ADM :: Volume #28

#2743: Frog in a well

Chapter 2743 第2743章 Frog in a well 井底之蛙 How you...... you found here, Sister Ruan, stretch/leisurely little draws!” A Du Mei face surprise points at Mo Fan to say. “你……你是怎么找到这里的,阮姐姐,舒小画!”杜眉一脸诧异的指着莫凡道。 Under Villa is a piece of azure bamboo long said that winding ups and downs, bit by bit to lead to high place flying rosy cloud Villa, often can see carries the men and women who the bamboo basket picks the medicine, on the face somewhat is numb. 山庄下是一片青竹长道,蜿蜒曲折,一点一点的通向了高处飞霞山庄,时常可以看到一些背着竹篓采药的男女上上下下,脸上都有几分麻木。 Du Mei walks with a big handsome man in the same place, was cheerful and lively a moment ago, the smiling face on the face brimming with was too good to identify, the typical young girl was in love. 杜眉与一名高大英俊的男子行走在一起,刚才还是有说有笑,脸上洋溢的笑容实在太好辨认了,典型少女怀春。 Who is he?” That big handsome man frowns immediately, the eye is staring at Mo Fan, revealed the hostility directly. “他是谁?”那高大英俊的男子立刻皱起了眉头,眼睛盯着莫凡,直接表露出了敌意。 In their Xia Island, among the men and women that matter is also very straightforward, meets love rival anything, hits one directly and that's the end, who who has the right to speak. 在他们这个霞屿,男女之间那点事还算是非常直接了当,遇到情敌什么的,直接打一顿就是了,谁强谁有话语权。 Finally son-in-law is not quite same as the those external man degenerates into Xia Island, but Du Wanjun authentic hidden clan descendant, few powerful Xia Island male in this Xia Island women's especially outstanding community! 那些外来男子最终沦为霞屿的“女婿”不太相同,杜万骏可是正宗的隐族后代,是在这个霞屿女子格外出众的群体中为数不多实力强大的霞屿男! The Xia Island male is quite marketable, basically the entire Xia Island miss lets Monarch to choose, but Du Wanjun loved Du Mei recently alone, particularly for these days heard her saying that outside matter, had mentioned a 7-Stars Master Hunter strength was equivalent, Du Wanjun who felt several points of threat with cannot help but intensified the pursue effort, must succeed in obtaining shortly...... 霞屿男相当抢手,基本上整个霞屿的姑娘任君选择,只是杜万骏最近独爱杜眉,尤其是这几天听到她说外面的事情,提到过一个七星猎人大师实力与自己相当,感受到几分威胁的杜万骏不由自主的加大了追求力度,眼看就要到手了…… He is that 7-Stars Master Hunter that I said that is very fierce. But......” Du Mei whole face doubts looks at Ruan flying swallow and stretch/leisurely Xiaohua. “他就是我说的那个七星猎人大师,很厉害。可是……”杜眉满脸疑惑的看着阮飞燕和舒小画。 Ruan flying swallow and stretch/leisurely Xiaohua have not deceived him, led him to go to the island. 难道说阮飞燕和舒小画并没有骗他,还是带他上了岛。 Although does not conform to the custom, but complies with others' matter truly to achieve, otherwise Du Meixin always also brings several points of guilt. 虽然是不太符合规矩,但答应别人的事情确实要做到,不然杜眉心里总是还带着几分愧疚。 oh, I listened to my family grandma saying that outside person level strength was very ordinary, is rare our Xia Island to have the foreign visitor, I poured impatiently wants to compare notes with you, in Xia Island young one generation of few was my opponent, I actually was also here bored!” Du Wanjun adopted several points of stance, in the spoken language was full of provocative meaning proudly. ,我听我家阿婆说,外面的人水平实力都很一般,难得我们霞屿有了外来客,我倒迫不及待的想和你切磋切磋,霞屿里年轻一辈没有几个是我对手,我在这里其实也蛮无聊的!”杜万骏摆出了几分傲然姿态,言语里充满了挑衅意味。 Cousin, he is very fierce, can summon Sovereign Level......” Du Mei thoughts expecting are purer, has not made clear on Mo Fan the island to make anything by the present. “堂哥,他真的很厉害,能够召唤君主级的……”杜眉心思比预料得还要单纯,到现在还没有搞清楚莫凡上岛是做什么的。 