ADM :: Volume #28

#2746: Throws off you

Chapter 2746 第2746章 Throws off you 掀翻你们 Fuses Thunder System, makes a connection with Ancient Demon Gate! 融合雷系,打通上古魔门 Spirit Tower of Thousand Clans, Mo Fan summoned that to dwell again in cloud Dian antiquity thunder Si, the thunder brave general under elf throne! 千族精灵塔,莫凡再度呼唤那栖居在云巅之中的上古雷司,精灵王座下的雷霆猛将! Blue grandma, do not let him summon, he can summon thunder Si!” Ruan flying swallow restored some spirits, shouting of hurriedly. “蓝阿婆,别让他召唤,他可以呼唤出雷司!”阮飞燕恢复了一些精神,急急忙忙的喊道。 The thunder division is powerful, but also above Sovereign Mark Dark Green Wolf, Sovereign Mark Dark Green Wolf, although is fiercely competes and successfully competes to need to give its enough time various unceasing gather sovereign marks, but thunder Si has to be close to the medium Sovereign strength directly, can achieve easily Insta-kill facing some Ultra-Order level Mage! 雷司强大,还在皇纹苍狼之上,皇纹苍狼虽然是越战越勇需要给予它足够的时间来不断的收集各种皇纹,但雷司却是直接拥有接近中等君主的实力,面对一些超阶法师也可以做到轻易秒杀 He will not work.” “他不会得逞的。” When Mo Fan concentrate one's attention completely opens Ancient Demon Gate, an old man killed from pineries in confusion suddenly, in his hand is raising a bar roaring flame red-tasselled spear unexpectedly, appears in the strange Wind El­e­ment movement behind Mo Fan´s! 就在莫凡全神贯注打开上古魔门的时候,一名老汉突然从一片狼藉的松林中杀了出来,他的手上居然提着一杠烈焰红缨枪,以诡异的风系身法出现在莫凡的背后! This roaring flame red-tasselled spear was filled by it by the strength of tornado electric drill, when Mo Fan has turned around, the roaring flame red-tasselled spear had changed to a hot excess dragon that seizes the life, making threatening gestures throws toward oneself. 这烈焰红缨枪被其灌以旋风电钻之力,当莫凡转过身的时候,烈焰红缨枪已经化作了一条夺命的火冗龙,张牙舞爪的朝着自己扑来。 Grandfather leaf!” “叶阿公!” Killed him, killed him!!” “杀了他,杀了他!!” The surrounding person was still wondering a moment ago, how not to have make a move with Grandfather leaf who seven grandmas are always together, originally he has been waiting for this opportunity. 周围的人刚才还在纳闷,与七阿婆形影不离的叶阿公怎么没有出手,原来他一直在等待这个机会。 Summoning System Mage wants concentrate one's attention completely in process not only, but must search for summon creature that oneself want fast, in this situation is not definitely able to observe the surrounding condition. 召唤系魔法师在施法的过程不仅全神贯注,还要快速的搜寻自己想要的召唤生物,这种情况下肯定无法观察周围的状况。 Grandfather leaf precisely found this opportunity, struck to kill! 叶阿公正是找准了这个机会,一击必杀! Grandfather leaf the age was biggest several, their Xia Island structural style was simple, basically the every large or small matter was said by seven grandmas and two paternal grandfathers calculates. 叶阿公年纪算是最大的几个了,他们霞屿的结构形式非常简单,基本上大大小小的事情都由七位阿婆和两位阿公说得算。 But the grandma and paternal grandfather are not the ranks, but is relying on every year competition, comes out the strength strongest nine people. 而阿婆、阿公并非是辈分,而是凭借着每年的比试,决出实力最强的九个人。 In the young generation, made grandma's position besides a rebel, the person of other basically older generation, they had year of Earthly Holy Spring to cultivation the accumulation of resources after all. 年轻一辈里面,除了一个叛徒做上了阿婆的位置之外,其他基本上还是老一辈的人,毕竟他们拥有更多年的地圣泉修炼资源的积累。 Grandfather leaf the prestige is quite high, is extraordinary, let alone was this suddenly make a move, even if the upfront resistance believes that this rampant outsider still absolutely was not his opponent. 叶阿公威望比较高,实力出众,别说是这样突然出手了,即便正面对抗相信这个嚣张至极的外来人也绝对不是他的对手。 Grandfather leaf body almost with that red-tasselled spear that changes into the electric drill fire dragon departs together, the way Mo Fan body, passes through his body at that moment, specially Grandfather leaf sneers shot a look at this outsider. 叶阿公身体几乎与那杆化为电钻火龙的红缨枪一同飞出,途径莫凡身躯,贯穿他的身体那一刻,叶阿公特意冷笑的瞥了一眼这个外来人。 