ADM :: Volume #28

#2741: The murder must execute the heart

Chapter 2741 第2741章 The murder must execute the heart 杀人还要诛心 „!” “啊!” Suddenly, Ruan flying swallow exuded one to call out in alarm, whole person fierce sobered, on the cheeks on the nape of the neck soaked, all when was the nightmare awakened the cold sweat. 突然,阮飞燕发出了一声惊叫,整个人猛的清醒过来,无论是脸颊上还是脖颈上都湿透了,全是噩梦惊醒时的冷汗。 When she sees the Mo Fan´s face again, sees to be dried up a even/including Shihen no deep pool Divine Spring...... 只是当她再度看到莫凡的脸,看到干枯得连湿痕都没有的一潭神泉…… Probably in the nightmare is more comfortable, why hating oneself to wake. 好像还是噩梦里更舒适一点,恨自己为什么要醒过来。 Ruan flying swallow almost faints directly. 阮飞燕又差点直接昏死过去。 Looked, in you provided such in a treasure Earthly Holy Spring share to me, meets me to you start neatly, so as to avoid the disciple increases your pain.” Mo Fan said to Ruan flying swallow who in the nerve eye declines. “看在你们给我提供了这样一个宝贝地圣泉的份上,一会我对你们下手的时候就干净利落点,免得徒增你们的痛苦。”莫凡对神经眼中衰落的阮飞燕说道。 Sure enough, Ruan flying swallow cannot breathe heavily, suffocated fainting, body soft was hung by the Mo Fan´s shadow bundle there. 果不其然,阮飞燕又一口气喘不上来,窒息的昏过去,身体软绵绵的被莫凡的暗影捆绑吊在那里。 Oh, the bearing capacity is so how bad.” Mo Fan helpless shaking the head. “唉,承受能力怎么这么差呀。”莫凡无奈的摇了摇头。 youngster should go out for a walk, eats the point to owe, meets some robber theories and final words, such innermost feelings will be powerful, often emaciated fainting like the present in the past, no matter what others do act in a self-serving manner? 年轻人就是应该多出去走走,多吃点亏,多遇到一些强盗理论和煞笔,这样内心才会强大起来,像现在这样动不动就羸弱的昏死过去,岂不是任别人为所欲为? The Mo Fan psychology thinks like this, but Ruan Feiyan is completely different. 莫凡心理是这样想的,可阮飞燕内心却完全不同。 Her rather Mo Fan acts in a self-serving manner to her, relies on own that beauty to delay the Mo Fan enough much time in this close environment, does to Mo Fan to directly soar the subject, anything devastates, anything gives vent to indignation, other what strange idea does not enter his eye. 她宁愿莫凡对她为所欲为,在这个封闭的环境里凭借着自己的那么点姿色拖延莫凡足够多的时间,奈何莫凡直奔主题,什么蹂躏,什么泄愤,什么别的奇奇怪怪的想法根本就不入他眼。 In front of Earthly Holy Spring, what does a woman of no resistance ability have to distinguish with the side those stone block? 地圣泉面前,一个毫无反抗能力的女人跟旁边那些石墩又有什么区别? Walks, was satiated with food and wine, was this/should and these people calculates the general ledger.” Mo Fan patted striking one's chest, brave going out Dashimen. “走吧,吃饱喝足了,是该和这些人算总账了。”莫凡拍了拍胸脯,昂首阔步的走出大石门。 Most precious thing Mo Fan many have seized, definitely does not need to stay here. 最宝贵的东西莫凡多已经夺走了,完全没有必要留在这里。 As for Ruan flying swallow, she was soon frightened out of one's wits, throws her to run its own course here, Mo Fan does not have the least bit interest in such woman in any case, looked continually is disinclined to look at one. 至于阮飞燕,她快要魂飞魄散了,扔她在这里自生自灭吧,反正莫凡对这样的女人没有半点兴致,连看都懒得多看一眼。 Just the steps went out, guard as if changed shifts, before that sound sweet greasy female disappeared, what replaces it is a man who is wearing the slanting buckle brocade clothes. 刚踏步出去,门外的守卫似乎换班了,之前那个声音甜腻的女子不见了,取而代之的是一位身穿着斜扣锦衣的男子。 In stone door closure, the man does not know also one by Mo Fan mental torture Ruan flying swallow 石门关闭,男子并不知道里面还有一个被莫凡精神折磨的瘫痪的阮飞燕。 