ADM :: Volume #30

#2920: Mu Ningxue, God's gift

Forbidden Magic God's gift!!” Madame Loo awakens suddenly. 禁咒神赋!!”洛欧夫人忽然间醒悟过来。 The element monopolizing of Mu Ningxue at all is not Absolute ban, but is God's gift that Forbidden Magic Mage has! 穆宁雪的这元素独享根本不是绝对禁界,而是禁咒法师才具备的神赋 Moreover, her God's gift ruled by force pinnacle, plundered surrounding area over a hundred kilometers Ice Element unexpectedly completely, under her God's gift covered, anybody could not display half Ice Element Magic to come, including Forbidden Magic rank Ice Mage!! 而且,她的神赋霸道到了极致,竟然是将方圆上百公里的冰元素全部掠夺,在她的这个神赋笼罩之下,任何人都施展不出半个冰系魔法来,包括禁咒级别的冰系法师!! But Madame Loo feels hard to believe. 可是洛欧夫人又感到难以置信 God's gift that like this why hoodwinks the public will appear, in simply hasn't stepped into to Mage of Forbidden Magic rank on?? 为何这样一手遮天的神赋会出现在一个根本没有踏入到禁咒级别的魔法师身上?? Icing emperor Mu Rong the innermost feelings are also the mighty waves tumble at this time, look at Mu Ningxue to control the elements of all ice, having flash that he felt that Mu Ningxue is god of true ice, he legitimate Ice Element Forbidden Magic Mage, will be eliminated unexpectedly including smallest and weakest Elementary Mage to be inferior! 冰帝穆戎此时内心也是波澜翻滚,看着穆宁雪驾驭着所有的冰之元素,有那么一瞬间他感觉穆宁雪才是真正的冰之神者,他一个正统的冰系禁咒法师,竟然会被剥夺得连一个最弱小的初阶法师都不如! Really is God's gift, this is impossible, this impossible......” Mu Rong to be staring by the element is crowding around Mu Ningxue, on the face is unexpectedly full is panic-stricken. “真是神赋,这不可能,这不可能……”穆戎盯着被元素簇拥着的穆宁雪,脸上竟然满是惊恐。 Although Mage of certain half Forbidden Magic ranks have the minimum probability to have Forbidden Magic God's gift ahead of time, but why matter like this will happen on the body of Mu Ningxue! 尽管某些半禁咒级别的魔法师也有极小的概率会提前拥有禁咒神赋,可这样的事情为何会发生在穆宁雪的身上! Moreover, her God's gift...... 而且,她的神赋…… Allocation of god in the true sense, can make this department the god of world of mortals! 真正意义上的神之赋予,可以让她成为这个系的凡间之神! Suddenly, the envy, anger and manic mood well up, he is equal now, therefore was discarded Ice Element all magic arts by Mu Ningxue directly, but Mu Rong is also quite remarkable in the Ice Element attainments, other Magic levels estimated that will not compare Ivy too to be many. 一时间,嫉妒、愤怒、狂躁的情绪涌上了心头,他现在等同于是被穆宁雪直接废掉了冰系的所有法术,而穆戎也只是在冰系造诣上比较卓越,其他的魔法水平估计也不会比伊薇强太多。 Madame Loo.” The Mu Rong sound was lower and deeper. 洛欧夫人。”穆戎的声音都低沉了许多。 The Madame Loo complexion non-stop is fluctuating, in her eye even is glittering a undead poisonous light. 洛欧夫人的脸色不停的在变幻,她的眼睛里甚至闪烁着一种亡灵般的毒光。 Why such hasn't God's gift arrived on own body? 为何这样的神赋没有降临在自己的身上? Madame Loo is open and aboveboard Forbidden Magic Mage, her God's gift in all Forbidden Magic is the middle reaches level, compared with Michael , compared to be far with several other Archangel. 洛欧夫人是一名堂堂正正的禁咒法师,她的神赋在所有的禁咒不过是中游水准,和米迦勒相比,和其他几位大天使相比相差甚远。 If she, when promotes Forbidden Magic, has Forbidden Magic God's gift like Mu Ningxue, how can't she be able to push in the Holy City treasure palace?? 假如她在晋升禁咒的时候,也拥有像穆宁雪这样的禁咒神赋,她又怎么可能无法挤入圣城宝殿?? God's gift, can graft?” Madame Loo suddenly gloomy incomparable asking. 