ADM :: Volume #27

#2658: Escapes depending on the skill respectively

Chapter 2658 第2658章 Escapes depending on the skill respectively 各凭本事逃命 Zhao Jing is withdrawing, in his heart chokes with rage, actually has to evade its point. 赵京在后撤,他心中窝火,却又不得不避其锋芒。 Each Thunder Mage had one just the positive/direct hot tempered heart, Zhao Jing retreated at the same time, eye actually sinister incomparable stared at Thunder Light four to shoot Mo Fan that! 每一个雷系法师都有一个刚正面的暴躁之心,赵京退去的同时,眼睛却毒辣无比的盯着雷光四射的莫凡 This son of a bitch, attracted his Zhao Jing Mana not saying that but also coped with itself with these Mana, but also really underestimated present young Mage. 这狗东西,吸了他赵京魔能不说,还用这些魔能来对付自己,还真是小看现在的年轻魔法师了。 Zhao Jing same has the Thunder System antibody, his body is whipped several times that thunder and lightning dragon whisker gives, was the clothes opens merely rottenly. 赵京一样拥有雷系抗体,他的身上被雷电龙须给的鞭挞几次,仅仅是衣服烂开了。 The place that his clothes open rottenly, can see the scabs of many dragon, these scabs Mo Fan create actually not, but is he had, uneven, abnormal ugly, seemed like many some witch insects of distortion to drill his by far, probably will also wriggle. 他衣裳烂开的地方,可以看到身上许多虬形的伤疤,这些伤疤倒不是莫凡造成的,而是他本来就有的,凹凸不平,又畸形丑陋,远远看上去就像有许多扭曲的巫虫钻到了他的皮里,好像还会蠕动。 Mu Bai saw on him these strange and fierce things, on the face revealed several points of astonished color. 穆白看到他身上这些古怪而又狰狞的东西,脸上露出了几分惊愕之色。 But Zhao Jing also loathes on body skin layer these ugly things to be seen probably, his face from gloomy becomes strange cruel! 赵京也好像非常厌恶自己身体皮层上这些丑陋的东西被人看见,他那张脸从阴沉变得古怪暴戾! I give you some time......” Zhao Jing to stare at everyone, without approaching said in a threatening tone, makes you think well next meeting time how to beg for mercy to me!” “我给你们一些时间……”赵京盯着众人,没有靠近却用威胁的口吻说道,“让你们好好想想下一次见面的时候如何向我求饶!” Spoke these words, the Zhao Jing body became blurred suddenly. 说完这句话,赵京身体忽然变得模糊了起来。 Probably has the fog group to cover him, but after the fog group dissipates in an instant, Zhao Jing also disappears, what replaces it is a bright red monster different blood seedling, it takes root, in that was stroked on the land that scorches by the thunder and lightning, was makes everywhere the stars turn with the monster red that it echoed, nighttime sky bright moonlight also thoroughly incarnadine! 像是有雾团在笼罩着他,可雾团转眼间消散后,赵京也不见了,取而代之的是一株鲜红妖异的血苗,它扎根在那块被雷电击打得发焦的土地上,却是让漫天的星辰变成了与之相呼应的妖红色,就连夜空明月也彻底被染红! Monster Variant Blood seedling sways, in nighttime sky those red stars unexpectedly crashes, just like sprinkled in the evil different monster to world land to plant by some antiquity deity, each touches in the land to trigger fierce earthquake immediately a time! 异血苗一阵摇晃,夜空中那些红色的星辰竟然一颗一颗的坠落下来,宛如被某个上古天神洒落到人间大地上的邪异妖种,每一颗触碰到大地上就会立刻引发一次剧烈的地震! As more and more monster different stars crash, the land is torn to pieces, but this disaster and destruction as if are the nutrient of that monster Variant Blood seedling, the monster Variant Blood seedling are actually growing toward the scale of lofty tree!! 随着越来越多的妖异星辰坠落,大地支离破碎,而这种灾难与毁灭却仿佛是那株妖异血苗的养分,妖异血苗正在朝着参天大树的规模成长!! The monster Variant Blood tree sways again, in the nighttime sky the red stars fruit plants to continue like the destruction unlucky star to pound to strike the land, places, in this strange region Mo Fan and the others of as if stand in a microcosm of piece of calamity, will perish momentarily the abyss, will change into the dust in shock-wave of giant star sinking land momentarily. 异血树再一次摇晃,夜空中红色的星辰果种继续像毁灭灾星那样砸击大地,身处在这个古怪地带的莫凡等人仿佛站在一片天塌地陷的小世界里,随时都会沉沦到万丈深渊,随时都会在巨大的星沉大地的冲击波中化为尘埃。 