Which you...... you are, how not to see you, but how also without arriving at you to run next week secretly, did not fear that was punished by the grandma!” Respects the clothes man to ask. “你……你是哪家的,怎么没有见过你,还没有到下周你怎么私自跑进来,不怕被阿婆惩罚吗!”敬衣男子质问道。 He has not been regarded as the intruder Mo Fan unexpectedly, it seems like their here will really rarely have the outsider, does not have a wee bit precaution consciousness. 他竟然没有把莫凡当作是闯入者,看来他们这里确实很少会有外来人,没有一丁点的防范意识。 Easy and comfortable, will make people gradually incompetent! 安逸,也会使人逐渐无能啊! Hears the voice of this man, seems like from the beginning that person who makes the Junior Sister to take to the streets as well as handle other beneficial body and mind joyful matter. 听这男子的声音,似乎是一开始那个约师妹去上街以及做点别的有益身心愉悦事情的人。 Mo Fan shoulders the eyebrow to visit him. 莫凡挑起眉毛看着他。 The people normally, who knows that set up the matter to come the speed also too to be rather quick, even if they have not taken to the streets to directly soar the subject, that still grew into when cannot be justified. 人长得正正常常的,谁知道办起事情来速度未免也太快了吧,即便他们没有上街直奔主题,那也在时长上说不过去。 How long street did you and Junior Sister stroll on?” Mo Fan asked. “你和师妹逛了多久的街啊?”莫凡问道。 Mo Fan enters Earthly Holy Spring, imprisons Ruan flying swallow, takes Earthly Holy Spring, sits the cultivation to break through the third level of barrier, from all sides also 30 minutes. 莫凡进入到地圣泉,禁锢阮飞燕,吸食地圣泉,坐下来修炼突破第三级壁垒,前前后后也就三十分钟吧。 Who a half hour...... you are, how here, I will not have seen you, you are new,......” brocade clothes man does not feel more and more right, some little time realized Mo Fan is very likely the outcomer. “半小时啊……你到底是谁,怎么会在这里,我没有见过你,你是新来的,还是……”锦衣男子越来越觉得不对劲,好一会才意识到莫凡很有可能是外来者。 Happen, you guide to me, quite makes me see the person who your Xia Island can speak truly.” Mo Fan said. “正好,你给我带路,好让我见一见你们霞屿真正能够说得上话的人。”莫凡说道。 You are anything!” The brocade/bright clothes man is angry to say. “你算什么东西!”锦衣男子大怒道。 Thump thump thump thump!!!” “咚咚咚咚!!!” At this moment, stone door opened, Ruan flying swallow whole body paralysis holds nearby wall, pale and weary, as if had passed inhuman life several years in inside like that is thin and pale makes people unable to feel her young blood. 就在这时,身后的石门又重新打开了,阮飞燕浑身瘫痪扶着旁边的墙,脸色苍白而又疲倦,仿佛已经在里面度过了非人的生活好几年那般,憔悴得让人感受不到她的青春活力。 The brocade/bright clothes man looked at Ruan flying swallow, the shock and violent anger. 锦衣男子看了一眼阮飞燕,震惊而又暴怒。 Ruan flying swallow is his goddess, unexpectedly...... unexpectedly...... 阮飞燕可是他的女神啊,居然……居然…… Domestic animal, your domestic animal, I must butcher you!” On the brocade/bright clothes man appears the together Wind El­e­ment constellation immediately. “畜生,你这个畜生,我非宰了你不可!”锦衣男子身上立刻显现出了一道风系星座。 Wind El­e­ment High-Order is [Wing of Winds], is actually the big wing that the innumerable silver blade silk wind that behind the brocade clothes man appears composes, with his hand one finger/refers, those silvers blade silk extremely fast flies! 风系高阶风之翼,锦衣男子背后出现的却是无数银刃丝风组成的大翼,随着他手一指,那些刃丝极速的飞来! Mo Fan treads one step, the body vanishes instantaneously, only left behind radiant diamond light dust same place. 莫凡踏出一步,身体瞬间消失,原地只遗留下了一片璀璨的钻石光尘。 Next quarter Mo Fan appeared in brocade clothes quick male behind, a racket on his shoulder, the innumerable thunder and lightning such as a leader fierce small snake of such fled to him on conveniently. 