培养自己独立处事的能力。 Finally 18 years old, were can the beautiful young girl of walk world. 终于十八岁啦,是个能够自己行走天下的美少女了。 Snort, does not need that man, oneself can also be extraordinary Hunter King! 哼,不需要那个男人,自己也可以是了不起的猎王 The hunters learn at present are the Lingling best choices, was mainly 18 years old of this age to other Hunting Team is too immature, runs up to hunter team that mistrusted each other, was been very big by the disgusting probability. 猎人学会目前是灵灵最好的选择,主要是十八岁这个年纪对其他猎人团队来说还是太稚嫩了,跑到尔虞我诈的猎人队伍中,被恶心的概率很大。 The hunter learned is the Im­pe­r­ial Capital Academy key organization, has the school to bless, has teacher to lead, student who other ages are similar. 猎人学会是帝都学府的重要机构,有学府庇佑,有老师带队,还有其他年纪相若的学生。 Completes the studies, while becomes Hunter King, very good life plan. 一边完成学业,一边成为猎王,很好的人生规划。 The University school was truly entirely different from the former Magic high school, may make Lingling struggle the those small Magic resources with that group of big big two kid small girl, was equal to wasting the precious youth. 大学学府确实与之前的魔法高中大不相同,可让灵灵跟那群大一大二的小屁孩小丫头们争那些魔法资源,等于浪费自己宝贵的青春。 Is the student, really must be well bored. 做学生,真得好无聊。 When the hunter is interesting. 还是当猎人有意思。 ...... …… Arrived the hunter learned, that is a wooden courtyard in Linzibian, the courtyard is very big, inside has the room that many work open wide, entered the front gate to see many people in inside busy walking back and forth. 到了猎人学会,那是在林子边的一间木院子,院子还挺大的,里面有不少办公敞开的屋子,入了院门就可以看到不少人在里面忙碌的走来走去。 The learned is responsible for by professor-level teacher, the hunter learns is Im­pe­r­ial Capital Academy is also famous, many students do everything possible to become inside member, can obtain more resources, can compared with obtain higher-quality hunter personal connection outside. 学会是由教授级的老师在负责的,猎人学会也算是帝都学府非常有名的,许多学生都想尽办法成为里面的成员,可以获得更多的资源,也可以比在外面获得更优质的猎人人脉。 Lingling student, is responsible for teacher of learned is the Tong Zhou ordinary professor, another nine have graduated Senior Brother senior, they are very splendid Master Hunter, has the achievements, other is similar to my like this big three big four pairs of hunter student who has the plan, the member has more than 70, welcome you to join to our Im­pe­r­ial Capital hunter learns oh.” The Jiang Bin clear(ly) said. 灵灵同学,负责学会的老师童舟正教授,另有九位已经毕业了的师兄学姐,他们都是很出色的猎人大师,颇有建树,其他的就是类似于我这样的大三大四对猎人这一块有规划的学生,成员有七十多个,欢迎你加入到我们帝都猎人学会。”蒋宾明说道。 Leads Lingling to enter the courtyard that the hunter learns, the main entrance to the big room hall has some people, an orange long hair, wears the short skirt actually to sit on the table obviously as before, appeared several points of female rare boldness. 领着灵灵进入猎人学会的院子,正门对着的大屋厅内已经有一些人,其中一位一头橘色长发,明明穿着短裙却依旧坐在桌子上,显出了几分女子少有的豪放。 She is Senior Sister Guan Yao, 4-Stars Master Hunter, it is said before was a valiant person carried out Bounty mission, then after joining to the hunter learned, often with Senior Brother Senior Sisters has the friction, the temperament was somewhat irritable.” Jiang Bin bright low voice introduced. “她是关姚师姐,四星猎人大师,据说以前都是彪悍的一个人执行悬赏任务,加入到猎人学会后便时常与师兄师姐们有摩擦,脾气有些火爆。”蒋宾明小声的介绍道。 The words just said that Senior Sister named Guan Yao has turned head to look to here, she clearly said to Jiang Bin loudly: Young Bin is bright, the elder sister lets the matter that you inquired, this hunter strove for hegemony you not to go, the thoughts belt/bring little girlfriend strolled unexpectedly everywhere randomly......, the good pretty youngest sister, un...... that should not be your girlfriend.” 话刚说完,那位叫做关姚的师姐就扭过头看向了这里,她冲着蒋宾明大声道:“小宾明,姐让你打听的事呢,这次猎人争雄你不想去了是吧,竟然还有心思带小女友到处乱逛……咦,好漂亮的小妹妹,嗯……那应该不是你的女朋友了。” The Jiang Bin clear(ly) just wanted to explain, after may hear this half a word, the face was black. 蒋宾明刚想要解释,可听到这后半句,脸都黑了。 Senior Sister is good, I am the pearl exchange live, Leng Lingling.” Lingling introduced oneself. “师姐好,我是明珠交换生,冷灵灵。”灵灵自我介绍道。 Exchange lives, can do exchanges fresh is not the common student.” Guan Yao slid from the table, under the small leather skirt nearly exposed made the scenery that the person mind swayed. “交换生呀,能够做交换生的都不是一般的学生。”关姚从桌子上滑了下来,小皮裙下险些暴露了一些令人心神晃荡的景色。 She walks quickly, careful is staring at Leng Lingling, sizes up the whole body from the face, looks while sends out the strange tone the murmur. 她快步走来,仔仔细细的盯着冷灵灵,从脸庞打量到全身,一边看一边发出奇怪语气的赞叹声。 