神赋,也可以嫁接吗?”洛欧夫人突然间阴沉无比的问道。 This being able to achieve.” Mu Rong very affirmative replied. “这个做不到。”穆戎很肯定的回答道。 Snort, that such God's gift, does not need to keep in this world, like her, a low rank cultivation base woman, the hand is grasping such God's gift, in the end just like that woman surnamed Qin, is a disaster!” The Madame Loo tone starts ice-cold, as if not mix with any human sentiment. “哼,那这样的神赋,也没有必要留在这世上,就像她一样,一个这般低阶修为的女人,手握着这样的神赋,到头来和那个姓秦的女人一样,是一个祸害!”洛欧夫人语气开始冰冷,仿佛不夹杂任何的人类感情。 But I link Ice Element Magic unable to use now.” Mu Rong said. “可我现在连一个冰系魔法都无法使用。”穆戎说道。 In inverse proportion, other Mu Rong departments also reached the Ultra-Order peak freely, but at present facing having huge element storm Mu Ningxue, basically the no strength of resistance. 此消彼长,穆戎尽管其他系也达到了超阶顶峰,可眼下面对拥有一个庞大元素风暴的穆宁雪,基本上没有什么反抗之力。 How plundered the Ice Element element?” Madame Loo trod the step, walked toward Mu Ningxue. “掠夺了冰系元素又如何?”洛欧夫人踏开了步子,朝着穆宁雪走去。 Her body, is covering an muddy element, making the body of her skinny high selecting seem like a female devil who walks from the demon deep pool, every time approaches a point, then increases one point of terrifying aura. 她的身上,笼罩着一层浑浊的元素,使得她那干瘦高挑的身躯看上去像是一个从魔渊中走出来的女魔鬼,每靠近一分,便多增加一分恐怖的气息。 Madame Loo, you cannot treat China Mage of body of freedom like this!” Wei Guang welcomed fearful Madame Loo to walk, look firm say/way. 洛欧夫人,您不能这样对待一个自由之身的中国魔法师!”韦广迎着可怕的洛欧夫人走去,眼神坚定的道。 Initially also on ice-wheel flying boat, Wei Guang saw Mu Ningxue had the energy of element monopolizing, but Wei Guang had not associated toward Forbidden Magic God's gift on at that time, but thought that the Mu Ningxue talent different reported that far exceeded everyone in the Ice Element attainments. 当初还在冰轮飞舟上的时候,韦广就看到了穆宁雪拥有元素独享的能量,可当时韦广并没有往禁咒神赋上联想,只是觉得穆宁雪天赋异禀,在冰系造诣上远超所有人。 But at this moment witnessed when Mu Ningxue by own God's gift suppresses two Ice Element Forbidden Magic, Wei Guang then realized oneself violated a huge sin. 但此刻目睹穆宁雪以自己的神赋压制两名冰系禁咒时,韦广这才意识到自己犯了一个天大的罪孽。 Achieves the Ice Element achievement by Mu Ningxue now, if given time surely in the whole world various seats intensely bright, her Ice Element, has stepped into half Forbidden Magic. 穆宁雪现在所取得冰系成就,假以时日必定在整个世界诸强席位上耀眼夺目,她的冰系,已经踏入半禁咒了。 Moreover what is most inconceivable, she obtains God's gift that legitimate Forbidden Magic had in half Forbidden Magic rank, is one unequalled just like Ice Element God's gift of gods!! 而且最不可思议的是,她在半禁咒级别就获得了正统禁咒才具备的神赋,是一个无与伦比宛若神明的冰系神赋!! Such age, such talent, such strength, allocation of such inconceivable god, Madame Loo ices emperor Mu Rong, in the future by her stepping on ruthlessly under foot!! 这样的年纪,这样的天赋,这样的实力,还有这样不可思议的神之赋予,无论是洛欧夫人还是冰帝穆戎,将来都会被她狠狠的踩在脚下!! Wei Guang realized oneself have how stupidly, Ice Element god who was born from China pushed to the fingers/tiger mouth of this group of plotters unexpectedly. 韦广意识到自己有多么的愚蠢,竟然将一名从中国诞生的冰系神者推向了这群阴谋者的虎口中。 Her Mu Ningxue said not wrong, if really needs to graft the inborn talent, that should be Madame Loo becomes that fall guy! 