Du Wanjun brow wrinkles tightly. 杜万骏眉头皱得更紧。 Du Mei is silly, really has the special meaning to this outside man. Does not know that before a man said another man fierce is the shame matter?? 杜眉是傻吗,还是真的对这外面的男子有特别的意思。不知道在一个男人面前说另外一个男人厉害是很羞辱的事情?? That must meet you!” On Du Wanjun comes. “那就更要会一会你了!”杜万骏上前来。 „Is he your cousin?” Mo Fan asked Du Meidao. “他是你堂哥?”莫凡问杜眉道。 Yes, Xia Island counts him strongly.” Du Mei said. “是的,霞屿就数他最强。”杜眉说道。 Du Mei feels now somewhat strangely, a Ruan flying swallow exhausted appearance, stretch/leisurely little draws both eyes to be afraid soulless does not dare to speak. 杜眉现在才觉得有些奇怪,阮飞燕一副疲惫不堪的样子,舒小画双眼无神害怕得不敢吭声。 Finally, Du Mei realized the issue, she revealed was vigilant the color, somewhat intense interrogation: You are rush!” 终于,杜眉意识到问题了,她露出了警惕之色,有些紧张的质问道:“你是闯进来的!” Person should go out to take a walk, otherwise is easy to turn into frog in a well, Du Mei, like your cousin goods, outside one grasps big.” Mo Fan is disinclined to pay attention to Du Mei , to continue to walk toward flying rosy cloud Villa. “人就应该多出去走动走动,不然容易变成井底之蛙,杜眉,像你堂哥这种货色,外面一抓一大把。”莫凡懒得理会杜眉,继续朝着飞霞山庄走去。 Does not need to haggle over with Du Mei, Du Mei this seemingly has a little wishful thinking woman, actually instead is in that crowd of girls simplest one, her those small idea with no difference of swayed on face. 不必和杜眉去计较,杜眉这个看上去有那么一点小心思的女人,其实反而是那群姑娘们之中最简单的一个,她的那些小想法跟摆在脸上没有什么区别。 You said anything, you halt to me!” Du Wanjun becomes angry out of shame to say. “你说什么,你给我站住!”杜万骏恼羞成怒道。 Mo Fan pays no attention to him , to continue to lead Ruan flying swallow and stretch/leisurely little draws toward flying rosy cloud Villa on walks, their both had searched for the soul by Apasi, now is also a mental incomparably absent-minded condition, follows like the puppet person in Apasi side. 莫凡不理他,继续带着阮飞燕和舒小画往飞霞山庄上走,她们两个都被阿帕丝搜过魂了,现在还处在一个精神无比恍惚的状态,像木偶人那样跟在阿帕丝的旁边。 Bastard, I asked you to halt, you could not understand!!” Du Wanjun flies into a rage. “混蛋,我叫你站住,你听不懂吗!!”杜万骏暴跳如雷。 On him surged silver glow, can see mercury pellets rapid in his on condensed on hand, as his fierce treading out forward, a vigorous strength erupted in his both hands position. 他身上激荡起了一层银芒,可以看到一颗颗水银颗粒迅速的在他的手边上凝聚,随着他猛的向前踩出,一股雄浑的力量在他双手位置爆发。 Moving both sides azure bamboo that the strong winds wreak havoc, the tough extremely strong bamboo bent in the ground. 狂风肆虐的吹动两旁的青竹,韧性极强的竹子都压弯到了地面上。 Sees only Du Wanjun both hands to lift a silver sea water long blade, when he wields cuts, the knife point has slid sky over the grove, fierce cuts toward Mo Fan´s behind. 只见杜万骏双手举着一柄银色海水长刀,随着他挥斩时,刀尖滑过林子上空,猛的朝着莫凡的背后斩去。 Cousin,......” Du Mei do not call one. “堂哥,别……”杜眉叫出一声。 Is he is supercilious!” Du Wanjun gets angry the sound said. “是他目中无人!”杜万骏怒声道。 Mo Fan turns around suddenly, a both eyes eyeball blooms more radiant silver radiance. 莫凡突然转过身来,一双眼睛绽放出更加璀璨的银色光辉 The pupil sparkle, the special pupil band of light a sacred strength, seems to be taking an oath to surroundings all controls! 瞳孔闪耀,特殊的眸光带着一股神圣之力,似乎宣誓着对周围一切的掌控权! Silver sea water broadsword inexplicable stagnation in midair, to the Mo Fan´s forehead probably only then less than half meter position, how regardless of Du Wanjun made an effort unable to cut. 