She...... she is the Songhe Dean niece, Songhe Dean hopes that she follows the team of our striving for hegemony competition, goes to long gain knowledge and experience, in the future the Senior Sister will look after much.” The Jiang Bin clear(ly) said. “她……她是松鹤院长的侄女,松鹤院长希望她跟着我们争雄大赛的队伍,去长长见识,往后师姐多多关照。”蒋宾明说道。 Oh, is the partner in exchange of improper favors, is quite enviable, but the hunter striving for hegemony match is not jokes, being able to bear of soft and fair skin like you lived outdoors, can bear to make a long and wearisome journey, can bear mixes up with the man of this crowd of stinking lewds?” Guan Yao collects in the Leng Lingling front asks. “噢,还是关系户呀,好让人羡慕呢,可猎人争雄赛不是闹着玩的,像你这样细皮嫩肉的受得了风餐露宿,受得了长途跋涉,受得了跟这群臭烘烘色迷迷的男人混在一起吗?”关姚凑在冷灵灵的面前问道。 Leng Lingling and she maintained a distance. 冷灵灵和她保持了一个距离。 Collecting nearly somewhat is too strange, even if the opposite party is also calculates the attractive woman. 凑太近有些奇怪,哪怕对方也是个还算好看的女人。 Very shy, relax, since the Songhe Dean niece, our other military might powerful fellow apprentices definitely will take care in every possible way you, their these unpromising smelly men, depended on a flattery leader to be hopeful to break through.” Guan Yao then said. “挺害羞的嘛,放心吧,既然松鹤院长的侄女,我们其他威武强大的师兄肯定会将你照顾得无微不至的,他们这些没什么出息的臭男人,也就靠奉承点领导才有希望有所突破了。”关姚接着说道。 Guan Yao, do not talk nonsense.” 关姚,你别瞎说。” Do not think that promoted 4-Stars, can disparage rest of us.” “别以为晋升了四星,就可以贬低我们其他人了。” Originally is the Songhe Dean niece, welcome, our hunters learn truly is a good practice place, Im­pe­r­ial Capital Academy learn to be very big in the outside reputation on our hunters.” “原来是松鹤院长的侄女,欢迎欢迎,我们猎人学会确实是一个好的实习处,帝都学府就我们猎人学会在外面名声很大。” Several fellow apprentices say in abundance, somewhat refuted Guan Yao, some extend welcome, several remained silent. 几个师兄纷纷开口说道,有些反驳关姚,有些是表示欢迎的,也有几个保持着沉默的。 We are subscribing the student list of peer, these student majority are the high-level hunter, the strength, although is good, what a pity has not completed what splendid Bounty mission. Do you have the hunter title, if you do not have us also to try to find the solution.” Guan Yao inquired. “我们正在订同行的学员名单,这些学生大多数都是高级猎人,实力虽然都不错,可惜都没有完成什么出色的悬赏任务。你有没有猎人称谓,如果你没有我们还得想办法。”关姚询问道。 I have.” “我有的。” That is good, first adds oh your name.” Guan Yao said. “那就好,先把你的名字加进去。”关姚说道。 I thought that simultaneous/uniform mist student is good, his Poison System can reduce the troubles of many big natural(ly) for us.” “我觉得齐岚同学挺好的,他的毒系可以为我们减少很多大自然的麻烦。” That long-lived peak student is also very good, Thunder System is the essential fight main force, if we met hard to deal with magic beast, the hunter competitor who or goes too far, the sufficient strength will not only have suffered a loss.” “那寿峰同学也很好啊,雷系怎么也是关键的战斗主力,万一我们遇到了难缠的妖魔,或者欺人太甚的猎人竞争者,没有足够的实力只会吃亏。” Rolls rolling, the list I decide!” Guan Yao scolding unrestrained/no trace of politeness. “滚滚滚,名单我来定!”关姚毫不客气的骂道。 Suddenly in the room hall noisy, students most stations, do not dare to speak by far, a Guan Yao society my eldest sister, person of the stance of saying calculates, causing other fellow apprentices was especially discontented. 一时间屋厅里一片嘈杂,学生们多数站得远远的,不敢说话,关姚一副社会我大姐,一人说得算的架势,引得其他师兄们格外不满。 Quarrelled probably for several minutes, suddenly some people coughed, everyone saw after a handsome man walks, did not speak. 大概吵了几分钟,突然有人咳嗽了一下,所有人看到一个英俊的男子走来后纷纷都不说话了。 Is the Tong Zhou ordinary professor, he usually serious in speech and manner.” The Jiang Bin clear(ly) said. “是童舟正教授,他平常都不苟言笑的。”蒋宾明说道。 Very young professor.” Lingling looks that person walks. “挺年轻的教授。”灵灵看着那人走来。 Yes, he was our Im­pe­r­ial Capital youngest professor, naturally also few professors can like him influential, even that side the Hunter's Union elder pledge admired about our Professor child.” The Jiang Bin clear(ly) said. “是的,他是我们帝都最年轻的教授了,当然也很少有教授能够像他这样有影响力,连猎者联盟长老盟那边都对我们童教授钦佩不已。”蒋宾明说道。 The Tong Zhou ordinary professor walks, saw Leng Lingling. 童舟正教授走来,看到了冷灵灵 He looked at one, has not spoken. 他就看了一眼,却没有说话。 „Did list decide?” Tong Zhou was asking that Guan Yao said. “名单定了吗?”童舟正问关姚道。 Guan Yao changes the beforehand that bold appearance, may gently the say/way of person: Basically determined, what teaches you to probably change?” 关姚一改之前那副豪放的样子,温婉可人的道:“基本确定了,教授您有什么要更改的吗?” Determines, can.” “确定好,就可以出发了。” „? Now??” “啊?现在??” Em, now...... striving for hegemony match changes.” “恩,现在……争雄赛情况有变。”
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