ADM :: Volume #30

#2914: Forbidden Magic alliance association

Chapter 2887 第2887章 Forbidden Magic alliance association 禁咒同盟会 „Are you Mu Ningxue?” The female who is wearing Holy Inquisition games clothes walks, vision arrogant is sizing up Mu Ningxue. “你是穆宁雪?”一名身穿着圣裁衣的女子走来,目光高傲的打量着穆宁雪 Holy Inquisition has a gold/metal brown long hair, let fall the shoulder and chest straightly became several bunches, the hair end has been close to the waist border. 圣裁者拥有一头金棕色的长发,笔直垂落到肩与胸时分成了好几束,发丝末梢一直接近了腰际。 Her physique is tall and straight, bridge of the nose tall very/straight, the red lip roaring flame, has pair of pale blue both eyes, showed noblly and certainly the colorful makings from top to bottom. 她身姿挺拔,鼻梁高挺,红唇烈焰,有着一双淡蓝色的双眼,浑身上下都透出了高贵与绝艳的气质。 Un.” Mu Ningxue complied with one. “嗯。”穆宁雪应了一句。 „, Your Oriental aesthetic somewhat was truly strange, placed Europe and China your such can only can be probably general, people quite liked my facial features three-dimensional.” The Holy Inquisition female smiled, discussion that does not evade the issue of appearance. “呵,你们东方人的审美确实有些奇怪,放在欧中你这样的大概只能够算得上是一般了吧,人们还是比较喜欢我这种五官立体的。”圣裁女子笑了起来,毫不避讳的谈论起样貌的这个问题。 „The Five Continents alliance association recruits me to come, is the beauty contest?” Mu Ningxue feels several points of laughable. “五大洲同盟会征召我来,是选美的吗?”穆宁雪感到几分可笑。 They were discussing that some important things, you cannot go in temporarily, Michael made me follow close on you for serveral days. You can call me Ivy.” Is called Ivy female Holy Inquisition to say. “他们在商议一些重要的事情,你暂时不能进去,米迦勒让我这些天紧跟着你。你可以叫我伊薇。”叫做伊薇的女圣裁者说道。 Ivy is still staring at Mu Ningxue, arrogant is sizing up, the vision is dissolute impolitely, even when will sweep to certain spots will also send out the chuckle sound from the nose. 伊薇还在盯着穆宁雪,高傲的打量着,目光非常放肆无礼,甚至在扫到某些部位的时候还会从鼻子里发出轻笑声息。 Mu Ningxue felt that this woman brain has the issue, is disinclined with it being together, then looks at situations of Yan Lan and other team members. 穆宁雪感觉这个女人脑子有问题,懒得与之相处,便去看燕兰和其他队员们的情况。 But female Holy Inquisition Ivy does not make Mu Ningxue leave, she said to Mu Ningxue: We must wait here, when to guard they summoned waits for is too long, you know that extremely what in this South Fort gathered was most powerhouse in Five Continents alliance association, their status was prominent, the position was aloof, any decision that does can affect the revolution of the whole world, therefore our try not to delay their one second.” 但女圣裁伊薇却不让穆宁雪离开,她对穆宁雪说道:“我们得在这里等,以防他们召见时等待太久,你知道的,这个极南堡中聚集的是五大洲同盟会中的最强者,他们身份显赫,地位超然,所做的任何一个决定都可以影响整个世界的运转,所以我们尽可能的不要耽误他们一秒钟的时间。” The front is a heavy/thick Dashimen, an inside sound cannot pass on. 面前是一座厚重的大石门,里面的一点声响都传不出来。 In Ivy continues to put out the those sour words, the front door had the together crack slowly, stone door toward inside opening slowly, two also puts on the man of Holy Inquisition games clothes respectively shoving open this Dashimen. 就在伊薇继续吐出那些酸话时,大门慢慢的出现了一道裂缝,紧接着石门朝着里面缓缓的打开,有两名同样穿着圣裁衣的男子分别将这大石门给推开。 Dashimen has not completely opened wide, only kept two people to be able abreast in row through slit, Holy Inquisition swept Mu Ningxue and Ivy, asked: „Is which Mu Ningxue?” 大石门没有完全敞开,只留了一个两人可以并排通过的缝隙,其中一名圣裁者扫了一眼穆宁雪伊薇,问道:“哪位是穆宁雪?” Mu Ningxue walks up, Ivy also follows close on her half remote. 