The outsiders, really treat as hill small village Xia Island, can run to act unruly casually?? 外来人,真把霞屿当做一个小山小寨,可以随随便便跑上来撒野?? However what surprises Grandfather somewhat is, this outcomer greets his vision, unexpectedly is also gazing at him. 不过让叶阿公有些意外的是,这名外来者迎接他的目光,居然也在注视着他。 In the normal condition such speed by Grandfather leaf, majority only sees electric drill fire dragon broad aggressive plundering, basically is impossible to see his. 正常情况下以叶阿公这样的速度,大部分只看到一条电钻火龙恢弘霸气的掠夺而过,基本上不可能见到他本人的。 But the outsider is staring at him, on the face also has the meaning of several points of ridicule unexpectedly! 可外来人盯着他,脸上居然还带着几分嘲笑之意! Having what is good to ridicule that your body had been passed through by the fierce fire dragon red-tasselled spear...... 有什么好嘲笑的,你的身体已经被烈火龙红缨枪贯穿了…… ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “呼~~~~~~” Suddenly, the smiling face of this person such as drips into the dark ink to water, black ink dissolves suddenly! 突然,这个人的笑容如滴入到水里的浓墨,突然间墨化散开! The body also black ink smoke of this person such dispersed, fierce fire dragon red-tasselled spear that howls strongly with hitting on wisp of remnant smoke such, without flesh and blood flying in all directions, has not been split up...... 紧接着此人的身体也墨烟那样散开了,强劲呼啸的烈火龙红缨枪就跟打在了一缕残烟上那样,没有血肉横飞,也没有四分五裂…… The remnant smoke went round the violent fire dragon spear/gun, gathered in one side in one, in the shadow fog Mo Fan´s body more and more three-dimensional, that jeered the intent full smiling face also to hang on the face. 残烟绕开了猛烈的火龙枪,在一旁重新聚在了一起,影雾中莫凡的身型越来越立体,那个嘲意十足的笑容还挂在脸上。 Grandfather leaf has a big shock, this person unexpectedly is a Shadow System powerhouse, this reaction speed was too fast . Moreover the shadow fluctuation ability is quite strange, if every attacks him one time, he like shadow black ink dispersing, how that also did kill a moment ago dies this fellow?? 叶阿公大惊失色,此人居然还是一位暗影系的强者,这反应速度实在太快了,而且暗影变幻能力相当诡异,假如每一次攻击他,他都像刚才那样影墨散开,那还怎么杀得死这家伙?? Thunder, summon, space and shadow.” At this moment stretch/leisurely Xiaohua eyeball rotates, rapid Mo Fan has displayed four departments reporting. “雷、召唤、空间、暗影。”就在这时舒小画眼珠子转动起来,迅速的将莫凡施展过的四个系给报了出来。 Four Systems determined completely, your hand getting new license are not many, our Xia Island expert all has not actually come, you died, you died!!” Ruan flying swallow is pointing at the Mo Fan angry say/way. 四系全部确定,你手上牌也不多了,我们霞屿高手却没有全部现身,你死定了,你死定了!!”阮飞燕指着莫凡愤怒道。 youngster, is a little ability, by independent combat our these old fogies not necessarily is your opponent, but we had not planned that plays the fight in which several people take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out with you.” 年轻人,是有点本领,论单打独斗我们这些老家伙未必是你对手,可我们并没有打算跟你玩车轮战。” Grandfather leaf fell back on the one side, extracted the smoke pole of waist happily to pull out several conveniently. 叶阿公退到了一旁,随手抽出了腰间的烟杆子得意的抽了几口。 After speaking these words, flying rosy cloud Villa several other successively presented several forms to the mountain road. 说完这句话后,飞霞山庄另外几条向山道上又陆续出现了几个身影。 Their clothing and young generation are not same, is a tone passes through the whole body, seeming like this in Xia Island is a special status symbol. 他们的着装与年轻一辈都不大相同,都是一种色调贯穿全身,貌似这在霞屿就是一种特别的身份象征。 Paternal grandmother!” “奶奶!” stretch/leisurely Xiaohua saw the old woman who that is wearing the purple attire, as if finally found reliable leaning to state the object, the suffering tears fell all of a sudden, later ruthlessly is pointing at Mo Fan, said: Paternal grandmother keeps certainly the one breath to him, I must make her regret to offend me.” 