Mother, this is what sorcery!” Zhao Manyan curses to say. “妈的,这是什么妖法!”赵满延大骂道。 His Barrier in layer by layer was destroyed, the shock-wave and destruction gravity lets Zhao Manyan to the vastness and fearfulness of top Magic for the first time! 他的结界在一层一层的被打碎,冲击波与毁灭重力让赵满延第一次到顶级魔法的浩瀚与可怕! „The wall of engraved inscription!” “铭文之壁!” Xinxia sees Zhao Manyan to resist somewhat strenuously, makes the bright unicorn assist immediately. 心夏赵满延抵挡得有些吃力,立刻让光明独角兽来协助。 Around bright unicorn float innumerable ancient mysterious engraved inscriptions, the walls of their formation more than ten engraved inscription one after another, protected everyone in the engraved inscription barrier! 光明独角兽周围悬浮无数古老神秘的铭文,它们一圈又一圈的形成十几层铭文之壁,将众人都守护在了铭文壁垒中! Under this inside small bright engraved inscription can withstand the Ultra-Order might, the densely packed engraved inscription barrier, even can resist a continuous attack of Ultra-Order group. 这里面一个小小的鲜亮铭文都可以承受下超阶的威力,密密麻麻的铭文壁垒,甚至能够抵挡得了一支超阶团体的连续攻击。 But as that monster different blood tree continues to expand, the destruction strength that red stars disaster that it swings has is more exaggerating, can see some mountain ranges of distant place, because small red stars fell from the sky changed into the scorched earth big hole directly. 但随着那颗妖异的血树继续壮大,它摇摆下来的红色星辰灾子具备的毁灭力更加夸张,可以看到远处的一些山峦因为一颗小小的红色星辰陨落直接化为了焦土大坑。 Cut that monster seedling.” Jiang Shaoxu detected that anything, quickly shouted to them. “把那颗妖树苗砍了。”蒋少絮察觉到了什么,急忙对他们喊道。 I go!” Mo Fan happen to outside, he uses Space System Magic to avoid these monster red stars that in the sky are pounding to fall. “我去!”莫凡正好在外面,他利用空间系魔法躲避着天空中砸落下来的这些妖红色星辰。 The stars crash is getting more and more crowded, the shock-wave that blasts out layer by layer, composed a dreadful air wave, can sweep across to more than ten kilometers beyond, Traverse of Mo Fan in this air wave, just like a steamboat to navigate in the storm sea. 星辰坠落的越来越密集,炸开的冲击波一层又一层,组成了一个滔天气浪,可以席卷到十几公里外,莫凡在这气浪之中穿梭,就犹如一艘轮船在暴风雨的大海里航行。 The monster seedling is still growing, has reached several hundred meters terrifying scale, is completely an antiquity ominous tree, does not know that it continued to sway to be able again some huge planet calling like this. 妖树苗还在成长,都已经达到了几百米的恐怖规模,完全就是一颗上古凶树了,也不知道它再继续这样摇晃下去会不会将一些更庞大的行星给唤下来。 At first Zhao Manyan said this Zhao Jing strength quite terrifying time, Mo Fan has not cared specially, who would have guessed that he must be so odd, no Magic has the earth-shaking imposing manner! 起初赵满延说这个赵京实力相当恐怖的时候,莫凡还没有特别在意,哪知道他强得如此离谱,没一个魔法都有惊天动地的气势! Little Flame Fairy, axe!” 小炎姬,斧来!” Mo Fan oversteps the shock-wave finally, his both hands hold up high. 莫凡终于踏过冲击波,他双手高高举起。 Above the palm, the fires of some innumerable maple leaves roll up and push along in the way of by vortex, quick one bunch of well-illuminated bright open fire shoot up to the sky, quickly composed a to touch the raging fire heavy sword of fog! 手掌之上,有无数枫叶之火在以漩涡的方式卷动,很快一束通亮鲜艳的明火冲天而起,迅速的组成了一柄可以直触云雾的烈火重剑! Mo Fan looks up, sure enough is a sword! 莫凡抬头一看,果不其然是剑! Also does not know when Little Flame Fairy is the concept of sword and axe making the inversion, although said that must cut down an antiquity ominous tree with the axe is most appropriate, but trades now again also without enough time! 也不知道小炎姬是什么时候将剑与斧的概念给弄颠倒的,虽然说要砍倒一颗上古凶树拿斧头是最合适的,但现在再换也来不及了! Severs completely, pleasant divine sword!” “一刀两断,如意神剑!” Mo Fan does not know why the mouth can emit this lines, but always felt only then cuts to have the breadth of spirit like this, in fact any, any move do not read, but like tennis player, when wields the racket to cry out, the imposing manner wants the foot, the strength will have an addition! 