穆宁雪走上前去,伊薇也紧跟在她半步之遥。 How to show?” That Holy Inquisition has not made them go, voiced a very strange question. “如何证明?”那圣裁者并没有让她们进去,发出了一个很古怪的质疑。 She is Mu Ningxue, is met Forbidden Magic Mage Wei Guang to escort to come by China Forbidden Magic.” Ivy said. “她就是穆宁雪,由中国禁咒禁咒法师韦广护送而来。”伊薇说道。 Then escort?” That Holy Inquisition said. “那么护送者呢?”那位圣裁者道。 Rests in law, needs to call together him?” Ivy asked. “在法阵中歇息,需要将他一起唤来吗?”伊薇问道。 That is natural.” “那是当然。” ...... …… The behaviors of Mu Ningxue to these Holy Inquisition is relentless, as for careful to such situation , do some people pretend to be themselves to pass through half Earth to this human restricted area in? 穆宁雪对这些圣裁者的行为大为不解,至于小心谨慎到这样的地步吗,难道还有人冒充自己穿过半个地球到这人类禁地中? Shortly, Wei Guang was said. 没多久,韦广就被唤来了。 The Wei Guang state of mind is bad, the whole person seems like with a zombie do not have much difference, but can visit him when knowing the alliance association summons him, forcing oneself to come soberly. 韦广精神状态非常差,整个人看上去和一具僵尸没有多大的区别,但看得出来他在知道同盟会召见他时,强迫自己清醒过来。 I am Wei Guang, presents to ice the life of emperor to come.” Wei Guang when facing Holy Inquisition, obviously gets better -mannered. “我是韦广,奉冰帝之命前来。”韦广在面对圣裁者时,明显变得彬彬有礼。 Ices the emperor? 冰帝? Mu Ningxue heard this name, the heartstrings is moved. 穆宁雪听到了这个称呼,心弦被拨动了起来。 Mo Fan once told that Forbidden Magic about Qinhuangdao big Zhong Mountain to plan. 莫凡曾告诉过自己关于秦皇岛大钟山的那场禁咒计划。 Iced emperor Mu Rong to be controlled by The Emperor of the Great South, changed to the Emperor puppet, is monitoring the whole world. 冰帝穆戎极南帝王操控,化作了帝王傀儡,监视着整个世界。 Chinese Army Chief has not stripped from the control of The Emperor of the Great South him, why will he appear here?” Mu Ningxue is puzzled. 华军首不是已经将他从极南帝王的操控中剥离了吗,为什么他会出现在这里?”穆宁雪感到困惑。 First ices emperor Mu Rong to step into to The Emperor of the Great South that group of powerhouses earliest, is in that group of powerhouses the only survivor. 首先冰帝穆戎应该是最早踏入到极南帝王的那群强者,更是那群强者中唯一的幸存者。 If Mage of Forbidden Magic level degenerated into the magic beast puppet, is without doubt huge to the threat that the world poses, since he had been given to see through by Chinese Army Chief, then he should be kept close watch gets up to be right, after all who can guarantee that seemingly restored normal him, was also controlled by The Emperor of the Great South? 一个禁咒级的魔法师若沦为了妖魔的傀儡,对人类世界造成的威胁无疑是巨大的,既然他已经被华军首给识破,那么他应该是被严加看管起来才对,毕竟谁又能够保证看上去恢复了正常的他,是不是还受到极南帝王的控制? Five Continents alliance association precisely knew this point, iced emperor Mu Rong this once puppet to find The Emperor of the Great South in the use?? 难道说,五大洲同盟会正是知道了这一点,在利用冰帝穆戎这个曾经的傀儡来找到极南帝王?? This can explain that actually must pass. 这样倒是能够解释得通。 Why may ice emperor Mu Rong to make Wei Guang recruit in this struggle. 可冰帝穆戎为什么要让韦广将自己征召到这场斗争中来。 Mu Rong is surnamed Mu, in the precisely Mu old family was presented as the legendary common character, is only as Forbidden Magic Mage, ices emperor Mu Rong not to interfere with anything of old family, even basically was separated from Mu. 穆戎姓穆,正是穆氏世族中一位被奉为传奇一般的人物,只是作为禁咒法师,冰帝穆戎并不干涉世族的任何事情,甚至基本上是脱离了穆氏的。 In Mu truly has another ancestor, is running the entire Mu. 穆氏中有另外一位真正的“老祖宗”,掌管着整个穆氏。 