ADM :: Volume #31

#3061: The goddess visits

...... …… Temple 圣殿 Michael stands near the fishpond, approached in fish feed sprinkling in bit by bit hand the water. 米迦勒站在鱼池边,将手中的鱼饲料一点一点的洒向了水里。 In the water a fish does not have, he was still doing this. 水里一条鱼也没有,他仍旧这样做着。 But shortly after around the garden bird actually flew, floated the fish feed on water surface holding in the mouth those, then flew back to the branch on...... 但没多久园子周围的鸟儿却飞了过来,将那些漂浮在水面上的鱼饲料给叼走了,然后又飞回到树枝上…… More and more birds started to just scratch the surface, hold in the mouth the fish feed on water surface, who Michael not cared a whoop to eat the food in oneself hand, he threw like this is feeding. 越来越多鸟儿开始蜻蜓点水,叼走了水面上的鱼饲料,米迦勒丝毫不在意谁吃了自己手中的食物,他只是这样投喂着。 The Lemuel half step walks, he somewhat grandiose physique trod out some vibrations on the pond bridge, many dust fell from the pontine cistern. 雷米尔快步走来,他有些壮硕的体格在池桥上踩出了一些震动,许多灰尘从桥池上落了下去。 Had/Left some accidents/surprises, ancestor/grandfather Huan Yao that old thing midway treachery.” Lemuel panting in indignation saying. “出了一些意外,祖桓尧那老东西中途倒戈了。”雷米尔气呼呼的说道。 He has done in the past very well.” The Michael two temples have the white hair, but the whole piece face seems like young is also dynamic, is very difficult to estimate him now at what age. “他过去一直都做得很好。”米迦勒两鬓有着白发,但整张脸又看上去非常年轻富有活力,很难估计他现在处在什么年纪。 precisely because of this, original(ly) this trial should have a result, only needs six. This boy dies without the burial ground!” Lemuel said. 正是因为这个,原本这次审判就应该有一个结果了,只需要六枚。这小子就死无葬身之地!”雷米尔说道。 Has not been able to lay cards on the table, does not have the absolute assurance, all that before laying cards on the table instead possibly makes us, do to waste.” Michael said. “还不能亮牌,没有绝对的把握,亮牌反而可能让我们之前所做的一切都白费了。”米迦勒说道。 Altogether 11 gravel. 一共十一枚石子。 Now basically can determine throws black only then Hunter's Union and St. Paul holy land, Temple of Liberty and Cape of Good Hope Magic Castle, these four are very definite, before the China that side delusion changes the Hunter's Union gravel through Mo Fan in the result that Hunter's Union made black and white, what a pity has not succeeded. 现在基本上可以确定投黑色的就只有猎者联盟、圣保罗圣堂自由神殿、好望角魔堡,这四枚是非常确定的了,之前中国那边妄想通过莫凡猎者联盟所做的成绩来改变猎者联盟石子的黑白,可惜没有成功。 The Lord God officer who Holy Inquisition Tribunal and Yì Cai Institution recommend is Lemuel, Lemuel has one. Black 圣裁院异裁院推举的主神官是雷米尔,雷米尔有一枚。黑色 5 black gravel, determined absolutely, but also misses important. 五枚黑色石子,绝对确定,还差一枚至关重要。 Originally today's Saint courtyard, so long as ancestor/grandfather Huan Yao took a stand is the black, then following trying does not need to work again, Lemuel will directly conduct the last step, the gravel ruling. 本来今天的圣庭,只要祖桓尧表态为黑色,那么后面的审理根本不需要再进行下去了,雷米尔会直接进行最后一步,石子判决。 6 black gravel. 六枚黑色石子。 Mo Fan must die without doubt. 莫凡必死无疑。 What a pity ancestor/grandfather Huan Yao, he made an extremely unwise decision, making trying lengthen once again, gave some Mo Fan favorable turns. 可惜祖桓尧,他做了一个极其不明智的决定,让审理又一次延长了下去,给了莫凡一些转机。 