穆宁雪说得没有错,假如真的需要嫁接天生天赋的话,那应该是洛欧夫人成为那个牺牲者! Wei Guang now is clear, Madame Loo saw Mu Ningxue such God's gift, in any event will not make her live. 韦广现在非常清楚,洛欧夫人看到了穆宁雪这样的神赋,无论如何都不会让她活下来了。 In the Madame Loo eye only has Mu Ningxue, Wei Guang stands before her probably is only pile of trash. 洛欧夫人眼里只有穆宁雪,韦广站在她面前都好像只是一堆垃圾。 Her hand lifted, the weak Wei Guang entire body floated uncontrolled, becomes such as a light as a feather paper person, seemingly strangely! 她的手抬了起来,虚弱的韦广整个身体不受控制的浮了起来,变得如一张轻飘飘的纸人,看上去诡异至极! You think that you are anything, but is one licks to lick the dog of master toe, how if you cannot learn to flatter the master, your destiny was towed the slaughter house!” Madame Loo callously to pinnacle. “你以为你是什么,不过是一条舔舐主人脚趾的狗罢了,如果你学不会怎么讨好主人,那你的命运就只有被拖到屠宰场!”洛欧夫人冷酷到了极致 Her time vision falls to the body of Wei Guang. 她此时的目光才落到韦广的身上。 Wei Guang was iced invades the influence, the strength also less than 30%, Forbidden Magic that let alone his just promoted possibly is not the opponent of Madame Loo such character. 韦广被冰侵影响,实力还不足30%,更别说他这样刚晋升的禁咒远不可能是洛欧夫人这样人物的对手。 The Madame Loo nail is slender, she is away from ten meters distance, the nail was delimiting to the air slowly. 洛欧夫人指甲修长,她隔着十米的距离,指甲对着空气慢慢的划了下来。 „!!!!!!!” “啊啊!!!!!!!” Wei Guang called out pitifully suddenly loudly, saw the chest sudden wind blood of Wei Guang, five very bright claw marks have sheared the abdomen from his neck, almost must break open his whole person! 韦广突然大声惨叫,就看见韦广的胸膛突然飙血,五个非常鲜明的爪痕从他的颈下一直割到了腹部,几乎要将他整个人破开! In the Wei Guang wound, there is a foul air to emit, his body seems to be also withstanding suffering of another strength, making the pitiful yell of Wei Guang sadder worse, hearing the person to be absolutely terrified. 韦广的伤口上,有浊气冒出,他的身体内部似乎还承受着另外一种力量的折磨,使得韦广的惨叫更加凄厉,听得人毛骨悚然。 Madame Loo another hand turn over slowly, Wei Guang also hung upside down at the same time, the bright red blood that his abdomen and chest gush out flowed on his face completely, then following the scalp and following the hair, dropped in the glorolers ground. 洛欧夫人另一只手慢慢的翻转,与此同时韦广也倒吊了过来,他腹部与胸膛涌出的鲜红之血全部流淌到了他的脸上,然后顺着头皮、顺着头发,滴落在了冰岩地面上。 In white ice limestone cave, a big booth bloodstain, a person who is hanging upside down opening up the stomach, the bright red color especially is terrified striking!! 白色的冰溶洞中,一大摊血迹,一个倒挂着开膛破肚的人,鲜红之色格外醒目悚然!! Ivy of not far away looks at this, whole body trembling. 不远处的伊薇看着这一幕,浑身不由的发抖。 Madame Loo this appearance was too terrifying, completely lost that aristocrat graceful calm makings, that domineering and cold blood, cruel made one be afraid! 洛欧夫人这个样子实在太恐怖了,完全失去了那种贵族优雅从容的气质,那种强势、冷血、残忍都令人不寒而栗! Overreaches oneself.” Madame Loo continues to proceed to walk, did not look Wei Guang that again non-stop the flowing backwards blood. “不自量力。”洛欧夫人继续往前走去,再没有多看一眼不停倒流鲜血的韦广 She stepped into the Mu Ningxue Ice Element storm field, looks that those did not obey the element elves that oneself ordered, one type almost must make the envy that she went wild well up! 她踏入到了穆宁雪冰元素风暴场中,看着那些根本不听从自己命令的元素精灵们,一种几乎要令她抓狂的嫉妒更涌了上来!
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