舒小画见到了那位身穿着紫色装束的老妇,仿佛终于找到了可靠的倾述对象,委屈的眼泪一下子落了下来,随后又狠狠的指着莫凡,道:“奶奶一定给他留一口气,我要让她后悔得罪了我。” The purple grandma age is large, on the face is the dry wrinkle, in her hand takes a walking stick, the litchi cladoxylon is doing, above also has a very bright rock bead. 紫阿婆年纪颇大,脸上都是干巴巴的皱纹,她手上拿着一根拐杖,荔枝木做的,上面还有一颗非常明亮的岩珠。 At first sight also thinks that is a delicate late in life old man, the aura that but on her lends is most powerful, wants to be stronger than the blue grandma and Grandfather leaf! 乍一看还以为是一个弱不禁风迟暮老者,但她身上散发出来的气息却最为强大,比蓝阿婆和叶阿公都要强许多! youngster, we and can you have the big enmity?” The purple grandma walks, both hands are leaning on the walking stick, the look is swift and fierce. 年轻人,我们与你可有大仇?”紫阿婆走来,双手都拄着拐杖,眼神凌厉。 Asks your family's small girl.” Mo Fan smiles. “问问你们家的小丫头们。”莫凡笑了笑。 Mentioned truthfully.” The purple grandma stared stretch/leisurely Xiaohua one eyes. “如实说来。”紫阿婆瞪了舒小画一眼。 stretch/leisurely Xiaohua then 1510 said this to gain experience matter, including plays tricks on Mo Fan and violation twice. 舒小画这才将这次历练的事情一五一十的说了一遍,包括两次戏弄莫凡和违约。 You give back to us Holy Spring, I allow you to cultivate for a month in inside, The purple grandma lifted a hand, hints others not to need to act rashly temporarily. “你将圣泉还给我们,我准许你在里面修炼一个月,一月后,你可以自由离开霞屿,但得以灵魂发誓永不将霞屿的秘密说出去。”紫阿婆抬起了一只手,示意其他人暂时不用轻举妄动。 Sorry, I do not accept the negotiations, I like keeping everything for oneself. Moreover, is not I am proud, I felt that presents everyone is the trash.” Mo Fan said. “抱歉,我不接受谈判,我喜欢吃独食。另外,不是我骄傲啊,我感觉在座各位都是垃圾。”莫凡说道。 Was too crazy!!” “太狂了!!” Wants him dead not entire corpse!!” “一定要他死无全尸!!” Big grandma, do not let him tarnish our ancestor's things, replaces the ox head that this year's ancestor worship uses with his head!” One group of Xia Island men and women called immediately. “大阿婆,别让他玷污我们老祖宗的东西,拿他的脑袋代替今年的祭祖用的牛头!”一群霞屿男女顿时叫了起来。 The big grandma lifts the hand again, hints everyone first to shut up. 大阿婆再一次抬起手来,示意所有人都先闭嘴。 She also calculates to calm down, is not easy to impulse like others. 她还算沉得住气,也不像其他人那么容易冲动。 You are impossible to defeat our, does not mind to tell you, our Gyrfalcon God are in Sovereign existence of most peak level, I have not summoned it to kill you , because my family several girls have the mistake in first, provoked you, but does not represent us really You look in the sea level, before the setting sun departs for the deep, some of you also choices.” The big grandma of purple attire referred to the seashore. “你是不可能战胜我们的,不介意告诉你,我们的海东青神便是君主中最巅峰级的存在,我没有呼唤它过来杀了你,是因为我家几个丫头们有错在先,惹恼了你,但不代表我们真的要向你妥协。你看海面上,夕阳沉底之前你还有的选择。”紫色装束的大阿婆指了指海边。 In the sea level the multi-colored sunlight is gorgeous, the red setting sun had the larger part to sink under the sea level. 海面上霞光艳丽,通红的落日有一大半已经沉到了海平面之下。 „Can you know the thunder of almost slaughter scourge the fort city?” Mo Fan asked. “你可知道天谴之雷差点屠了要塞城?”莫凡问道。 Knows, in tumultuous times we also seek the self-preservation, if you come the good justice, we did not have the words to discuss.” Big grandma tone ice-cold say/way. “知道,乱世中我们也不过是寻求自保,你要是来行公道的,那我们无话可谈了。”大阿婆语气冰冷道。 I mainly turn your group of cheap people dry/does.” Mo Fan turned the neck, moved a cervical vertebra, then the vision has the aggressive gaze this crowd of Xia Island ruler saying that “我主要还是来干翻你们这群贱人。”莫凡扭了扭脖子,活动了一下颈椎,接着目光极具侵略性的注视着这群霞屿的统治者道, Person old do not forget to contact the world, so as to avoid annoys the person who your type of waste could not stir up also to know nothing about. South this, has not known my Mo Fan violent temperament , is only left over Sea-Monster and your Xia Island!” “人老了也别忘记多接触世界,免得惹了你们这种废物们惹不起的人还浑然不知。这个南部,还有不知道我莫凡暴脾气的,也就只剩下海妖和你们霞屿!” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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