I thought that delays is not a good deed, we have five is not impossible to have any variable the gravel, so long as the altar/jar, Academy, chamber of commerce and clan pledge Saint had any to comply with our requests to throw the black, Mo Fan was impossible to turn over/to stand up.” Lemuel said. “我觉得拖延下去并不是好事,我们已经有了五枚不可能发生任何变数的石子了,只要圣凯之坛、学院、商会、族盟有任何一枚顺应我们的要求投了黑色,莫凡就不可能翻身。”雷米尔说道。 I obtained some news...... the altar/jar of big probability Saint to have the variable.” Michael says. “我得到了一些消息……圣凯之坛大概率会出变数。”米迦勒开口说道。 „?? Doesn't the altar/jar of Saint never have us disobediently?” Lemuel is surprised the different way. “啊??圣凯之坛不是从来没有忤逆过我们?”雷米尔诧异道。 Like these birds, so long as some people throw feed food, how they will care are feed the bird man or feed the fish person, even if braves to crash into the danger in water, they will also follow food to go.” Michael says. “就像这些鸟,只要有人投喂食物,它们又怎么会在意是喂鸟人还是喂鱼人呢,哪怕冒一些坠入水里的危险,他们也会循着食物而去。”米迦勒开口说道。 Your meaning is, some people promised a altar/jar of bigger advantage Saint, they to can not listen to our suggestions brave?” Lemuel angry say/way. “你的意思是,有人许诺了圣凯之坛更大的好处,以至于他们胆大到可以不听我们的建议?”雷米尔恼怒道。 In the past our Holy City truly looked after to be short to the altar/jar of Saint, needs their times they are not willing to obey us. Also who can the altar/jar of that big benefit Saint, except for Parthenon Temple, also who can control so many Magic organizations, except for Parthenon Temple...... is really the fierce little miss, before belittled her.” Michael said. “过去我们圣城确实对圣凯之坛关照少了,以至于需要他们的时候他们不愿意听从我们。还有谁能够给圣凯之坛那么大的利益,除了帕特农神庙,又还有谁能够左右那么多魔法组织,除了帕特农神庙……真是厉害的小姑娘,以前太小觑她了。”米迦勒说道。 We have exhausted ability are postponing the election.” Lemuel long sighs. “我们已经竭尽所能在延后选举了。”雷米尔长叹了一口气。 Parthenon Temple too hard to controlled, for several thousand years Parthenon Temple is so. 帕特农神庙还是太难以控制了,数千年来帕特农神庙都是如此。 Doesn't feel somewhat fearfully?” Michael opens the mouth to ask. “不觉得有些可怕吗?”米迦勒开口问道。 What fearfulness?” Lemuel puzzled say/way. “什么可怕?”雷米尔困惑道。 „From starts, we must handle a heresy so to use energy unexpectedly, from started the major organizations gradually to be separated from us......” Michael to say. “从什么时候开始,我们要处置一个异端居然如此费劲,从什么时候开始各大组织已经逐渐脱离了我们……”米迦勒说道。 Is this Mo Fan is quite probably troublesome, is not everyone has this influence and strength.” Lemuel said. “大概是这个莫凡比较麻烦吧,也不是所有人都有这种影响力和实力。”雷米尔说道。 Therefore, this Mo Fan especially fearful, he has been able to affect this world is close to half of Magic organizing.” Michael said. “所以啊,这个莫凡才格外的可怕,他已经可以影响到这个世界接近一半的魔法组织了。”米迦勒说道。 Michael, you understood like this contained errors. Because we must sentence an influential person capital crime, therefore by so many oppositions, will also be being been opposing including the public opinion, this too, forced to execute Antaeus to get down today's result on fermenting normally initially, many people are discontented our handling ways. But if opposes Holy City, or is declares war our Holy City, I think that any organization and anyone do not dare to do this, we as before are world running, but our some decisions may not obtain the percentage hundred approvals...... to affect half of Magic organizations, this Mo Fan also falls far short, you considered thoroughly.” Lemuel instead smiled. 米迦勒,你这样理解就有误了。因为我们要判一个有影响力的人死罪,所以才会遭来这么多的反对之声,包括舆论也在反对,这太正常不过了,当初强制处决了文泰就酿下了今天的结果,有很多人已经不满我们这种处置方式。