莫凡也不知为什么嘴里会冒出这句台词,但总觉得只有这样砍下去才有气魄,事实上任何施法,任何出招都不要念出来的,但就像网球选手在挥拍的时候一定要呐喊出来一样,气势一定要足,力量就会有所加成! This sword cuts by treetop of mountain valley murderer top, the broken bamboo cuts tree trunk generally, cut the root again, the ample force cut to the surface...... 这一剑由山谷凶手的树冠顶部砍下,破竹一般斩到树干,再斩到了根部,余力更是斩向了地表…… Several hundred meters antiquity ominous tree and land divided into two together, boiling hot flaminged the hot sword air/Qi to ignite the entire monster tree, rapid burnt it for the ashes. 几百米的上古凶树与大地一起一分为二,滚烫的炽火剑气引燃了整颗妖树,迅速的将它焚为灰烬。 The monster seedling dies, the world is sunny, in the nighttime sky the sparking stars still hang there, does not have the collective has crashed the appearance, the moonlight brightly such as beginning, has not been sending out the red light of helping a tyrant do evil, but land mountains truly has caved in a canyon and cracks in the earth, the surface changed beyond all recognition, the underground rock of deep place bare | The reveal comes out. 妖树苗一死,天地晴朗,夜空中闪亮的繁星依然挂在那里,并没有集体坠落过的样子,月光皎洁如初,更没有散发着助纣为虐的红光,只不过大地山川确确实实的已经塌陷成了一片峡谷、地裂,地表面目全非,更深处的地下岩都裸|露出来。 Zhao Jing??” Jiang Shaoxu inspected, had not found Zhao Jing using the Mind System search. 赵京呢??”蒋少絮巡视了一圈,利用心灵系搜索都没有找到赵京 He ran, this fellow wants several of us to feed the shark.” Lingling said. “他跑了,这家伙要我们几个喂鲨鱼。”灵灵说道。 Mu Bai then looks, discovered the shark person chief has left their more than ten kilometers, its these flies to be nearer to the ground time, sees the mountain range that the distant place fluctuates to change into the powder under that fearful Sovereign air pressure, has not touched the shark person chief obviously...... 穆白回头看去,发现鲨人酋长已经离他们不过十几公里了,它这一次飞得离地面更近,就看见远处起伏的山峦在那可怕的君主气压下化为粉末,明明没有触碰到鲨人酋长…… This world in front of this supreme level creature, is not the bubble is the paper sticks, this type visible powerful will only make people more terrified. 这个世界在这种至尊级生物面前,不是泡沫就是纸糊,这种肉眼可见的强大只会令人更加惶恐不安。 Walks quickly!” Xinxia said. “快走!”心夏说道。 Xinxia drew conducting the back of bright unicorn Jiang Shaoxu and Lingling, in the bright alone corner/horn flies to tread immediately, in the nighttime sky presented together to hang to vault of heaven edge the bridge of rainbow light, in the bright alone corner/horn on the bridge of this span enormous rainbow flew to tread, sacred outstanding. 心夏蒋少絮灵灵拉到了光明独角兽的背上,光明独角上立刻飞踏出去,夜空中出现了一道挂向天穹边缘的虹光之桥,光明独角上在这跨度极大的虹之桥上飞踏,神圣俊逸。 Mo Fan summoned the wing of dusk Li, the speed of flight soon was faster than the bright alone corner/horn, in an instant followed bright unicorn rainbow light to fly to tread, and led the way to fly in front. 莫凡呼唤出了昏黎之翅,飞行的速度比光明独角还快要快,转眼间跟上了光明独角兽这虹光飞踏,并且在前面引路飞行。 In the ground, Zhao Manyan and Mu Bai looked one. 地面上,赵满延穆白对望了一眼。 Mu Bai drew an ice sailboat, jumped on the ice sailboat. 穆白画出了一艘冰帆,跳到了冰帆上。 The place that ice sailboat navigation, leads the way congealed in abundance the smooth ice surface, this made the speed that the ice sailboat went quicker and quicker, no will vanish in the horizon. 冰帆航行,所前行的地方纷纷凝结成了平滑的冰面,这使得冰帆行驶的速度越来越快,没一会就消失在了地平线上。 Zhao Manyan looks that everyone goes far away respectively, for a while compelled ignorant. 赵满延看着大家各自远去,一时懵逼了。 Mother, the adversity sees the real dregs, this is respectively depending on the skill escape!! 妈耶,患难见真渣,这是各凭本事逃命是吧!! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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