Mu Ningxue in Mu Pang Mountain, had to listen to some people saying that this iced emperor Mu Rong also stems from Mu freely, but as if with Mu true ancestor was not harmonious. 穆宁雪穆庞山的时候,倒有听一些人说过,这位冰帝穆戎尽管也是出自穆氏,但似乎与穆氏真正的“老祖宗”并不和睦。 The ancestor of Mu assumes Im­pe­r­ial Capital, has the extremely high position in Im­pe­r­ial Capital, it is said that he has not exposed oneself Forbidden Magic strength, is one has not registered in the peak powerhouse of Forbidden Magic meeting. 穆氏的老祖宗坐镇帝都,在帝都拥有极高的地位,据说他并没有暴露过自己的禁咒实力,是一位没有登记在禁咒会的巅峰强者。 Without exposition, without comes in the common custom, he does not need to comply with the Magic Association Forbidden Magic convention. 既然没有暴露,也没有在世俗中现身,他就不需要遵守魔法协会禁咒公约。 When comes extremely south the place, Mu Ningxue has pondered. 在前来极南之地的时候,穆宁雪就有思考过。 The Five Continents alliance association will recruit itself suddenly, very greatly possibly is because in the world various has the great person of Mu, he has heard some special talents to the Ice Element ability obviously, therefore in this time south will crusade against extremely recruits itself to come. 五大洲同盟会会突然征召自己,很大可能是因为世界诸强中有穆氏的大人物,他显然听闻过一些自己对冰系能力的特殊天赋,所以才会在这次极南讨伐中征召自己过来。 This thinks that is the ancestor of Mu, has not actually thought that ices emperor Mu Rong. 本以为是穆氏的老祖宗,却未想到是冰帝穆戎 Ancestor this is Mu juniors to his one special name, he was not lived certainly several hundred years of old monster. 老祖宗这是一个穆氏子弟们对他的一种特殊称呼,他当然不是什么活了几百年的老怪物。 Only pitifully and ices Forbidden Magic Mage of emperor these two Mu about the ancestor, the people of most Mu clan meetings understand not many, person who let alone Mu Ningxue this type was pursued by Mu. 只可惜关于老祖宗和冰帝这两个穆氏的禁咒法师,绝大多数穆氏族会的人都了解不多,更别说穆宁雪这种被穆氏驱逐的人了。 ...... …… Entered in Dashimen, Ivy really keeps close, the stance that she that felt sick before disgustingly after stepping into Dashimen completely vanished, just like showed the solemn, serious and honest appearance. 进入了大石门中,伊薇果然寸步不离,她之前那副令人恶心作呕的姿态在踏入大石门后就完全消失了,俨然透出了端庄、严肃、正直的样子。 Wei Guang also partly lowers the head, although in the entire Dashimen all faces are strange to Mu Ningxue, but these two person rapid changes from Wei Guang and attitudes of Ivy, Mu Ningxue also inexplicable feeling several points of oppression strength. 韦广同样是半低着头进来,尽管整个大石门内所有的面孔对穆宁雪来说都是陌生的,但从韦广伊薇这两个人急剧变化的态度,穆宁雪也莫名的感受到几分压迫力。 The big endolithic is a spacious crude palace hall, without least bit splendid aura, but in everyone sends out air/Qi of dignity, this is not they intends to aim at Mu Ningxue, Ivy and the others to display, but under this extremely southern adverse circumstance, they still does not dare to have the least bit to be lax as the world's most powerhouse, in the imposing manner of under this tight state of mind imperceptibly exposing! 大石内是一个宽敞的简陋殿厅,没有半点富丽堂皇的气息,可里面的每个人都散发出一股威严之气,这并非是他们有意针对穆宁雪伊薇等人表现出来的,而是在这极南恶劣环境之下,他们作为世界最强者依然不敢有半点松懈,在这种紧绷的精神状态下无形中展露出的气势! Ices the emperor, senior, she is Mu Ningxue, the seat belt, Wei Guang has fulfilled their mission.” Wei Guang salutes, in addition as far as possible sank the acoustic ray, does not seem to want present to know appearance that oneself cannot withstand weakly. “冰帝,诸位前辈,她是穆宁雪,已安全带到,韦广不辱使命。”韦广行了礼,尽可能的加沉了声线,似乎不想让在座的人知道自己虚弱不堪的样子。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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