银色的海水大刀莫名的滞在半空中,就在离莫凡的额头大概只有不到半米的位置上,无论杜万骏怎么使劲都无法砍下去了。 Go away!” “滚!” Mo Fan berated one, on visible surrounding bowl mouth thick azure bamboo completely collapse broken, the bamboo strip crazy brushing tread and surrounding plant that disrupted, fearful. 莫凡喝斥一声,就看见周围碗口粗的青竹全部崩断,碎裂开的竹条疯狂的抽打着地面和周围的植物,可怕至极。 Probably by one rushes to the mountain wild animal to run upon the chest ruthlessly fiercely, Du Wanjun but is actually shot, from the position of halfway up the mountainside fell into at the foot of the hill. 像是被一头奔山野兽狠狠的撞上了胸口,杜万骏猛的倒射出去,从半山腰的位置跌入到了山脚下。 At the foot of the hill arrives at the halfway up the mountainside good belt/bring also more than ten hectares dracenas and pinus montana, in the path that Du Wanjun flies upside down can see that in these more than ten hectares grove had/left a fearful gully impressively, resembled an ancient times centipede steamroll the trace! 山脚下到半山腰好带也有十几公顷的青竹和山松,杜万骏倒飞的轨迹上可以看到这十几公顷的林子中赫然多出了一条可怕的沟壑,似一条远古蜈蚣碾压的痕迹! Du Wanjun mouth spits the blood, his chest bone scraps a big piece, that both eyes eyeball covered entirely the blood threads ruthlessly stares almost can only see a small sunspot Mo Fan. 杜万骏口吐鲜血,他胸骨碎了一大片,那双眼睛布满血丝狠狠的盯着几乎只能够看见一个小黑点的莫凡 Hall...... cousin!” Du Mei frightens beautiful face changing colors, goes crazy flushed. “堂……堂哥!”杜眉吓得花容失色,发疯似的冲了下去。 Bang!!!!!!” “轰!!!!!!” Suddenly cloudless day [Thunderbolt] falls to Xia Island, that is together has no curving vertical thunder, electricity sword such in-line islands. 突然晴天霹雳坠向霞屿,那是一道没有任何弯曲的竖雷,电剑那样直插岛屿。 The hole that burned black is too deep to see the bottom appears impressively, that wipes the swift and fierce flash also to make one unable to make the least bit quickly to respond, when recovering it is dim, only leaves behind the fear that together hard to obliterates in the person mind under mountain! 一个焦黑深不见底的窟窿赫然出现,那一抹凌厉的闪光也快得令人做不出半点反应,回过神来之时它已经黯淡,只在山下的人脑海中留下一道难以磨灭的恐惧! Rumbling rumbling!!!!!!!!!!” “轰轰轰轰!!!!!!!!!!” Dozens same vertical thunder appear later, they look like a purple Sky Sword to invert under. 几十道相同的竖雷随后出现,它们像一柄柄紫色的天剑倒插而下。 That vertical stroke thunder and lightning sword same might that each together and most starts, Du Wanjun paralysis there, looks that these each together can claim his life the lightning to touch and go from his side. 一道都和最开始的那竖雷电剑相同威力,杜万骏瘫在那里,看着这些每一道都可以夺走他性命的闪电从他身边擦过。 The frightened infinite enlargement, touches to reach the soul! 恐惧无限放大,触达灵魂! Cousin, cousin!” “堂哥,堂哥!” Du Mei then rushes, burning with impatience. 杜眉这才赶到,心急如焚。 That bunch of thunder and lightning too were a moment ago terrorist, when was as good as scourge those to hang a day of lightning, they have not hit Du Wanjun body luckily. 刚才那一束束雷电实在太恐怖了,不亚于天谴时的那些垂天闪电,幸好他们都没有击中杜万骏的身体。 Close to Du Wanjun time, Du Mei smelled strange show taste, when she looks toward Du Wanjun pants crotch position, discovered that his pants there wet a big piece, yellow Nuannuan the liquid is still continue gush out, been able to stop infiltration to thigh, knee and pants leg...... 只是靠近杜万骏的时候,杜眉闻到了一股怪异的骚味,当她往杜万骏的裤裆位置看去的时候,发现他的裤子那里湿了一大片,黄黄暖暖的液体还在继续涌出,止不住的渗到大腿、膝盖、裤管…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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