可如果是反对圣城,或者是宣战我们圣城,我想任何一个组织、任何一个人都不敢这样做,我们依旧是人间掌管者,只是我们有些决策不一定会得到百分百认同……影响一半的魔法组织,这个莫凡还差得远呢,你多虑了。”雷米尔反而是笑了起来。 Michael thinks carefully. 米迦勒仔细想了想。 That's true. 确实如此。 Oneself drilled into a concept erroneous zone. 自己钻入到了一个概念误区了。 Exerts pressure from Academy, we need the black gravel of Academy organization.” Michael says. “从学院那边施压吧,我们需要学院组织的黑色石子。”米迦勒开口说道。 This boy is struggle's of first World School, Academy that side attitude also very hesitates, is probably to the utmost those who worry the prestige of struggle of World School...... Mysterious Howth Sacred School and Alps these two international Academy to be able is the Mo Fan elution charge.” Lemuel said. “这小子是世界学府之争第一名,学院那边态度也很犹豫,大概是顾虑到世界学府之争的声誉……奥霍斯圣学府、阿尔卑斯山这两所国际学院更在极尽所能的为莫凡洗脱罪名。”雷米尔说道。 Ok, I knew probably, has saying that this fellow saved many personal character in the past, what a pity, why must step onto the say/way of Evil God.” Michael said. “行了,我大概知道了,不得不说这家伙过去积攒了不少品德,可惜啊,为什么要走上邪神之道。”米迦勒说道。 „Do I continue to try?” “我继续审理下去?” That is natural.” “那是当然。” Goddess must see him, we are not perhaps good to return resist.” “神女要见他,我们恐怕不好回拒。” Sees to her, but you must present.” “给她见,但你得在场。” ...... …… ...... …… Temple 圣殿 The corridor hall, entire guard of honor stepping into slowly arrives in the hall, precisely came from the Parthenon Temple knight, their neat platoon becomes two rows, formed the human wall to say. 长廊大厅,一整个仪仗队缓缓的踏入到大厅之中,正是来自于帕特农神庙的骑士,他们整整齐齐的排成两排,形成了人墙道。 In the human wall say/way, a Ye Xinxia goddess white skirt, is to the utmost simple, actually to the utmost luxurious, those Holy Inquisition in temple see this holding breath one breath. 人墙道中间,叶心夏一袭神女白裙,极尽朴素,却极尽奢华,圣殿的那些圣裁者们看到这一幕都不由的倒吸一口气。 Why does the Parthenon Temple ostentation also are more honored than their Holy City? 为何帕特农神庙的排场比他们圣城还要尊贵一些? We need to check, cannot carry any Magic material.” Saint shadow Brook said to Ye Xinxia. “我们需要做检查,不能携带任何魔法物质。”圣影布鲁克叶心夏说道。 „Does your meaning search?” Ye Xinxia asked. “你的意思是搜身?”叶心夏反问道。 Almost, anyone, enters to this courtyard......” a Saint shadow Brook conscientious appearance. “差不多,无论是什么人,进入到这个院子……”圣影布鲁克一副公事公办的样子。 Wallis has actually arrived at the Saint shadow Brook front at this time, that both eyes eyeball was full of the hostility. 华莉丝此时却已经走到了圣影布鲁克的面前,那双眼睛充满了敌意。 She has used the imposing manner to tell temple everyone, who dares to approach the goddess half step, even if bumps into hair, she head of this person cutting, who! 她已经用气势告诉了圣殿所有人,谁敢靠近神女半步,哪怕碰到一根头发丝,她都会将这个人的脑袋给砍下来,无论是谁! Suddenly, the atmosphere of corridor hall becomes very fearful. 一时间,长廊大厅的气氛变得非常可怕。 Side is the knight group, these Golden Flash Knight and title knights with are entirely different initially, their some people strengths sufficiently and Saint shadow contend. 一边是骑士团,这些金耀骑士与封号骑士们已经与当初截然不同的,他们有些人实力足以和圣影一较高下。 Another side is the Saint shadow and Holy Inquisition, they have also never received such provocation in oneself domain, Parthenon Temple unexpectedly like this is when dissolute in the Holy City temple!! 另一边是圣影与圣裁者,他们还从未在自己的地盘受到过这样的挑衅,什么时候帕特农神庙竟然在圣城圣殿这样放肆!!
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