下一刻莫凡出现在了锦衣“快男”的身后,随手在他肩头上一拍,无数雷电如一头头凶猛的小蛇那样窜到他身上。 The brocade/bright clothes male whole body twitches quickly fiercely, the mouth spat the foam, basically was one second is given the solution by Mo Fan. 锦衣快男浑身剧烈抽搐,口吐起了白沫,基本上是一秒钟就被莫凡给解决了。 You...... you...... I must kill you, I must kill you!!” Ruan flying swallow looked like a ferocious demoness, the bamboo hat and kerchief fell entirely, having hair dishevelled threw. “你……你……我要杀了你,我要杀了你!!”阮飞燕像一个穷凶极恶的女鬼,斗笠与头巾统统掉落了,披头散发的扑了过来。 That was you guides, after all I was not ripe with this fellow. Right, you know him, I saw him and on a young Junior Sister of cultivation go to the room here, then estimated that five minutes were less than come back......” Mo Fan to say to Ruan flying swallow. “那还是你带路还了,毕竟我和这个家伙不熟。对了,你认识他吗,我看到他和上一个在这里修炼的小师妹去开房了,然后估计五分钟不到就回来了……”莫凡对阮飞燕说道。 Ruan flying swallow where is the Mo Fan´s opponent, was made fun of several to go crazy by Mo Fan´s Chaos System, incessantly is so, he also wants in the spoken language various bashful anger, this shaming anger spluttered by the whole body paralysis, but fell on the brocade clothes quick male of ground, his foam spat is spitting is starting to spit blood...... 阮飞燕哪里是莫凡的对手,被莫凡的混沌系捉弄得几欲发狂,不止是如此,他还要言语上各种羞怒,这种羞怒溅射到了被全身麻痹而倒在地上的锦衣快男,他白沫吐着吐着开始吐血了…… You gave up any idea of that lives is leaving Xia Island, you do not know that the great strength of grandmas, your ignorant bystander, you will die not entire corpse, to your belly in spring water, the grandmas will also break your belly to take!!” Ruan flying swallow is calling out. “你休想活着离开霞屿,你根本不知道阿婆们的强大,你这个无知的外人,你会死无全尸,到了你肚子里的泉水,阿婆们也会破开你的肚子取出来!!”阮飞燕嘶喊着。 Atsu, please forgive me to run into such a dirty despicable person in to gain experience, please after he dies easily do not let off him!” Ruan flying swallow continues to curse there. “阿祖,请原谅我在历练的时候遇到这样一个肮脏卑鄙的人,请你们在他死后一定不要轻易的放过他!”阮飞燕继续在那里咒骂着。 Mo Fan flexure ear. 莫凡挠了挠耳朵。 Oh, goes out few, curses at people continually does not have the might. 唉,出门少,连骂人都这么没有威力。 With Earthly Holy Spring is only I to your Xia Island first step, couldn't this you bear? I go what grandma who may probably extinguish you, steps on is rotten your Atsu's idols, finally sank your island......, how to faint.” Mo Fan speechless. “拿地圣泉只是我到你们霞屿的第一步,这你就受不了了吗?我接下去可要灭了你们的什么阿婆,踩烂你们阿祖的神像,最后沉了你们的岛……唉,怎么又晕过去了。”莫凡一阵无语。 It is not you must scold, do I just now open spurt first you to hand over the arms?? 不是你要开骂的吗,我才刚开喷第一句你就缴械投降了?? ...... …… Had/Left the Xia Island mystical place, Mo Fan took to the streets directly. 出了霞屿秘境,莫凡直接上了街。 Really blew the blowing, Ruan flying swallow woke. 果然吹了吹风,阮飞燕又醒过来了。 At this time an appearance sweet an especially simple girl front surface walked, in her hand also one fled the candied fruit that bought from outside, ate very happily. 这个时候一个长相清甜给人一种格外纯朴的女孩迎面走了过来,她手里还有一窜从外面买回来的糖葫芦,吃得非常幸福。 But when he sees Mo Fan´s at that moment, mouth that candied fruit does not know why also becomes in the stone compared with latrine pit to be difficult suddenly to chew, small expression on face strange to the extreme! 可当他看到莫凡的那一刻,嘴里那颗糖葫芦不知道为何突然间变得比粪坑里的石头还要难嚼,脸上的小表情怪异到了极点! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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